477 Use the very attractive new ATTINY chips for your projects

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Frequent viewers know that I like GreatScott's  channel because he greatly develops people’s   interest in electronics. When he showed a  trigger board to keep a USB power bank on for   small projects, I thought: Great idea, but this  can be done better! And it is a perfect excuse   to tinker with the new ATtiny chips. He used a  50-year-old 555 timer IC, and I want to use a same   size and a similar price modern chip because this  chip let’s us put some “artificial” intelligence   into the project. During this journey, we  will learn about a very useful chip family,   discover some unknown behavior of power banks  as well as a new fake sold on AliExpress.   Grüezi YouTubers. Here is the guy with the Swiss  accent. With a new episode and fresh ideas around   sensors and microcontrollers. Remember: If you  subscribe, you will always sit in the first row.   We all know the Attiny13 and Attiny85  chips. They were perfect for small projects,   particularly in the SMD version. But they had  an important flaw: The in-circuit programming.   The new ATtinies overcame this issue and are  much easier to use. This is why I also want   to add them to my toolbox for later projects. But let's start with the project. Most power   banks automatically switch off if you do not  draw enough current. So, they are not usable   for most of our projects. GreatScott, amongst  other solutions, used a 555 timer to create   short peaks with enough current to keep the  power bank on all the time without consuming   too much energy. His device creates a short peak  just before the bank wants to cut off. Because   the automatic cutoff time of power banks varies  a lot, he had to use a potentiometer to adjust   the duration of the interval. This solution has two flaws:   1. You have to measure the  behavior of your power banks and   2. Adjust the potentiometer accordingly As mentioned, I wanted to replace the   555 timer with an MCU that automatically  does all the measurements and adjustments.   So it should work with all power banks. Oh boy, this was harder than I thought!   I started with a simple design similar to  GreatScott’s: An MCU, a FET instead of a   transistor, and a 47Ω resistor to create the  100mA peak current. I could now program a fixed   timing into the MCU and power the device  from the power bank. This would lead to a   design with fewer components than the one with  the 555 timer. But as usual on this channel:   We want more! As said before, the chip has to  characterize the behavior of the power bank   and then automatically determine the needed  timing. Did I ask for too much? I think: No.   The typical power bank starts to deliver  5V once a device is plugged in. The current   drawn by the device can be extremely small,  and still, it switches on. For small loads,   my power banks switched off after 20-120 seconds.  This time also seems to depend on the make of the   power bank and the load. So my plan was simple:  I power an ATtiny412 with a 3V coin cell that   does all the measurements by switching the  FET. These small buggers only consume mA when   they run and microamperes when they sleep. And  even less if you reduce the clock frequency.   Why did I choose the 412? The new ATtiny family  offers quite a few chips: From 8 pin to 24-pin   packages and from 2kB to 32kB flash. Do not use  chips with a “0” in the middle. They are outdated.   The 412 offers the biggest flash in an 8-pin  package and does not cost much more than the 212.   A voltage divider was needed to reduce the  maximal voltage to below 3V. As soon as the   Attiny measures 5V at its analog input, it knows  the power bank is on, and it starts to count   the time till it switches off. Now, we have the  parameter for the interval. If, in the future, we   trigger a bit earlier, we should have an optimum.  But how do we determine the length of the trigger   impulse? Easy: After the bank is switched off, we  “stimulate” it by switching the FET and counting   how long it takes until it switches on again.  Unfortunately, the banks did not switch on. Why is   that? Here, we get support from another feature of  the new Attiny chips: They support Serial.print,   our favorite debugging tool. If you connect  the RX of a USB-to-serial adapter to pin 2,   you can use Putty or better, MobaXterm to show the  output. Extremely cool! Remember that the memory   of these chips is small. So, use only a few short  debugging messages. Or start your project with an   Arduino Pro Mini, as I did, and wait till the end  of the video, where I show you a small trick.   I discovered that the voltage of the banks only  reduced to around 3 volts; never switched off,   and refused to be triggered again! What would you  do to solve this problem? I introduced a second   FET to disconnect the power bank completely.  Because this one has to be a P-channel type,   I had to add an N-channel type to switch it with  the 3V of the ATtiny. This worked somehow, but it   took long until the banks switched off. Obviously,  their detection circuit is very sensitive. After   playing around for quite some time, the sketch  to switch all transistors and measure voltage   and time became quite big. Still, it never  worked reliably. After losing a lot of time,   I did what I always do when I am stuck: I  switched everything off and went to bed.   