US Army Reveals Before Classified War Weapons

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1982, the Moon. A small force of armored troop  transports crawl along the lunar surface.   The vehicles are limited to only two dozen  miles an hour at maximum- any faster and the   next bump could send the vehicle and its crew  flying hundreds of feet in the reduced gravity. The lumbering APCs clear a crater and  suddenly come in view of their objective:   a Soviet lunar outpost on the dark side of the  moon. Immediately upon clearing the crater's rim,   the APCs come under fire from Soviet laser  cannons, but the American vehicles are coated   in a highly reflective outer shell that reflects  much of the incoming laser energy. The powerful   defensive lasers eventually burn through the  protective shell, but it's been built in layers,   granting each vehicle a few minutes of  protection from the withering laser energy. The vehicles launch several dozen canisters  into the air above the Soviet base.   Laser fire incinerates many of the canisters,  but a dozen and a half survive. Lofted in a   high trajectory over the base, an explosive  charge propels a shower of razor-sharp spikes   down onto the moon base, as the canister is  knocked out into orbit by the force of the   explosion. The rain of deadly missiles does  nothing to penetrate the Soviet base itself,   buried under a few feet of lunar soil, but  for the Soviet troops and laser batteries   caught out in the open the attack is deadly.  The small projectiles tear through equipment   and rip open men's suits, exposing  them to the freezing vacuum of space. As the vehicles near the lunar outpost though,  it's time for payback. The first vehicle to hit   a landmine disappears in a massive plume of dust.  A second and then a third quickly follow. These   aren't ordinary landmines though, here on the  moon high explosives are extremely rare- in the   reduced lunar gravity even a moderately sized  explosion could send lethal debris into orbit   or raining down dozens of miles away, killing  and destroying friendly forces and installations. Instead of a conventional explosive, these  landmines are really nothing more than tiny rocket   motors. Attached to a stabilizing plate, the  mines are triggered as a vehicle rolls over it,   which activates the rocket motor which in turn  drives the plate into the vehicle from below.   With a sixth the gravity of earth, the  small rocket motor at the bottom of the   plate has more than enough force to send an  armored vehicle hundreds of feet upwards.   Since the mines rarely hit center  mass, the vehicles are sent in wild,   parabolic trajectories that are inevitably  lethal to the crews inside. One American   APC takes a Soviet mine in the front half of its  body, sending it 300 feet upwards in a trajectory   that will see it smash into a crater wall at  dozens of meters a second over three miles away. Only half of the APCs make it  through the minefield and laser fire,   and the troops inside quickly disembark.  Instead of traditional EVA suits though,   these men are wearing special space suits that  are still technically in the prototype phase.   Traditional EVA suits are filled with breathable  gases and pressurized to something close to   earth-normal, making each individual look  like a miniature Stay Puft marshmallow man.   This severely limits individual mobility, and is  a massive liability as soldiers are vulnerable   to punctures and tears that would depressurize  their suits and compromise their air supply. Perhaps as frightening as losing one's air supply  though is what would happen to the body in an   unpressurized environment. As the pressure of the  gases inside the body exceeded exterior pressure,   the body would begin to swell and expand, causing  severe pain and possibly rupturing organs. Water   inside the body would soon begin to boil,  causing further disastrous consequences. To aid in mobility and prevent the dangers  of decompression, each American soldier is   equipped with a skin-tight suit that maintains  a healthy pressure environment for the body   via mechanical pressure. The suits  are custom-made for each individual,   as a tiny deviation in manufacture would mean  disastrous consequences for that soldier,   and take a long time to don and doff, but offer  incredibly increased mobility and survivability   over normal pressurized suits. They also allow  for the wearing of additional armor plating   without too adversely affecting a soldier's  mobility, while traditional 'blow-up' suits are   simply too rigid already to bother with adding  much armor. The much lower gravity of the moon   also helps maintain mobility even with 24 pounds  of ceramic armor plates over most of the body. Today's US space soldier looks more like a  futuristic knight than a modern infantryman. The vulnerable air supply is worn as a backpack  and it, along with the hoses connecting to the   helmet, are armored slightly more than the  rest of the suit. But all this armor isn't to   protect from bullets, as the Americans quickly  find out from the surviving Soviet defenders. Each Soviet soldier is equipped with  one of two variations of space guns.   The first looks like a typical submachine gun from  back here on Earth, but is anything but. Firstly,   it doesn't use nearly as much gunpowder  as a gun on earth would- with a sixth the   gravity that much recoil would send a soldier  flying backwards with the first trigger pull.   Instead, each bullet has less than a  tenth the gunpowder of a normal bullet,   and yet despite this still reaches velocities  upwards of 3,000 to 4,000 feet per second,   as much as 1,000 feet per second  faster than a 7.62 round here on Earth. But that much power comes with a price, and  automatic fire is impossible in such low gravity.   Instead, the firing soldier must carefully  line up each individual shot before firing,   taking the time to re-steady themselves before  each shot. The gun is best for long-range   engagements, and the Americans are rapidly closing  the distance with their nimble combat suits. At closer ranges, the Soviets switch to a  different weapon. This one also has a long barrel,   but the magazines are actually attached directly  to the sides of the barrel itself. The dual   magazines need to be physically manipulated to  push a long, razor-sharp dart into the chamber.   