How far can I broadcast LoRa packets WITHOUT a radio? - LoLRa

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Normally, to send RF signals, you would use radio  chips, or microcontrollers with radios in them,   or maybe get creative with your electrical  engineering degree. But really, any time   there is a change in electrical potential along  a conductor, an RF field is made. It can even be   as simple as turning a lightswitch on and off. This is a ch32v203. It’s a 35 cent microcontroller   without a radio of any kind. But, by noodling  one of its pin around at couple of megahertz   juuuuuust right, it’s sending LoRaWAN messages  to this commercial LoRa gateway at 904.5 MHz,   and that gateway is forwarding those packets to  the things network where they can be accessed   around the world… And it can do this from  over 400 feet away! I’ve worked on unusual RF   projects with microcontrollers before. But none  like this. It’s, one, kind of ridiculous to get   protocols running on microcontrollers that have  no business running them. It’s another altogether   when the results are orders of magnitude more  ridiculous than what any of the engineers I   talked to about this imagined. 400 feet just  barely scratches the surfaces of some of the   insane tests we’re going to show later on. As a general disclaimer, I wanted to point out   that most of the power we are transmitting is  being blorched all over the spectrum. While the   total radiated power is only a few microwatts,  only a few nanowatts is actually being put into   the intended LoRa transmission. This is not  something you could commercially use. This   isn’t even really something you should make one or  two units of to test a few minutes at a time.   A microcontroller is like a small computer. It’s  got a computing core, RAM, permanent memory and   I/O - but in all of these areas, microcontrollers  are very limited. This one has only about 64   kilobytes of flash and 20 kilobytes of RAM and is  typical of something like a USB keyboard or mouse   or other USB connected device. I love playing with these limited   resources because it forces me to think much  more creatively. Microcontrollers ride the   line between hardware, being mostly defined  by rules and laws, and software, where there   are no rules. Where software and physics mix  some very interesting things can happen.   With software running on a microcontroller, we  can turn switches on and off very quickly and   very precisely. Even though we can’t turn them on  or off any faster than a few tens of megahertz,   by turning them on and off very carefully, we  can create little bits of noise wayyyyyy up the   spectrum in places the chips have no business  sending anything. And that little bit of energy   can be created carefully and clearly enough to  be received by LoRa receivers. The solutions   I found to do this don’t just work on this one  microcontroller because of some hardware quirk,   but these solutions work on lots of  other microcontrollers as well!   Several weeks back, my friend Frank was  chatting in my discord server about various   RF technologies. When they explained some of  the technical details of LoRa, a long-range,   low-data-rate RF protocol, and that it was able  to traverse tens of kilometers with only a few   milliwatts of power, it was time for me to take  note. We chatted for a bit, and the thought of   sending LoRa packets without a radio (even just a  few inches or feet apart), it seemed outlandish,   but within the margin of possibility. And, if  there is anything that captivates my interest,   it’s the things that only have  a tiny chance of success.   The path this project took was circuitous,  and I’d really like to tell that story. So,   join me in the story of the most surprising  result from any of my projects I’ve ever had.   LoRa, although it’s very low-data-rate (on  the order of 2 kbits/s for most of our tests),   is specifically designed to operate over long  ranges at low power, which is pretty unique   among most wireless protocols. There’s only  a few available transceivers on the market,   and the protocol itself is still proprietary.  There is a lot of information online about LoRa,   and a lot of it is wrong. That’s because it’s all  been derived by various people through reverse   engineering, and with limited information, making  a functioning transmitter was… difficult.   One of the first difficulties was that  the operational frequency that inexpensive   microcontrollers can control IO is limited.  Typically from around 20 to 80 MSPS. Sometimes   core clocks are higher, like the ESP32-S2’s 240MHz  core clock, but there’s no way to route that   anywhere near output pins. So, the frequencies  we have to work with are all relatively low. But   if you’ve ever been involved in making a product  that must pass EMI/EMC Tests, you begin to fear   even these lower frequencies because they can  cause interference at higher frequencies.   