Use multiple UV sets on a single object in Maya 2015

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hello in this video I would like to go over how to create multiple UV sets and use multiple textures on a single object now the first question may be why would you want to do this well the simple answer is efficiency if we if we kind of think of this object I have in my viewport as a brick wall with four sides simple brick wall the celo brick wall if I wanted to create a texture for this that goes all the way around and and it's different in every spot I would have to create a fairly large texture by using multiple UV sets and multiple textures I could blend two textures on top of each other which will allow me to use say a repeating or tile able texture for one for one UV set and like a dirt or a grunge texture for another UV set and this will let me get unique detail across my brick wall with a fairly large amount of detail it's not going to be too low resolution so first I just have my brick wall I haven't done anything to the UVs yet I still have if we go to my object here I still have Lambert one applied to that so let's go ahead and apply a different material to this object so I'm just going to right click on my object and go down to assign new material and just for the sake of giving us a little bit of specularity here instead of a blend or instead of a Lambert I'm going to use a blend so I'll apply a blend that then let's look at our UVs so if I go to edit UVs UV texture editor what I have is obviously I just created this from a cube so what I have here are UVs that are that we're basically automatically generated whenever whenever I created the cube so let me change the UVs a little bit here so I will the first thing I want to do before I ever edit my UVs I want to delete my history and freeze my transformations so I will go to edit delete by type history and then modify freeze transformations and basically what that does is it zeroes all of my translations out so there's no more history in here so my UVs are kind of fresh to be edited so to to kind of rearrange my UVs here I'm just going to go to create UVs automatic map I'll just do a simple automatic map I'm leaving everything at its default nothing here is going to be changed I'm just leaving it as it is for now so to create an additional UV set I'm going to go to create UVs UV set editor make sure I have my object selected and object mode and in my UV set editor you'll see map 1 now this is our basic default UV set so I'm going to go ahead and click new and that will create a new UV set that's just called UV set and if I click on that it will switch to a blank UV set editor so there's no UV tied to this object in this UV set yet so the first thing I want to do is just rename this for the sake of consistency so instead of calling this a UV set one I'm going to rename this to map 2 so now I have map 1 and map 2 so if I go in and go to map 2 and do the same thing I did before go to create UVs automatic mapping and less just so we could see a difference here what I'm going to do is right click and go to UVs and select all of my UVs here and just rotate them a little bit and move them around some so now if I go to my UV texture editor and I go to UV sets you'll see that you have to have map 2 which is currently active and then map 1 so if I switch between those you'll see that now we have two different UV sets so how do we apply two different textures to these the first thing we need to do is create a layered texture something we can plug two different textures into so I'm going to close my UV set editor out I don't really need that anymore unless I want to create another UV set and I'm going to go to my Blin so I'll just right click my brick wall and go to material attributes more time material attributes there we go blend and I'll just go ahead and name this to brick wall matte so I want to apply a layered texture to my color so I'm going to click on this little checkered box here to bring up my create render nodes and we will go to 2d textures set right 2d textures see if we can find this - easy way to find this if you can't is just to come up to the top here and start typing in what you're looking for so I type in LA and you see that layered texture automatically comes up so I'm going to apply a layered texture to this to the color now by default it throws this little green textured note in here and we probably want to jump over to our hyper shade to see what this is actually looking like so to get to our hyper shade I'm going to go to display I'm sorry window rendering editors hyper shade so we have our brick wall mat here and I'm going to click that guy and click this button right here which is input and output connections so basically what that's going to do is graph our material and we can zoom out just like we can in our viewport here move things around so let's go ahead and and look at how we can apply textures to this layered texture material so I'll click on my layered texture here and just to start I'm going to go ahead and click on I just click to create a new actually I'm not going to do that what I'm going to do is create a file node I'm actually going to create two final nodes so I'll come up to my little search bar here and type file or Fi and then I get file node and I'll just go ahead and create two and with these guys they are both going to get a place 2d texture node and once I connect these things up and and use you know assign them to their you unique UV patterns or UV sets I will get another note and I'll explain what that is too but for now what I'm going to do is just go to my layered texture here and I'm going to middle Mouse drag my file one and my file two over to this layered texture area and then I can get rid of that little green color there and that's basically going to turn my my object or my material black so the simplest way to kind of start connecting up multiple materials here is just selecting your file node then I go over to where it says image name and I'm going to navigate to my desktop where I have a couple textures already laid out so I have a brick pattern that is tileable so it repeats and I'll just start with that one now so I have that one applied to my layered my layered texture so we can see that file one there is applied to my layered texture and if I just minimize my hypershade and I go over to my viewport and I want to look at my shaded mode so I just hit 6 on my keyboard so I can see this in its shaded mode so it doesn't look very high