Use These Secrets NOW! CHANNELED Wisdom with KRYON Unlocks New Consciousness | Lee Carroll / Kryon

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all right my beloved usu community family those who are perhaps new to this podcast and to this episode welcome this is such a gift lee i what uh what an honor to have you and cry on both of you all of you to hear here today and i i just thought we would start with a little intention this is something i'd love to do before we begin um i know you're not new at this so um i always just like to put a hand on my heart and um just really feel into yeah beautiful so i'm just and if you want to add i'm just going to say let this conversation really really be a beacon of light and uplift every soul that is here listening in and may it really bring a sense of peace and truth and love and expansion and if there's anything you want to add uh that that was perfect i have nothing more that would be redundant okay let this be for the highest good of all and uh so grateful and honored you're here my energy is just i'm i'm i've been so excited i'll just share with our listeners we um this feels like a blessed time to do this we we uh we are very i'm very thankful that it worked to have you today and just to share you and your wisdom and your story and so thrilled we have um principles we teach and the fact that right now is a perfect time for you to do this and for me to do this and we're relaxed and ready you know that is energy that targets right through this video into everyone uh and this is what we believe and so we're not rushed we're not antsy we're not nervous and we've got something to say and the things that we have to say is your intent yeah yeah beautiful i you know if we could go back i i find your background so fascinating and just maybe to share a little bit more about you how you even came into the world of connecting with kryon and and your and your background career like i know you have a story um this this is something i don't know that you planned i don't think you planned on ever uh just from what i've read i don't want to tell your story but maybe you could take us back i mean i know you've been doing this for a long time but really for those that may be newer to you or don't know your full story if if you wouldn't mind lee would love to just hear how this came to be i will tell you my story is my story that is just all about me but the bigger story is what we teach that we are built to find spirit period this is what crime has told me this is what what guides have told me you come into this planet and you're given the opportunity with free choice to find a bigger truth and many people call it the veil or whatever and so there are many times i believe when spirit gives us um what i call the chance um to look and and then if you don't that's fine there's no punishment there's whatever and that's what i got i got a chance to look and the thing that is so much fun about this and i want to be concise and want everybody to understand i was an engineer i still am an engineer i'm still a nerd so that didn't change just because i got metaphysical so i'm still lee and i'm still the guy with you know a screwdriver in my hand all that stuff and what took place there was tailor-made for me and this is i'm going to give this to you in a moment but spirit knows who we are so much i mean the creator created us we have a soul it's very well known to the to the creator who we are and so things happen in our lives that often give us opportunities to look and i got mine and the reason uh this is specific to me is you'll see in a moment because of my engineering background and what took place basically and just i'll tell you this was um well it was more than 32 years ago when this happened but 32 years i've been channeling kryon but before that uh it was three years before that um my wife jan tober at my wife at the time who is my best friend now and working with a crying work she said i want you to go to a channeler i said no basically she was into metaphysics i was not we had an arrangement in our marriage keep me out of your woo-woo stuff and i'll keep you out of my engineering um it went one way not the other and really i said no i'm not going to go see a woo-woo dude and she says first of all it's a man that was important to me because everybody who was around me who was doing the woo-woo stuff and all the magic that i wanted nothing to do with was a woman they were all females this was a guy and so i said first of all the first i thought is well he's obviously gone nuts you know he's stepped into the world of the girls i went to that channeler because it was her birthday i sat in front of the guy almost um knee knee captain kneecap and he gave me good gibberish and i real i laughed today because that's what i do and so people who would tune in to hear my channeling are going to feel the same way they're not going to get it it's going to go over their head it's gibberish to them who wants this foolishness and i left and it was a 45 minute session i had a i had a cassette three years later and this is i mean i didn't even tell her i what i really told her after the session was here's your cassette it's for your birthday i don't want to ever do that uh and then three years later another channeler was a psychic a young man he was in his 20s the first guy was in his 60s and she said the same thing please go to this guy i said i really don't want to say look it's going to be he only gives like 10 10 minute readings it's it's okay another cassette i just want to know what i'm feeling so i went to him looked him in the face and he looked at me even before we sat down and he said lee you don't want to be here do you and i thought i like this guy because he knows he's he must be psycho that's the word i used and he just said i got a message from you he's been coming in all day for you and we don't even have to sit down are you ready and i said wait a minute let me start the cassette or channel kill me so i started the cassette so here we are cassette in hand and he says there's a magnetic master named kryon trying to get a hold of it and i thought to myself that that doesn't even compute that's nice that's nice for you my friend but not for me i have i'm 45 years old and i have a career and it's successful and i'm happy and i'm not going to now suddenly go off into uh and talk to uh to zoltar or dr zoom or whoever it is you're gonna you know tell me to go see and that was it and i went home and something in my brain and this is where it gets good said i heard that phrase before i heard the name kryon before could it be that the other guy the old guy younger than i am today but the old guy i said what if he had said that phrase too i found the cassette played it and he had verbatim word for word now i had an engineering puzzle logic puzzle a linear puzzle how could two men didn't know each other three years apart uh 40 years apart in age give me the