USA Prophetic 2021: Time of Repentance & Cleansing in America // Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selveraj

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[Music] right that's the proper procedure isn't it let's bow a head for a water prayer our gracious and loving heavenly father we come before your holy presence in the name of our dear lord jesus christ this evening thank you holy father for gathering us all from far near during this conference you have gathered us together that we may hear you you have gathered us together that you may speak to us now we ask you a lot our god give us years to hear what the spirit of god will speak to the churches in these last days open our blind eyes open our deaf ears and enlighten our dumb mind that we may comprehend what god wants to reveal to us how god wants to make himself known to us that we may be made ready like a bride made ready for her bread groom that we may put our house in order for the coming of the lord jesus christ and we may put our churches and our ministry in order so that the king of glory may come in thank you father thank you you're a good god your grace and mercy end yours forever and ever now i ask you lord for the next five days of this meeting let your children receive abundant goodness from your glory let none of them return back to their homes from this conference empty-handed let them be richly rewarded more than what they ask or think to whom to him to whom belongs all glory praise and honor we bow our hearts we bow heads to give you all praise and glory in the name of our blessed lord jesus christ we pray amen please be seated everybody i'm so glad that i can breathe freely without any mask aren't you glad well let's pray that this evil virus will come to an end soon amen and the world will become a better the world is not going to become better you know it's going to get worse at least for a small season better so that we can freely do the work of the lord i mean so for that it should become a little better don't you agree all right you know seven times in the book of revelation it is written he that hath years to hear let him hear what the spirit is speaking to the churches and several times the lord jesus himself said he that have years to hear let him hear so i used to wonder why the lord said that because his audience are listening to him they are hearing him thank you thank you please give a good clap to all these wonderful ashes they actually do more work than the preachers you know they are the first to come to the auditorium and they are the last to leave so when you meet these archers please shake their hands and say thank you for your hard work amen so i used to wonder why did the lord jesus say that and also to the seven churches in the book of revelation why did he say he that had years to hear let him hear what the spirit of god is speaking so for many years i used to i wondered why the lord jesus said that and then i found the answer simply because we are not listening that's a simple answer we are hearing but not listening that is the reason why the lord jesus had to say that over and over again i once heard a couple quarreling husband and a couple means husband and wife not another another kind of couple you know the real kind of couple all right i think nowadays we need to qualify such statements isn't it you just say couple it it can be any kind of couple so we have to qualify a real man and a real woman and the real man is the husband and the real woman is the wife so they were quarreling so i am not very good in counseling that's not my cup of tea whenever anybody comes to me with your problem so after listening to them for a minute and they may have a ton of story to tell everybody have their problems you know see i make a very lousy pasta lousy so after listening for a minute i'll tell them let's all kneel down let's pray and i may pray for 20 minutes you know and at the end of the 20 minutes i'll get a solution for them and they live happily out of my presence so instead of me listening to them for 20 minutes we will listen to the lord for 20 minutes which is better listening to the lord isn't it so they were quarreling so when they were quarreling i couldn't really figure out what was the issue that's always the problem isn't it so finally when there was a little gap in the wife's problem there's a slight gap i interjected because you'll never find another time you know am i correct see all men are nodding their heads so i interjected and asked the lady what really is the issue so she said my husband never listens but he protested i'm hearing yes but not listening that's when i found the answer to my many years of searching why the lord jesus said he that had years to hear let him hear what the spirit of god is speaking or saying god is speaking we are hearing but not listening so if we don't listen especially in these last days then we are going to lose everything we're going to lose everything so all these years we could be dull of hearing dumb deaf blind even stupid but in these last days we must awake that's why god has brought you to the awakening conference to awake you up amen anybody in a hurry to go home tonight no all right good because i have a great reputation keep you entertained for hours are we in it are you are we in agreement all right now in a few days this great nation is going to celebrate her annual independence day and we come before god asking lord what is your word but let me teach you something new today instead of asking lord what is your word you should ask lord how do you see us so stop asking for a word instead you should say lord how do you see me how do you see my church how do you see our nation how do you see what problem do you see that is the proper approach there's a proper way to come before the almighty god for a solution so today i tell you stop asking for a word stop that instead ask him lord how do you see me then the lord will show you what's your problem why the blessings that are supposed to come in your life are not coming go for the key the root cause there is a root cause that's preventing the blessings from coming it may be a natural blessing or a financial blessing or a spiritual blessing whatever what is blocking the flow from coming so if you ask the lord how do you see me then he will show you where the blockage is in your life that you need to put right so once you put that right then there he said open door open door open source of blessings to flow automatically you don't need to go and ask for all the blessings from a to z the most important is like the passage of scripture that our bishop read from psalms 24. there are two important blockages the gates and the doors they must be open if the gates and the doors are closed how can the king of glory come into your life right so instead of asking king of glory come in you must ask lord why are the doors shut why did i shut the door why did i fail to open the gates that should be your quest so once you find the reason perhaps you may have lost the key to the door and to the gate or you misplace the key so you need to find where's the problem how you lost the key what caused you to lose the key so we need to find the key back so once you reclaim the key then you can just open the gates open the doors and the king of glory will automatically come in amen revelation 3 20 says i'm standing at the door and knock he's standing there just outside the door and where is the problem the problem is not with the lord the problem is with us for not opening the door that's that's the problem the problem is never with the lord the problem is always with us that's the problem so you need to find out where is the problem in your life what is keeping you from entering into the fullness that should be our quest so what is preventing the fullness of god from coming upon the great united states of america is there any problem there is right okay so there is a problem so because of the problem now we have another bigger problem the bigger problem is the king of glory now cannot come in that's the bigger problem so your small problem led to a bigger problem so now we must solve the small problem first i mean so on the 28th of june 2021 as i was praying one morning i was meditating the scriptures and uh waiting on god when the lord jesus christ called me into his presence say come and i was taken before the presence of the lord and stood before his throne and as soon as i came he said come with me let's go for a walk so as we were walking the lord brought me into his garden the lord has his own garden his private garden you know so and there there was a river it wasn't a very big river like a stream that was flowing in the garden he said come here closer and when i came closer he took the water from the river and he wash my forehead and when he washed my forehead then i found after he had washed there was a gold plate on the forehead