Using Boiling Water and a Plunger to Remove Car Dents - Does it Work?

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hey do-it-yourselfers got a good one for you today today we're gonna go over whether you can remove car dents using some boiling water and a good ol plunger and we're gonna try this method on to dents first one's going to be this one which is on this bed for this truck it starts from here as you can see it runs all the way down here and a second smaller dent is gonna be this dent on the rear quarter panel in this alley and this is obviously a less severe dent with less scratches now I've seen a couple of videos on YouTube using this procedure to remove dents from cars however none of those videos have any narration nor can you actually even see the face of the person doing the repair so what that tells you is those videos are legit but nonetheless I figured you guys might want to see whether this is possible or not now before we go any further I think you guys should learn to differentiate between the two dents or rather what's causes the different type of dance so usually from the amount of scratches rather the type of scratches where the dent is you can tell the objects are which your car scraped up against or banged into this one I'm gonna be a guest and say it was something made out of plastic or maybe a tree or branch or something along those lines and it's one obviously since there's hardly any scratches anywhere near or around this dance we can assume that it was something very soft maybe something made out of rubber or maybe something even biological all righty step one get you some boiling water and next for easier handling I'm actually going to pour some from this pot into this pan and we're gonna try to understand here first so we'll just pour it on here get our plunger alright that didn't work didn't work either pull a little bit of the dent out on that one and that one completely pulled it out and here's a shot from another angle when we pulled out the dent alright so here's a close-up shot from this angle you guys can see that that large dent is all gone now now there is still one small little indentation in this area that we're not gonna be able to get out with the plunger but nonetheless that big indentation or that big dent is pretty much all gone now once again before you run out there and grab your plunger with some water and try to take dance out of your car make sure you keep on watching this video all the way to the end because under the wrong conditions boiling water can damage the clear coat on your car alright so once more we get some boiling water and pour it over our dense area make sure you don't burn yourself quickly grab a plunger that don't work I kind of expect this but I don't think it's gonna work on this one alright so what's the verdict should you or should you not use boiling water to remove dance from your car and the answer is probably not and in fact if you do this on a chilly day whereas you put boiling water on a panel where it's near freezing temperature in the 40s let's say you run the risk of badly damaging your clear coat because your clear coat pretty much absorbs most of the temperature that's coming from the boiling water and it expands quickly and then since it's really cold outside it contracts quickly that expansion and contraction is going to damage or weaken your clear coat and the reason I say that you don't need to do this is because whatever dents you can pull out with a plunger with the boiling water you can pull it out without the use of boiling water now when I started this video I already had this dent on this truck but that Audi did not have a dent on the rear quarter-panel here's how I made one for this demonstration anyway with my knee right here and when you have these types of dents on these larger thin panels it's really easy to pull them out in fact the students again and demonstrate for you without the boiling water there's that I'm actually gonna use some water from my garden hose because pretty much the only thing the water does is to help get a bit of seal with your plunger then we got it however once the boiling water does work on is these plastic bumper covers now I'm going to be replacing this with a new one but if I were to try to repair this basically you'd pour boiling water on the outside of this and then you would need access to the back of that dent and then you can simply use the back of a hammer or a rubber mallet and slowly push it out and if you're consistent enough and spend enough time you should be able to get it into a decent shape so there you have it folks you don't really need to use boiling water to get dents out of your car you can simply just use your plunger that's if it's the right type of dent and the right location or better yet if you have access to the back of that panel get back there and push that dent out and it should pretty much get the same result I hope you enjoyed watching this video especially since my right knee is kind of sore nonetheless give it a thumbs up or if you kiss your parents on the lips give it a thumbs down and also check out these other videos of which are police on the side of the screen there will also be links down below in description box as well alright thanks for watching I'll see you guys next [Music]
Channel: Ratchets And Wrenches
Views: 4,451,820
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Keywords: Rathcets and Wrenches, RnW, lifehacks, life hacks, using boiling water to get car dents out, DIY Dent repair, how to fix car dents, dent repair hack, getting car dents out with a plunger, paint less dent repair, how to remove dents from bumper, easy dent fix, quick dent repair, dent repair kit, dent repair with hot water, car dent fix tutorial, car dent removal, car dent puller, how to remove car dents at home yourself, remove car dents with hair dryer, suction cup dent repair
Id: Vzo4aJuahJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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