same identical message on an entity they'd never heard of now that is not solvable in engineering i didn't have my slide rule with me and it wouldn't help you see what i'm saying and it drove me crazy and that's the laughing part because i had to know i experienced something that didn't make sense to me and my logical brain here we go and this is for everybody have you ever had anything where you know where spirit is going to would you look at this would you look at this would you look at this maybe you'll be interested if you make a step forward and i did i got a chair out i said i have to know i have to know and jan wasn't included crowd wasn't included me in a little room with a chair and i said crayon whoever you are whatever your funny name if you're real i'm going to sit in the chair do your thing and if you don't i'm getting out of the chair and i'll know it's a fake so i put a fleece down that's the fleece that is like prove it and i'm telling people if if this is real if what we're teaching is real go ahead and do that go ahead because you'll you will you're going to find things happen because all you what you're doing is open the door possibilities of spirit to say hello okay did you lose me no but as you're this is a really if you're if you're watching this literally i didn't touch anything my video just stopped if we just keep we'll just keep going then so the bottom line is this i had the chair there i put out the fleece cry and show me if you i sat in the chair and immediately i wept i couldn't control it tears running down my cheeks i was so upset at that i popped out of the chair i actually said to the chair don't ever do that again i mean it was this was such a non-sequitur how can this happen and i it happened to me and there was no messages there was no writing on the wall there were no voices out of the sky it was completely and totally emotional so what happened to me as i was i was filled with a love i had not really felt before nothing like that not like that and then i had to do it again and then i had to do it again and pretty soon the cause and relationship cause and effect cause and effect got into my linear brain and says i can't understand it but it's real that's the point i can't understand it i don't understand it but it's real and so i encourage people to say and i say to them there are many things in in this whole idea of what we do and what we teach and the idea that consciousness can be energy and all the things that that we are looking at don't try to figure it out because if you accept it and you start working it like the laws of attraction creating your own reality and all and suddenly things start happening and you go wow and other people say how do you do that you can say i don't know but i know how i did i did it for myself i know what i did i just don't know how it worked so then the last thing i'll say about this and because i'm trying to make the story is that this this now i hear the uh the angels all the time go going made you look made you look haha made you look and that's exactly what happened is that they gave me something to look at and i couldn't leave it alone and when i looked the whole world changed um all right there's there's there's a lot to even unpack in that story and and do you want me to continue calling you lee and kryon or both or no i am i am lee and okay and occasionally um well there is a definite meld but you're talking to me yeah okay because i can feel i was like do i call book um you know this is something gosh i i think what you said first of all that it was a feeling it was an emotion it that's what it started with and that and i love that you're an engineer because honestly that is like the that is the quintessential linear brain that is you know you came to think like that and gosh what you just said i want everyone to really get this you can we you can't unders you couldn't understand it you can't understand it but it is real it doesn't mean it's not real did i give you an example i didn't cry has even channeled this and you go and get in your car and uh for those of you who say show me show me show me i only believe in things that are real i only do this and that you get in your car do the first thing you do of course is you go into your glove compartment and you figure out and look at the schematics of how your automatic transmission works and the answer is no i don't do that i just start the car and i go excuse me do you know how it works and you say no but it does and i say bingo this is the world this is what we're talking about trust something that works amazing so i'm from there you know i'm i'm assuming you went from this this great career as an engineer i mean talk about a totally different shift in turn i mean i hear obviously just a full surrender and trusting to really yeah i know you hear that but that's not what happened hey tell us what happened i was scared spitless that's what happened i didn't i didn't want to then come out to all my friends and say guys you'll never believe this but i i i'm now talking to an entity from beyond you know and all and my employees and my engineers and i like that i didn't do that and uh you know they found out later and i kept this quiet because i was afraid folks i am the chancellor i'm your teacher today i was afraid i was afraid of what they might think it was i wasn't afraid it wasn't real that's double negative i knew it was real but i was afraid of the reaction of my family and my friends and my employees i didn't want to lose my business at one point in time i said to spirit i am i'm afraid of what's going to happen i think i what if i lose my my friends and my family and all this just over all of this you know and and that was me just saying you know take me to a place where this won't happen and spirit i remember the answer to that i got in the shower and and that was spirit said do you want to know me or not do you want to know me or not and that was frightening because i realized oh there's something bigger here and i'll tell you in the end i ended up losing all of them meaning friendship i didn't lose them in death i lost them in friendship they all but i gained a family that was the best family i have ever i could ever ask for it was it's astonishing so it's this and something better we make up our minds what we want and the bubble that we're in not understanding that there perhaps is something even better for us it's like dear spirit let me keep this job please let me keep this job and the spirit comes says yo you don't want the better one because we we just assumed that if we're not going to keep this job we're going to fire me and i'm going to be on the street we don't think about the better one you know and so that was it i tell you i was so fearful if you want to see any of my books i have 14 books with five with hay house and the rest are with me and the ones that i published including the original one has my name is not on the cover lee