Use Wrist Action To Improve your Putting.

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hello today I'm asking the question whether you should be using more wrist action when you're putting and whether maybe wrist action could save your putting if you look at the history of putting over the years in the days of Bobby Jones one of the best players on the planet where he basically puted totally out of his wrists allowed his body to move we've come to a uh a putting action in the modern game which uses almost no wrists or at least no conscious wrist action if you do actually measure the wrist movement using a hack motion device or something similar then you will actually see there's maybe three or four degrees of change in the wrist action during a swing as a mainly in the extension and flexion of the wrist the Bowing back and bending forward of the wrist but there's very little and this can actually go up to maybe 8 n° when they're hitting longer putts but are they better Putters for this Through the Ages if you go Bobby Jones then maybe Arnold Palmer Ben khaw you do see a general reduction in the wrist action but Ben Kena who in my day when I was growing up was probably the best putter on the planet was using quite a lot of hinge in his back swing not quite so much uh extension in the in the follow through and this is something that I have actually found especially with amateur golfers is not detrimental to their game so I'm not really saying you should be going out there and starting to wobble everything around here what I am saying however is holding it stiff is not the answer especially for people who aren't able to get out there and practice their putting every day just think of it logically if you were to roll a ball you would use your wrists where is the feeling that you are going to develop have you more feeling in your hands or do you have more feeling in your shoulders I do understand the mechanics of using a shoulder action getting this this triangle of shoulders arms and hands moving and the logic being that if the wrist is stiff the elbows are stiff and only the only the movement is coming out of a kind of a pendulum in your shoulders that's got to be more reliable but does it make you a better putter are people holding more short putts than ever using this method maybe but I doubt it and at the same time using that method for long putts where are you going to get the energy if you block the levers a lot of long putters especially amateur puts are getting lots of body movement involved in order to get enough energy to get the ball to the hole and especially if you're playing on slow greens allowing a little bit of flexion and extension in your wrists bowing back and Swinging forward would not only allow you to get maybe a better feel for it but it might also allow you to get the ball up there without bending yourself double or changing your axis relative to the golf ball the big fear of course is that we're going to be changing the club face too much adding loft detracting loft rotating the face to the right or the left of the Target and this would cause us to miss puts but I believe if you concentrate and train your hands to just use two axes so try and get rid R of the rotation in your hands there's going to be rotation simply out of your shoulder action even if I uh keep my wrists stiff rotating my shoulders to the right opens the face and rotating to the left closes the face for a right-handed golfer and I'm not going to get away from that it is simply the case when on the contrary I stand there and allow my wrist to move move correctly do you think that there's more rotation or less rotation there in truth to bend your wrist back you will also have to bend it down a little bit to bend it forward it will also Bend up a little bit this I think is one of the reasons that when we swing through sometimes the club will be a little bit higher off the ground than we'd actually like but by keeping the wrist down it will actually stop the bending forward of the wrist or at least it will decrease it considerably so by keeping this angle change relatively slow or small you will be able to control this angle change using a little bit of hinge to actually accelerate the ball through but releasing the club head to the Target all modern Putters really pretty heavy devices and you should be able to feel the putter ahead releasing through the ball even if it's only a little but can you or are you so stiff all you can feel is the tension in your shoulders and arms so what I want you to do first of all is basically learn how the wrist should be moving by looking at the wrists individually and you can do a very simple job of this by simply putting with one hand and seeing how you can actually or whether you can actually hit the hole using the wrists so without too much movement in your shoulders just using your wrists you can see that I'm holding the club in the palm of my hand so between the thumb ball of the thumb and the ball of the heel of the hand and I'll do that on both hands so the feeling is first of all getting more more like my trail hand pointing at the Target and the back of my lead hand pointing at the Target and then I'm looking for the wrist to move like that there is going to be a little bit of change in this direction but I want to keep that at a minimum to start off because as I say that will actually stop you going into too much extension in the follow through by doing that then I'm then first of all going to just allow myself to putt just with the right hand for me and have a feeling that the club is going through but I'm not allowing the thumb to rotate right or left on the shaft I don't want it rotating to the right in the back swing or to the left in the downswing almost as if somebody were holding my thumb and my wrist was kind of moving backwards and forwards without the thumb going into too much rotation which obviously is coming out the lower arm but really the proofs in the puddings so to speak and if you can haul aart with just one hand then you're actually going to find you'll be able to hold it with two hands as well as long as of course you give it enough Force to actually get to the hole it's a similar kind of thing with the lead hunt the lead lead hand opening and releasing the club head through the ball you will find when you're practicing this with your lead hand that you will get probably more extension than you would want in a in a modern putt however you should be able to get it so far so that again if you hit it hard enough you'll actually be able to not only get it to the hole but get it into the hole with just the one-handed putting what that tells you if you are allowing the wrist to move backwards and forwards is that your wrists are moving in a way which is delivering the club face Square to the Target at impact and by practicing say meter meter and a half putts 3 to 6 foot putts only a a degree open or closing of the club face will cause you to lip out and hit the ball to the right or left of the target so you can be pretty confident simply because of what the ball's doing where whether or not you have actually delivered the club face Square when obviously you then combine the wrists what we might be looking for is a little bit more hinge in the back swing but a definite feeling of a release in the downswing which will actually let the club fet head fall down to the ground and release through and that's really what we're looking for not only in the pictures but also in your feeling of the club going down and skimming across the ground and taking the ball with it I'm hoping that when you do this you will also start to get a lot more feeling for what your hands are doing which is definitely going to help help you when you start hitting longer Parts which is obviously totally dependent on your ability to gauge the distance I bet with you if you keep your wrist stiff and roll a ball and then relax your wrist and roll a ball you'll be better at judging the distance that you roll the ball with a loose wrist the logic says stiffen it up it's more reliable but nature says you have more feeling in your hands than in your shoulders and that is what's going to not only help but vastly improve your putting again I don't necessarily say go back to Bobby Jones and flip your wrist backwards and forwards although it worked for him and he was known as one of the best Putters on the planet in his day however probably the the crch or position where you can see quite a bit of hinging in the back but limited hinging in the in the follow through is probably the best one but Ben would always talk about releasing the head through the ball that was his feeling but obviously with this relatively bent down lead wrist this ner deviation in the wrist his wrist mechanically could release without going into too much extension afterwards as ever what I'm trying to do is just think a little bit outside the box trying not to kind of tell you you got to do it this way it's the only way to succeed and maybe learn a little bit from history because there were some very very good golfers back in the day playing with far less or Worse Putters and far worse balls and far worse greens and they were still hauling lots and lots of PS if you liked it give me a thumbs up maybe even subscribe until the next time goodbye
Channel: Jonathan Taylor
Views: 3,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Swing simply, Golf Swing, Learn Golf, Jonathan Taylor, Golf Lesson, Tiger Woods, European Tour, Golf lesson, Golf tips, The move, The move Golf Academy, Golf tuition, Golf tip, The Backswing, The Lag, The gap, Early Extension, The Position, Lower arm rotation, Impact position, Golf Academy, Lag, Golf systems
Id: TC5eveKojVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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