Using AI to transform my voice into any singer (Audimee review)

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I'm just trying to keep it real you know that's the deal so just keep it real with me so what if there was an AI tool that could take that exact vocal that you sang and then change it into any voice almost like as if it was a synth patch preset check this out I'm just trying to keep the wheel you know that's the deal so just keep with me this is otomy so what exactly is otomy and why am I ranting and raving about it something that happens a lot in the production world is when you're writing a song you will very commonly just lay down some scratch vocals or if you have the budget for it you would normally bring in a singer that sounds close to maybe who you'd be wanting to pitch the song to so if you're trying to pitch a song to maybe I don't know somebody like Beyonce you would probably bring in a singer that has a similar tone phone and range to Beyonce so that if you do end up getting the chance to pitch it to someone like Beyonce the song's already in her key and feels very much comfortable with something that she would sing now if you're just starting out and you don't have those connections and you don't have that budget you're essentially going to have to just use your own voice and look I don't sound like Beyonce so otomy fixes that because now you can take your own vocal feed it into otomy and try it with a bunch of different singers and the results are insane like I was I'm not going to lie I was really skeptical when I got a code for this when they reached out because I was just kind of like uh I've tried AI stuff uh it's not that convincing I don't know it just doesn't usually have a lot of soul this is legit so when they sent me a code and they said uh you can do whatever you want I was like okay well let's see let's push it Beyond its typical use what happens if I write a song that is intended for a girl not so much me and is out of my range and make it a convincing track that I could potentially then pitch or even really release if I wanted to so that was a challenge I gave myself and I think this is one of those cases where the results speak for themselves okay so I've been messing with otomy for a few hours now and I figured that the best way to show you its capabilities is not to explain how it works first I'm going to show you the end result first because this is what like blew my mind and got me excited about doing a video for this I have a song here that I purposefully wrote out of my range that was intended for a girl it's a little bit poier it's a little bit higher in register and my voice sounds okay but it could be better is real fake I don't want to waste my time on something artificial not terrible right but if I was producing this song I would do something different so that's where otomy comes in I'm able to feed that exact audio that you just heard of my voice into Ott's AI algorithm craziness and pick from a library of voice voices to then get something like this is fake don't tote something artificial but before we go on I'm going to go back a little bit and explain to you how I even got there so again I wrote a song with the purpose of writing it slightly out of my range so my test was can otomy take a guy's voice like mine that's not singing quite in the perfect range and then translate it to a girl voice and make it sound legit so obviously this AI isn't just going to sound amazing on its own you still need to write lyrics come up with a melody and perform it well so I went through and I wrote some lyrics and some Melodies and I recorded it quite a few times because I wanted it to sound pretty good you're going to get out what you put in all this is going to be doing is changing the vocal qualities of the recording it's not going to fix your performance so if you're hitting some bad notes if you're off time if you're off key any of that stuff it's not gonna work well so I went through and performed it as well as I could I recorded that and then the first part of the process is you solo your track where you're singing get rid of any effects that you have you're going to record it as clean as you can you're going to want to export it with at least a bar before so that you know how to line it up once you do that I exported that I decided to go with my girl Becky here because I liked how Becky's voice was a little Airy kind of has a little bit of that Indie pop Ed not super super Bubblegum and I kind of like that so what you're going to do next is you're going to upload your file into the input you also have the option to start recording directly from the browser I don't really see much of a point for this other than to like maybe play around with the different voices but I wouldn't use it because there's no way to like set it to a grid or anything like that but it's nice that it has it I guess I upload my sample here I can preview it tell me is it real fake and that's right that is uh without music that's solo and there's no effects on that so that works you also have a pitch shift setting which I'll explain later for now I'm going to leave it at zero and you hit convert so now otomy is taking your vocal and processing it through their Ai and basically taking my voice and throwing it to Becky's algorithm and saying hey Becky sing this song for me and match it exactly and that's what it's doing this will take uh a few seconds minutes depending on your length but never more than 5 minutes I think the most I waited was like 45 seconds seconds mind you I'm only doing half of a song anyways here it is and you're going to hear that it's identical to what I uploaded in terms of how I sang it but with Becky's voice tell me is it real fake cuz I don't want to waste my time on something artificial and that sounds pretty great for what it is yes there's going to be a few little artifacts and stuff but that just sounds crazy to me like the fact that I can literally just export something convert it and within a minute have an entirely new singer on my song is insane so I'm going to download it then I've already thrown it into the session here and you'll see that it even has that bar that I added before so that I know where to line it up and I drop it in and it's like you have a new singer on your track tell me is it real fake cuz I don't want to waste my time on something artificial I mean it's incredible it's it's it's uh a game Cher for producers in my opinion so here when I zoom in a little bit you'll see that my vocal is in the blue Becky's vocal is in the bottom in the pink and you'll see that it even matches when I'm taking breaths and little clicks and stuff like that the AI will copy all of that which is why I was saying it's so important to um make sure that what you're uploading is your final performance and it's as tight as you can get it and as as Pitch Perfect as you can get it if that's what you're going for obviously in an Ideal World I would love to have Becky here in the studio but she is not here and so this is the next best thing I can now show people that maybe I want to pitch this song to this version of the song with AI Becky on it and it's going to be a lot closer to the final song that I envisioned than if it was just with my voice and I can't tell you how many