Expo in 100 Seconds

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Expo an open source tool set for building Universal native apps on iOS Android and the web with a single react code base normally developers need to write Swift code for apple or cotlin for Android to build a mobile app and that sucks if you're a web developer because now you need to learn two new languages luckily react native fixes this by using a JavaScript bridge that allows react components to represent native UI components if the code looks like HTML and CSS but you're actually building truly native widgets the real deal not just a web view that's embedded in a native app and can interact with Native apis like the camera keyboard and vibrator pretty cool but here's where expo comes in first run this command to generate a project template it takes care of all the annoying configuration so you can start writing code right away inside this project we can use npm to instantly run this app on iOS Android and the web by simply running an npm command and if we go into the code and make some changes to the UI the app will hot reload to reflect the changes or you can test the app in a sandbox with tools like Expo go what's unique about this code though is this app Direct directory which uses file system based routing very similar to react Frameworks like nextjs and remix this allows you to create screens that are automatically deep linkable on mobile and you can navigate between them in the UI with the link component but on mobile platforms we navigate by pushing and popping screens to the navigation stack in Expo we can easily control that behavior with attributes like push and replace on the link or use the router module directly to navigate imperatively in addition the Expo router can also use layouts to share UI across multiple pages and also represent more advanced routing patterns like tabs and moduls Beyond routing though Expo provides tons of libraries for working with Native apis need a camera use Expo to install the camera package and simply use the camera view component in your UI the same goes for maps sensors and virtually every other use case and has Integrations with tools like Firebase and superbase to connect to backend Cloud infrastructure what's weird though is you'll notice our project is missing Android and iOS directories Expo developed a technique called continuous native generation where Native code is generated predictably from a set of inputs and that's awesome because trust me as a JavaScript developer when you start touching Java and Objective C code in these directories things are going to break now finally after you build an awesome app automate testing on Native devices and emulators thanks to its integration with detox now let's get this app to our end users on the web we can statically render our pages and upload them to any web host on Mobile Expo can automate your builds in the cloud then submit them to Google play in the Apple App Store you don't even need a Mac congratulations you're now a cross platform developer this has been Expo in 100 seconds let me know what you want to learn about next in the comments thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 523,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial
Id: vFW_TxKLyrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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