Using ALL Awakened Fruits to Defeat Every Boss! (Roblox Bloxfruit)

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we are still speed running to that one million subscriber face reveal so what are you waiting for go ahead and break that subscribe Button as usual but in today's video I'm gonna be using every single awakened fruit to destroy every single boss in bloxford but before we start smacking up some bosses cheeks let's go ahead and go to the Jungle where actually the first boss is anyways but I want to go ahead and do something normally I don't usually do in these videos and that is roll of fruit hey would you look at that Milky Way is here yo you didn't tell me we're gonna be here dude yo you want me to roll your fruit oh you want to roll fruit too you know what don't worry bro I'll roll a fruit let me see what I get here oh I got a diamond fruit you know what that means wrecked way hey hey hey dude I don't want to marry you okay calm down bro I was not thinking of that but I I guess that's how you think of me no let me just show you a dark fruit don't put away your dark fruit I showed you a diamond fruit I thought we had something I'm about to put this diamond fruit somewhere dark number if you know what I mean oh nah nah bro okay you need to get away from me let's go ahead and just slay the first boss wait a second wait how did you do that Rector do what there's two of you here hey are you calling me a monkey what else am I calling you a big gorilla bro whatever bro anyways let's go ahead and equip our first fruit what's this first fruit on this list that has an Awakening and I believe it's flame fruit so let's go ahead and take a look at our flame fruit here and just test it on our little wrecked way over here so we got our blue fire bullets let's see what they do and they just one shot the gorilla hold up I did not awaken this fruit just so I could use it on one boss I gotta showcase the rest of the abilities take us to the next boss Rex way show us somebody that's a little bit stronger than that this guy better survive my X ability let's see and oh my gosh the Flames are just too overpowered um right I think we're gonna have to use this fruit a few more times just to show off the other abilities bro okay hopefully this is the last time I use the flamethrow because this guy looks like he could handle his punches let's go ahead and use the C ability on him real quick there we go oh he's burning bro get out of the fire I didn't get to use my V ability which is oh my gosh a giant ball fiery ball that nukes the map and oh my gosh it just leaves fire everywhere and I'm burning wrecked way too I'm sorry wrecked but my balls are just so fiery and spicy I know that's the way you like them but no bro what are you talking about I don't want to taste their balls if that's what you're trying to do fine I'll save them for you later it's actually funny that the next boss is in this like snowy Ice Area because if we take a look at the shop real quick I believe yeah ice is the next awakened fruit let's go ahead and use this fruit we got the Z ability here hopefully he could take his damage there we go bro I only got to use one ability bro take me to the stronger bosses this first seat does nothing for me with these awakened fruits fine fine fine I guess that's the teleport you buddy at least I get to ice skate to the other boss I gotta showcase the F ability I wonder if this glitch still works if I hit a little curve oh my gosh what the heck that's cool in all number but can I use the half ability on your mom get out of my face hey well we gotta use the X ability what about the C ability oh okay well we just clapped him with the c ability and that's actually the unawakened see ability I'm not gonna lie guys the unawakened see abilities a lot better we're actually gonna do a little combo on this guy I only have the v-ability to use on this awakened fruit I'm gonna go ahead and switch through to Mid fights let's go ahead and use the V ability and he's almost dead but now he's stunned in my ice and I'm gonna switch to the sand fruit and hit him with my giant desert blade let's see what that does oh my gosh bro he got disintegrated so fast directly is a boss is seriously at prison why am I here yes sir you're gonna belong here oh I belong at prison you know you're a prisoner too and you know what prisoners get why they get balls while they're in prison bro I don't think they deserve to get Ball's number too bad now we got to see ability called Sandstorm and this does like a literal Sandstorm okay I know the V build is like one of the coolest so let's go ahead and just one shot this boss with this v-ability oh my gosh my screen just went where'd he go bro he has one HP take my balls bro well I just used all the sand abilities it looks like it's time for the next fruit give me that dark fruit you had Bozo I don't want to give you this you want to get trapped in my balls again okay okay I don't want to be