Use Movie Clips Like MagnatesMedia to BLOW UP on YouTube

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one thing magnet's media does frequently is ADD movie clips to his videos why would he go and do that you might think you need to be some big fancy YouTuber to do it very fancy you don't I do it all the time and I'm just a little fell on YouTube You're Nobody and I haven't gone to jail it's only a matter of time yet I have a bunch of videos on my Channel about how to find and download movie clips without getting arrested or Worse sued I will sue your ass please don't I linked the video you're going to want to watch after this in the description below serious thank you Trevor here's how to add movie clips to your videos and tweak them like magnates media using cap cut once you've downloaded your movie clips like I show you in the linked video you're going to want to put them in a folder where you can find them get ready you're going want to take a screenshot of this in 3 2 I organize my folders and files like this for each project so I can always find what I'm looking for never ever ever leave anything you use in your videos like video graphics and music and sound effects on your desktop or look like this when you want it to look like this once you have your movie clips in the correct folder you just add them to your timeline like you would add any other video clip magnates media and I use our movie clips a little bit differently he has a documentary style so he has voiceover and he has movie clips that complement what he's saying where I use movie clips usually just to kind of banter back and forth to add a little bit of humor to my videos you're not funny so let's do a combo of magnates media and Trevor we'll recreate the open of this video that's got the back and forth thing that I do with movie clips in my videos and then we'll add some filters and effects to the videos like magnates media does in his videos but first I want to give you some tips on how to use movie clips in your videos so they actually land and feel like they belong there the key to making movie clips work is to not leave them to chance you need to plan them in advance what I do is I write out my script and then I think huh wouldn't it be great if some famous actor said this right after that line that I just gave and then I search using the methods I show in that linked video and I see if somebody actually said that or something similar that would work and then I'll kind of tweak my script a little bit so that it fits a little better with whatever I found and this is all before I hit record another thing you're really going to want to do to make movie clips land is only use Clips where the guy speaking is the guy on camera you can see him you don't get the back of his head while he's talking you want to see his mouth moving and usually because the clips I use are so short I want them to be well lit so they're easy to read within just a couple seconds they don't have time to process a big long scene and clips changing it's just going to be usually one take one shot of one guy staring at the camera that's well lit and then it's really easy to read when you pop in some random guy in the middle of you talking just some random guy I also try to find Clips with clear audio not a lot of background noise or music so that they are easier to process when some random face pops on the screen when you've been talking but if you do find something that has music in the background and you really want to use the clip and it's too hard to understand with the music capcut has a way to get rid of the music and I I'll show you that in a minute too too let's jump into cap cut you can see here that I've already roughed out the open with the part with me speaking we just need to add the movie clip so first we're going to import the movie clips going to jump up here and click import and because my project is organized I know exactly where they all are if I click here I see that I'm in my movies folder under my Trevor Jones Creator folder inside the magnate media folder I created on this state and in the footage folder and inside the footage folder I've got movie so I just click on that guy and select import and now all my movies Clips are in here the other thing you'll notice when I double click this we can see inside I have named all of them so I can find them easily when I want to insert them and I have my script written out so that I know what goes where this first few seconds looks like this one thing magnet media does frequently is ADD movie clips to his videos and then I just look at my script and see oh the line that goes there is why on Earth would he do that so I just scroll down and I find that clip why on Earth would he go and do that so I'm just going to go ahead and click this plus sign so it adds it to the track and it's just like editing anything else all my stuff is edited resetting movie clips over itps to his videos why in Earth would he go and do that you might so I'm just going to clean that up a little bit he has a little haha at the end so I'm going to get rid of that because this is in my magnetic timeline still if I type the letter W it will delete this and pull everything else over so I'm just going to type w I'm not going to be using the magnetic timeline anymore because I want these clips above so I can stagger them a little bit and have one clip overlap the other more easily and if I just pull this up look what it does it just sucked all the other Clips over I'm going to undo that now I'm going to turn off the magnetic timeline right here so now when I lift this up it doesn't suck everything over and I have a little more control I'm also going to zoom in here by holding down the command key on my Mac or the control key on the PC and hitting my scroll wheel now I can see what's going on here look at the waveforms and have things line up now one issue I see when people try to use movie clips they don't have them tight enough they have to be tight and not separated so I'm going to bring this over to here and let's see how it works videos why would he go so maybe even a little tight I'm just going to drag it over a tiny bit more and another issue we see is that we can see through this clip and see me because