The VR Combat Simulator that left me Speechless

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[Music] what is up everyone welcome back to the channel my name is merb and this is mbtv and today we are taking a look at the fa 18c hornet in DCS with virtual [Music] reality [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so what did you guys think of that intro it's been a lot of work going back and forth uh making different angles and stuff I hope you guys really enjoyed it if you did please let me know down in the comments below I know that this type of video is not really normally my uh my type of video uh you guys are used to the comedy types but I'm also get getting a little bit older and my interests are also bending a little bit towards simulations and stuff this doesn't mean that I'm going to quit my comedy videos obviously uh but I just want to explore a little bit and I hope you guys are fine with that now we're going to fly over the carrier here and drop some flares just to look uh super cool now the next thing that I want to show you guys which is absolutely incredible in DCs are the uh volumetric clouds so what we're going to do is we're going to raise up to like let's say 10,000 ft and then the magic will automatically unfold as soon as we get above the clouds now DCS is not really a game it is actually a one-on-one simulation currently I'm using the Volve index with a Hoda setup the x 56 look at this oh my God hold on I just can't get enough of this view it's absolutely nuts like we're playing this on Max Graphics everything is like maxed out I do stabilize the video because normally when I use my headset it looks all shaky and jittery I have spent between 60 to 100 hours in the F18 can see now it's a module that you just buy separately DCS itself is completely free now before you run towards their website or to steam to download DCS I want to tell you you do need a Hoda setup applying this with keyboard and mouse is just it's just the same as like trying to ride a bike with a steering wheel doesn't work man all right let's do a loop here so in these 60 to 100 hours that I spend on the fa18c Hornet I've been shooting Mavericks I've been dropping bombs I've been using the gun I've been using all types of different um weapons on this thing one thing that I didn't do is practicing landing on a carrier now landing on an Airfield is not a problem for me I don't have any issues uh however landing on a carrier is a whole different ball game uh so what we're going to do now is we're going to fly towards the uh the carrier and uh yeah we're just going to try to uh to do a landing this is most probably going to go super wrong but we'll see now flying around is very relaxing uh and very enjoyable itself uh but where this game or where this simulation actually really shines is in the combat it's called DCs for a reason digital combat simulator now like I said before DCS is very intimidating uh I have to say that I honestly just wanted to quit multiple times uh it's just super frustrating uh it can give you massive headaches if you do really love a certain module uh you should definitely go for the module that you really love cuz that will help you push through that and then once you understand everything you will absolutely fall in love with DCS now technically if you know how to cold start the fa18c hornet in DCS you can basically cold start it IRL as well I don't want to go as far to say that I can fly one IRL because there there's a lot of other things that you need to keep in mind such as GeForce um and the whole feeling of sitting in a cockpit I mean I'm sitting here behind my desk like a nerd uh just acting cool and stuff uh but I think you understand the picture now we do have eyes on the carrier so we're just going to fly by and we're going to check the deck to see if any other aircraft is trying to take off if it's not the case then we are going in for a landing um pray for me because uh dun I will be uh laying on the bottom of the ocean [Music] floor okay let's see um as far as I can see there's nothing on the deck so we're just going to turn around and we'll come in for the landing all right here we go wish me luck [Music] [Music] [Music] noing way we can live another day all right let's put the hook up there we go [Music] um yeah let's just park it on the right I guess taxi lights on there we go I am talented man I think I'm just going to uh apply become a uh Navy pilot now if this video uh really piqu some interest for you in DCS go ahead and try it out I mean DCS is free uh there are paid modules for the full fidelity aircraft like this one uh but there are some free ones as well that you can try out now I want to say that I am not sponsored to say this I paid for my own module and I downloaded DCS on my own behalf if you have the time and you love fighter jets maybe give a simple module first a try and if you really like it you can always go for the full Fidelity ones I will repeat myself uh it's going to take you quite some time to learn the aircraft if you take a full Fidelity one but it's going to be absolutely worth it it now if you did like this video and you want to see some more uh let me know down in the comments below uh we can definitely start doing maybe some campaigns which will add to the immersion on top of uh the quality that I want to add towards my videos with editing I want to thank you all for watching and I hope to see you guys on the next one ah breath of fresh air
Channel: MERPTV
Views: 107,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital Combat Simulator, DCS Max Graphics Virtual Reality, DCS VR, F/A-18C Hornet, Fighter Jet Simulator, Navy Pilot, DCS Cinematic, Realism, Realistic Combat Simulator, DCS Virtual Reality
Id: BEcqWn20jsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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