trapped in your balls go away that's what I thought now I'm about to eat this bad boy my fruit now now I'm about to hit the chief Warden with my dimensional slash and that one looks pretty cool we even got the Abyssal darkness which just sucks them what are you doing number you're sucking him yeah I'm sucking him with the Abyssal Darkness anyways now I got the endless hole and he's just getting sucked into the endless hole wait what the heck he survived all that what about my world of Darkness bro the giant dark ball correct Way's other favorites not what the ball Joe said go fight like the next boss fine fine we already used everything besides like the F ability and all that does is teleport me so we have another fruit to use what else did I awaken oh the light fruit light fruits are pretty good one I could just hit this guy with my Divine Arrow you're gonna get caught in the misfire bro what about my hand of Emperor I could just smack this guy with my beaming Ray oh my gosh and he's almost dead you know I'm just gonna smack him this is gonna be a little tight spot to use my C ability because it kind of shoots him up in the sky and we're in a little box let's see how this works oh my gosh I couldn't even tell what happened but he's just easy picking so I'm gonna kill him I'm Gonna Save My ultimate ability for the next guy but going to the next guy I could actually just fly over there and if I go the wrong way I could change my Direction with the awakened version I wonder how fast I can melt this boss using my ultimate light ability oh my gosh this is so easy bro waking light is actually really strong and such an easy fruit to get did I tell you that your mom ever smelled fishy number what kind of joke is that huh oh you'll see bro we have to go there wait this is the underwater city bro I hate you let's see what fruit we're gonna use next oh Magma's an awakened fruit let's go ahead and use that bad boy Rex wait I'm gonna do this all over your mom oh bro what are you doing I'm just showing your mom what's up bro is there a problem that ain't my mom that's a dude hey I don't judge bro I'm getting out of here I don't want to be near you oh bro no come back where you going oh he took me to the other boss upper Sky don't mind me just get ready to brace for impact correct way this bad boy deals damage too don't worry hang on 3K damage and it's still going where is he oh he's stuck in there let me just go ahead and you know magma all over him oh my gosh bro this gives me flashbacks with your mom like crazy what do you mean by flashbacks nothing nothing let's just go over to the next boss what else do we have in stock magma oh Quake is next awesome this one also gives me flashbacks I'm not even gonna say why I think you already know buddy look at that he got absolutely collapsed air crusher oh I hit him with my balls what about the spatial shock wave what does that do oh it just hits everybody right wait were you getting hit in this Crossfire bro get out of here you're gonna eat my way bro I'm not even getting touched oh my gosh he's almost low I almost have him right where I want him hey what are you doing I ain't the boss bro you got in my way bro I wasn't even close to him Bro Look it you're gonna get hit again you keep messing around look at now my giant tsunami waves are gonna come wait a second where are my tsunami waves huh wait a second guys I just discovered something my V ability does not work in Upper sky Islands what the heck hold on we have to kill the next boss with the Quake fruit that is not fair I gotta show off my big tsunami ways there we go we got our Boy Cyborg over here and he's about to get clapped by my seaquake let's go ahead and hit him with it and hopefully my tsunami waves come in and clap them because they should there they are tsunamis come clean them up oh my gosh that damage 4.8k where did he go what he went behind me nah bro you gotta get absolutely clapped go in the water pick my balls bro you still survived that one more cool screen shattering effect should finish him off there we go that was a nice finisher but that concludes the first seat bosses we gotta go to the second seat where I could actually show you guys my true potential or at least 50 of it I lost my hood and I can't put it back on I've left the game I've reset my character so I guess you guys get to enjoy my face my super super happy face number help he's attacking me okay okay let me change my fruit real quick what are we doing with quick Buddha okay this is gonna be a little weird I've never fought a boss actually using the Buddha fruit itself let's go ahead and use the Buddha abilities oh my gosh you guys are going crazy over here what is this x ability oh that deals a lot of damage what about the C ability 7.5 K damage hold up hold up that's a lot of damage V what does this V ability do bro I'm just shooting my stuff everywhere wait okay hold on there's there's a dash too what the heck I think he's actually about