similar to how the high priest has a gold plate on his turban so on the gold plate there was a scripture there was engraved on it and i saw the scripture jeremiah chapter 29 verse 8 so as soon as i saw that scripture i quickly turned my bible and i saw the scripture if you would now open your bibles to the book of jeremiah chapter 29 verse 8 now from now till i say the last amen you must give me your undivided attention because this is your destiny this concerns your destiny bishop fondong originally asked me to bring a word of the for the nation on july the 4th because that's your independence day and i said all right pastor but the lord told me not don't wait till july 4th now is the time so today is the day are you ready jeremiah chapter 29 verse 8 for thus says the lord of hosts the god of israel do not let your prophets and your divineness who are in your miss deceive you now listen to your dreams which you caused to be dreamed so this is a warning or word of caution what you should hear and what you should not hear because if you read the few verses after 8 it talks about a period of judgment that comes upon judah in particular where the babylonians were going to come and then beseech judah and they will burn the whole city and take the whole nation captive so this that was the prophecy that was given by the prophet jeremiah and there arose other prophets in the land who were speaking contrary to that they said no it will not happen like that we will once again have good times don't worry don't worry deez don't worry that but then came the clear word from the lord do not let your prophets and your divineness who are in your miss deceive you because that which was spoken by the lord through the prophet jeremiah will certainly come to pass that is a 70 judgment that would certainly come to pass so don't listen to the wrong prophecy who will say no judgment will come god is a good god he will not judge us you know that's how christians at large deceive themselves oh god it's a good god he doesn't send anybody to hell wrong wrong you know what is the greatest miracle in the bible if i ask you what is the greatest miracle in the bible what would you say when i was younger in the lord and in the ministry i used to think the greatest miracle was the parting of the red sea i greet everybody all right when i grew older my opinion changed oh the parting of the red sea is not so great it was enoch and elijah been caught alive to heaven without tasting death that was the greatest miracle a great everybody see see you are we are we are in the same frequency and then when i grew older that oh my that's not the greatest miracle i found something else that surpassed been caught alive to heaven an entire tribe of people was swallowed alive to hell i mean why are you silent see when i talked about being caught up to heaven you all say hallelujah praise the lord but now when i talk about going to hell alive you all have become very sad isn't that a great the greatest miracle you don't see you know what's a why i say that's the greatest miracle you bypass the judgement day isn't that wonderful you don't come and stand before the great white throne judgment your judgment is already passed and they say go go to hell now you know where they got the phrase from go to hell you know an entire tribe three families three families were swallowed a life directly to hell and who pronounced that judgment the prophet moses actually he didn't pronounce the judgment or he prayed say lord if i be a true man of god now proof that as soon as he said that there was an earthquake and this entire three families the man his wife his children their servants the whole thing was swallowed alive to hell so who sent them to hell the lord god and the lord jesus christ also said fear not them who kill the body but fear him who can send who can kill the body and send your soul to hell god is a good god but a righteous judge so that's the part we forget we only focus on the good part we forget that he's a righteous judge so when i read this scripture i couldn't understand what it really meant so what was the purpose why the scripture so then i asked the lord lord what does this mean and the lord spoke to me tell this people that is the people of the united states of america tell these people this word i will judge them and punish them for their fraudness and waywitness i've heard of the word fraud but i never really understood the meaning of the word fraud so after the lord spoke that word i had to take a dictionary to look up what the word forward really meant and this is what the dictionary says fraudness means habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition does that bear witness with you habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition and waywardness means to regularly go away stray away from the path of righteousness i first came to the united states in 1991 and i was ministering at a conference in saint louis it was a five days conference on a seven days conference and i was scheduled to speak on the last day on the last session of the conference and i think in the mid of the conference one day while the worship was going on so i was just lost in worship and suddenly i saw a vision now in in my during my first visit to the us i know nothing about the spirituality of the nation till then all the knowledge that we have about the united states is it's a land that flows with milk and honey it's where all your dreams come true now you know it's not true right i found that out it doesn't flow with milk and honey and neither do dreams come true recently i watched a very old drama series it was a spinner from the touch buying angel it's called the promised land so when i saw the title the promised land i thought it was something to do with israel so i purchased the drama series now the entire season the whole season okay because it's spin-off from this touched by an angel and touched by angel has angels in it now got the promised land must be angels in the promised land israel right so i watched the first pilot episode i found out the promised land is not israel but the promised land they were referring to was the united states how can this be the promised land so as i watch episodes after episodes after episodes it was confirmed that they were referring to the united united states as the promised land and after one season i came to the conclusion the title is misleading there's only one promised land amen that is the nation of israel amen and no other nation in this world that claim can claim to be a promised land so the lord said give them so okay i was still days at all this you know and i was just looking up to the lord so what is it really lord then he said give them the word that you gave last october 2020. you know last year during the the high season of the kobit 19 pandemic when most nations were still under lockdown you can't really travel anywhere in the month of september 2020 the lord came to me and he said you must go to the u.s and give this word to the nation now this was at that time when the nation was going to go for the election the presidential election you know and the lord gave me this word this is the word i wanted to go and give to the nation and what is the word they are in the balances and found one thing before i went the lord told me buy an old-fashioned weighing scale and before you start the meeting put the scale on the pulpit and tell them you are found in the balances and wanting i'm never joyful at giving such words i tremble and fear and i cry the more before i come to the stage pleading and interceding before god somehow to look for at least a small tiny hole a loophole for escape i always do that and i'll keep on lingering in the presence of the lord pleading with him crying interceding to him lord is there any other way is there any other way is there any other way until he gets tired of he said go this is not that time to laugh okay when you need to love i'll tell you when to laugh but not don't laugh at wrong times that's stupidity that shows how ignorant we are for taking everything lightly don't do that this is not the time the times in which we are living now is not the time to take things lightly especially when your nation is in the balance it can tip for good or you can tip for bed it is still in the balance and i tell you there are many many saints appointed for your nation who are praying and they are holding the balances they're holding it so i so what was the message that i gave last october so let me repeat that again because when i gave it when i gave the message last year it was before the election so was still a prophecy now we can look back at that message and look at the events that has taken place from november of 2020 till now to do us talk take what went wrong that's a good question right what went wrong it's a question everybody's asking including me i found the answer so on the 28th of september 