Use Existing Windows Steam Files on Linux! Import Steam Library on Linux

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what's up I'm troubleshoot in this quick video I'll be showing you how you can install games on Steam under a Linux operating system I'll be using Arch Linux but it doesn't really matter what you're using whether it's auntu debb and mint Etc while using my existing Windows game files it may sound impossible but practically all Steam games are running under some kind of Windows emulator so if we were to point steam to our existing Windows game files the games will just fire up and work straight way some games with specific Linux versions may need to replace some files add some files Etc but for the most part pointing steam to an existing steam Library should allow us to play games practically straight away now obviously the first thing is that you'll need your drives mounted so if I open up dolphin in my case you can see I've got all of my different drives automatically mounted whenever I start up my system in the bottom left this is important otherwise you'll need to manually Mount them by clicking on them and entering in your password when I open up a big drive for example example in here I've got a steam Library folder steam apps common and a couple of games installed in here I also have my windows partition mounted which is here followed by let's see program files x86 steam steam apps common and in here we've got a whole bunch of other games what we can do is point steam to one of if not all of these existing folders so once you've installed steam through the arch user repository discover Etc whatever your system is using simply open it up the first time you open it it may prompt you about installing different things proton Etc it'll probably go through the process and set everything up for you now the thing is is that if you installed steam as a flat pack through something like discover so if I open up discover you can see that steam is installed as a flat pack actually I'm not too sure where it says that but in a comment here it says it's a flat pack and it is a flat pack anyways flat packs basically run in their own virtualized environments and everything's locked down they won't have access to any files except for what they're explicitly allowed so we can open up a new terminal and we can run flat pack override file system equals followed by a directory that would like to give it access to so in my case the steam apps folder which is/ Mount followed by the drive name which in my case is atlas and steam Library if we paste this into our terminal We'll add a colon RW at the very end to give it reading and writing access then we'll follow it with com. Val software. steam which is the identifier for the steam flat pack now of course we need to run this as pseudo enter our passwords and there we go now you'll need to close the Steam app completely and reopen it and when you do you'll see that in settings storage we can now click the drop down at the very top choose add drive and we can navigate to Mount followed by your drive steam Library which contains steam apps and common and the rest we'll select the parent folder which is just steam Library click okay and now you should see that your games list is populated under local drive if you haven't installed any Steam games previously it'll also download Steam run times redistributables Etc at this point you can check your library and you'll find your games here I only have Call of Duty and sandbox installed both of which are only available for Windows and of course I won't be playing Call of Duty anyway as the antiche just isn't compatible with Linux at all but for games like Counter Strike and DOTA with Native Linux versions you should definitely be able to download them and install them if you've got a copy on Windows already it'll simply do a small amount of patching when we Mount the correct steam Library and'll be able to play them under Linux without downloading the majority of the game files so let's go ahead and do that once again I'll close out of steam and instead of working with the command line this time we'll work with a gooey app that may be a bit simpler to you simply open up your app store for me it's discover and I'll be searching for flat seal this allows us to manage flat pack permissions and there's actually quite a few of them I was quite surprised surprised simply install it and open it up when it's done and in here you'll see a list of all of your flat pack programs I'll headit down to steam and clicking it to expand it then we'll scroll all the way down to file system in here we'll add a new one and I'll add my Mount Windows Drive program files x86 Steam and we won't be ending it with steam apps at the very end if it is there remove it it needs to be the folder that we're writing here that contains steam apps not steam apps or any of its children then we'll add a colon RW which mean that we're giving steam read and write access and now we can simply just close out of it exit out of steam completely restart it head back to settings storage add a drive and navigate across to our Windows drive with steam installed on it so Mount Wind Drive program files 86 steam okay and there we go everything is listed out here everything from Toto 2 Counter Strike lethal company Etc if I head back to my library and sought by Linux games and ready to play you'll see CS2 and Dota 2 are currently installed but as their Windows copies of the games it'll need around a 300 to 500 Meg download to patch it to get the native Linux versions running obviously it'll be replacing the exes with the Linux equivalents anyways it's a quick small download relatively compared to the full game size when it's done downloading and patching I should simply be able to play the game as per usual under Linux the next time I boot into Windows there'll be a similar sized patch where it gets rid of the Linux binaries and instead redownload the windows ear Etc that's it if you'd like to play Windows only games under Linux using something like wine proton lutterus Etc you'll find a link to a video guide in the description down below that should show you exactly how to do that but anyways that's really it for the super quick guide so hopefully it helped you thank you for watching mine's been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time CIA
Channel: TroubleChute Linux
Views: 888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam, linux, steam deck, steam linux, steam linux wine, protondb to steam library, how to add a new steam library, linux gaming, steam linux gaming, steam linux ubuntu, steam linux distro, import gta v to steam, steam linux install, how to move steam library to hdd, how to add a new steam library hdd, move steam library from ssd to hdd, how to add a new steam library 2024, steam linux compatable ganes, gta 5 from epic games to steam library
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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