to die here and oh my gosh I might have messed up I don't think I activated my hockey when I went to go fight the other boss so I'm gonna go ahead and use Buddha again and see it's true damage because that was still a lot of damage but I wonder how strong it is now that I have this full body hockey on let me go ahead and use the C ability now and it does 4.2 K damage what about this V ability now okay I'm missing all of it but still oh no I absolutely demolished him oh my gosh I forgot to show you guys what the actual Dash looks like I could just actually go ahead and you know pick up Rector and slam him like I did to his mom hey stop so we've abused the Buddha fruit let's go and take a look at what we're working with next we got Buddha spider love doesn't have an Awakening but we got spider this is looking pretty good let's see what these thermal lacerations do 3.6 K damage not bad this silk prison oh oh okay I was like that was was not from my fruit a turtle white wait that ability sounds sus oh yo I'm hitting him with the white stuff bro you're hitting here with what oh nothing bro I'm just hitting him with the with the thermal lacerations and the silk prisons look he's already dead but I didn't get to use the V ability yet wait a second I think the next boss we're gonna fight is actually gonna try to counter me our boy Don Swan actually uses the awakened spider fruit himself so I'm gonna have to fight him with maximum bro you made me miss my ultimate all right he better not troll me now let's go ahead and use the V ability on him and let's see how much damage it does for real oh my gosh almost 10 000 damage that is insane yo I was not expecting it to deal that much damage we gotta fight smoke now but I gotta go ahead and change my fruit from spider oh Phoenix is another fruit we've awakened let's go ahead and use Phoenix but there's like two formations of Phoenix so I'm just gonna go ahead and use the normal formation without transforming because you could transform it it'll do like whole different moveset what the heck is wrong with smoke why is he getting thrown around like that it wasn't even that serious oh oh gosh chill out bro what do they see abilities do oh yo that is pretty sick I'm not gonna lie did you just slam him I did that's kind of sauce bro why are you slamming men bro shut up I can't see I'm blind oh wait there you go I also have a mouse click ability I can just go ahead and click my mouse and it does like that Dash ability which is pretty cool now we gotta go fight the awakened eyes Admiral and for some reason I am half a furry I Got Claws and I got wings now but I could go ahead and use these abilities while I fly wait a second I actually did not remember that part let me go ahead and transform into my V ability now I am the true Phoenix and the Damage actually gets way stronger 6 000 damage are you kidding me what about this we got the C ability which has blue flames and it slams him down even harder with more damage I also got a x ability which heals deals damage and throws him away from me well look at this he can't even hit me this is hilarious I killed him with a healing ability that was too easy we gotta go to another boss and we gotta melt him with this fruit as fast as we can find Dimitri maker tide keeper I believe my Flames down here also deal damage to him if I go ahead and hover over him oh wait what the heck what did I just click the F ability he has a damage ability now when you're in transformation mode I don't use Phoenix fruit enough I guess it's pretty cool let me go ahead and just do this real quick whoa what the heck I've never seen anyone use that ability before I did not a lot of people use Phoenix Phoenix is actually pretty cool look at the blue flames that looks so cool and my guy is just comboing him out there chill out bro let's go ahead and use the C ability slam him down real quick go ahead and use our blue flame so just throw them around because why not he is about one shot away from dying so let's just go ahead and finish him off with another slam hit him with a z ability and he is taking burn damage from all that fire down there this is kind of like flame fruit but a little bit cooler in my opinion he got absolutely clapped here we are in the third C and now we have to clap Mr Stone but we sadly we gotta retire the Phoenix fruit and see what comes after that and I believe it's the rumble fruit we gotta use the rumble fruit on this bad boy so let's just go ahead and clap him real quick and oh my gosh all right we're already getting into it that was the lightning beast and right using the rumble fruit too yes sir wait we could just constantly keep him stunned and oh my gosh here we go with the combos again my guy chill out save some HP for me he's about one HP so I'm just gonna go ahead and finish him off with the Z and the X stability and he got shocked to death but I didn't get to show off the other two abilities he died way too fast right away take