carroll is not there and you know what author do you know whose name is not on the cover it's on the back and it's in the back and it doesn't even have my full name and ten point type it says el carro and i did that for three books until i awakened to a bigger truth even than in layers of awakening even as the channeler and i realized i don't have to do that anymore well i kept doing it all the way through my last book just as a reminder of this story to let people see this and know this and what what we go through we all you have permission to walk through fear and all these things when the awakening starts to occur you don't just you know a fairy doesn't come down to touch you and poof you know you're you're different we work the puzzle we're working into another reality that we didn't know that nobody ever told us uh people said well you're a good christian boy at that time what happened i mean what did you do i mean did you uh and that that question people say well i got out of one box and got into another i mean that's how we think right so we we uh we stopped believing in all the things we had in church and we get them to start getting woo-woo that's not what happened at all god got bigger for me i kept everything i learned in church about the incredible love of spirit that i was taught and then it got bigger a lot bigger so a lot of the doctrines that i was taught including a punishing god and all those things were were swept away because i got a bigger truth but i didn't have to throw away my church friends or they threw me away actually they didn't but i didn't stop loving any of them i did and i saw the value of what i had been through in my church i'm so glad i went to that church because they tempered me and got me ready for this so you know you know we're very linear in how we think it's uh it's this box or it's that box or we're doing this or that not understanding it's something that flows it can get a lot larger and more beautiful and at the same time the players start shifting and they start changing and that is what the beauty of this is uh that things start being brought to you because you're asking for it and living correctly and have a higher consciousness you never thought would happen oh my goodness i i so appreciate there's so much in what you're saying my brain is like i want to ask about this and this and i think one thing i do want to ask to start with is this fear you know because i i can hear sometimes people listening there's a lot of shift right now on the planet obviously and fear is um you know it's listening to and i and i could feel myself on a cry just imagining all your friends and and your life i mean that's that's not an easy thing to go through to just to to move into this this life and and have that change i'm curious what helped you in your times of fear in that in that that that shift i know it didn't happen overnight what did you lean on and and was it the work of kryon with you like what helped you in sort of pulling the nuggets that can help others in fear i'm not really sure that my experience necessarily could be echoed on to anybody else but i can give you the principle is that the love of spirit is so much grander than anything that you could possibly fear that you can rest in the arms of god and that's what you can do and there is such peace there it's like i tell people no matter what's going on in your life no matter what disease you think you have no matter what relationship issue you might have or what's going on financially you can sit in a place where all of that is wiped away at almost a moment and just feel like none of it is important based upon what is important and what is important is a tremendous complete tremendous potential for the solution of all of them all of them i have seen miracles in my life i've had miracles in life i've had health miracles i've had financial miracles i've had all of these things and not one of them did i ever think could happen yeah and it's almost like they fell from the sky and i have heard this time after time when we talk about people who start to awaken to this what we're now calling law of attraction where the joe dispenza teaches and greg braden teaches all of these things about if consciousness truly is energy and not just a mamsy pamsy thing that floats in the air if consciousness is energy that means it probably has energetic physical rules and one of them we have discovered is that how you think is what becomes your reality i had a uh a good friend in high school who's who uh was a hypochondriac we knew that in high school and i don't know why he was afraid of every everything disease he wore gloves the whole routine i mean he was he was uh afraid of he would catch everything and then of course as we grew older and all he was afraid of cancer and he was afraid of this or that in the end he caught everything and died in other words it's almost like he had a menu open and he listed the things he was going to catch because he was verbalizing daily to everybody and the menu was fulfilled and i tell people what's your menu what comes out of your mouth uh what are you afraid of and because every time you verbalize it into the air with this energy of consciousness there is a field ready to bring it to you and that's the truth and we have found that is so true people who are constantly complaining and worried about something in their life will probably get it and i'm not talking about just disease i'm talking about anything i'm talking about i'm afraid of losing my job i'm afraid of losing my job i'm afraid of losing my job guess what i lost my job you know i'm afraid i'm afraid of my relationship i'm afraid i'm afraid and it's and it's and it ends and you get these stories constantly from people and you and and have you do you know people who are constantly in trouble yeah who are who are playing the same tape to you every time you call them well how are you today well this happened and you never believe this but this happened and this happened and this happened and they'll and you they'll say i think i just attract bad things and you want to say yes you do you want to say and here's why because you that's all you verbalize that's all you verbalize so i've told people with affirmations and watching what you say that it's like gold cert if you start actually starting to think it's not thinking positive it's an energy of your consciousness more than how you think it's what you project with the energy what you say how you feel about what really is going to happen you start turning that around and things start happening that are good seen as positive by us and there's and then there's always guys there's always and i'll tell you as you start to awaken uh this week crying is doing a series uh that's going to be in uh i'm quite sure on my site in november or december for free there's a series of channels calling attributes of awakening and because so many people are starting to what i will