this is WID screen now I could remove me below and make it just leave the black bars here but I want it to be a little more consistent so it's not so jarring so I'm just going to scale up this clip so it fills the frame completely and since that main guy is talking I'm going to slide it over this way a little bit and now we have the intro to his videos why Earth would he go and do that let's go ahead and bring this next section over you'll notice that I highlighted all these so I could bring them all over at once there's actually a better way to do that and that is by hitting the right bracket which selects watch this cursor it selects the select right word and if you forget the keystroke the right bracket you can also go over here and choose select right word and that way I can select anything to the right of this arrow and drag it over like that we hit undo but I want to be able to move all of this stuff precisely until it lines up exactly how I want it and there might be a little bit of overlap let's go ahead and zoom in again remember command and control and use your scroll wheel to zoom in so let's see how this lines up would he go and do that you might think you need to be some and maybe just a little bit more to the right there go and do that you might think you need to be some big fancy YouTuber to do it now we're going to add our next movie clip which is very fancy so I'm going to scroll down here to very fancy and drop this guy in going to position the play head about where I want him to go so I'm just going to click on this little plus icon here and it's going to add it to the timeline in the first available space above where the playhead is and obviously it's going over me I don't want that so I still have this right word tool selected I'm going to slide everything over here and make room for it and let's see how it looks here fancy YouTuber to do it supposed to be very fancy and I don't want all of that I just want him to say very fancy and I can see in the waveform where that is is right here very fancy very fancy so I'm just going to delete this part part here and I'm just going to hit the Q now because the magnetic timeline is on Q will only make the cut and delete that it won't slide it over if I had the magnetic timeline on it would slide all this bottom stuff over and mess everything up so we're just going to hit Q oops actually I'm going to leave that mistake in so you can see what happens like oh no I hit the letter Q it didn't go over it's because this clip isn't highlighted let's go ahead and select the arrow key Again by typing the letter A see it turned into the a if the right bracket turns it back into that right word tool if I just hit a i get that tool back I'm going to click on this and now when I Ty letter Q it adds a cut here and deletes that all at once and then I hit the right bracket and slide everything over now more importantly than learning how to edit like magnates media is learning how to use this tool and how to apply the stuff that he does in your videos and you need to get good at all of these keystrokes you can be fast otherwise you're just going to be frustrated and never get where you want to go and by the way I want to help you get where you want to go with YouTube so I created a course called Master cap cut you can click on the link in the description below or go to master cap where in just a few days I teach you everything you need to know so that this stuff becomes easy second nature so check that out if you want now let's go ahead and check it YouTuber to do it very fancy you don't so now we're just going to get rid of this section here we don't want it so I'm going to hit the letter W that will add a cut here and delete this all at the same time instead of having to click here to add a cut then highlight it and hit delete we just type the letter W so at the end of a clip it removes it bam that's gone now let's drag this stuff over I still have these double arrows selected which is the right word tool now notice that when I click on it that guy UNH highlights and these guys all highlight it's going to drag them over and let's see if this works tuber to do it very fancy you don't I do it all the time and maybe one frame over I like things like really tight like no pauses at all big fancy YouTuber to do it very fancy you don't I do it all the time and I'm just a little fell on YouTube and now let's go ahead and do the same thing for the rest of this and I'm going to go a little bit faster here but it's the same concept you want to make these things very tight unless there's a reason for a pause like a comedic pause or something so let's go ahead and let's find the next clip I'm going to look on my script it's only a matter of time so we'll scroll up it's alphabetical I typed it so I can find things easily and here you'll notice that I have two clips I've got it's only a matter of time with Gandalf and another one with this guy who I don't know so let's see which one works better better and that's the thing when you search for these movie clips you'll sometimes find multiple options you got to find the one that works best and in this case let's have a look it's only a matter of time and this one is kind of loud it's only a matter of time it's only a matter of time and Gandalf is talking really quietly so I think I'm going to use this guy even though I don't recognize him and even though the audio is kind of cruddy it's only a matter of time it's only a matter of time I mean Gandalf is cooler more recognizable and it's a brighter shot I kind of like it better but he's so low and it won't fit with the energy we want going here so I'm gonna delete Gandalf now this audio it's only a matter of time is a little bit noisy I want it a little bit cleaner and capcut has a way for us to clean up that audio so I'm going to click on audio and I'm going to scroll down to vocal isolation it is a pro feature and this is you know if you do a lot of stuff like this this is one pro feature that might be worth getting the pro version for and I'm just going to click on vocal isolation that clip is highlighted and let's see if it sounds any better here's before it's only matter of time and here it is after it's only a matter of time that made it way better now