2020 that day was yom kippur so i built up a habit over the years to fuss and pray on that day and i was called by the lord to be at his presence at a certain particular time so when i knelt down to pray my spiritual eyes were opened and i saw angels and saints of god they were hurriedly going somewhere so as i was looking at them i was wondering where are where were they all going in a hurry and an angel looked at me and said aren't you coming to join us come quickly come and join us so i was then translated in the spirit and i joined them and they all came and stood before the presence of the lord there was a large gathering of angels and saints so when they were all gathered the lord looked at them see this is what the scripture says now in amos chapter 3 verse 7 that god does nothing without first saying to his prophets see for so long we have misinterpreted the scripture to mean the prophets on the earth it's not the prophets on the earth it's the prophets in heaven so god first reveals to them what he's going to do then that message is sent down to the earth so the first word the lord said was the nations await in the balances and found one thing now i want you to listen very carefully to what i said nations not nation so when you say nations it's many nations right so the nations are found in the balances and found one thing now whenever you read the word balances and found one thing you'll find this scripture in the book of daniel chapter 5 verses 25 to 28 where the prophet daniel came and interpreted a strange writing on the war and he interpreted it to mean okay let's read daniel chapter 5 verses 25 onwards and this is the inscription that was written many many tackle upon sin and verse 26 this is the interpretation of each word many god has numbered your kingdom and finish it taqel you have been weighed in the balance and found one thing perez your kingdom has been divided and given to the midis and persians so this was the word and this word is an irrevocable judgment irrevocable no turning away no amount of intercession or repentance is going to change it why because they've reached a point of no return you see so there is no more room for repentance sometimes but before it reaches to that extreme god wants you ahead of time when there's still room for repentance giving us ample time to repent if you read daniel chapter 4 the pro the king nebuchadnezzar saw a dream in the dream he received a warning if you do not humble yourself then you are going to be chopped like a tree is chopped this is a danger coming upon you so the prophet daniel interpreted that dream and then he gave him a solution what to do to avoid it so he told the king humble yourself humble yourself in humility and do good works so those good works are mitigating factors to bring favor of god but did king nebuchadnezzar listen to that counsel no but look at the goodness of god god gave him 306 days to repent it's not one day or two day you know 365 days so at the end of the 365 day just when you lose count so i like to dramatize like this king nebuchadnezzar had built one of the finest palaces in the world at that time and you know this eastern homes they have nice beautiful rooftop so that they can loiter in the rooftop in the summer months and cool in the just sitting out in the lounge like that you know so he was walking on the rooftop and from the rooftop he could look at the whole city of babylon he personally designed the whole city and you have heard of the famous hanging garden of babylon right so he admit all that oh look at this beauty look at this beauty from one end of the roof to the other end as as he came to the end of the roof he said isn't this the great babylon that i built isn't this the great babylon that i built as soon as the words came out of his mouth a voice came from heaven now that was the 365th day nebuchadnezzar lost count heaven did not they keep a perfect record a voice came from heaven saying this day your kingdom is removed from you instantly instantly he was transformed as an ugly looking big bird even the big bird of sesame street looked nicer okay now you can laugh you seen the big bird right if the big bird looked nicer compared to this ugly duckling you know many theologians misinterpret the scripture to say that he went nuts no that's not true his entire body literally transformed his entire dna changed into a wild bird his feathers grew his nails grew like a vulture like an eagle it was totally transformed and how long was c in that period seven years seven years of judgment upon nebuchadnezzar see god gave a period of grace one year of grace was given to king to repent to put his house in order to put his life in order to do good works and gain mitigation but the more he grew in pride that was the danger so when he reached a point of no return then came the final judgment the final blow that sent him off and you know what is another amazing thing the amazing thing is this at the end of the seven years the judgment was lifted he transformed back as a man and i read in some traditional records that during the seven years of his captivity the prophet daniel took care of him because no one knew except daniel so he personally took care of him somebody had to feed the big bird right if not the bird will stuff to death right so even when you're in under captivity you have to feed so the prophet daniel fed him cared for him i won't i won't doubt if he had even taught him the ways of god for seven years and at the end of the seventh year he transformed back into his original self and as soon as he did you know what was the first thing he did he knelt down lifted up his hands and worshipped the true living god he totally repented that's not the end of the story as soon as he was repented he was removed from being the king you never hear about nebuchadnezzar anymore after that what happened to him we don't know he was removed totally removed maybe kept for some better use if he was put back in the kingship he may do something worse and then totally lose his salvation for good so god doesn't want to allow that so keep him away this is worry sometimes some people die prematurely especially especially ministers of god they die prematurely is god who shortens their life so that the soul can be safe have you heard of the scripture for the elect's sake that they should be shortened that meaning of that scripture is not the days of tribulation being shortened no your life shortened see god sees ahead whether you can last the tribulation or not what if you cannot last in the tribulation and you stretch out your hand to take the muck of the beast then you are lost forever better to take you now and put you safe in heaven then for you to lose totally right so stop praying for people who are near death don't ask them to come back you know when i knew this truth i stopped praying for the people it's better let them go good for them to go down you you sit down and you think about it you will agree with me better let them go now peacefully in good times you know i tell you one truth okay the world does not know how severe the tribulation is going to be because we have never seen anything like that yet there's no precedent in history how severe is going to be you have the devil right here on the earth you have the antichrist right here on the earth then you have the false prophet right here on the earth and then you have the diabolical army of the devil half human half spirits mixed together they are all going to be here alive on planet earth together with you do you think we are going to live happily ever after no it's going to be living hell that is why the scripture says he that overcomes he that overcomes do you know how strong you must be in the spirit to overcome during those days that is why the scripture says in peace times now beat your inner man beat your inner man be strong in the lord and in the power of your might if you fail to build your inner man in peace times you will fall during the evil days remember the dream that pharaoh saw in genesis chapter 40. he was shown seven good years seven evil years and the interpretation was in the seven good years save up wheat food so that you can tight over the evil years so you'll have enough resources to lost you in the evil days and i say to you based on that during these peaceful days strengthen your inner man strengthen your inner man so that you'll be strong and bored to lust through the evil days you know the scripture is silent concerning how evil those days are going to be for example in revelation chapter 12 we read two companies will be in the wilderness one is israel she will be in the wilderness okay not so bad you know because the scripture says she will be taken care of she will be provided and god even prepared a special place for her to be hidden okay that's the good news now the bad news is this then the remnant they are on the run the remnant of the christians they are