Behringer x32 Repair

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone welcome to the channel this is rich the fixer and um just showing you a few things that i've been working on i've been working on a lot of um digital mixers um doesn't matter what brand uh soundcraft um the behringer um the mackie i've had a few of them that i worked on and sold them but i've been mainly focusing on the behringer x32 because it's a bigger console um has a lot more bores and um yeah i like to repair it it's like it's it's very good so this is just one of the many uh mixers that i've worked on um don't mind how my studio looks this right here is a soundcraft that i worked on it is working this one i have worked on it bought this totally dismantled had a lot of parts missing so i just use it as my um my studio uh mixer at the moment and um over here this bag here i i keep all of my boards i never ever throw away a aboard because all these mix i've repaired i've been using parts from these boards whether it's going to be a switch whatever is going to be on the board i really enjoy working on it i think the first time i started working on this type of mixer i didn't know what i was doing but i you know lift it up and just started figuring out how it works just works like a computer and the rest of the rest is history i i buy them online fix them and i flip them i sell them to uh you know make a profit and i've repaired quite a few of them so today i'm just going to show you um one of the repairs i did on one of the behringer x32 all right stay tuned hey everyone welcome to the channel now today we're going to be working on a barringer x32 digital console it has some blinking lights in the middle section here and then everything just went out no screen coming up nothing like that now this is a 32 input channel mixer board very sophisticated and very good now today we're going to try to repair it now i've taken most of the boards apart if you look on this the right side here i have the output and the input board so the smaller ones they're the output boards and the bigger ones are the input boards and these can be separated from the unit while you're trying to fix it so you don't have to put the mixer all back together in order to get it fixed right now we suspect that this is going to be um a motherboard or the processing board because sometimes the the processing board you know it goes now processing board it comes with a sd card from time to time this sd card they can just get corrupted and sometimes you just you know reinstall one and then do it all over again now as you can see on the inside this is beautiful look at these boards wow there's so many boards now you have to be very very careful and extra cautious when working on this board because you have a lot of ribbon cables that you have to interact with and most of these cables there there are zip ties now and um these board they are very delicate so you don't want to destroy anything because if you destroy any of these weapon cables then voila you're gonna have to buy some cables now so we have the slot over there um on that main board for the processing board the processing board only goes one way in so you can't mess it up any at all there is a hole that's on the um the processor that's aligned with a hole that's on the the main board so you just have to be extra careful when putting in the pins because at times the pins they can get bent and once they're bent and they're outside of that circuitry then the sport is not going to power up any at all so see i'm just trying to take my time to put the board in because i don't want to have to buy another processing board not at all right so we're trying to fit this board in the slot and then we're going to connect a few cables and then see how it works now most of uh these cables input and output cables you can forget about them uh the uh you need to connect the lcd cable that comes from the screen um connect the uh fader cable that goes to the power supply and the power supply is already labeled so you don't have to worry about mixing up the wires or anything like that because everything comes actually labeled there's uh um yeah so you just basically need to have those wires you don't need to put back all the wires because most of those they they're not functional at this moment all we need to do is to make sure that when we plug the mixer in it boots up and the screen comes alive we don't need anything so let's see what happens so i am going to put some power to this uh mixer and you know make sure that you double check your connections and stuff like that so i'm just looking at a second time to make sure i connected the right cables because sometimes you can just you know going too fast and you just miss something so i'm just double checking to make sure that i have all the cables connected and then see how it goes so let's try to power it on and see what happens from there so this is what is happening now so i just turned the power button on still have a fashion light in the middle all right i see the x32 logo looks like something is going on here but i'm having some codes on the screen though so i realized that the faders didn't come up but the screen is up so means that something is not totally right there so we're gonna double check to see if we left any cables on because once the screen is up it would it tells me that you know that um the processor and the main board is good so let's see exactly what happens again [Music] on the screen it says can't load files so if you think about your computer sometimes the files are missing um then you're gonna have problems in it the whole system booting up but it's the screen that comes on so we're gonna just turn it off and uh go back to the drawing board right so while looking and searching i realized that there was a cable um that was unplugged one of those cable which i thought was an output cable but it was not output cable is a cable that connects um to a board that actually does the loading so let's go through and see if i can find that cable and plug that cable in and let's see if the board will come up because most of the time as i said before stated before you um don't have to worry about putting everything but there are some essential cables that are needed all right so all right so we have found that cable that is now plugged up all right and now all of these ribbon cables are for the input and output so we don't need to worry about them any at all and the slots are empty so we don't need to worry about them all right so let's um pour it up again and see what happens see if we want the drop pad all right so the power is up all right it's loading loading loading loading loaded and let's see exactly what's gonna happen this time no it's giving a different sign all right so the screen is up and all the faders are up right so we got it so replacing the processing board was exactly what was wrong with the mixer now i'm just checking all the channels to make sure all the buttons are working the mute buttons um fader buttons those buttons on the lcd just checking to make sure all of these buttons are okay um yes and as we see you see all of these are working at the moment so majority of the time when you have especially the x32 full console whenever it goes down it's 100 of the time either the main control board or the processing board or the sd card that gets corrupted
Channel: Rich The Fixer
Views: 2,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: irWClB7CGEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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