The next morning, with a fresh brain, I  changed the assumptions for the project:   I no longer wanted to detect the time of the  impulse to switch the banks on. I decided to   determine a good value and let it be. Still, I  wanted to measure the switch-off time. Do you   see what opportunities this small change in the  specifications offered? The most important one   is: Because I no longer want to switch the bank  on, all my measurements can be done with the 5V   of the power bank. So, the coin cell was no longer  needed. Very good! And I replaced these two FETs   with something much cheaper: The user. This is  similar to modern software, where the users do   the testing, and supermarkets, where the shoppers  scan their purchases. You see, I learn fast!   What does this mean? If the user wants to  characterize a new power bank, he or she inserts   the trigger device into the USB connector of the  power bank. Then, as we know, 5V is immediately   available, and the ATtiny starts to run. It  counts the time till the bank switches off.   This is exactly the time we are searching for. If  we create a pulse before this time is over, the   power bank should keep on. But do you see the next  problem? Right when we know the result, the ATtiny   is switched off, and we lose it. Not what we need!  Again, what would you do to solve this issue?   I use a simple method: After each second, I store  the elapsed time in EEPROM. The last value is   exactly what we need! Cool. Now, we only have to  instruct the trigger device when to count and when   to run. This can be done with a push button.  If I connect my device to a new power bank,   I press the button while I insert it into the USB  connector. Now, it measures till the bank switches   off. The result is stored in EEPROM. From now on,  I can insert it without pressing the button, and   it starts triggering. Exactly like GreatScott’s  device. Just with fewer parts and more brains.   Is this already Artificial intelligence? For  the marketing department, for sure. Because   my brain obviously is transferred to this tiny  chip. Or at least parts of it. The EEPROMS are   rated at least for 10’000 write cycles, BTW. If  this is insufficient for you, you can write a   simple anti-wear function that uses a different  address every time it counts. So, our prototype   is finished, and we could create a small PCB. One thing of caution: The USB-C power banks   discovered that I tried to fake them and  switched off after a few minutes. Obviously,   they are more sophisticated. So here, we have  to use a standard USB-C trigger board or connect   pulldown resistors as shown in my USB-C video. But wait: I forgot something important:   The programming of the ATtiny. The old ATTinies  used ISP for programming. This protocol needs four   wires and, therefore, four pins of the 8-pin chip.  If you want to program the chips on your PCB,   you are no longer free to connect these pins.  So, we only have two completely free pins left.   The others are VCC and ground. Often, I put the  ATtiny on a socket and removed it for programming.   Not easy for SMD parts as you can imagine. The newer ATtinies use UPDI for programming.   It only needs one pin. And this pin is also  the reset pin. The rest is freely usable. So,   your soldered SMD chip can be programmed.  How cool is that! In addition, you do not   need a new programmer. Just use an old Arduino  Nano, add a 10µF cap between RST and GND and a   47kΩ resistor to pin D6. After flashing the Nano  with this code, your UPDI programmer is ready,   and you can select it in the Arduino IDE. Next, you have to copy this line into your   preferences tab in the Arduino IDE  and install the megaTinyCore. Now we   can program the whole new ATtiny family. The ATtiny412 only cost a few pennies. So,   shipping is the bigger cost. This is  why I ordered a few from AliExpress.   Unfortunately, the programmer refused to  work because the Chinese chips exposed the   wrong code. They pretended to be an ATtiny416,  which has 20 pins. Interestingly, they are not   complete fakes because I could flash the blink  sketch using the 416 “board definition”. Still,   I did not trust them and ordered others from a  more reliable source. Do you know how this very   strange behavior is possible? I could understand  a complete fake. But creating a working chip   with a wrong signature is over my head. Anyway, the new chips work like a charm,   and I added a few ATtiny1614 with 14 pins for  larger projects. As said, they do not cost much   if you can combine them with something else  to get free shipping on Mouser or Digikey.   What did we learn today? - If something looks simple   and straightforward, it often is not - Hacking devices is hard. Particularly   those with quite elaborate chips inside - Changing the requirements of your project   sometimes leads to a much better design. This  is particularly important if somebody says:   We did it always like that! - The new ATtiny family is a big   step forward because they can be programmed  using only one pin and support Serial.print   without any problems - We only need an old   Arduino Nano as a programmer - Open source and YouTube is   the right way to foster innovation.  Somebody like GreatScott has a good idea,   and an old guy like me adds his two cents Maybe somebody creates a PCB. My version   1 was created when I thought I knew how it  worked. You see, it still contains a battery.   One last thing: You might have asked what  these debug() and debugln() commands are. I   use them to switch the debugging messages  on and off. Here you find how I did it.   This was all for today. As always, you find  all the relevant links in the description.   I hope this video was useful or at  least interesting for you. If true,   please consider supporting the channel to  secure its future existence. Thank you! Bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 201,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SgV6_Y_sg4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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