That’s because when transistors turn on and  off, they don’t just make a principal frequency,   unless they are making a perfect sinewave. When  they make things that look more like square waves,   they generate “harmonics'' higher up the radio  spectrum. You can hear this in the difference   between a sinewave and a squarewave. Let’s lower the frequency much, much lower.   Even though it’s unlikely your speakers can  produce this 27.5Hz sinewave, you can hear   a 27.5Hz square wave! That’s because square  waves actually generate “odd” harmonics. That   is,.a square wave is made up of the fundamental  frequency as well as 3× the frequency, 5× the   frequency, 7× the frequency, and so on. Each of these harmonics up the spectrum is   much smaller, as a function of the physics  of being a square wave. When microcontrollers   produce square waves, there are also natural  physical limitations causing slew rate   limitation on the GPIO, further shrinking these  overtones. While the power might become very,   very small, these harmonics do exist. Armed with this knowledge, and a dream,   I wrote some code for the ESP32-S2 since it has an  Audio PLL or Phase Locked Loop that is extremely   versatile, able to generate fractionalized  multiples of the 40 MHz on-board crystal.   For instance, we could tune the numerator to  13.884, which it multiplies by the 40 MHz to   create a 555.36 MHz numerator which the PLL  internally divides by 4, to generate an APLL   clock of 138.84 MHz. Sadly, the highest I’ve  been able to get this out of the chip is through   another divide-by-two. So in this example,  that final output signal is 69.420 MHz.   Because this is a square-ish wave, it generates  odd harmonics, including the 13th harmonic,   at 902.46 MHz! Because no signal is a perfect  square, and odd harmonics ’power falls off with   frequency, there’s very little power left up  at 900 MHz, but it is there, which we can see   by moving the SDR antenna right next to the  wire pair on this swadge from MAGFest.   This swadge is a game system that uses an ESP32-S2  as the main processor, and it doesn’t really use   the built-in 2.4GHz radio for much. It also  has an SAO port for hobbyists to use as they   please. There’s nothing special about any  of the hardware on this swadge. But, we can   route both that 69.420 MHz signal and its inverse  to the SAO port here! And we can also tune that   just a little bit lower or a little bit higher,  and that’s all we need to transmit LoRa frames.   The reason we need to move the frequency around  a little is that LoRa uses “chirps” to actually   send data. Instead of just having a tone turn  on and off, like with OOK or On-Off keying,   AM or amplitude modulation, or PSK (phase shift  keying),. LoRa uses chirps. These chirps create   an up- or down- flowing tone, and depending on  where they start, they can convey information.   When I started this project, what I didn’t know  was just how hard it was to create these chirps,   outputting exactly the right frequencies at  exactly the right times. But I knew it was   going to take an enormous amount of trial and  error. In fact, my sandbox counts the number   of recompiles and uploads code to the ESP.  It took 1900 tries before I got everything   working robustly on the ESP32-S2. Thankfully, I was doing the development   in my esp32s2-cookbook idf-sandbox which  lets me change code, recompile, upload,   and run it in about 1 second instead of the 8 to  20 seconds that it takes for the IDF to reboot the   ESP into programming mode, build the firmware,  and reflash it and test it. It only took about   15 hours to get the ESP32-S2 transmitting readable  LoRa packets, whereas if I had been using the IDF,   it would have taken half that time just  recompiling and flashing process, and with   an attention span as short as mine, I probably  would never have finished this project.   My code simply reads the current time in  processor cycles, determines what the PLL   settings should be at that exact instant,  and writes them into the PLL’s registers.   I can create any frequency in the 903.9 MHz,  125kHz wide channel at any time by adjusting   the APLL’s output on the pin from 69.526  to 69.536 MHz, a spread of just 9.6 kHz.   With this, I can create several up chirps, as  a preamble, two more up chirps to define the   network type (0x43 for LoRaWAN), two and a quarter  down chirps, and a payload. The length of each   chirp depends on something called the spreading  factor, where for SF7 for instance, each chirp   takes 1,024us. For SF8, which goes slower,  each chirp takes 2,048us. Each one of these   chirps can encode seven or eight bits of data. If you think this sounds complicated, boy howdy   do I have some bad news for you. This is just the  tip of the iceberg. LoRa uses a very sophisticated   combination of Gray codes, interleaving, and error  correction in order to maximize the recoverability   of transmitted messages, even changing the number  of bits encoded into each chirp depending on the   spreading factor. And, with it not being a  standard, all of this information had to be   gleaned from reverse engineering efforts. I was able to adapt some code from MyriadRF   from one of those efforts. And with the help  of Frank getting some real packets captured,   after only about 500 attempts, I was  able to get a packet to be received   by this Mikrotik wAP LR9 commercial gateway! This was fun, and highly unusual, using a GPIO to   send signals up at 900 MHz that had no business  being there. The signal was really ragged,   producing a lot of spurious noise around  the intended frequency, and its tracking   on the actual intended frequency was rather  poor. The APLL is a rather analog system.   