Use This AI Code Editor Instead

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Visual Studio code is one of the most popular and loved IDs by developers and it's understandable it's an excellent and complex ID that has everything you need I enjoy it and I've been using it since the beginning of my career so I have nothing wrong to say about it however I came across another IDE that made me switch in L it's been my primary editor for a while and I couldn't be happier and a spoiler alert this ID is more or less vs code Yes you heard that right but before showing you the product let's briefly talk about AI the recent boom of AI has resulted in many products that use AI in one form or another it feels like a dozen AI products are released weekly from my experience most of those products are mostly High type and not very useful but if you are patient enough to Swift through all these products you might find a gem that's actually a great product and that's the case with the new code editor that I'll show you in this video but why switch code editors why not use Visual Studio code with an AI tool like Chad GPT Chad GPT is already super popular and used by almost all developers more or less and in one form or another the two most common ways developers use Chad GPT are to generate code from new prompts or ask questions based on a piece of code but this combo vs code plus Chad GPT has a couple of issues on a usual day the above use cases can result in a lot of back and forth between the code editor and Chad GPT but that's the least of the worries my main issues with Chad GPT are that it doesn't have context about your code base and it can't reference files from your code base and until recently it couldn't even reference documentation websites it's pretty Limited in this regard but it's understandable since CAD GPT and similar tools are general purpose and are not geared towards coding however that didn't make it less frustrating so what's the solution then the solution is the AI vs code I remember someone suggesting I try a new IDE with AI capabilities I was initially skeptical because I don't believe in the hype behind most products even more it has paid plans which turn me off but more on that later but then I thought of giving it a try what do I have to lose and that's how I started using cursor Cur is a vs code fork and claims to be the first AI code editor it's vs code with AI capabilities since I'm a big fan of the normal vs code I was sold out immediately cors allows you to chat with your code which is nothing new but it has context about your code base and you can ask anything about it when answering your questions this code editor takes your existing code into consideration moreover you can reference files and docs when asking questions this is useful because you can help the AI get more context when answering your questions this ID also enables you to generate and refactor code easier and faster all you have to do is to select a code block and press either command L to start the AI chat with this selected code or command K to do it in line but one of my favorite and most used features is the debugging feature when you encounter a bug you can click the auto debug button which looks through your files and tries to fix the problem moreover fixing lint errors is now a breeze instead of reading a typescript error with a zillion lines you you can ask csor to explain and fix it from my experience it manages to fix the issues in 95% of the cases I'm so thankful for this feature alone so these three features are the main reasons that made me switch to cursor I feel more productive since I switch to cursor because it allows me to utilize AI to its full capabilities right into my code editor I don't need to use other external tools and pay the price of context switching moreover the usage of other AI tools except co-pilot has gone down drastically I barely use Chad GPT and others since I started using corser but this tool also has drawbacks the biggest drawback for me is that it's a paid product usually I don't mind paying for products I find valuable but considering it's a fork of vs code which is open source and free it feels weird but maybe that's just just me thankfully there is a free tire and even better you can use your own API key which is what I'm doing though it's important to mention that you can pay more when using your open API key especially if you use the AI features heavily there were months when I paid between $0 and $40 however most of the time I paid less than $20 on average my bill was the same or less as subscribing to the paid corser plan another drawback for some people could be that cursor stores the code on their servers or logs once again there is an alternative if you want to avoid that thankfully you can opt out from them collecting data about you and your code all you have to do is to turn on the privacy mode in the editor they claim they won't store your code if you enable the privacy mode that said these are the only two drawbacks and the only things that bug me until now other than that I'm more than happy with this code editor it managed to take the best of Two Worlds one of the best code editors vs code and Ai and mash them together so I really enjoy using this code editor if youve used csor and found other drawbacks feel free to share them in the comments below and before closing off I want to mention that they didn't sponsor this post and I have no affiliation with them at the time of recording this video I simply enjoyed the product and wanted to share it with others thanks for watching and see you in the next one
Channel: Catalin Pit
Views: 21,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xmx_gP_9-wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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