it has other features that aren't Pro that can help so I'm going to turn off vocal isolation it's only a matter of and try noise reduction let's see how that is it's only a matter of time it didn't do as much I also have this other Pro feature called enhance voice let's try both of those together it's also a pro feature but let's see how this is it's only a matter of time yeah I mean it's it's eh the vocal isolation works best now it could survive without it it's clean enough to work without any of those but let's let's use vocal isolation and I'm going to drag it over here and see all this stuff sounds together you're nobody and I haven't gone to jail it's only a matter of time this is kind of an interesting thing that I'm just catching now sometimes when you download Clips they'll be out of sync notice how he starts speaking here and there's no audio yet so it's out of sync so we got to fix it how do we fix it here's another feature in cap cut we can separate the audio from the video I'm going to rightclick it and I'm going to choose extract audio and now these guys I can move out of sync with each other and I can synchronize them myself and I can see that if I go frame by frame he's already starting to speak there but there's no audio there so I'm going to drag this over and see if we can make this synchronized a little better it's only a matter of time yeah that's better right so we're just going to leave it like that and drag everything over a bit so they stay together I've got them both highlighted and maybe just one a little bit more this way and let's try it I haven't gone to jail it's only a matter of time I think that works now let's bring over the next clip this is edited pretty well right now we could just be done but we want to make it a little better first we're going to make the audio even so I'm going to select all of these clips here that have audio now notice that this clip doesn't have any audio because it's separated so the option to modify all the audio at once isn't there so I'm going to hold down the command key on a Mac the control key on a PC and click on this guy and notice that audio appeared here this option if I click on this guy even though that's audio for some reason cap cut won't let me modify that one because it's different it doesn't have any video attach so I'm going to command click or control click on this guy and I'm going to click on audio and all I'm going to do is hit loudness normalization now I've apparently used it for some of the clips because it has a minus sign there instead of a check mark I want to normalize all of these I'm just going to click on it and now these are all going to be normalized so the levels are all about the same at a the same kind of higher level normalized to the Target loudness that is in settings you don't really need to worry about that right now and then I'm going do the same thing for this clip separately click on it and hit loudness normalization and now all the audio is going to be pretty consistent throughout so it's about the same level of loudness next we want to make this more fun like magnates media what does he do he uses movie clips in his videos and he often affects them adds fun filters and effects now I'm going to add a bunch of effects to these it's going to be a little excessive and obnoxious but I just want you to see some of the fun effects that you can use here in cap cut so in the beginning here we've got me and this next click and we could kind of make them you know they look completely separate how how could we join them together well let's go ahead and click on effects and I've saved some of the fun effects that I want to try um what we could do if we wanted to modify all of these at once is find you know a subtle or maybe not so subtle effect that we apply to all of them we could go up here and click on old TV and drag it down to the timeline and if I drag it across all of these clips it'll apply to all of them so all of them you know would look like this and have this effect and they'd feel you you know a little more you know congruous and that's something that I might do in real life if going with this black and white old school Vibe was something I was going for but I'm not doing that in this case we're just going to modify a couple Clips at a time so I can show you some of the cool stuff in here let's try this one called film 2 it is a pro filter but there's other ones that are similar here's a free one let's look at this free one first color film one thing magnets media does that's pretty cool but it's kind of holding still there and kind of boring let's delete that one and try film two instead even though it's a pro filter and and see how that looks one thing magnetes media does frequently is ADD movie clips to that's cool it's moving it's got motion this one is color but notice this you can stack filters if we wanted this to be black and white I could go ahead and put this uh old TV2 on top of it and it would look like this all black and white so if you wanted the black and white look with stuff moving we would use those two together like this one thing magnet media does frequently is ADD movie clips to his videos why what go and do that I I like that we're going to leave that we're going to leave him stacked now let's add another effect how about retro film let see how this guy looks kind of like that you don't have to apply a filter to try a filter to try a filter all you got to do is click on it so let's look at this guy don't I do it all the time that was kind of cool I mean you you ever had a camcorder looks like this I've had several and I've got a lot of videos probably in boxes that I'll never watch again that have all this burn in on it but let's go ahead and add that we've tried it by clicking on it now we're going to click on the plus sign to add it to the timeline it adds it for that duration let's add it for these two clips boom and boom and it looks like this I'm not going to bother playing it until we're all done and then let's go for this next section let's try black and white film we're going to click on the plus sign and add that guy and I haven't gone to jail it's only a matter of time yet yeah I actually I kind of like that for the rest of it let's go with something