call get out of the box and think a little differently and there are attributes that don't sound so good because we are rebooting we're reframing we're starting to call things different we're looking around and there's there's um emotional trauma with it sometimes there's even higher highs and lower lows there's there's because we're transitioning to something we didn't expect and it's not going to happen instantly there's work to be done i've gone through three or four or five layers now in my work where i thought it was fine and i came in and found i wasn't fine and there was another level to go through i'll never be done there's levels all the time i i so appreciate what you're talking about this whole idea of a menu just going back to that and to really be mindful what are you ordering like what are you ordering on the menu you said something it's so interesting when i asked about the fear and you said well i don't know this is my experience although wow this love of spirit is bigger than anything i i felt like that just lit up the entire our entire interview and to me as i'm listening in addition to you were talking about you know what you're projecting your affirmations what you're saying what what seemed to me to really also be part of this is this elixir that this divine love that spirit that that is the ultimate that can you know if you're in fear because i think um you know personally i know others who've written in i feel like i caught a fear bug for a little while um it's what i called it i said i got a fear bug and it started to get bigger and i i felt like i know better um and then that got me into judgment and i thought all right spirit like please just take over like just like like just take over like take over the wheel take over the show like i don't know what's happening and i think anyhow for when you're in that fear love that you know these are some really powerful ways to to like re-steer you know the car a different a different route we don't there's there's even more and we we have to uh take into consideration our culture and i'm talking about the western world culture whether you're in europe or here or canada or australia or what we have a western culture and that culture is has a commonality and that is mostly christianity and i want to just say right now and you can write me letters or whatever it's uh a situation where we're all taught from birth from our parents from our church when they take us that we are not worthy now that goes right into your psychology and goes into your subconscious for life by the time you're six or seven years old bruce lipton will tell you when you interview him he says by the time you're seven years old all the receptors on all the genes have have figured it out and so here's what i figured out i'm not worthy now it opens us up to being told what we have to do and whether that's whether the pharmacy companies or whether that's with uh another church or something but we're told we aren't worth it and if you get to the spirituality we're told we cannot talk to god directly and we're not unless we do something else so and if we don't i mean we're going to be punished and so that sits on you right now all of us who have come through that kind of a religious uh training and if you haven't even gone to church it's there because it's all around you it's all around you maybe your parents or maybe they went to church or not to still that is our culture so what we have to get out of is that box it's the fear box the fear box of the fact i'm not doing it right i'm not worthy to try what's going to happen if i do it wrong and there's the other thing there is no wrong we made that up those are men's rules we have a a complete um total dysfunctional god if you're going to believe in some of these boxes everybody wants you to get in that are um religious boxes we have a dysfunctional god we have a god who created us in love uh put us on the planet you have the adam and eve story and of course one human does something wrong which then is going to make all of the humans the billions and trillions of humans from then on are going to be punished in hill with their with their skin being torn off daily and you think and i'm making that up i saw that on depiction in church in italy for all the kids to see it's in the church it's a picture of hell it's you worship and you get up and there's the picture of hell what does this tell us you know what kind of a god is this and that is been bought so completely by by a billion people and i'm wondering at some point they may back up and say maybe that's not the full love of god maybe that's a little bit of a man in there and maybe god loves us better than that because otherwise it's like a greek god and we want to go back to the greek gods because they were all dysfunctional we do really truly have have a dysfunctional god what if it was pure love without guilt without punishment and all god wants from us is to be for us to find that love and change our life i need to take a moment i'm like can you repeat that last line that was so beautiful what if all god wants from us all the whole package everything wipe everything away not what you eat not what you wear not which direction you face or anything is to find the love paste it in ourselves and live it i i we were born to find this creator we have the equipment we are multi-dimensional beings you if you doubt that why is there such a field called quantum biology we are multi-dimensional beings and we have a consciousness which is so powerful it can create matter out of nothing and they've been doing that in india for 100 years and nobody's looking so there are so many things that are mysteries are magic to us and they're not they're all centered and grounded in a beautiful creative source that we are able to hook to how i i i'm as i'm listening to you you know i'm thinking about when you talk about your first experience as i'm hearing you and i would say this to everyone just feeling your words feeling uh it makes i'm holding back tears i'll be honest i feel like i could just bawl it's so beautiful um and to really sit with this is this is our birthright all of us any human for everyone you're interviewing me and i've been doing this for 32 years i'm learning too and the the biggest thing that crime has ever told any of us is for everybody this is not for the few of us who are writing books and and being on interview shows and if if it weren't this is you might as well just shut off the camera because what good does it do to have a few people doing this everybody has to hook in and that's what's going on right now i want to can i tell you something else when i started um and and all through my career and i've had many layers of what i've done and all like that i have been the ones who have been attracted to my work have mostly been people who are done with having kids and all like that and they're 40 and over and so that's my crowd and i will go and