US, Canada start process of determining how the Titanic-bound submersible imploded

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Tonight, difficult questions being asked as investigators and deep sea dg experts speak out on the deathsf five people on a visit to the Titanic. Here's NBC's Tom Costello. Tonight Canada's Transportation Safety Board has launched an investigan into Titans apparent implosion. On Sunday, the US Coast Guard and NTSB expected to join soon. Outside experts are focused on the many Subs uncertified cheapr carbon fiber shell never before used in deep sea submersibles. Titanic movie director and ocean explorer James Cameron says that decision may have proved fatal. You know, sometimes people get go fever, but you shouldn't be using Experimental Vehicle for for pa. Passengers that aren't themselvs deep ocean engineers and 2018 On Gate founder Stockton Rush submitted this patent applicatin disclosing that the carbon fiber was for use in extreme conditios such as high pressure condition, high or low temperature conditi. I'd like to be remembered as an innovator. I think it was General, MacArthur said. You're rememberd for the rules you break. But dozens of submersible exper, including mechanical engineer Bart Kemper, appealed to Rush to seek an outside engineering review. He declined. He felt that it would take too long for his innovatios to be approved by outsiders. But an original cofounder of Ocean e insists Rush was focused on safety. He was very well aware of the risks of operating at these deep depths, and he was very committed to sa. The Ocean Gate sub made 13 successful trips to Titanic, nearly 13,000 feet down before Sundays. Disaster killed all five men on board. The question for investigators Did those dives weaken the carbon fiber s? The Navy only uses carbon steel for its Subs operating much closer to the surface, so they're operating at 10 times as deep, 10 times the pressure. We were, we are super scared of, of the pressure. Like crushing a can of Coca-Cola, let's say. The end ends of it are going to get warped. And when they warp, those bolts are gonna come free. In 2021, David Wad re the sub all the way to Titanic, and I knew when I went down if something happened to the submersible, that was it. Under an international treaty, tourists are allowed to visit the Titanic site. But tonight, new questions about whether submersibles need government oversight. So there are standards. There are industry standards, and they were not adhering to t.
Channel: KTVB
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Keywords: [ nation-world, news ]
Id: DlUZOxJsv1Q
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Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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