It was a bit of a dead end. Nothing I  did was able to clean up the signal,   and while it was technically working, on the  13th harmonic, I had to give up just accepted   my (well I thought) mediocre success. On top of  that, it just wasn’t impressive enough because   after all there was a Wi-Fi radio sitting in  this ESP32-S2 (even though I wasn’t using it),   and I was curious if there were any other ways and  other directions that might yield more fruit.   I moved onto the ESP8266 because it has a very  potent glorified shift register in the form of   an I2S bus that can be fed with DMA. This is  what I used in a previous video to broadcast   color Channel 3 NTSC video at 62.5MHz. For ESP8266 development, I didn’t need the wifi,   and so I used my nosdk8266 project. Really there  are two reasons behind this. One is on many   systems I struggle to get the python packages  properly installed to be able to use the whole   toolchain with its dependencies for esptool. The  other is it would take several seconds to compile   and flash the ESP every time I wanted to test even  a few lines of code difference. I just recently   removed esptool’s usage from nosdk8266 in  favor of Dr. Wolf’s esputil (a completely C,   multi-platform esp programming tool with zero  dependencies and downloadable binaries), so   that I completely remove the need to fool around  with python dependencies, and, because there’s no   massive SDK, I can develop quickly… and do things  with the ESP8266 that you ordinarily can’t do.   For one, normally the ESP8266 can only be  run with an 80MHz AHB, limiting the maximum   you can twiddle a pin at being 40MHz… But  with NOSDK8266, we can overclock the AHB to   around 216% of its original speed, shifting  data out on an IO pin at 173MSPS, able to   generate a max frequency of around 86.5MHz. It’s a fixed 173MSPS. So you can’t play the same   game as we were on the ESP32-S2. We’re locked into  that 173. We talked about harmonics, but there’s   another trick I have up my sleeve. This one is one  I learned from that color television project that   I previously mentioned. You can create arbitrary  signals, and through the magic of aliasing and   images, a signal can get reflected around half  of the sampling frequency, as well as 3×, 5×,   7× (and, well, all the odd harmonics)  of that sampling frequency as well.   When I was transmitting color video on 61.25MHz,  my actual signal was actually at 18.75MHz but   reflected around 40MHz. What’s weirder is that  it’s a reflection. So a tone at 39MHz has an   impostor at 41MHz, and a tone at 20MHz (much  lower) has an impostor at 60MHz (much higher).   The Wikipedia article on undersampling is a pretty  good introduction to the kind of thinking that’s   needed when working in this domain. When we enter this regime of digital   synthesis, things get … weird. A single tone can be reflected and aliased around   several ways before it lands where I want it to,  and there’s weird restrictions. For instance,   as you synthesize frequencies whose base is very  close to the base sampling frequency, the amount   of power that can actually be transmitted  is very low because there are very few bit   transitions - to get power you have to turn the  IO on and off a lot - so you have to be careful   what frequency you select and shift around. While it would be a good thing if you were to   understand exactly what’s going here, as  the RF signal is shifted around and mixed,   to understand why there are so many weird  images all over the spectrum, it’s not   crucial. There is a shortcut which I haven’t  really found people talking about anywhere. So   if it doesn’t already have a name, I’m gonna  call it the lohrcut. You can just ignore all   the fancy math and write some code to “imagine”  the signal you want at the frequency you want,   and you just sample it where you would output  a bit. Heck, you can even skip bits if you know   where they will be skipped. Maybe this is just  undersampling? And to go from analog to digital,   if the signal is >0 output a 1, if it’s <0, output  a 0… Or if you ever did want to change amplitude,   you can just shift it up or down. That’s… it. When you do this shortcut, it generally seems to   produce pretty good results causing the desired  signal to be produced where you want it produced   (though it does come with other garbage up and  down on the spectrum). And I haven’t found any   ways of producing more of the signal when the  only output is a sub-harmonic bitstream.   