Is Cursor's Copilot++ BETTER than Github Copilot? FAST AI Coding Master Class

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cursor is one of the best AI coding assistants they just launched co-pilot Plus+ a couple weeks ago let's play with it so one of the cool things that people don't really realize they can do with AI coding assistance I'm going to highlight this position equally below first element remove comments going to let that rip let's say you want to run something at the same time you can be running multiple prompts you can see this one's kicking off I'm going to go ahead and fire off another prompt here add a new and remove node button okay let's go ah and accept this great so this just created nice aligned items for us we now have our add and remove button go and accept that let's take a look at one of cursor's new features co-pilot Plus+ you can think of co-pilot Plus+ just like get up co-pilot where you have in line autoc completion helping you out but it's supposed to be the next level it's supposed to be aware of more context and the big highlight for me here is it's Auto completing multiple lines without your cursor being necessar neily right in the position you need to make the completion like in this example they're firing off three completions at the same time we have ADD node remove node let's go ahead and hop back to our application here so you can see we got our add and remove button in the top right there we'll fix that in a second so we're just going to start typing function add node and then we're going to stop so let's see what it gives us here pretty decent so we can hit add node here and it'll just add a new node at the bottom it looks good and remove node let's go ahead and get remove node written now okay and you can see here remove move random nodes coming in picking a random node and automatically selecting that for us so let's get our script back there great we'll save and then we'll update this to be remove random node refresh and there we can see it's removing completely random nodes we can add nodes back hit refresh add nodes back you can see we're adding some new nodes there let's go ahead and update this so that we're not just adding this so going to go ahead and say uh Generate random nodes not just five we're going to let that run and at the same time we're going to come down here and let's update the button let's say position at bottom of screen uh bottom let's say 200 picks come back up here we'll accept this change save see how that looks and now our ad node is adding a bunch of random nodes but it's not updating in the right position so it's just placing it you know in the same spot so we can keep hitting it we're getting that node in the exact same spot every single time right there let's go ahead and fix that let's accept this previous chain here hit save so this only repositioned our remove button that's fine we'll just copy that we'll copy the style hit enter here and get this fixed here so we have both of our buttons and I actually want this to be in the bottom center of the screen so let me go ahead and just update this I'll say wrap in div fixed bottom screen Flex horizontal we'll let that run while we update this to move nodes downward based on the lowest y position of all nodes so just going to go ahead and grab the new lowest position and add 500 to that or add 800 to that that looks great let's make sure that um this like position actually exists I'm going to accept this change down here so this looks good looks like it's just setting up that styling for us hit save there we got add and remove at the bottom of the screen now that looks good you can see here our ad node is coming in and it's pushing down 100 pixels that's really great we're moving really quickly here and we're not doing a whole lot so I want this to be in the center I'm going to highlight this I'm just going to say position elements in the center okay great it's got the left it's got the transform save and there we go so now our buttons our controls are centered right in the middle of the screen there at the bottom that looks great how can I access the Y position of our nodes here so I'm using this static elements list here we need to actually pull the nodes from our node list so we're using use view flow it's a great Library it allows you to create interesting graphs interesting charts programmatically in vuejs there are respective versions for spelt and react whatever your favorite flavor front end Frameworks are there's a version for you so let's just keep cooking here I'm going to go ahead and add nodes to this and edges great and then we're just going to come in here and say use um nodes instead and just hit enter see what it does there there we go so so it's using nodes instead of elements elements is kind of our static list and you can see here it did pick up on that position and it's got the node positioning there so should get the lowest position and now it's typed out because it's coming right out of the library so if we hit add node now you can see 100 pixels getting pushed down that's fantastic and let's go ahead and create another function I don't want to keep scrolling down as we add nodes I want it to just resize automatically that function is being called here fit to view I'm just going to highlight some of this and say after adding nodes call fit to view and what we'll actually do is I want to do this in a view Watcher so that we don't have to manually do this every time so basically if these nodes update I want us to reactively call fit to view so what I'm going to do is kind of do the same thing I'm going to say instead of just after adding nodes I'm just going to ask cursor when nodes change in a watcher call fit view just going to let that flop and there we go it deleted the on pane ready I don't wanted to do that so I'm just going to add a followup instruction keep on pain ready one of the most key components about true AI coning assistance is that they're iteratively controllable you need to be able to correct mistakes that it makes correct mistakes that you ask it to make so this looks good I'm going to hit accept here and I'm not sure we need this nested fit to view call we'll see I'll refresh hit add node so that's not working so I need this fit to view function I'm not sure where this comes from there we go so there's a fit view right here and I'm going to go ahead and alist this I'm going to say fit view from Hook and then whenever this gets called I'm just going to call this method right here so let's see how that works there we go so now whenever we're adding new nodes we're automatically calling that resize function so we can see our new nodes right so that looks great let's test out co-pilot Plus+ some more I want to see some more of this magical autoc completion in the works so let's go ahead and you know do something where the co-pilot can pick up on what we want to see happen next we'll start editing all the labels right so we'll update these to you know be like little llm agents so we'll say you know this is a um llm coder number one and we just want to keep going down the list exactly so it picked up on that right away you can see here on the auto completion to the right now trying to auto complete it all four so I'm going to hit Tab and that's done so right away picked up on that change a lot of to get a lot done really quickly let's keep going down the line I'm going to just highlight this here and Bam it's Auto completing for us of course we're just going to hit Tab and let's go ahead and add some labels here to our edges kind of following that same line so I think we can just do label and let's see what we want to do here so okay cool so it's looking at this relationship Source One To Source three very cool let's go ahead and just keep that going there you go so autocompletes are coming