on the run where are they running big question mark the scriptures simply say they are on the run where do they run it's not it is for a three and a half year period so what are we going to do during the three and a half year period the other clue that we have is the beast will make war with the remnant so there's going to be a war what kind of war physical war spiritual war but the greek word says it's a physical war so there's going to be some kind of a fight the remnant will put up against the evil army right so that tells us you must know how to fight isn't it not always fasting and praying now you fast and pray but you must also learn how to take up arms now that doesn't mean going don't go that doesn't mean go and buy a rifle or a shotgun or handgun whichever guns you know that doesn't mean that i'll give you another scriptural evidence for that in matthew chapter 10 the lord jesus tells his disciples when he sends them out two by two so don't take anything with you just go the worker is worthy of his labor but towards the end of his life he tells his disciples what i what did i tell you the last time when i sent you a two by two so they said lord you told us don't take anything but now i say to you take a sword buy a sword and keep you see end times buy a sword and keep you will need it because you will need it to fight you will need it to fight but listen so now the disciples are very obedient you know they were very obedient especially peter especially peter he's always the first to obey so he quickly went to the market bought a knife he kept it on his in his rope so when the lord jesus was arrested you remember do you remember the story so he was a champion he defended the lord because he was a secretary of defense so he defended the lord by cutting the ear of the roman soldier and what did the lord jesus say he chided him right he chided him said put your swot back say obedience but usage in wrong time wrong time usage right weapon but use at the wrong time it was a lot who told them to get the sword so they obeyed but use at the wrong time so we should also know when to use see discernment knowledge of the seasons and the times of god that's why we should be people like the sons of isaka who knows the seasons and the times what to do when to do not simply be like a bull in a china shop you know the phrase a bull in a china shop so you shouldn't be like that you must be people of wisdom when to use the sword when not to use the sword so after the scriptures was read the word of the lord came saying my father's hour of judgment is coming now all this word is specifically for the united states not for the nations at large my father's hour of judgment is coming who will bear or who can bear it will be fire and brimstone and you read about this in genesis chapter 19 verse 24 where the scripture says and the lord rained down fire and brimestone upon sodom and gomorrah it was the lord who sent the judgment it was not a natural phenomena it was the law to send and the lord jesus christ confirmed that old testament incident in luke chapter 17 verse 29 and you'll read in psalms chapter 11 verse 6 upon the wicked he will rain colds fire and brime stone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup and we also read in revelation chapter 14 verses 9 and 10 those who worship the beasts his image and receive the muck of the beast shall be tormented with fire and brimestone let me lovingly warn you today no matter how severely you will be tempted never never never take the mark of the peace never never the moment you take the mark you are lost forever you are lost forever no amount of repentance after that can bring you back no so you cannot say you know lord i was tempted lord they forced me you cannot say you cannot give all excuses like that at the end of the day you exercise your will to take the mark see that's what counts the scriptures are very clear god has warned his people two thousand years ago and you know if you look at the present situation we are very close very near to the mark i know for absolute sure this kovit 19 pandemic is a judgment from god okay this is number one number two the powers to be are also using this scenario as a case study how to implement the mark of the piece how to control the whole world see now they are testing locked down nation is locked down right and you are forced to wear a mask if you if you don't wear a mask you will be arrested right see what is all this controlled population this is a dry run a dry run how to control the populace of release a virus what's going to be the impact on the populace you cause a financial crush to come how do the nations react how do the people react they have been studying all these so that they can successfully implement the mark of the beast nothing is happening by chance see the problem is we are blind deaf dumb and stupid we are not looking at the signs all around us we are only concerned god bless me that's all we are concerned bless me lord bless my bread plus my butter and like the indian safe dress the potato aloo aloo means potato bless my potato press my chapati see don't be blind deaf dumb and stupid the lord jesus said or the lord god said who is blind my shepherds are blind who is dumb my shepherds are dumb because the shepherds are blind and dumb the entire sheep fall under them are blind and dumb so be under a good shepherd who can see and hear i mean don't follow a blind and dumb shepherd if you have a shepherd is blind and dumb get out in the past i don't used to say this you know i tried to be a gentleman why brush feathers right until one day the lord told me very severely people should leave such churches my people should leave such churches is after that i say boldly don't stay under such touches get out so when the lord god said that my father's hour of judgment is coming then all the saints who were standing before the lord lifted up their hands and they said oh lord your judgments are right the nations are turned against you and your laws they have devised wicked ways against your kingdom and your children their thoughts are wicked now came the next word america will be judge a flood is determined for her it will devastate the mid-east a fire is appointed for her it will devastate the midwest so all those of you are staying in the center does it mean you are safe a flood is for the mid east and a fire for the midwest then it was after this a lot called me come forward and then said i want you to go to america and warn them now listen carefully warn them of the judgment coming upon them if they choose the wrong president this was spoken way months before the election this all these will come if they choose the wrong president he then the lord showed me referring to mr trump he should continue for another term that's the second term for god's purposes to be done for this nation this was shown to me even before he was elected in 2016 that god is giving the nation four years of grace plus another four years reserved if they walk right in the first four years so it was a conditional for an additional four years so how you lived in the first four years will determine whether this continues or it doesn't continue but the plan of god is for this to continue so that the purposes are fulfilled and then a few days later after this visitation on the 5th of october 2020 as i was praying at 2 30 in the morning i saw in a vision three powerful prince angels stationed around mr trump and this is similar to daniel chapter 11 verse 1 where the angel told the prophet daniel that he stood with king darius to strengthen him you know every okay now before i go to the next sentence now ponder for a moment babylon is not a religious nation right it's a pagan nation given to worship of all kinds of idols and entire paganism yet an angel of god was appointed to watch over a king you know why because of one righteous praying man one righteous praying man you see that is why it is very important to be strategically planted very important where you should be in the plan of god don't miss your destiny you miss your destiny then gone wrong place wrong timing you miss your destiny it will be gone for good you miss your entire destiny i once remember reading in one of the books written by kenneth hagin where the lord spoke to him there are many many of my ministers who never even entered into the first phase of my destiny for them and they died they never even entered at all why because they never bother to seek the ways of god they just presumed that this is the will of god you presume don't go by presumption no and don't go just by a peaceful feeling i feel very peaceful wrong because when you like something you will feel peaceful too right so you already like something you'll feel very happy peaceful and then when you pray definitely you'll feel peaceful right because you already like that like for example if you like ice cream and but then you also decide to