detailed or really what I want at the moment my bricks aren't the right orientation so let's jump over to my UV texture editor and edit my UVs a little bit so by default everything gets applied to your UV map one which if I go to my UV sets I'm currently on map too and that's why I can't see a texture here at the moment if I go to map 1 and then go to textures and go to peak you blen 1sg which is the name of my material 501 then we see a texture here so what I can do now is I can sort of rearrange my UVs so they repeat and this a sort of low resolution texture will be repeated and start to look kind of high resolution so the first thing I'm going to do before I start rearranging my UVs is just click on this little button right here and that's going to darken my my image a little bit in my UV texture editor just so I can see my UVs a little bit better so let's go ahead and grab all of our UVs I'm going to rotate them and I'm going to scale them way up so we can start to see a little more detail in our object so now just using a fairly small resolution texture we've repeated it so we've given our wall a fairly high amount of resolution now the problem with this is is that we can clearly see it repeating you know this is kind of becoming a pattern and we see bricks repeat so it's not very realistic in terms of of how the detail is laid out it's nice because it repeats and it's continuous and it gives us a high resolution by using a very small texture but it doesn't really give us a ton of detail like we would want so that's we're using multiple UV sets and multiple textures comes in handy now I can apply a very low resolution dirt or grunge texture to this and make it look like every brick is sort of unique and has its own unique detail so that's what I'm going to do with file two in my hypershade so I have file two here that's also applied to my UV texture editor so I'm going to select that and I'm going to go to image name and look for my other image which is concrete leaking so it's a very long image texture it's going to look kind of squished in my UV texture editor but that's okay I'll click open and at the moment we're not going to see a difference in our object because our file one is on top of our file two so if I click and drag or if I'm middle click and drag my file one behind my file two then we see the other texture so now my file two is on top of my file one so that's what we see now I can blend this on top of my file one so we can see this detail below the detail and file one or above on top of the detail and file one so I'm going to select my file two here I'm going to go to blending mode and I'm going to select multiply so now we can see all that detail being sort of blended on top of the other brick wall now the problem here is it still repeats and and it's still using our UV set one or our map one so we want to kind of apply that to the other UV set so we can edit those UVs individually and make them look like some unique detail is going on there so to achieve that we're going to go to our window relationship editors you V linking UV centric now if I right-click go to object mode and click on my object what we're going to see is our object shape which this is our Bret black or a brick wall excuse me and then this is our material so brick wall matte and then we have all of our files that are associated with that material so file1 and file2 now our object itself has two UV maps and we see those here we see map 1 and map 2 so if I click on map 1 the other files that are associated with map 1 will be highlighted so I'll click on map 1 and we see that those are highlighted so I want my file 1 to be associated with map 1 but not file - I want file 2 to be associated with map 2 so I'm going to click on file 2 to unlink it from map 1 which it won't let me do that so I'll kind of do that in the in the reverse I'll click on map 2 and link file 2 to map 2 so then you see our UVs automatically kind of snap and change there so going back to map 1 map 1 is connected to file 1 and map 2 is connected to file 2 so I can close that for now now I can go back to my UV texture editor zoom in here and we're looking we can look at our UV set 1 so we have those UVs that are the brick wall being repeated and then I can switch to map 2 and our texture isn't showing up so I can go to textures here and select file - and that will show me the texture that's being associated with that object so now basically what I want to do is rearrange my wall our my UV shells here so they fit that grun texture properly so I'll go to UVs move I'll just do one shell at a time here move those guys out of the way scale the sky way up because remember my texture here is really squished in my UV texture editor so I want to try and compensate for that by squishing my brick wall a little bit okay see sorry I was just kind of playing around with a new feature there to see if it worked the way I thought it would so then I can grab my next UV shell here and move that over just scale that up and sort of fit that where I want it to have a little bit of a unique area and I'm just overlapping them right on top of each other at the moment now if I wanted to do this in conjunction would say a occlusion map and be an occlusion map I could do a another UV set and just for the ambient occlusion map and then I could do that throw that into my layered texture as well and then I would have some ambient occlusion in my scene now I do realize that this one is upside down so I'm just going to flip that guy over then I will bring this guy over as well so now I have an object a brick wall that's using a repeating Thai level texture and a non-repeating tileable or a non repeating texture and using them in combination makes every single pixel on my texture unique so even though we see it repeating you know even though we can go back and look at say this brick compared to this brick before where they were exactly the same now they have unique details and they're each slightly different because that other texture is sort of layered on top of it so that is how to use multiple UV sets and multiple textures on one object to create some high-resolution unique detail with very low resolution textures
Channel: Glen Gramling
Views: 69,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Education, Autodesk Maya (Award-Winning Work), UV, Texturing, 3d Modeling, Tutorial, Learn, Maya 2015, Animation, Help
Id: whC27viDT70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
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