Using Date Picker with TextInput (Expo | React Native App)

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Hello, in this episode of tothepointcode,  we’re looking at how to work with   the date time picker and the textinput  component in an expo or react native app. The goal here is to open the date  picker when the textinput is pressed,   so that a date can be selected and processed  with the other form data on both ios and android. To follow along with this  tutorial, you just need to   have a bare react native project or  an expo project, with a text input.   In my case, I have an expo project with a  few text inputs and a submit button. Also,   you need to install the datetimepicker package  which is provided by the react native community. Once we have that, we are ready to go. Starting in the file where the textinput is  located, we have to import the datetimepicker. Now, working with the datetimepicker,   we need to create some states. Here I will  be using the useState hook from react. We need states for monitoring the current  date value of the picker and also the   visibility of the picker. By visibility,  I mean when to show or hide the picker.  For the initial value of the date,   I’m setting it to the current date but  you can set it to any date you want.  Now at the section where we have the textinput  for the date, we display the datetimepicker. Over here, we pass a few properties starting with   the mode. This controls the type of picker  to be displayed and we want the date picker. Also, for the kind of date picker to be  displayed, we select the spinner variant. In addition to this, we set the value of  the picker to the date variable we created.   We will add a few more properties later. Now, to control the visibility,   we want to return the datepicker only  when the value for showpicker is true. now let's create a few methods for handling   the date picker starting with  one for toggling divisibility Now let’s create a few methods  for handling the datepicker,   starting with one for toggling the visibility. In this method, we set the value of show  picker to the negation of the current value.   In that case, if it’s currently visible, it’ll  be hidden and it’ll be made visible if otherwise. Next, we create another function for  when the value of the picker changes. This function will receive event  and the selected date as parameters. From the event, we can destructure  the type of event from it. Mostly, the value of the type will be either set  or dismissed. So we check if the value is set.  In that case, the current date will  be the same as the selected date.  We can then update the value of the date picker. If that’s not the case, we want to  toggle the date picker to hide it.  Now back to the date picker component, we pass  the onChange function to the onChange property. At this point we want to be able to show the  date picker and select a value for our form.   However the datetimepicker component  behaves differently on both IOS and Android. So let’s see what we need to do for  both of them, starting with Android. Now to be able to respond  when the textinput is pressed,   we need to import pressable from react native. With that done, we wrap the pressable  around the textinput component.   And then pass the onPress property and  assign the toggleDatePicker function to it.   Also, we set the editable property of the  textinput to false. And similar to the date   picker, we want to show the pressable  textinput when showPicker is false. With this done, we can press on the date  textinput, to open the datepicker on android.   This will not work on IOS yet. Now, when we select a date and confirm,  the date is not displayed properly yet.   This is because we need to do some  work in the onChange function. Over here, when the type of event is set,  we want to check if we’re on android. To make this check, we use the platform api  which can be imported from react native. Here, the first thing we do is to toggle the  datepicker to prevent it from showing again. Also, we set the value of the date TextInput to  the currentDate. In this case it’s a dateOfBirth   input. For the date value, we convert it to  a meaningful date string using the in-built   function. We’ll look at how to use a  custom date format later in the video. Now when we try setting the value of  the date, it should work as expected. Now let’s make this work on IOS as well. Here we start with handling  press on the textinput. First we pass the editable property  and set the value to false.   Also, we pass the onPressIn property and set  the value to the toggle date picker function.   This will cause the datepicker to  display when the TextInput is pressed. For the picker on IOS we can adjust the  styling. So I’ll pass a style to it and   then reduce the height and the margin at the top. Now on IOS, we don’t get the buttons to confirm or   cancel the date picker. So we  need to create them manually. For this, I’ll create a view which will house the  buttons just below the picker. For the content,   we want to style them to be in a row and then  justify the content to have space around them. Now for this view, we want to display  it on condition. We will display it   only when showPicker is true and  we are currently on an IOS device.  Now for the buttons, I’ll make use of  TouchableOpacity from react native and style them.   You can use any pressable component  and any styles you want here. For the first button, it will be  for canceling the date picker.  Here I’ll pass the styles for my  submit button to the touchable.   Also, I’ll pass an additional style, which I will  handle in a bit and then set a background color. For the additional pickerButton style,  I’ll set some padding horizontally. For styling the text, I’ll pass my  buttonText style and then set a color.   The button text style sets  the font size and font weight. Lastly, we pass the onPress property to the   touchable and set the value  to toggle the date picker. Now the confirm button will be very  similar to this, so we copy and paste it. Here, we change the text to confirm and get rid   of the background color. The  default background is fine.  Also we remove the color  property from the text component. Now for the onPress, we need to create a new  function which will confirm the date on IOS. This function will set the value of  the date TextInput field to the date   string and then toggle the date picker to hide it. We can then pass the function  to the confirm button. With this done, we can select and  confirm a date on IOS as well. Now some extra couple of useful date  picker properties you need to know   of are the minimumDate and maximumDate properties. With these, you can limit the range of date  values that can be selected from the date picker. For instance, when working with  dateOfBirth, you can set an age   limit by setting the maximum date  that can be chosen from the picker. Also, when setting dates that need to be  in the future, you can set the minimum   date to be the current date. This will  prevent receiving any dates in the past. Or you can just use them both to set  a range of dates for the date picker. Now if you don’t like the format of  the date string, you can change it. For instance, if you want the format  with just numbers and hyphens,   we can create a function for that. In this function, we expect to  receive the rawDate as a parameter. Using this, we create a new date object. Now we can get the year from the  date using the getFullYear method. Also, we can get the month  with the getMonth method.   However, this method will start counting the  months from 0 so we add 1 to it to fix the count. Also, we can get the day from the  date using the getDate method. With these values available,  we can make use of the string   literals to combine them in any  format that we want and return. Now to use this, we can go the confirmIOSDAte  function and the onChange function for android.   Instead of using the toDateString() method,  we wrap the date with the formatDate function. Now when we select the date, it  will be in the format that we want. Now to make the date more pleasing to the eye,   when any of the values is a single  digit, we want to prepend 0 to it. To do this, we make some checks right before we  return the string in the formatDAte function. For the month, we check if  the value is less than 10,   if that’s true to prepend 0 to it as a string and  return it. Otherwise we return the value as it is. We’ll do the same thing for the day value.  Now the date should be well formatted. One thing to note about working with  custom date formats is that not all   formats can be converted back into date objects  correctly. So if you need that functionality,   ensure to test out your date format before  storing in your application database. The initial date format we used is an example of   what works properly. The new one  doesn’t work well in that regard. Up to this point, we’ve seen how  to work with the date picker and   the text input components in  an expo or react native app. The concept can be equally applied to  the time picker and the other modes of   the DateTimePicker by simply  changing the mode property. The resulting source files will be  linked in the description below. Please leave a like on this  video if you found it useful. Thanks for watching!
Channel: ToThePointCode
Views: 32,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tothepointcode, datepicker, react native, ios, android, expo
Id: UEfFjfW7Zes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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