go on a diet and you start praying lord shall i eat ice cream or not please please lord let show me your perfect will there was once a man he was very heavy like big fat albert do you know big fat albert if you said yes you must be donkey years old because i first saw big fat albert when i was a small boy so you must be ah there you go big fat albert so there was this guy big fat albert so he decided to go on a diet to lose weight so that he can become slim and nice and bad big fat albert has one big problem he likes cakes he likes doughnuts he likes all these chocolaty chocolatey stuffs so one day he went to a mall to get some stuff so as he was driving into the mall he saw a bakery and all this nice smell that was coming like bewitching you know so when he saw the bakery his mouth began to water but he remembered his wow died right so he prayed in the car oh lord god i'm going to go around the block and when i come if there is a parking lot directly in front of the bakery i will know it is your will that i eat i eat donut all right so he after praying the prayer he went around the block and when he came there was no lord so what should you do that is the answer right but he prayed again but one more time i'm going to ask you for second confirmation don't love you all do that so he went around the block and he came praise the lord what was there what wrong answer there was no lord so he was not disappointed see he fight on he said lord lord one more time i'm going to pray third confirmation lord he went around the block and he came hallelujah finally what was it wrong answer there was no lord he went around seven times finally on the seventh time there was a lot and he said praise the lord lord you have answered my prayer and now i know it is your will that i eat donuts today isn't this what we are doing every day this is what you do you know you already got your answer the first time but you see your wicked heart doesn't want to accept that your wicked heart wants the answer that you like it wants that answer it doesn't want to accept a no for an answer so it will keep on knocking and knocking and knocking go for third confirmation fourth confirmation seventh confirmation until all the mathematical numbers go crazy so being peaceful is not a sure proof sign you know what is a sure-proof sign a sure proof sign is the word from god concerning your situation in the midst of a storm there was great panicking the disciples were panicked for their life in the midst of the storm the lord jesus was sleeping peacefully peacefully because he had a word from god that they should go to the other side god had already shown him what he was going to do so the storm is not going to stop him he was peaceful in the midst of the storm he was not peaceful when there was calmness this is your sign number one witness number two in the midst of a storm an angel of the lord appeared to the apostle paul and he said paul do not fear you and the men under you will not die you will all reach safely to the shore that was the word given by the angel but you know what happened they suffered a shipwreck they suffered a shipwreck and they were all floating in the water for three days but no one died so there was no peace in the situation but they had a word from god so don't go by this wrong notion that the way to determine the will of god is to feel peaceful wrong the way to determine the will of god is a word from god amen the word of god can bring peace even in the midst of storms even in the midst of contrary situations even in the midst of you do not know where you're going to go now let me ask you a question when god asks abraham to sacrifice his son as a sacrifice do you think he was very peaceful for the three days that they were walking from wherever he was to moriya it's a three days journey do you think abraham would be very peaceful his little son would have been asking him a ton of questions every day abraham will be thinking oh two more days after two more days i will no no more hear my son and then the second he said one more day my son is going to die and then when the day comes he'll say this is the day how can he be peaceful but he had a word from god so seek the word of god not just a peaceful feeling so the lord said three powerful prince angels are stationed so now i should use the word worst station i don't doubt that they are still they are not with mr trump anymore i don't doubt that i do believe they are still there looking after him because the purposes are not over yet not over yet so then the word the lord said the angels will strengthen him and he will triumph now i don't understand what that meant i said it then and i said it again he will triumph does not mean he will win the elections or he will come back it doesn't mean that it may may not be but i must sincerely and truthfully tell you that i do not know what it meant and the lord did not explain it either what it really meant so i received a lot of big bags after the election say you are a false prophet you have given a false prophecy i said i did not say he is going to win like i said in 2016 for absolute sure i said that dr bruce and rashma were in the meeting when i delivered that prophecy because i was shown in absolute certainty he will be the next president so i said it publicly in absolute certainty but this time i was not shown in absolute certainty except a declaration of the will of god the purposes of god this is the will but you choose this is the will but in the first time it was an automatic appointment that is why at the last moment the balances tipped in trump's favor in 2016. you all know right he was losing there was no way he could have won against hillary but suddenly it tipped why because god had willed he will be i was in the council where abraham told me you know he will be the next president of the united states period nothing more than that but this time it was not like that and then the lord said i love him he is my servant he will fulfill my will for the nation as well as israel now look look at what has happened now your the new administration is supporting the palestinians and all the islamic fanatics look at us what happened this is not the will of god but because the people made a wrong choice now you're going to go down the drain you lost your four years extra four years of grace you lost it i will show him my favor and shower my grace upon him he is a broken man within him and fights for survival you know on the external mr trump is like a no-nonsense person right he's like a bulldozer just will throw anybody to the ground is a real fighter right but the real man is one who is in the bedroom you won't know the struggles they are going through the pain they go through the fears they go through you don't they will not show that outside they'll all put up a front because if your president appears weak what will the nation feel the same thing goes for pastors you know pastors are humans they are not superman or iron man even iron man died right see it's not so it's not so iron after all even he died even the all the marvel heroes died one by one right see so why call them superheroes then that's only one superhero that's the lord jesus christ who died and came back alive amen [Applause] if the christians gather in groups in churches to pray sincerely we have a wonderful man of god in our miss reverend dr david white from from moravian falls when i gave the word in 2016 he gathered he marshall how many people did you had in your prayer network 1200 that's as fast you knew it could be more isn't it and pastor david white he marshaled people to pray for mr president mr trump during the first regime because the lord should be many dangers for his life he would have been thrown off even during his first regemina if not for the prayers of the saints that really protected him to last through the full term you'll never know the amount of witches who are fasting and praying i tell this for absolute show because it was shown to me by the lord they were practically fasting and praying to overthrow mr trump during his first term but the prayers of the saints protected so if the churches if the christians gather in groups in churches to pray sincerely without prejudice and bias that's where the problem came they prayed but did not pray without prejudice and biasedness this brought the downfall it's the christians who brought the downfall not the gay community you know most of the black churches voted against him many evangelical christian churches voted against him for the last one year i've been conducting an online bible study class so during the election or before the election i made an announcement that we should all pray for mr trump and he should come to office for the second term one student he he showed he wrote me a very nasty email say don't tell us how to vote you just stay in your own country what do you know about our american politics what do you know