a little more subtle how about film frame a bunch of videos that's fine we're just going to click the plus sign and drag it over to cover all of it okay that looks pretty good now we're going to just add one more kind of fun feature that I like there's this filter called black noise we're going to put across everything so I'm going to drag it to the timeline here make sure it's buted up against the left and drag all to the right and it just adds these black specs which can kind of kind of coolify video sometimes like ah more black specs on everything it adds one consistent thing across all of these now the next thing we need to do is add a little bit of music to this we want something you know epic in cinematic so let's go over to audio and type cinematic let's try a couple a little intense yeah you know the funny thing once you start listening to music you'll notice that a lot of stuff sounds really similar I've heard like 10 tracks that go with the same kind of vibe that are slightly different but we're going to use it anyway because they keep making it cuz it works now you see down here the music doesn't actually start till here and it has a big Crescendo that big swell before it starts so I'm going to just start it in the middle of that swell and so it's feels like it's not abrupt I'm going to drag it to the beginning and then I'm going to drag this guy over this is going to fade up the beginning so it feels like a fade up it's going to drag that little tiny Circle just like a half a second and now we can hear that it sounds like one thing magn media does frequently is at even though I didn't start at the very beginning of that music track it sounded like it because I faded it up and it's too loud so I'm going to drag it down just by doing this around 15 or so usually works let's check it one thing media does frequently is ADD movie clips to his and then we're going to end it right here because we don't need anym after that and I'm just going to hit what key stroke you know think about it w bam that all got cut and deleted at the same time and I'm going to fade the end out here for our purposes and the only other thing we might want is maybe a little sound effect of a projector so let's go to sound effects and go to I don't know film let's see if that brings anything up that we can actually use oh look at that film projector let's add that guy to the timeline by hitting the plus sign and we're going to zoom in so we can see it uh-oh it's starting right there is the first click let's listen one thing you can hear it but they've got that Dead Space there and I get rid of it man I want to hear stuff right away so we go boom boom we also need to adjust the volume on the film projector it's a little bit loud now we could go down here and drag this line down which works fine or we could just jump up here under basic for audio and just drag the volume down to I let's guess and see how it sounds maybe probably about 10 I'm guessing let's see one thing magnet media does frequently is ADD movie clips to his videos why ass would he go and do that I think the audio levels are great there's one final thing we need to do I'm going to hit shift Z so I can see what's happening in my timeline like oh no look at all this stuff position my playhead right here at the end and I'm going to hit a keystroke to make rest of this stuff go away what's one keystroke that does that remember once you learn these keystrokes guys W bam that one away hit shift z i see the whole thing now let's play the entire thing from the beginning one thing magnet's media does frequently is ADD movie clips to his videos why would he go and do that you might think you need to be some big fancy YouTuber to do it very fancy you don't I do it all the time and I'm just a little fell on YouTube you nobody and I haven't gone to jail it's only a matter of time yet I have a bunch of videos on my Channel about how to find and download movie clips without getting arrested or Worse sued I will sue your ass please don't I link to the video you're going to want to watch after this in the description below this final few seconds is only for those of you who are really serious about growing a YouTube channel or growing a business with video everyone else just go ahead and click on this video right here so you can learn how to find and download movie clips you know with without going to jail oh you would love jail now for those of you are serious you can spend the next 5 years watching random videos trying to learn to edit and videos like this are for sure great for learning fun things to do with your videos but if you want to crush the New Year and have your Channel blow up you got to stop dinking around you're literally wasting your life away getting these little bits and pieces one video at a time 95% of you will give up on YouTube and video and your business before you ever get to where you want to be because you're afraid to invest in yourself don't be what dude don't be the 95% the very fastest easiest and most fun way to learn to edit using cap cut is by taking my course Master cap cut you'll be a cap cut wizard in a week you great wizard and I promise you'll be a more confident editor and get more views on your channel if you implement everything I teach in my course and if you're not happy for any reason at all I'll give you all your money back no questions asked Master cap cut will be the best investment you make in yourself this year and can change the entire trajectory of your YouTube career just go to master cap or click on this link right here I can't wait to help you crush YouTube
Channel: Trevor Jones
Views: 15,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnatesmedia, capcut, capcut video editing, capcut edit tutorial, edit like magnatesmedia, Use Movie Clips Like MagnatesMedia, find and download movie clips, use movie clips like magnatesmedia, magnates media, how to use movie clips in youtube videos, magnates media edit, legally use movie clips, how to edit, editing tutorial, how to edit video in capcut app, capcut video editor, video editing course, master capcut, capcut pc, capcut mac, capcut desktop
Id: Ni37XpLlmHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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