Using Midi Guitar 2, Cakewalk, and Behringer X32 Producer together.

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hi everyone this is marcus curtis from marcus curtis music and today we're going to continue our series on mini guitar 2 and i'm going to show you how to use it in a doll today we're going to use cakewalk i'm going to show you basically how to take any normal guitar and use it to record any of the software synths that you may own so let's get started okay so now we're gonna learn how to use mini guitar with a cakewalk okay so here's my guitar you can hear it through the yeti microphone okay so what we're going to do is we're going to open up mini guitar right now i want to show you something before we begin so this is the standalone version of midi guitar okay we're gonna go ahead and just blow this up make it easy and we'll hit on interface notice that we have in our interface our device click on that we can change our device right now we have selected the behringer mixer that's x usb okay channel one i'm plugged into channel one or the guitar is plugged into channel one and here's our output one and two okay so that's basically how the interface is set up but it's going to be a little bit different when we get into cakewalk so we're just going to go ahead and minimize this again and close it there we go and for our input we're going to use the x usb track one we're plugged into channel one so there's our input source which is selected and if i play something you will see you can hear it it's not registered over here in the meter we're gonna have to hit record and now when i play something you see we're registered right here i want the horizontal meter so i'm gonna go over here to options i'm gonna go down to meter options and i'm going to select horizontal meters so now i'm down here i'm going to believe i'm a little bit too loud when i record this i want this to be between 8 minus 18 and -12 when i record it somewhere in this neighborhood so i'm going to go over here to where my mixer app is i'm going to click on that when it comes up i'm going to go over here to where it says 40 plus 5 i'm going to bring this down to about 35. now let's go over and check it out see if we're a little bit more [Music] i'm going to do a real slow song here to demonstrate what midi guitar 2 will do and for that we're going to turn off the metronome because we're not going to need it and i'm just going to record a real slow simple song okay go ahead we're armed [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so i have a little simple track here as i play it it's going to get through this and you're going to see we can't hear anything so what we're going to do to fix this we're going to go over to the app and we'll go over here to where it says routing and in routing auxiliary and normally what we used to do is take like a group of eight and bring it over to the card but we're not gonna do that we're just gonna use the auxiliary ins and we're gonna go to card one and two okay now when we do that okay and we're going to go ahead and close this out if we go down here to auxiliary we should see here's our there's our playback our audio right here okay very good let's call up kegwalk again i'm going to go ahead and close this out now what we're going to do is we're going to right click in the fx bin oh and insert audio effects now midi guitar 2 is listed here actually the last five effects that you've used will be listed here we're going to go down to vst2 if you don't have mini guitar listed there go down to vst2 and look for jam origin and when jam origin pops up click on midi guitar 2 and there it is so now what we're going to do is we're going to go down here and the first thing i want to show you is the interface click on the interface and notice that this has now changed because we're using it as a plug-in it's not a standalone version so now your host is cakewalk okay instance midi guitar one okay and uh there's if we had other instances this number would be uh change depending on which instance we had loaded okay gives our latency and our sample rate okay and so we're going to go ahead and close this out now and now what we're going to do is play this and then we're going to load an instrument okay we're at the default preset and with the default preset there are no instruments nothing is actually loaded but while this plays back we're going to load an instrument so let it play back here and now let's go ahead and load a an electric piano [Music] let's go ahead and start it again [Music] okay let's go ahead and change out our instrument let's go to the jx10am synth let's change our preset on this let's go to let's go ahead and change our sense one more time bring the e piano let's go ahead and change out this and there it is [Music] okay so you get the idea here so you can insert mini guitar in the effects mend and the audio you have will be converted into into the synth but there's got to be a better way of doing this how do we use this in conjunction with the software synthesizer and let me tell you right now there is a way and it's not as complicated as you would think so let's go ahead and hit b and open up the browser we're going to open up some software synths and i'll show you how to do this but before we do that let's go ahead and go to edit and undo the plugin so now when we play it we have a regular guitar track back [Music] and what we're going to do is we're going to undo the recording of the guitar track okay so we're going to set up a basic track like this now we're going to reinsert the plug-in midi guitar 2. okay now before we go uh any further let's go ahead and close out the browser actually and we're going to load let's load electric piano so now we can't hear this okay if i play this right here [Music] you still hear the guitar right [Music] okay so what we're going to do is going to go ahead and click on the input echo okay now you should be able to hear the electric piano [Music] so if we go to record this [Music] okay stop let's play back [Music] let's go ahead and turn this off here's our guitar [Music] okay so i want to stop this i'm going to go ahead and undo our recording okay very good so we have our instance of midi guitar right here and what we're going to do is we're going to go over here to where we have our software instrument and we're