me to the next boss oh my God I'm gonna love her so much number Oh wait we're over here now the Hydra Island wait a second don't tell me a princess bro no okay let me go ahead and use my C ability Sky judgment on her oh my gosh everybody's shocking her cheeks wait everybody is using Rumble at the same time now Rex wait don't get jealous but I have to do this what do you mean get jealous I gotta do something bro just promise me you won't get jealous okay I can't promise all right here just take a look at what I'm gonna smack her with why are you shooting your balls at her hey bro it's part of the fruit what do you want me to do you think you're the only one that can just give her your balls I can give her my balls right now oh my gosh okay she got absolutely melted super fast oh my gosh should you really just take us to another princess of yours react way bro you're such a Sim what do you mean that I'm a thin bro I'm about to use my missile jab on her because she loves it oh my gosh you're gonna dough on her oh my gosh I guess I have to do on her too that's the next awakened fruit let's go ahead and use our missile jab on all over here bro you guys need to chill out I don't even get enough time to Showcase everything wait where'd she go what the heck chill out can I not use my piss on her number no you can't oh my gosh just take me to the next boss bro I didn't get to show off the entire awakened doe thing bro perfect why you're so slow bro look at me I'm just like the faster doe wheel hey I have to be your Uber driver too bad we got our boy elephant here and I could go ahead and use the X ability like this oh yeah I forgot to mention did you guys know you could use the X ability in like two different ways so if we go ahead and clap elephant here oh chill out Chrome you could also use the X ability like that that little spiky thing that came out the ground that's the X ability also oh my gosh chill out you guys oh my gosh wait he's still alive I thought he was about to die right there what the heck where'd he appear from okay my ex ability clapped him I didn't get to show you guys the sea or the V ability and apparently there's also like a click ability so let's go ahead and show you guys that on Direct Way's most favorite man the beautiful pirate hey you mean that's her boyfriend now I remember when you had a crush on him no no no no you're wrong dude I never had a crush on a beautiful pirate yeah yeah buddy save it for the judge I'm here beautiful pirate let me go ahead and smack what the heck somebody just snagged him last second get on my doe wheel Bozo come here beautiful Pirates there we go I'm smacking him around with my C ability but wait I kind of need to go ahead and use the tap ability so if I tap it once I got the fist out if I tap it twice I got two fists and if I tap it three times I got two fist punching why am I not dealing any damage what's going on here oh there we go wait a second that does a lot of damage for such a cool ability the beautiful pirate just got absolutely destroyed but that still leaves us with two more bosses and I really want to do on both of them especially the last one right so I go ahead and show me the second to last boss you're gonna love this boss number oh is it my boy yes sir you love him and he has balls for you oh Mr ligma what's going on buddy I missed you so much this is usually how I say my hellos I just do all over ligma and he is getting absolutely combo though because I mean he doesn't even stand a chance I'm not gonna lie correctly why are you doing all over ligma bro I need the kill no I want the kill come on give me the XP let's go I got it now it's time to go doe on the last one your sugar mama hi princess are you excited directly because I'm gonna go all over her I'm not gonna let you lay a finger on her too late buddy you're way late for that she's getting absolutely doed on by everybody look at the sheer cake what's going on in here I can't tell what's going on there's even more fists did everybody use their V ability oh my gosh there is so much dough everywhere she is about to get clapped right now it took a while but I think everybody dote Hunter enough for it and look at that we got two people using the C ability to slam her down and we finally finished her off which concludes this video If you guys enjoyed all that go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 210,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloxfruits, Roblox, Gaming, DevilFruits, PvP, Update, Codes, BossBattles, Farming, LevelingUp, Trending, Viral, Challenge, Speedrun, Record, Adventure, Treasure, Marine, Pirate, Strategy, TipsAndTricks, RareItems, Exploration, Community, Multiplayer, Numberskull, Roblox Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Update 20, Gameplay, FunnyMoments, BestMoments, Montage, Event, NewUpdate, Tutorial
Id: pLrjgPN9xW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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