times I've uh written and recorded a song that I knew my voice didn't work very well on that I uh showed to somebody or pitched it to somebody and it died before it even really got to the end of the song because they heard my voice and they're like yeah it's not working it's not it's not the song but in my head I was like no no no this is a good song it with the right singer otomy lets you do that I don't know if I can see myself releasing a full song with uh AI vocals just a personal preference but it's super useful as a producer I I feel like I'm just going to be using this non-stop moving forward and so just for fun I also wanted to show you what it sounded like this this same song when I processed it with different singers and here's another one called Cammy F I don't want to waste time artificial call me so you hear like the just the change in tone already changes the whole vibe of the song it's it's pretty incredible and just to be able to like swap through voices pretty easily is it can really inform your production and completely Tak it in another Direction if you find a voice that makes this the song sound a little bit different here's a guy named Mason F I don't want to waste my time on something artificial so here's an example that shows off that not every single AI voice is going to work properly in this case it's pretty much for the same reason that my voice didn't work that well because the range that I wrote this song in is slightly higher and so it's intended for a girl and Mason's voice is probably a little bit low lower like mine so even though the AI is going to try to hit those notes like you can hear a little bit more artifacting and the tone gets a little bit more harsh but it's nice that you can just very quickly try it let's try out Stacy [Music] ficial I mean that sounds cool too a lot more Airy but for this song Becky's going to stay on it fake so I said I was going to talk about the pitch shifting a little bit and now I'm going to explain to you why you might want to use that so when I got to the chorus here it was going to be way too high and I was going to have to go faletto so I sang it an octave down I'm just TR [Music] to know that's keep so I didn't want to sing that an octave up because it would have been in falsetto and I don't have as much control up there so what I would have fed the AI would have probably not been as good so what ended up happening is that obviously ly when I fed that to Becky an octave down Becky sang it an octave down [Music] too and it didn't sound bad it's just that that part of Becky's range doesn't shine as much as the higher part of her range that's an easy fix all I'm going to do here is pitch shift all the way up to 12 semmit tones which is one octave if you're not aware and I'm going to hit convert and I obviously already did this and so all that's going on there is that otomy is shifting up the vocal that you fed it an octave up and then feeding that to the AI and so what comes out instead is this higher vocal that's an octave up I'm just trying to keep it real you know that's the deal so just keep it real with me so that sounds a lot more natural for Becky and I thought it would be a cool idea to blend them together so I'm going to keep the octave down one that that I got from her but lower it a little bit in in gain just and keep it real you know that's the deal so just keep it real with me I'm not looking for me friends so you got to keep this way with me I don't do none of that pretend now that you've seen the tech and you're impressed or not impressed um I wanted to talk about some of the kind of more heady sort of things that have to do with AI I think one of the biggest concerns with AI when it comes to like voices and any sort of like intellectual property it's kind of a bizarre concept that now you have these situations where people are going to be able to license out their voices for services like this from my understanding what otomy is doing here is they've hired a bunch of different singers that very clearly knew what they were getting into and they were probably paid pretty handsomely to be a part of this because this is kind of a slippery slope if you're a singer and you have a very unique tone and a company like this reaches out to you to potentially license your voice you have to understand that now me as a producer I could make you sing on any song of mine and if one of those songs ends up being a number one hit you're probably not getting royalties for that the reality is you're getting what you got when you got paid up front to license out your voice I don't know what that number is they don't disclose that information but I assume if it's anything like what I've seen going on around in the standard industry it's a pretty high number and even though that number might be pretty high that money doesn't last forever and so if you're ever considering doing this in a company approaches you about this you know really think about it I don't know if they have some kind of royalty system set up but um we're going to really see things like this happening really quick and evolving extremely fast and so it's like a really curious thing I think um a service like this is good for the talent and the creators because it seems like it's all very much out there in the open and they know what they're getting into I know what I'm getting into and so it's a win-win for me now the big question is does this replace actual singers do we never have to get singers in the studio again no the reality is is that they have a limited library that you can pick from and if this service really blows up and everybody starts using it you're going to start hearing the same 20 singers on all songs and people will catch on pretty quick and AI will always end up serving as a tool more so than as a replacement for the real thing and I think this is a great tool but there's nothing like you know working with somebody in the studio and really going back and forth and getting really nitty-gritty with the details and you know that's something that I don't think AI will be able to replicate anytime soon otomy has been nice enough to hook me up with a referral link for this if you want to try it out for yourself click the link in the description helps me out but you know you get to try it out too but what do you think is this a controversial piece of tech do you hate it do you love it debate in the comments be nice to each other but um if you like this content please go ahead and subscribe and like it and well check out more of my content if if that's your thing but uh that's it for today thanks for watching take it easy
Channel: soundlearn
Views: 49,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai voice cloning, ai voice changer, realistic voice cloning, ai voice cloning free, voice copying, ai voice cloning music, ai voice cloning singing, ai voice cloning songs, ai voice changer client, ai voice cloning software, ai voice cloning website, audimee, ultra-realistic voice cloning with overdub, most realistic voice cloning, voice cloning ai tutorial, singer cloning, voice singer clone, voice ai, sound like drake, sound like the weekend, sound like taylor swift
Id: S1B6v5CgyFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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