going to click none no instrument so this is how you want to set up you want to the default setting you don't want anything loaded all we're doing is we're using midi guitar to create the midi track okay so let's minimize this for now we're going to hit the browser and we're going to go over here to where the software synths are and we're going to click on vst2 let's go down to cakewalk these are software synths that come with cakewalk and let's look at the electric piano first i'm going to click on that and double click it basically and upload we just want a simple instrument track i'm going to click ok here's a simple instrument track now to uh see the instrument just click on this little icon here and here's our instrument and when we play something on the guitar [Music] see there's nothing that happens here and when we go over to omni we want to see that we can't see any way to connect to that instrument okay so what we need to do actually is go over to here where it says midi guitar in order for this to work this is what you have to do click on midi guitar and open it up then go over here where it says vst2 click on that and go down to enable midi output and that's it you're all done just go ahead and close that out so now you've been made you've enabled the midi output so now when you go down here to omni you click on omni and now we see midi guitar 2 and we're just going to select omni so now we're going to take the recording meter off of there and turn the recording meter on here so when we play [Music] see here we are right here [Music] now we're using the uh electric piano that comes with cakewalk okay so when you download cakewalk which is a free program you will get the electric piano with it okay so let's go ahead and do some recording we'll do something a little bit different this time and let's go ahead and start it [Music] do [Music] all right so we had a little bit of a trail on the end there i'm gonna go ahead and close this out okay so here's our midi track so when we play [Music] this [Music] as you can see we have um we have basically our uh midi recorded right here now if we turned off this okay we have our guitar track back okay so when we play this along we can see [Music] you see this right in here okay now just turned off the input echo up here but you can see how we use midi guitar to control and record a software synth down in here we're going to do it again or what we're going to do is go over here and let's select another one let's do the string do something real simple here a simple instrument track okay so we're going to go ahead and enable midi guitar again okay and now we're going to go over here to where it says omni and we're going to go to midi guitar we're going to select omni we're going to take the record off of this channel because it's not going to record anything here and we're going to take this and turn it to none okay so we're set up to record on this track by clicking on there okay so now we're going to record strings and to see the strings all i'm going to do is click that on there's our strings right there so notice that we don't see strings we have to go over and turn on the input echo in order for it to work now [Music] we'll do some high strings here [Music] okay so i'm gonna try that let's go ahead and record [Music] okay so we've uh recorded some midi here and we're going gonna go ahead and go to views and go to uh console view and we're gonna turn down our strings a little bit because they're gonna be loud [Music] okay so this right here we don't need this we're going to go over here and just kind of crop that up okay so here's our midi our midi notes now the cool thing about this is that you can go in here and delete any wrong notes that you hit and you can crop this however you want so uh just go ahead and go into your midi and edit your midi and you can delete all the wrong notes add notes that you want to add and that's the nice thing about midi you can't do that with audio uh like you can with midi okay so we'll do one more let's go ahead and do the [Music] base we're just going to do a simple instrument track here's our base i'm going to open this up a little bit and we'll hit f on the keyboard to size everything accordingly now what we're going to do is take the recording off of the string and we're going to switch this to none we're going to go down to the base and we're going to select uh mini guitar 2 we're going to go to omni okay and now we should be set to record and we're going to hit the record button and now we should be all set then just click on a little icon to open up our base right here [Music] okay and i'm gonna scoot this over in the corner so here's our base [Music] okay so we're gonna add bass to our little recording here now um if this is input echo is not lit you're not going to get this [Music] and make sure the input echo is on in order to hear our base okay [Music] okay so now let's go ahead and record our base [Music] okay i made a little note at the end i don't like we're gonna go ahead and crop this up right here we're going to go ahead and come across here this little note at the end i don't like so we're just going to crop that out and here's our base and let's hear what it sounds like [Music] okay i want that bass to add a little longer than that so let's go ahead and look at that there move the now time over here and check it out [Music] there we go [Music] okay so there you go and then once you have all your tracks recorded all you have to do is highlight the channel you don't want and delete it and there you go there's all your midi tracks recorded using your guitar and midi guitar too so that's it for this video i want to say thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to hit that like button if you find any of this information uh useful go ahead and share the video and we have more videos coming your way some great things to show you some great recording tips so go ahead and subscribe and we'll see you in the next video thank you for watching
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 1,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cakewalk, Bandlab, Behringer x32, Midi Guitar 2, Behringer x32 producer, plugins, Midi, DAW, recording midi
Id: rTYxmBIusXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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