wherever i go whether it's europe or here and how big the crowds are or whatever i look out in the audience and i see uh people who are 40 or older and i had the big aha awakening not just the fact not here because this this is because of social media and all of that when i was on the stage of the habama theater obama that's not right i'm getting it wrong oh please forgive me all those people in israel and uh that was what was in the film and there were uh i was on stage alone i'll be my theater and it was a thousand israelis theater was packed spotlight as me i'm sitting the chair but i even though the spotlight is on me i can see a little about what's out there i couldn't really see the people very well until the pictures came back and all i saw was t-shirts and i realized i was talking to 40 and under and they were listening to me because they were feeling it and a whole bunch of young people are awakening saying you know this makes sense these things i'll take a look or i won't or whatever but at least they're they're listening and that's different that is one of the most different things that has happened to me i say in the last decade is that we're seeing more and more start to look yeah oh that's so powerful and i know this is from the one field the the film that's right and that's it right and that they filmed that and that did become as i say part of the film because they're they're at the jewish team and this uh this is a film uh from them and i'm so glad because they're the crying has actually said as as go the jews go the world in other words they've got to solve their problems and what you're going to see there as they solve theirs will be commensurate with how the world is going to and they have got an almost unsolvable insurmountable problem and they'll tell you the adults the reason they weren't in the theater because they'll tell you it's not solvable they will say we're you know it's called the situation and it'll remain and the young people are looking at it differently and there they you realize that in that country when you are um being grown up you're being told who your enemies are and by the time again you're 10 years old you know who did what to whom and who you should hate and who you should love and that is the truth ask ask him and so you're always you know being aware they're surrounded supposedly by their enemies but the young people are waking up to a bigger truth because they've met some of those enemies who are their age and they're looking at each other eyeball to eyeball and saying why don't we throw away the old stuff that happened and create some new stuff for ourselves and that is tough because you have a history of who killed whom who did what to whom and why and all that and who deserves this and that you don't have to then repeat it you don't even have to believe it if you can start again wipe the slate and do something different and we don't even think that way but i was seeing a bunch of young people who were who were listening and the message that kryon gave in that theater that said you've been living in black and white forever and color is coming and the color is for the young people to look at each other and go let's start this whole thing again um this feels so pertinent to what we're dealing with as well right now on a global level and part of i i you know i'm curious [Music] i i sometimes feel like i can be a little pollyanna or you know what's the positive like what i'm trying to search for what what's the gift in what's happening right now and i'm curious what you what kryon has is sharing that is for us to learn right now because it's such a people i feel like what you're sharing it's like the that's like the epicenter of the situation and the dilemma and then there's the global like mass of upheaval and so many levels and curious in all your 32 plus years like what what's our how what's the what are we learning here what can we learn and how can we raise our consciousness so that we can i i talk a lot about and then quick and all but there's a lot to say here there really is first of all everything that your experience is absolutely right on schedule this is not a mystery it's not something new it's been predicted and it's been predicted in odd way it's been predicted by the ancients and it all revolves around the procession of the equinoxes at 2012. hundreds of years the ancients the mayan and more talk to us about what might happen on or around the year 2000 up to the year 2012 there was like a 18-year window there where something could happen and it has to do again with the earth and it has to do with the wobble of the earth and you'd think what has that got to do with anything well remember what we're teaching that consciousness is energy the planet is part of us ask an indigenous and you'll see that there's a correlation i mean i've got science for you if you talk about a correlation if you want to so does greg braden so does princeton university so here we are with a premise something is going to happen from the year 2000 or or beyond 2012. now take a look at the prophecy what does your bible say christian it says that in the year 2000 or 2001 or whatever we're going to have an armageddon we're going to be we're going to have world war iii in other words it was also saying the same thing so there's been many many prophecies talking about this area of time it was coming i remember sitting in church and hearing evangelists tell us we were doomed and it was going to be we were going to we better get it together before the year 2000 because it was all coming to a head so we all had a prophecy okay so do the ancients and here it was if you don't kill yourself and you make it through the year 2000 by 2012 there's going to be an explosion of consciousness the highest consciousness that humans have ever experienced it's the next step that is the ancients prediction there's not a new age thing that came right from the ancients from the maya and you can read it you know in their temples on the walls all about this procession of the equinoxes so here we are 2012 occurred and suddenly things started happening now stop a moment we are in this little box of ours called watch the news and get frayed that's all you've got and that little watch the news and get afraid is your whole world and that's perhaps why everybody's afraid the world's going to hell and all like that and so we're extremely in the now we're only about you know we're uh we got a life that lasts for 12 hours if we go to sleep we get up and watch the news we figure out what's going to happen first of all my just my advice to everybody is don't watch the news it's an entertainment media they've got music and pictures and they plan it and they make you afraid and if they don't then their other channel will and they will have more money because the marketing is that way so if you want to get the news get it on the internet from a channel that you like on the net read it read