in that looks really really great love that and so you can see here now we have the edges labeled as well so if we move these a little bit you can see here we have 2 3 4 and you know our edges now have labels so we can see llm coder 1 going to llm coder 2 and then we have uh you know four and we have five so this looks good so let's go ahead and look at one of cursor's Keystone features in my mind the ability to add reference documents so I'm going to hit command L here open up the chat window and I'm going to hit at docs click on this you can see I've already added a couple view flow docs it's been running these prompts with information about nodes and examples I'm going to going to hit add new Doc here and I want to pull in the edge documentation so let's look at the edges so here's the introduction to nodes I want to pull in the edges so let's look at edges and you can see here it has a bunch of information about you know composing new graph flows using edges so there's the remove edges function and Etc right so let's go ahead and look at how we can set up you know some of these step edges some of these smooth step edges but of course we're going to have our AI coding assistant do it for us we're going to be using cursor here so I'm going to grab this URL and I'm going to go ahead and go back into docs I'm going to hit add new Doc paste this in I'm going to update the name because I want to be able to reference it in inline command prompts edges hit confirm that's going to start loading in they're indexing that and then as soon as that comes in we can start asking specific questions related to these docs so I want to say update our edges and our graphs make these step edges and also color the edges so let's just go ahead and ask how to do that so how can we update our edges and and then I'm going to reference the AP view file to make them step edges and change the color of our edges so just going to ask that question let's see what it comes up with you can see it's reading both the edges um and the theme flow and the theming docks so let's go ahead and just see what it's saying here pull this out a little bit so those are all of our nodes and now it's got the edges so it's saying just use type so I'm going to highlight this and and start an inline instruction add type step to each Edge let that run great and how do we update the style this will create red edges for us let's accept this code change and then let's go ahead and just drop in this new Edge color see what that looks like okay nice that totally worked you can see here we're using the new Step Edge and you can see that our Edge colors are indeed red so it just kind of pulled that from the docks we then just shove the code in um it would be great if these coding assistants you know had clean an insert functionality I'm not sure how well this would have worked if I just hit apply diff let's go ahead and try it so I'm going to go ahead and remove that and just hit apply diff yeah so the apply diff functionality looks like is not exactly working that's fine we can copy and paste in some improvements to be made there but you can see here we added some documentation and now we can close the chat interface I don't really like the whole chat on the side you're not really operating on your code it's good when you're in explorative phases looking through documentation trying to solve a specific problem but I like to keep that closed for the most part and just really focus on the value of the code so you can see this is looking pretty good as we add nodes we want our nodes to create an edge to something that already exists so I'm going to go ahead minimize all this and I'm going to after add nodes just say we'll say create random Edge and then we're going to go ahead and pass in the node ID that was just created and now we're going to go ahead and hit enter enter and we're looking for copilot Plus+ to autocreate this function for us so based on the context of the file it should be able able to see what we're looking for here right we'll say function there we go create custom Edge and that'll grab a random node and generate an edge and then go ID to ID that looks good let's go ahead and see how that does so we'll hit add node nice that looks good we'll hit another add node so this looks decent but it's a little backward we have our source node ID is the new node that we just created so I'm going to go ahead and just say new node ID so I'm going to manually change this it's seeing these errors come in let's go see if co-pilot can update this for us there we go so it's seeing that we want to update these we go ahead and hit tab just highlight this next one just hit tab again great and then what I'll do here is just do a quick highlight I'll say swap source and Target put enter and it'll swap those for us really quickly so we'll hit save and let's go ahead and look and we'll hit add node add node add node very good so except for this last one here it looks like we got all of our new nodes getting changed to the previous node which is good there we go so got the node chain there and that's looking great so those edges are coming in so we'll do one more thing here find new Exposition and we'll go ahead and just let that auto complete I just want to kind of fan out and okay so it's going to find the lowest Exposition and just kind of increment that's fine we'll go ahead and use that so this will just set things off a little bit and we'll use that for the new Exposition down here and you can see there copilot plus plus again helping us out immediately it's definitely more advanced than the default built-in G Hub co-pilot that is you know just kind of making assumptions on the next available token it really does look like co-pilot Plus+ for cursor is going the next step and saying we'll make the change wherever you need it not just right in front of your cursor so we hit add node now you can see we're branching down and to the right and that's really great so it's selecting a random node and it's pushing it into the new node and you can see we have that reference coming in and just like that nice so we have a kind of interesting node graph system getting built here we're using co-pilots we're getting this done really quickly if you were to take away any couple themes from how to use AI coding assistants it's really all about upleveling where you sit on the stack right it's a lot less about writing individual lines of code and it's a lot more about highlevel manipulation of the logic of your application right move yourself up the stack of decision making Focus Less on the lines of code you're writing and focus more on the high level implementation think more like a product manager or product developer or even like a UI ux engineer except you're still in the code you're still making the changes you're still in full control of the product the only difference is now you can run multiple prompts that write code for you automatically and give you results back fast if you want to enhance your engineering ability and stay relevant with all the crazy layoffs you need to give yourself an edge that's what we focus on on this channel we focus on how can we utilize technology llms AI coding assistants to create concrete value for us in our daily lives as Engineers if that interests you if you want to see more content like this hit the sub hit the like I'll see you in the next one
Channel: IndyDevDan
Views: 17,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cursor, copilot, copilot++, coding assistant, ai coding assistant, microsoft copilot, github copilot, ai copilot, coding copilot, ai coworker, aider, ai coding, ai engineering, indydevdan, best ai for coding, chatgpt for coding, cursor ai, vue, vueflow
Id: Smklr44N8QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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