USED TO, BE USED TO, GET USED TO: what's the difference in English?

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Hi everyone and welcome to English with Aga in  this video I want to talk to you about used to   be used to get used to become used to used and  would what is the difference between them they   all have different meanings before we start make  sure you subscribe to my channel and get your   free English grammar booklet from the link in the  video video description okay let's get this video   started so the first phrase is used to I used to  walk to work when I lived in Denmark so this is   something I did in the past and I don't do it  anymore so used to is to talk about a habit or   an activity that was true in the past but it's no  longer true now so now I drive to work but when I   lived in Denmark I used to walk to be used to I am  used to getting up early it means it's part of my   everyday routine it's normal for me I am used  to it I'm used to getting up early so compare   I used to walk to work used to is followed by an  infinitive walk I am used to getting up early used   to is followed by a verb and ing getting another  phrase that English Learners get confused about   is to get used to something so to get used  to means that you become used to something   something becomes part of your everyday routine  part of your life you become used to it you get   used to it I don't like getting up early but I  have to get used to it I have to make it part of   my everyday life I want it to be normal for me  to get up early because I have a new job and I   have to get up early I have to get used to it  to get used to something and to become used to   something are the same thing they mean the same  and they are both followed by a verb and ing so   I have to get used to getting up early I have to  become used to getting up early now used is also   just the past simple of to use so I used flour  to make the cake I used flour flour was one of   the ingredients going back to the first phrase  I used to walk to work I would walk to work what   is the difference to learn about the difference  between them watch my other video which talks   about just that I have linked it in the video  description now let's do a practice exercise   tell me what which phrase is correct I used to or  I was used to eat lots of chocolate which one is correct I used to eat lots of chocolate  it's something I did in the past and I   don't do anymore so we've got the base form  of the verb eat and that's what why we need   used to I used to or I was used to getting  up early when I was a student which one is correct this time it's was used to and that's  because we've got a gerand a verb with ing   getting up so I was used to getting up early  when I was a student it's something that was   normal for me it was part of my routine part of  my everyday life I was used to it I've got a new   job and I have to get up early I don't like  it but I have to get used to it or used to it I have to get used to it it means I  need to become used to it I need this to   become part of my everyday life I needed  to become normal for me how many did you   get right let me know in the comments  don't forget to subscribe and get your   free English grammar booklet from the video  description and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: English with Aga
Views: 20,780
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Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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