Also - when precomputing the signal, you can take  as long as you want, creating it ahead of time,   then burn the pattern into the part’s flash. So  the microcontroller can produce what would be   a very difficult to produce signal just  by blasting through a lookup table.   I can hear some of you Nyquisters out there  saying, “But you can only receive or send   signals at half the sampling rate.” Having  tasted and seen intentional aliasing, I hope   all engineers let go of the ½fs safety blanket  and develop a more nuanced view of sampling.   The approach I took was to pre-compute a  bitstream for an up-chirp and a down-chirp   for a given target channel, bandwidth, spreading  factor, and clock frequency. I flash this on the   ESP8266 at a specific place in FLASH and read  into RAM at boot since the FLASH stops working   when we overclock the ESP anyway. That  way I could iterate very quickly on my   code without needing to reflash the table. I originally got it working when overclocking   the ESP to 173MHz, then after some tweaks,  I got it working down to the factory speed   of 80MHz. Each one of the transitions of the RX  pin on the ESP causing just a small disturbance   just very carefully placed where I want it. I  was able to push the bit rate all the way down   to 7.2Msps before I just could not get any 900  MHz LoRa messages through. With a requirement   of only 7.2Msps, this could be ported to  all sorts of much cheaper microcontrollers,   use less memory resources or other  resources inside the processor.   Even though the disturbances this is creating  up at 900 MHz is microscopic when the bitstream   is only 7.2 MSPS, its output less than  3.6MHz, LoRa receivers tuned to the 900   MHz still get a miniscule signal and  somehow can understand the messages.   One of LoRa’s tricks is that it can understand  messages below, way below the noise floor.   Once I had all the code set to precompute  the bitstreams to generate LoRa messages,   I then ported the project to the CH32V203  I showed at the beginning of this video,   a totally radio-less part. It has a DMA-controlled  SPI bus that can shift bits out at one half of the   system clock. So, for a part operating at the  factory speed of 144MHz, we can shift bits out at   72Mbit/s. It still took several hundred cycles  of programming to get the bitstream reasonable   and I had to iterate through several different  patterns. After I ran into difficulties with the   crystal control circuitry and the and PLL, and  had to have my ESP32-S2 programmer generate a   24MHz reference to work off of, clocking through  various configurations. Eventually I was able to   get the signal working at 144 MHz and using the  normal crystal oscillator. In doing this port I   found a few minor issues with the code as it  stood on the 8266, and so I fixed that port,   by updating a common header file. I then ported the whole project to the CH32V003,   the 10 cent little brother to the 203, and after  a lot of trouble getting it to produce a workable   signal, I found a few bugs that were present in  the 203 codebase and even one or two in the core   LoRa code, I eventually found out the compiler  replaced some of my carefully written code with   a `memcpy` which was not specifically  tuned to the low-end RISC-V processors,   and had strange side-effects resulting in slightly  mangled (but understandable) bistreams because of   the timing of each assembly instruction in its  loop. I had to rewrite the code in assembly to   get it to go fast enough on the 003. After moving  this improvement back to the 203, it performed   even better! I think `memcpy` was right on the  edge of keeping up on the 203, but now using a   custom copy it’s able to easily keep up. As a side-note, I never could figure out how   to make the SPI of the 203 perfect, and  I’m really sad I couldn’t get its i2s   engine working because that probably would have  been perfect - if it even has an i2s engine.   You can see a little bit of junk around  our signal, whereas something like the   ESP8266 really is perfect. I’d like to try doing  a timer- or DMA-fed-timer approach some day, since   that might be perfect and use less storage. Now that I had the ability to send LoRa messages,   let’s take this to the next level. With  LoRaWAN packets! If one of these bad boys   gets received by a LoRa gateway connected to  the things network or the helium network, it   can be relayed through the internet and around the  world. So a microcontroller “printf” on someone’s   desk in another country could be sent to an app  running on the server in my parents’ basement.   