the articles that you want to don't have them presented like a movie to you so you'll feel a certain way that's the first thing but let me just get back to this this whole idea of what's going on light is winning folks and you don't know it because things happen slow but it's winning i want to give you two to three examples very quickly and i've given them and many many podcasts that okay if i do that oh my gosh we you just take take the mic i'm like crying over here it's beautiful people have heard me before get tired of these stories but i don't i don't because they are they nail it for me okay first of all let's talk about women's rights let's talk about not only women's rights but the position of women in our country all over the planet and what it has been for hundreds of years and what it is today the metoo movement is something that shocked and surprised everybody my father for instance he said this is the way it works and this is where women probably will always be because it's the consciousness that we have as men and they will be put down they'll be asked to do inappropriate things in order to get better jobs they'll you know and if you take a look at the commercials in the 50s it's just a riot think about the difference and where and what has happened between then and here and the in the place well it did change and when did it change and the answer is just a few years ago now how can something be it's that's so basic hundreds of years one way where women are thought and looked and it just is and is and is and bam suddenly there's an explosion of appropriateness i mean people are looking at a higher consciousness level in order to say this isn't right they ought to have equality we they should be treated like anybody else they you know and it's it's almost like uh and i'm sorry kind of a thing and now they're coming into their own now is that just a coincidence that it happened with the time i don't think so i think that as an example of a higher consciousness on the planet how long now i know don't give me letters but how long have priests been abusing kids i mean in philadelphia we got a thousand cases how many do you think have been on the planet and how long has this been going on and the answer would be probably since there was a church we're talking hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years that's what i think and if you go back and find out it simply was the way of it such an unconscionable thing was happening and happening and happening not only did it get exposed but we have a pope who was trying to deal with it now you figure that out that pope by the way is also a miracle if you figure out i mean he took over from the position of a living pope when has that happened last there's so many things that you can look at that happened in this time frame to give us this kind of turnaround we are starting to see things differently i've talked to my black friends many many times and they say one of the issues in the states is that something will come to a head where there will be abuse whether it's from government or police or whatever and there will be a reaction probably inappropriate riots and all they get to get our attention the congress says he'll do something we all get excited and nothing happens and then it'll happen again and nothing happens and then it'll happen again in other words they're used to this wave of uh oh yes it's probably not right and we'll do something and nothing happens this time it will and that and you're seeing it there it's still going on i mean even to to the what what i think is probably not the answer but they're going right for it let's defund the police and that's probably not the answer but it's scaring everybody who's who's looking at their society going no no wait a minute we need to still need them to come to our house and put out our and you know help but it's getting the attention it's not going away it's not going away something is going to happen whether we're going to start vetting our policemen from the academy by the citizens or whether there's going to be somebody whatever it is it's going to have a more permanent answer than they ever had before and that is us looking at us saying it's got to get better with a higher consciousness kovid has put us all in our houses for a year in some manner and i'm being uh metaphoric it's it stopped the world we had a war folks without a war do you realize that hmm we had a war without a war yes there was some death but we we had uh if you if you want to talk to your grandparents and find out what world war ii was like this is it everything stops and and you know and uh is is controlled whether you get jobs or not jobs where you go we had a war without a war and in that we had to come together and do things we never have had to do as long as i've been alive um you're forced together with your family in a way that you never were before there's different ways of teaching and being and doing and jobs and all for everybody it's almost global brian gave um an example well this all stopped this talk but about this one but he gave an example of channeling and he says there's a factory and this factory makes everything for everybody and it has to keep going if it if it stopped there would be massive change so it's cranking out products it's cranking out food it's cranking on and in this there are people who are coming up to the manager saying look this machine over here is not working well in fact it's a dumb machine and it keeps breaking and it's costing us a lot of money and we should stop and retool and the matter she says we can't stop the factory old jim over here comes the manager and he says you know uh george over there has been pocketing a lot of the income from all the products he just takes some money he stops it in his bucket and goes home and then he other people saw it and he's given it to them too so there's we're draining money over there's corruption over there by your own people making the products and the manager says can't stop the factory we'll look into it and of course you know you know where this is going suddenly the factory has been stopped now what is going on right now is the retooling it's the cleaning up for the corruption we have a chance now to do things we've never done before because stuff is stopped and there's other things crying has said for years we're going to see one big thing happen i was waiting to find out how this was going to be and in my opinion it may be the beginning the fall of inappropriate big pharma ones who keep you sick for money and know it the ones who are advertising on tv because of an obscure law that they passed that they could advertise products like that and that that tell you you're sick and here's what you need for it all of these kinds of things we've been seeing this for a very long time crying says that is an inappropriate thing completely and a higher consciousness will eventually stop it now that's going to