how can you say mr trump is a good man he went on his entire mail was one of a bless against mr trump and this guy is a christian and he's just a representative of a larger population of evangelical christians who were against mr trump you see the christians did not pray sincerely without prejudice in fact they were praying against him from coming to a second term that is witchcraft prayers you know what is worse not the witches praying against us no it is the christians praying witchcraft prayers that is worse than the witches because the witches are outside the perimeter of a ring of fire that gods put around a church so they are outside but christians are inside and from within now they chunt all these witchcraft prayers against the pastors against the leaders against the government very dangerous whenever there is a difference of opinion in the church that will breed witchcraft prayers breeding ground for witchcraft prayers and they you know how they prayed these mushroom prayers they'll say brother what's your name george george george let me share something with you come here george but this is just between you and me okay you know bishop fondong it's a good man but lately i'm just sharing with you just keep it to you this is for prayer all right just for prayer you pray about it maybe we can pray together after this does this sound familiar please thank you that is called witchcraft prayer now who's doing all that intercessors intercessors most intersenses are not really intercessors very dangerous that's why i don't ask people to pray for me now you do not know which witch is there i am safer with the real witch yes george that's true at least the witch i know she's a witch but here this is a sister this witch is a brother right so who's dangerous that we show this witch this which is more dangerous right they give you a holy kiss with they you and kiss you but the dagger behind the back very dangerous never never do this mistake never if you have a disagreement with your pastor go and tell the pastor directly if you if you think you have a word from the lord for correction go and tell the pastor directly pastor this is what i hear please do something about it if he hears good if he doesn't hear praise the lord it's not more your problem if you still disagree live quietly leave quietly without uttering a single word to anybody don't bring a group out that's very bad very bad you know many years ago i was invited to minister at a pastor's fellowship so at the end of the pastor's fellowship they were held having another fellowship that is eating drinking that's also called fellowship you know and so while we were eating drinking cakes and pastries all those nice stuffs and uh one young pastor came up to me and he gave me name card and said you must come to my church and minister one sunday i said all right so i took his name cut and i went home when i prayed the lord clearly told me don't go to that church period not he he didn't say anything else for three consecutive times when i ministered in the fellowship each time the pastor comes up to me and asks me when are you coming to our church the lord will tell me don't go the third time was when he shook my hands i clearly heard the lord's voice as real as how you are hearing my voice don't go to his church i have rejected him so i did i did i didn't know anything about this pasta i know so then i asked the senior pastor who invited me to the fellowship can you tell me something about this pasta so he asked me why then i told him all this that happened then he told me a very heartbreaking incident this young pastor belong belong to a large church he was a youth pastor and the senior pastor i know the senior pastor and i had ministered in his church was a very good hearted man he grew his church from 10 members to 300 he fasted he prayed and he labored much and this young man was a youth pastor and about 70 youths in the church this incident happened in the 90s so one day or before before one day the senior pastor is very strong in missions and they had a missions work in the philippines so the senior person would go regularly every three months to the philippines for evangelistic crusades and all the stuff so one particular time the senior pastor had to go to the philippines for ministry so i think he was going to be away for two or three sundays so this is another mistake senior pastors make instead of allowing their elders or the church members to preach they invite outsiders outsiders to come to feel the pulpit okay so the senior pastor had scheduled a particular american pastor i do not know who the guy is and so he filled up either one sunday or two sundays and uh after ministry after preaching you know usually they'll say okay anybody have a do you want a prayer please come to the front it's a typical style even if the pastor doesn't give an invitation the members will automatically come that is their habit so in the midst of his word or preaching of the word the american men pointed a finger the youth past and said your call is not supposed to be in this church you are to start your own church and he went giving a long prophecy for this youth pastor okay what is the rightful way to respond to such prophecy is to wait until the senior pastor comes right so this wait until the senior pastor comes and then you tell the senior pastor pastor this is the word that i've received from the lord can you please also pray and confirm it this is the rightful way of doing am i right everybody okay so what did our hero did as soon as he heard the word his ego got inflated because the prophecy he went on to say that he is now a pastor he will become an apostle and then all the greats you know so his ego got inflated and he became big fat albert inside not on the outside and before the senior pastor came back home he split the church into half took all the youths with him including the youth's parents see when the see when the mother donkey goes the baby donkey comes along right this is biblically law in matthew chapter 21 right so the the reverse is also true when the baby donkey goes the mother donkey also goes so when the children goes the parents go along 300 member church when the pastor came back there were only 50 people in the church 50 the pastor was became a very broken man and became bitter broken men and bitter how will you feel you grew a church from nothing to become something and then when you come back you see you find nothing pastor became very bitter and he made a decision he will no more invite any guest speaker to his church okay now okay this is the first part of the story so then the lord told me he this young pastor he has built his church on a foundation of unrighteousness and that house will not stand so that's therefore i don't want you to go to the church in less than a year that house collapsed that house collapsed and that young pastor went back to the secular vocation see don't destroy another man's ministry the scripture says very clearly if you destroy my temple i will destroy your temple don't do that don't it's very dangerous hebrews chapter 13 tells us very clearly don't cause your shepherd's heart to bleed don't do that because they stand before god to give an account for you so if their heart bleeds when god looks at them he will see the bleeding and he and the blood will speak to the lord why it is coming out of his heart the blood will speak and the lord will take vengeance because of the blood so don't do that if you if you think you cannot agree just walk away quietly just walk away if the christians gather in groups in churches to pray sincerely without prejudice and bias then i will push back the enemy's plans to thwart trump i will show him my favor and shower my grace upon him he is a broken man within him and fights for survival i tell you one truth you know i've never seen a nation like the united states which shows contempt and utter disrespect for the president i've never that's i do i don't think there's another nation in the world that behaves like you i am very very shameful at the way the public at large the media utter contempt utter disrespect whether you like the president or not is is the office you know it's not the man it's the office the chair in which he sits so you respect that office that's the way to respond you may not like his the way he speaks the way his blonde hair looks like or his mannerisms his roughness but that is a person's personality that is different from the chair in which he's sitting each time mr trump comes and stands behind the presidential pulpit you'll see a big seal seal of the president it doesn't even say seal of the u.s no it's a seal of the president so that is the authority isn't it yes you respect that so all the whole all the media ganged up against this poor man so he was one man against everybody he was fighting for his survival and the people that he trusted to stand with him even they betrayed