Thankfully, there’s a clean separation where the  underlying LoRa protocol is mostly encapsulated   away from the higher level LoRaWAN packets. To receive these packets from the things network   via my MikroTik LR9, I had to set up a new app  on the things network. From there I created a   new device using the base LoRaWAN 1.0.0 Spec and  selected Activation by personalization (ABP). This   makes it possible to share the secret  encryption keys with the device without it   ever needing to receive any packets at all! Setting the Device ID, NwkSKey, AppSKey and   programming them into a commercial device, Frank  was able to generate some valid LoRaWAN packets,   and I was able to snag on-air and decode the raw  encrypted data with lora-grc running gnuradio.   I just had to figure out how to make my packets  encrypt using the correct AES key and compute the   right AES-CMAC so that my code would have the same  output as the commercial code which worked. This   took a lot of trial and error and re-reading the  LoRaWAN spec (At least that one is documented.),   trying to navigate one-indexed, zero-indexed  arrays and example code, writing my own CMAC   code from the ground up (which is now licensed  under the unlicense if anyone wants it)... When   transmitting the same payload as Frank, I  was finally able to get the same output.   After hooking it up and finding out I needed to  check the box that allows frame counter resets on   the things network, packets were flowing! I cleaned up the LoRaWAN generation into   a single function call then ported to the  CH32V203, and the project was complete.   In downtown Bellevue, my girlfriend took  a ch32v203 with a short wire plugged into   the MOSI pin and connected it to a USB  power bank. We started at just a few feet,   since that's all I ever expected. But we kept  having to re-adjust the test as we kept going   further and further. Eventually we got to the  farthest places where we could get line of sight,   and we were just able to find some orientations  where packets would flow. We were transmitting   valid LoRaWAN frames 440 feet or 134 meters. We re-did the test at both 125kHz and 500kHz   channel widths. When going to 500kHz to maintain  the same airtime, I increased the SF number by 2.   This has the effect of sending the same amount  of data through, but with a signal spread wider   and lower. When operating at 500kHz channels, the  receiver was getting signals down at -18dB SNR!   18dB SNR means that for every one part signal,  there’s almost a hundred parts noise. So on these   waterfall plots you can’t see the transmitted  signal at all. Decibels or dB are a logarithmic   scale. For every 3dB change, that corresponds  to a halving or doubling power. Every 10dB,   to a ten times increase or decrease. Every 6dB  up corresponds to a doubling of range and 6dB   down a halving. And when dealing with absolute  power like dBm, 0dBm corresponds to 1mW of   power. -10dBm corresponds to 100uW, -30dBm  corresponds to just one microwatt of power.   When we look at this SDR waterfall view, and we  see the extra junk hanging around our graphs,   it’s important to note that this image right here  is actually 1/10th the power of this peak right   here. Don’t let the log scale fool you. The little wire we plugged into the MOSI pin   could have been a trace on a PCB going to a  touch button, LED, switch, or going somewhere   else inside of an actual product. People call the  misused connection inside a product as an antenna   a “funtenna.” While having a wire connected  to nothing is as optimal as you can get,   short of having a proper antenna, it’s by no means  unrealistic in principle as we’ll see later.   For the sake of the main thesis of the video -  using a regular devboard, an analog for a consumer   product like a camera, audio digitizer,  or the like… Without any hardware mods,   just different firmware, we could send messages  to a commercial off-the-shelf gateway in a   crowded downtown area and have these same messages  forwarded messages to the internet. And it worked   at around 435 feet or 132 meters away. I would  consider this a madcap success. It completely   blew my mind. I asked my dad about this problem,  sketching it out. His original expectation is   that we’d be able to transmit no more than  20 feet. And even that I was dubious of.   But why stop here? What if we go  somewhere with a longer line of   sight and somewhere without tens of thousands  of electronic devices blaring in my block?   Frank and I went to a park in a more suburban  area to do a test, this time with a receiver   with an external antenna. We completely exhausted  the length of the park before he had to go into   the woods, and we lost track after 550 feet. We then went to a paragliding strip figuring   there’d be no way we’d max out the 1,100 feet.  But nope. We still got packets through loud and   clear. We then found a straight road before  we got a fair max distance reading of 2,200   feet or 669 meters. And at -133dB receive power!  This is more of a testament to LoRa and not just   this project that my little transmitter,  transmitting at probably 50 nanowatts,   could make messages that could be received  and decoded over a third of a mile away.   