Using AI Art for Level Design

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so many games out there have beautiful artwork it's arguably one of the most important things when it comes to game design while working on my game I was getting really frustrated with the lack of assets and creativity that my game had and for prototyping purposes I want to try to find a way to make a beautiful background that fits the play style of my game quickly by no means am I going to use AI for my finished product but this is a great way to start the building pieces for any project that you're currently working on there's been a lot of controversy out there when it comes to using AI I like to view it as a tool to help me prototype my game it's overall faster and more cost effective than hiring a contractor this early on in the current development of my game in the future of course I plan on doing that but right now to get the feel and what I want for the game using mid Journey was one of the best tools that I was able to use to accomplish this I want to kind of show you guys how I was able to do that so unfortunately mid-journey is a subscription plan but on the website they have a tool that can kind of search different prompts that the community has made so my scenario here I want to look up different trees and see the art style that I want for that you know early on in my game I started to do Pixlr and I love the idea of pixel art and I really tried working with it more but as I started to get the feel of my game farther I ended up wanting to go with more illustration and more hand-drawn and this is one of the best tools I use for that so in this case here I can type in 2D trees and I get a list of different trees that all have different art styles tied to them and it's really great too because not only is it trees but you can search for literally anything that you would want you know I can look into my Islands I can look into grass terrain I can look at the clouds anything that you imagine you can type that in and see different art styles for it too and let's say if you want to go further into that too you can specify even further let's say you only want to see Pixlr you can also just filter on Pixlr there's so many different options you can do with this so what I kind of did was I took a bunch of different selections of all these different images so I got trees Mountain clouds grass terrain everything like that and I got these different prompts copy the images threw them into Photoshop I just kind of started mix matching them and trying to see okay what if we put this here we'll put this here and let me show you guys kind of the process of how I did that so the very first thing I did was I create a new Photoshop instance it was run 3080 by like 2000 or so I really wanted to try to get a very big Parallax background that way I could try different mix matches of these trees to try different orientations of them I just wanted to try to find as much uniqueness as I could um and like I said before this is not a finished product but it's more suggesting to see how this would fit inside your game with your current character and also if you're looking to get your characters as well mid-journey is a fantastic tool for that too if you don't really know what it could be but if you ever gonna do I want to make a turtle that looks like this you can say I want to have a pixel art turtle and it will display hundreds of images like that so what I ended up going with was I got all these melons I started dragging them into the screen dragging all these trees into the screen and I just started erasing erasing all the backgrounds for them all these come with these native backgrounds but I only want certain parts of it so I just kind of amassed a lot of them and started taking pieces out of it because the footage took me about two hours to make and it's on one entire clip I'm gonna shrink it down to about a minute and a half minute or so and just making it to a time lapse so enjoy foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign and that kind of wraps it up you know I was able to import this into Unity very easily um and I think that turned out great and this is something that's really nice if you guys want to change your character up if you want to change the background if you want to change spell effects I mean anything you could possibly imagine that goes into the game you can easily prototype it with mid-journey you know personally for me I have done a lot of prototyping already you know I got the one month subscription for 10 bucks not sponsored by the way but um it was only 10 bucks for one month and I was able to get so many different things out of it and I would arguably say that it's 100 worth it um just to feel out my game understand okay you know this is the direction one from the game you know previously I started with pixel art now I'm doing this and I feel like this is the right choice that I want to make and who knows maybe I will go back to pixel art I don't think I will but you never know really so yeah if you guys are interested or have any questions about how mid-journey works I could definitely make a tutorial on it or there's hundreds of them out there um or if you have any questions at all about the project around what's going drop it down to description or in the comments I should say um but yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have any questions please reach out either in the comments or on my Discord and I will talk to you guys later have a good one and stay safe talk to you guys soon foreign
Channel: Daz
Views: 6,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, indie game dev, dazah dev, devlog, game devlog, game development, unity, unity 2d, indie game, devlog unity, devlog 0, devlog idle rpg, vector art game, idle game devlog, upgrade systems, rpg devlog, unity idle game devlog, unity idle rpg, creating a game, indie gamedev, indie dev, dazah, AI Game Development, Midjourney AI, I used AI to design my game, ai art, Creating Art in the Early Stages of my indie game, Creating Art Indie Game, Indie Game Art, devlog art
Id: fyYovxI4ONI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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