him most christians became judases do you know who is julius caesar this one of the place that i loved very much you know julius caesar had four wonderful friends and one day those four friends plotted against him to kill julius caesar so that they'll all become great man in the empire and so they invited him for a meal and while they were eating and dining they stepped him each one of his own friends you know and julius caesar was standing bored and fighting against pushing away all these other guys he was still fighting until the last blow came from his muslim friend you too brutus and he dropped it till then he was standing strong and fighting but when he saw his own muslim friend step him that broke his heart he did not die from the wounds you know he died of a broken heart he died from betrayal that's what the christians did to mr trump you gave the brutus blow and the church in the united states of america will stand on the judgment day to give an account to god for what you did for all the mess that will take place in the next four years you already saw all the mess right yes from january 20th till now even on the first day in office how many uh what do you call that executive orders that he signed so they were all pre-planned isn't he dr white they were all pre-planned see as soon as the inauguration was over he rushed to his office sign all those orders overthrowing whatever mr trump has done you will be responsible for all the babies that are dying now you know it's okay i mean it's not still not okay to abort babies when they are in the womb but how to a bought a baby when he's born so it's killing right when it's in your womb you still don't see it but when it's born it's no more called abortion it's called killing how can you legalize that how can you so who's responsible for that you are responsible you must bend your knees and pray ardently in repentance for what you have caused to come all the nasty attacks against him show the sinful and evil nature of the majority of the people of this nation who want unrighteousness to triumph there is an evil plan by the lgbtqr community to work trump out and transform this nation into sodom and gomorrah now in the last seven months or six months has it all come to pass now this was spoken before the election see now this has become history your borders are not secure the southern entry is where evil is brought into this nation that is why god moved mr trump to build a wall on the southern border he didn't know what is the spiritual but god moved him to build the world even witchcraft sorcery and abominations of many kinds are brought into this country through that assess through the southern border the enemy is fighting hard to prevent the wall of protection coming up so what do you have now open border so what can come in now all kinds of filth now can come in the churches that do not seek me will be judged they have allowed so much of corruption to come inside them they must be cleansed and sanctified let the righteous ones arise and put their houses in order so the righteous ones meaning the righteous churches let them seek me to know my ways and my plans for them my eyes are upon them let them surrender their ways to me and seek me i will teach them and guide them they shall not fail but succeed behold i am coming to visit the nation sound this alarm upon this nation and then a scripture was given second kings chapter 17 verses 13-15 please open your bibles with me to second kings chapter 17 verses to 15. yet the lord testified against israel and against judah by all of his prophets every seer saying turn from your evil ways and keep my commandments and my statutes according to all the law which i commanded your fathers and which i send to you by my servants the prophets nevertheless they would not hear but stiffened their necks like the necks of their fathers who did not believe in the lord their god and they rejected his statues and his covenant that he had made with their fathers and his testimonies which he had testified against them they followed idols became idolaters and went after the nations who were all around them concerning whom the lord had charged them that they should not do like them now after saying all these so now we come back to this present time that was yesterday so from last year we'll come to the present so this happened just yesterday so after saying the saying the first part and then the lord told me now you need to re tell them the yesterday last year's part after saying all that the lord jesus turned his face away and he cried aloud clasping his face with his hands he cried and he cried and he cried it was so heartbreaking to see him how he cried and when i saw him crying a scripture came to my mind luke chapter 19 verses 41-44 it says when he was entering into jerusalem when he saw the city he cried aloud when you read the scripture you do not know how he cried but yesterday i saw how he cried and this words came out of his mouth oh usa my sons and daughters if you only knew the hour of your visitation now your destruction shall come tell them i am coming with my whip and you know that sentence coming with the whip is a phrase you can find in john chapter 2 verses 13 to 16 when the lord jesus christ entered into jerusalem he entered into the temple when he entered into the temple some things happen so what things happen you will find this in matthew chapter 21 verses 12 to 13 mark chapter 11 verse 11 verses 15 to 17 luke chapter 19 verses 45 to 46 and john chapter 2 verses 13 to 16. so if you read all the four gospels they have some repetitions and some new information so this morning i sat down i put all these four passages together and i came up with something that is a condensed not a condensed but put all the events together to make it sound like one big picture so i will read to you you can either write as fast as she could or you listen patiently now this is a combination of all the four passages now the passover of the jews was at hand and jesus went up to jerusalem and into the temple so when he had looked around at all things as the hour was already late he went out to bethany with the twelfth then jesus went into the temple of god and he found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and the money changes doing business when he had made a whip of course and drove out all those who bought and sold the ship the oxen and the duffs in the temple and overturned the tables of the money changes and the seats of those who sold doves and he would not allow anyone to carry wears through the temple and he said to those who sold doves take these things away is it not written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves do not make my father's house a house of merchandise so what happened then is going to happen now he will come to his temple to his churches with a whip and he will whip out past us false prophets false teachers false elders false believers the lord will cleanse his temple before the glory can come in because if you read the passage after this event it says and the lord sat in the temple and he taught the people and he healed all of all their sicknesses and all their disease so a glory before it can be revealed first needs cleansing putting away all the evil workers in the church sometimes now listen sometimes a church split is also good you know why god is removing the task he's moving all the tasks so that the wheat can remain and they can grow up grow up as fine wheat for harvest and then the king of glory will sit in your midst and he will teach and there will come a great revival and new souls will be added to your church every day amen amen amen as many as are appointed to salvation they'll be added to the church daily but before that can happen the church needs to be cleansed cleanse the nation is to be cleansed so this is the word of the lord that i bring to you concerning the united states of america and what god is going to do in the church so what does this require from us repentance repentance for what you have done you have done a terrible mistake you have brought a wrong man into the office and he has come with a diabolical plan to turn this nation into sodom and gomorrah that's what is going to become you know sodom and gomorrah and you have an evil queen by his side a back door entry to become the queen the front draw front door entry failed the first time now she has come in through the back door you are in a greater danger of having a jezebel on your throne it's not just jezebel no it's an asteroid and jezebel together see jezebel was famous for idol worship and also gay worship because she had male priest prostitutes in her temple and they also had temple prostitutes they were all meeting in the temple and offered the seat as a sacrifice to all those gods and ashtaroth is a goddess of lust a goddess devoted to lust and war so if these two combines together what will happen i don't want to