There was some foliage between the transmitter  and receiver, and we wanted to push this and give   the parts the best opportunity it could get! Frank took his drone, and my girlfriend and I   went out to a huge park to do a real, clear  line of sight range test. We strapped the   little radio-less CH32V203 to his quadcopter and  sent it on its way. First with a 125kHz channel,   then with a 500kHz channel, and we were able to  get a definitive answer. The little ch32v203 was   able to go 2220’ or 677m at 125kHz channel width  or 1752' or 534m at 500kHz channel width.   Then, for kicks, we decided to do a little  hardware mod and overvolt the ch32v203 to 5V   instead of the 3.3V that it’s rated for.  And were able to get it to talk 3996' or   1218m! Admittedly this is “cheating,” but  it’s incredible that we were able to get   packets to flow over a whole kilometer without  ANY external passive or active components.   After some discussion, we made a new, slightly  shorter antenna based on some VNA tests,   switched back to 3.3V, and sent the 203 off  to finally get our definitive number.   Our little CH32V203, with factory settings,  was able to reach 2719' 829m with only a   little wire hanging off the MOSI pin. We had  our final answer. We were able to transmit   valid LoRa packets over half a mile. While we were at the park we also tested   an ESP8266 and found that it was able  to send lora messages 2789’ or 850m.   We packed up to go home, but then Frank noticed  the swadge I had in my bag and asked about it.   I thought about how I started with an ESP32-S2  initially, but that its signal was really rough,   and we wouldn’t be able to get more than  a few feet with it. But that was before I   uncovered all the bugs discovered with the other  processors. So, we decided to just do a quick test   by walking on the ground. I’m at a thousand feet.   Whelp. Still comin’ through.   I had to go to work, but we returned later that  day, where it was a bit more rainy, a little snowy   and a lot more filled with elk. We programmed the  ESP32-S2 in the swadge to make 125kHz wide SF10   coded packets, strapped it to the quadcopter,  put on a bitenna, and sent it on its way. Frank   got 1429 meters (or 4895 feet) away til he had to  fly back, but all our packets were still coming   through at almost a kilometer and a half away! Just to do a test with a funtenna, we decided to   remove all the wires from the swadge and  used it as it comes, without any hardware   mods at all, and got 705’ or 215 meters! Running out of daylight quickly, we estimated   the max theoretical range based on the current  receive power and SNR and found a very, very   straight trail nearby. Frank drove to one part  and sent up his drone with the swadge on it,   and I drove to another part, parked and started  walking to where the trail would get straight.   It’s so hard to express how utterly deranged this  seemed. I was soaking wet. It was around freezing.   I couldn’t feel my fingers, and I was walking  to a dot on a map, 2.5kM or 1.6 miles from   where Frank sent up his drone and hoped that  by waving a LoRa receiver around in the air,   I was going to capture a LoRa packet. And… after a message from our sponsor. Just   kidding. That’s… exactly… what… happened. The ESP32-S2’s audio PLL, the marginal failure   from earlier on in the project, which I thought  was too dirty to do anything useful with, was a   complete sleeper success. That little Audio PLL  built into it turned out to be the GOAT. Sixteen   decibels below the noise floor, we caught a packet  at -141 dBm, or less than one hundredth of a   femtowatt. I have a whole new level of respect  for the engineers involved in the creation of   LoRa and the designers of the receivers. And Espressif, if you see this, pleeease   bring back the audio pll for new chips. It’s so  powerful and can be used in so many novel ways.   Anyway, It was over.   It was finally over. Not only did an ESP32-S2 send a packet at 900MHz,   a frequency that its radio can’t operate at, it  transmitted the packet farther than any ESP32-S2   has ever sent a packet of any kind without some  kind of directional antenna or signal booster.   This insane rabbit hole came to an end, and  on the other side was something even more   outlandish and unhinged than wonderland. There’s a lot of things I learned on this   project and some interesting tools  I found I just wanted to mention.   One of those tools was the AirSpy or AirSpy Mini.  I’ve previously used RTL-SDRs to great success,   but the AirSpys are massively better in both SNR,  dynamic range, and bandwidth. It was so helpful   to see 10MHz of spectrum at once instead of being  limited to the 3.2MHz that the RTL-SDR able to.   Another really great tool is GQRX. It’s very  similar to SDR#, but for Linux and just feels   a little bit simpler to use. It really helps  for getting a lay-of-the-land or a smoke-test   to see if I really am transmitting where I  think I am. It helps me kinda scrub around   and find the signal. It also helps me to get a  feeling for how powerful the signals that are   being transmitted are and where they lie. In conjunction with the AirSpy Mini and GQRX,   you can can now clearly see a large chunk  of the spectrum to help get a more intuitive   understanding of just what is going on in reality.  