take a while folks but would you not agree that that would be a good thing and especially when you figure out that there we know it that there are many who have cures that are not letting them out until they get their amortization schedules right another seven years and that doesn't matter how many people die because they're gonna get a lot of money out of it before it comes generic and they can bring out the one that they know works better so that's working and has worked a lot in our society for them not for us and that's going to be something that we're going to see there's other things that brian says are going to happen we're waiting for some inventions when we have a higher consciousness and it has nothing to do with artificial intelligence a let it let it vacuum our homes and drive our cars but yeah our consciousness is a lot a lot more important than anything that that technology will ever bring us lee just from your experience or in connecting with crying because i'm hearing um this question of so how do i raise my consciousness now i feel silly asking that i have some thoughts on it but i i want to hear from you and cry on because it's so important what can we do i mean i know watching stop watching the news is definitely one of them that you said earlier i actually can't watch it i'm too much of an empath and i get very i can't i can't um and if you're watching we're asking you please do not because it's sensationalized um what are other ways that everyone listening can raise their consciousness and start becoming more aware and awake well let's start like beginning i want to revisit that because i want people to walk away from this uh with one idea we've been doing this long enough uh and on streaming and all that people will hear us say one thing and report another and and they will say well i've watched the broadcast and we're not supposed to know the news that's not what we're saying right we're saying there is media that is better than television and is more accurate be informed but get it from a place that is not a movie that's going to control what you see when you see it with music all right that that's entertainment folks and it it postures you in a certain way they know what to do they've known what to do for years and years get it get your news at a place that makes sense read it in a place you trust back to the newspaper if you have to or it's probably online from places you trust and read and and absorb it in your own time and then you'll find out without the fear uh okay you get to a place and you say how can i be more aware how can i raise my consciousness you have to mean it that's the first thing we're used to pills we're um we're just taking a pill and having it work for us and and this is not the case we have to cognize that we want this now cognizing is for firm belief for instance we believe in gravity and such a way that we absolutely know that when we walk off a cliff we're going to fall down that's a cognized thing it's not a belief so i've worked this puzzle so many times where you say okay i'll try this and i'll try that and i've tried this and i've gone to this person and that person this is something you do for yourself you sit down first and you say dear spirit this you made me look bring me something someone some whatever situation that's going to help me to achieve what i came for help me to love you more help me to straighten out my life for people looking for the right diet and crying has said you're all so different don't don't expect one diet for everybody you say dear spirit bring me the intuition to know what i should eat that is perfect for my body right now in this lifetime and these things start coming in and that is called co-creation when we cognize what we want and start believing this is going to happen to me there's a higher consciousness available there's a loving god that's wanting to get through to me i'm going to work this puzzle i've got a ticket for the train and i can see it and the train now is going to come in various stages and show me until it assembles itself and i get on it and it may take a while so it really is not just let go and let god it's let go and let yourself find god in a way in a way that people don't trust they want other people to tell them what to do in order to accomplish these magical things it's inside it really is now you may be led then to a healer or a pro or process that is great so i'm not saying throw away healers i'm saying you will be led to the ones who help you and your condition the most because all these healers that we've been doing on on healing wednesdays for for the past year got 52 of them almost 60 now all of them have processes that help and heal people and many of those are to actually make them more aware it's not a pill and so you see there are counselors available if you might say to help you in your awareness it might bring you there and that is what happens to so many of us is that we ask in silence to have it shown and bang in will come a name in will come a show we watch or something or a book and we'll read it or we'll go there we'll go i want to know more about this and in the process of that they're led to a higher truth they go oh my thank you for you for you healer whatever so there's such a wonderful place for the healers and of the of the new age or whatever you want to of our time and that's what they're doing they're helping you to increase your awareness if i can just add for a minute what's so cool about this first i love what you're saying it goes back to we first of all we all have that innate connection to spirit it's within it's an inner it's an inside job and i you know it's funny i'm laughing because this is a few years ago i've been connecting to my intuition and what's right to eat and what what do i need to really to to be julie with spirit and this is the question i think for all of us how do we embody spirit as us and a friend of mine my friend lauren was like you should check out kryon and i'm like i don't know who that is and i i heard you and i was like oh my gosh who it like what this this my whole body i was like okay and i just so i'm laughing and i'm i'm grateful because it's it's one of those moments i'm like thank you spirit like clearly you know you've had that impact on millions and millions um and it i think he's like you said let your inner spirit guide intuition let that guide you on all of it and it's to be different for each of us just like we we think entirely different we've had healers on our show real healers that were um that dealt mainly with energy from computer programs they developed that interface with consciousness i mean it sounds it sounds magic and crazy it works it works uh and we've there's something for everybody and some people would look at that and go ah it's not for me and then somebody else will come along who deals with the plants of the planet and the herbology and things like they'll go this is what i want