imagine that so please pray very very urdently you must don't stop praying faster white throw the net larger increase increase your net you should have him up maybe one of these days and share about the prayer network so that more people already told him good so when when you hear pastor david white mention talk about the prayer network please sign up you need much prayer first repentance and then much prayer who knows if things can be turned around and the righteous men come back to office who knows who knows right all things are possible with god now listen is wait wait wait why are you so in a hurry you know why you're in a hurry because you always drive true drive through is a wrong word you know grammatically you should be drive by drive through means you go through the restaurant climatically that's what it means not true so it's wrong words it should be drive by anyway let's come back you see so prayer can bring repentance who knows possible possibility is there but that you see it all depends now listen the balance is right it all depends the prey in sense how heavy the incense will be so they can tip down in god's favor not on the judgment favor on the grace favor you want another four years of grace don't you so then it requires now two times more prayer incense because you have now lost a year you have lost a year you brought a wrong person in now he is surrounded by all the witches all the witches are surrounding him and they are supporting him with their prayers now you need to war against the witches see you need to break through the wall of fire they have built around him now so that requires two times more firepower so whatever you have done in the past is not enough if you follow the same pattern you will fail now you need new strategies new warfare strategies you need to work together with the angels of god you need to work together with the saints of god and then get strategies from heaven how to break through all methods will fail whatever you have been doing in the past i humbly advise you throw them all away fall on your knees fall on your faces ask god for new strategies earlier on i just went to the restroom and i passed by our brother michael's book table i'm sorry i opened the covers and i saw the books i couldn't resist you know and i want to buy all your books and you need you to sign them and i and i glanced some of his books they were about warrior angels so you should all get those books i hope you have enough for everybody if not enough please place an order he's a very good man true man of god a true prophet of god who sees into the spirit not only him even his wonderful wife she is a greater giant you know but she's small and quiet you know they say great things comes in small packages let's all stand up for a word of prayer then sings my soul my say we are god to thee how great the word how great are then sings my soul my say bear god [Music] [Music] how great my dear brother pastor white can you please kneel down i see a saint of god standing on my left side and he points her finger at you my dear brother and he tells you do not lose heart in what you have been doing do not be broken egg your seeming failure for evil shall not triumph and unrighteousness will not triumph over though it may seem that they have triumphed and you have failed and i see this saint now lifting up his hands to heaven and he swears by him who sits on the throne and he says heaven has determined that you will succeed you will be the stop that you will be the head and not the dead thousand shall fall on your one side and ten thousand shall fall on another side but god will cause you to right high above your enemies a new chance is given to you my dear brother that you continue this good work of interceding for your president keep on doing that good work new angels will be assigned to you for this work that you have been appointed to do and i see right now into the heavenly realm and i see three saints standing together and they are discussing about you and about the work that is given to you and it is them the watchers who had determined and purpose that this work that you did should continue and it will take on a new form instead of a defensive intercessory prayer it will take on an offensive prayer so for that new weapons will be given i see a mighty shield this shield is so strong it is round shape and is and it's it has got three multiple colors largely red and then there is a band of black on the outer edge towards the end of the shield and then there's another band of white in the outer most and then in this followed by in the center black and a white and this shield is heavy so heavy that no any kind of ballistic missile can penetrate through that shield yet it is light for the wearer to carry it in their left hand so i see this new shield will be given to you thank you wonderful lord jesus the lord says to you my dear brother pastor white fear not fear not do not be cast down do not be cast down encourage yourself and arise thank you wonderful lord jesus come on everybody lift up your holy hands blessed be the name of the lord he is worthy to be praised in a door so we lift up holy hands in one ago singing blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord let's all kneel down right now holy father i have communicated to your children all the things that you have shown me and i thank you for your holy ones who have been witnesses in our means all throughout this session beholding the hearts and the minds of each and every one who are here your eyes have beholden the repentant ones the broken ones the contrite ones i pray lord gather them to yourself and deposit into them your holy counsel your holy will right upon the tablet of their heart your purposes your ways what they should do give them lord a repentant heart give them no rest lord give them a broken heart break their heart that their eyes may flow like fountains for the wrong choices they have made for what they have allowed lord i pray grant them your mercy and i pray lord send forth your holy angels unto them especially the pastors who are now missed the elders the leaders who are now missed the men's servants and the female handmaidens and give them the strategies give them the plans what they should do how they can overcome and build a new fortress built a new defense how they can stockpile weapons of spiritual warfare teach them lord even the young ones in our miss the children and the youths i pray you will stretch out your blessing hands upon them right now lord my dear daughter are the michael's daughter the lord jesus tells you my dear daughter you are a warrior princess in his army what you are now is not what you will become soon after i see you my dear daughter dress in a warrior armor like joan of ark and your arms are strengthened with a very strong armor around the hands around the the ankle not the ankle the elbow and right up to the shoulder pray much seek the lord to fasting and prayer and you will be given spiritual strategies warfare strategies how to which war and you will be brought before the warrior angels and we thought how to reach spiritual warfare and also will be gathered together with other like-minded youths who will gather from different parts of the world and you will know them in the spirit and after when you are trained you shall train others train others by conducting workshops conducting seminars and train others to do spiritual warfare not only in the spirit but also in the natural against enemies that you can see with your natural eyes new authority will be given to you my dear daughter new weapons will be given to you especially there will be a power given to you on your tongue so that when you speak the word when you decree and when you come on it will come to pass and i see a mighty warrior angel who is at least one and a half times bigger and taller than you assigned to be with you at all times thank you wonderful lord jesus glorious jesus have a lasting father prince of peace wonderful counselor almighty god lord jesus please stretch out your blessing hands and lay upon each and every one of them right now and i pray lord one more time give them years to listen eyes to see and a mind to comprehend and understand what you will speak to them in every session in this conference thank you father one more time let's all lift up our holy hands and bless the name of the living god cynthia do you have a song for this occasion [Music] let's all rise to our feet come on everybody [Music] bless the lord oh [Music] sing like never before oh my soul [Music] you
Channel: CMFI-USA Miracle Center
Views: 35,524
Rating: 4.8674035 out of 5
Keywords: Cmfi maryland, Bishop Robinson Fondong, Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selveraj
Id: vdHVigztnfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 53sec (8033 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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