For instance, being able to look at this signal   here and how moving the antenna around just a  few millimeters can so drastically change its   receive pattern, causing even slightly different  frequencies to go in and out of destructive   and constructive interference modes. This actually shows a major point - that   for signals like LoRa, and even wifi (for more  info on that see my video on High Res Wifi Signal   Mapping), for reliable signals, diversity or  related technology is crucial. Diversity means   receiving (or transmitting) signals from  two separate antennas spatially separated,   that way while there are going to be few if any  dead zones. For narrow-band signals like LoRa,   even a few millimeters difference in position  and orientation can mean humongous changes in   effective range, where the signal can  go from very strong to invisible.   By having multiple antennas, you can apply  a swiss cheese model. While there are holes   when using one antenna and holes when using  another antenna, or if 2 antennas on each side,   all 4 combinations, the chances of you being  somewhere and in an orientation where all the   combinations fail quickly approaches zero. Another helpful tool was gnuradio. This app is   designed to do some more advanced operations  with SDR, and there are multiple LoRa decoders   available for it, though all of them are  somewhat buggy’, So I can’t recommend any.   They were helpful none the less to sanity check  my work. One thing I did with it was I took the   input data stream, ran a small FFT, and logged  the output of that FFT to a file. Then I could   go in and use stb_image_write to output a .png  file - I’ve included this in the tools folder   of this project’s repo, `lorasoft`. A sort of  very-high-time-resolution waterfall view.   This came in really handy when we tried cloning  my garage door opener with an ESP8266. I looked   at the back of the opener, googled the FCC ID  which it said 310MHz. Checked it on GQRX and   saw a signal right there at 310MHz. Then,  I ran the high resolution waterfall on it.   I could see that the signal was using a  sort of OOK modulation, so I just cloned   the pattern of on and off pulses and wrote  my bit table generator to output 310MHz.   Shockingly, I got about the same range  with my ESP8266 transmitting 310MHz on   an GPIO as I did from the real opener! Oh, there’s also another interesting wrinkle   with the bit table generator. It matters that  one selects a good period for it. For instance,   if you pick an arbitrary number of bits for  your table size, the wave might not line up   when the one wave wraps around off the end  of the table back to the beginning. So it’s   important to make sure you output your bits  so there’s as small of an error as possible   when going off the end of the table back to the  beginning. Discontinuities will cause significant   side-band noise messing with the signal. One thing to note here is that if you do make it   line up, you will get a very narrow and powerful  signal. Great if that’s what you want, but many   times that may not be what you want. Let’s look at something like the CH32V003. It has   both an internal RC oscillator, or it can use an  external crystal. Even when using a crystal, it’s   rough to use it for this project because the clock  wanders around some. On average the 003 runs 48   MHz, but over the course of several microseconds,  the clock rate can vary, pretty a lot. And when   you compare with the RC oscillator, the clock  moves around so much that it spreads any noise   that is generated all over the spectrum. For most engineers this is a huge benefit. If   you are hoping to create a product that  can pass FCC testing, this feature is a   godsend. It just makes it so if you are trying  to abusively modulate signals out the SPI port,   you’re gonna have a bad time. Congratulations. You made it to the   end of this video, I hope I’ve been able to  inspire you to do something new and fun that   goes beyond the datasheet. Don’t just paint by  numbers using the existing arduino libraries.   Explore just how wide the canvas goes. While my code isn’t perfect, I’m sure there’s   bugs. And it doesn’t work with spreading  factors other than 7-10. All of my code,   as well as a detailed write up, is  available on github–link in description.   I wanted to say thanks to Matt Knight and for  their reverse engineering work, myriadrf and   Arne Hennig for their work on writing code to work  with the LoRa protocol, gr-lora_sdr developers,   Frank for his inspiration and depth of RF  knowledge, Willmore for the editing work,   several other folks from my Discord for  their help, and, you. Thanks for watching.
Channel: CNLohr
Views: 146,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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