you know so there's there's something for everybody and this is back to the engineer that i was that there none of that would have worked for me but i had a logic puzzle and this is this is the fun part that i go back to the beginning now is the spirit knows you so well and intimately just waiting for you to sit down and say bring it that's awesome and then watch what happens and then watch what happens yeah i i if it's okay i have one or two quick questions that i just okay um for those who are newer to cryon and i guess my curiosity is i know you always say or it says of magnetic service um maybe just to number one do you get an image of this consciousness is it more of a feeling and what does that mean magnetic service i'll tell you just briefly you can look it up if you wish and i didn't know i had no idea people wanted to know what do i have an angel i can stick on the refrigerator and the answer is no there's nothing to do with that and i didn't know and i didn't know until um the late i would say 90s into the year 2000 and all then just i had this aha it's something that we were going to discover that has led me right now to even the one field it was called there there were two experiments on this planet ongoing one of them was called the global coherence initiative by heartmath it's still there today you can take a look at it uh greg braden is on their board he knows about it he'll talk about it they had an experiment going on where they had magnetic sensors all over the planet measuring the strength of the magnetic grid the idea that they had god bless them this is one of their intuitions and they spent money is this if something happens globally that everybody can see and feel would it change the magnetic grid's strength now if it did it would be absolute 100 proof that consciousness is physics you see that and it did at 9 11. they didn't expect this at 9 11 not only did all their sensors pick it up but two satellites in orbit that measure the strength of the magnetic grid picked it up it went three times the strength immediately right after the planes hit those towers actually a little before that changed the magnetic grid of the planet and it wasn't the onesie it happened again in other plate couple other places i think one was death of princess die it was a total and complete proven relationship between the strength of the magnetic grid going up and down at a global event this is what lynn mctaggart has been working with for so long she knows that this is very doable that consciousness affects things in other places and so only then that i realized it was the magnetic grid all along the crime has been talking about that contains this the bubble of consciousness for us it works with our consciousness there's something to do with magnetics and our consciousness that's correlated and that pegged it for me and then i knew that's the magnetic master because there's something there we haven't discovered it yet that's going to be probably part of what we do magnetics crying says is the future of all energy and that we actually have free energy now but nobody's looking at it nobody's developing and nobody's seeing it but it's all over and it's very obvious uh you've got magnetics that push and pull so you can't even pull them apart and and it's natural it's uh it'll go for four thousand years you come back and still pushing and pulling folks maybe that ought to push and pulling uh something you can you know an engine or something and not use one drop of fossil fuel uh talks about it being the future of how our transportation will be all that that's where the magnetic master came in so way before its time people will look back someday and realize the joke and i'm just now seeing oh what uh what uh thank you for tying that together i'm a huge fan we've had dr debbie rosman and ron mccrady and talking about this i i didn't put that together until you said that about the globe i didn't either and that was the big ah-ha i laughed for so long i went now i know um by my mind i don't like to say is blown because i'm like i don't want it it's blown it's glowing my mind is like beautiful that is like i like to mention folks it's all provable science so it was a global consciousness project with princeton where they talked about random things becoming suddenly synchronized at the same time that 9 11 happen in other words consciousness may be a tremendous physical energy we don't even know the rules of it yet we're just discovering what we can do with our lives you know and uh you got star trek that they that they they make meals out of them you know they're um in india and i'll just just say we know that there are certain masters in the past who have actually been able to manifest master uh ima i'm sorry a master's manifesting material and matter with their consciousness and that's been photographed and known and all we don't i don't know why that was never on cnn i guess we just figure it's stuff that's magic and doesn't matter and we don't care but it's been with us for so long greg braden will tell you we have a solution to almost every problem today and we've known it for a very very long time since nobody let it out because it wasn't time well i know we're ready i'm ready i don't even listening we're like uh like you said spirit bring it please bring it um last question would just be i call them heart flares if there's anything i didn't ask you or anything in your heart that you would like to share um with with our listeners yes i will tell you that there is one thing that i would like to tell everybody that the secret is not really a secret it's the most sacred thing you can be and do and and and look to and that's joy joy is sacred and the more you laugh and the more excited you are about these kinds of joyful things it starts to heal your heart clear your mind and then you start getting solutions that fear has blocked so be joyful as much as you can laugh as much as you can you know and you've had situations i know where when you all laugh together suddenly all the barriers came down and you're able to hug each other and all that stuff that's what i'm talking about and it's more than just an elixir you know it's it's it's sacred it's sacred it's god-given for that reason so be joyful it has been a complete joy my cheeks are hurting from smiling and delight and honor lee you are just just a gift a gem thank you so much beautiful all right
Channel: Julie Reisler
Views: 50,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Life Designer, Julie Reisler, The You-est You Podcast, Youest You, Life Coach, Intuition, Self-love, uplift, rise, riseup, love, women empowerment, women empowering women, Manifestation, Life Design, Highest self, Best self, Self love, Light Worker, spirituality, meditation, love and light, mindfulness, consciousness, enlightenment, ascension
Id: wyxtHCpFuls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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