Then, a gas cartridge inserted into the butt of  the weapon is activated with a firing trigger,   causing it to propel the dart out of the weapon  at several hundred feet a second. The weapon   resembles more a modern version of a crossbow than  a Buck Rogers space gun, but is deadly effective   in the low gravity and zero atmosphere environment  of the moon, giving it incredible range and   accuracy. Unlike on Earth, in space there is  no atmospheric friction or other effects to   act on a projectile, so space guns are incredibly  accurate- the only thing limiting the accuracy of   each weapon is the difficulty in taking a proper  firing stance while bracing against the recoil,   and bringing the weapon's sights up to a  shooter's eyes through the bulky space suit. But the Americans have their own  answer to the lack of accuracy,   and it's not just their much sleeker,  ergonomic spacesuits. As an American   soldier vaults into a Soviet trench in  the lunar gravity, he flips forward a   strange tube mounted on his shoulder and  presses a lever on the side (use image   This shoulder-mounted weapon is, like most other  space weapons, made out of plastic and various   composites, as regular metal or wood would be  impossible to operate on the moon. For starters   the extreme temperatures, ranging from 260 degrees  Fahrenheit (127 C) to -280 degrees (-173 C), wreak   havoc on normal weapon materials, and the intense  heating could cause ammunition to simply explode.  Even if a metal weapon survived the extreme  temperatures, the metal components would   inevitably fuse together in the vacuum  of space. This is known as cold welding,   and happens when two similar metals are brought  into contact with each other and their molecules   mix together. Here on earth a layer of oxidization  prevents it from happening, but in space that   layer eventually wears off. If these weren't  enough challenges for a gunsmith to overcome,   there's also the fact that lubricants in space  tend to evaporate in the absence of an atmosphere. That means that the American's shoulder-mounted  weapon, just like any other space weapon,   is made up of plastic and other composites,  and operates via recoil rather than gas like on   earth. But this weapon is slightly different  from others the Soviets have faced so far. As soon as the American astro-soldier presses  the firing mechanism on the side of the strange   cylinder, a tiny charge of gas expels three dozen  darts about an inch long. The darts are expelled   at a modest six meters a second, but upon firing  a charge at the rear of each dart is ignited.   Exactly half a second later, with the darts  now three meters away from the shooter,   each charge explodes, propelling the  darts forward with terrible velocity. This weapon is the equivalent of a space shotgun,   and meant to shower a small area with  high-speed flechettes. To avoid sending the   firing soldier flying backwards and possibly  into lunar orbit from the explosive recoil,   each round is designed to be accelerated out of  the barrel of the gun with a small gas charge,   while the actual propellant charge is ignited  and calculated to burn for half a second before   exploding well clear of the shooter. The gun  isn't very accurate, but it doesn't need to   be- the lethal shower of flechettes means  instant death out to a range of a hundred or   more meters... one reason why the weapon cannot  be fired with any friendlies in line of sight. Now that the fighting is in the lunar trenches  though, the Soviets bring out their own close   quarter weapons. A Soviet soldier lifts up  his personal side arm to defend himself,   and the weapon looks almost ridiculously  dainty and fragile. The weapon has a long,   very thin barrel, slightly longer than a  revolver's, and a top-mounted magazine.   The magazine feeds the weapon with a dozen  razor-sharp darts just over two inches long,   and these are propelled by a gas canister  housed within the grip of the strange   pistol itself. The gas operated weapon suffers  from the same recoil issues as any space gun,   but its smaller size means the Soviet soldier  is able to reacquire his target much faster.   Even with just a modest blast of gas, the lack  of atmospheric friction and low gravity means   that each dart is still sped up to velocities  similar to those of normal bullets back on earth. Some of the small weapons don't even  use gas at all, but are operated by a   spring which is cocked manually before  each firing. Instead of darts they fire   ceramic pellets, and reach the same speed  and lethality as a .22 back here on earth. In space though, the best close quarters weapon is  the same as it's been back on earth for thousands   of years, and as the fighting drags on the fancy  space guns are quickly discarded after running out   of darts, pellets, flechettes, or gas. Now the  fighting is done hand-to-hand with razor sharp   knives made out of tough ceramic, but here on the  moon even a tiny cut can be immediately lethal.   The American suits with their mechanical pressure  are better able to handle punctures and tears, but   first aid in a space environment is practically  non-existent. If a wounded individual doesn't have   their wound immediately and thoroughly sealed, it  doesn't matter if the rest of their suit maintains   integrity- the vacuum of space will draw out all  liquids it can through the wound very rapidly,   turning even a minor stab into a critical injury. At last the fighting draws to a close,   the American troops stand victorious. They  have lost over half their number, but they   have succeeded in eliminating the Soviet position  and securing the lunar outpost. Any remaining   troops left inside the outpost's buildings  will either surrender or simply be left to   asphyxiate as the outer shell of each building is  purposefully breached and the atmosphere vented. But victory is short lived, as suddenly  on the horizon is the tell-tale plume of   decelerating spacecraft. The Americans quickly  rush to take up their own defensive positions-   Soviet reinforcements are on the way. Thanks  to the low gravity, it's easy and fast to   move troops around via pod-like craft that  detach from an orbiting ship's main body-   and with a low enough orbit a ship can  orbit the moon every two and a half hours.   That time frame can be shrunk even further  for faster orbits, and thus faster response,   but comes at the risk of flying at a lower, faster  orbit and being more vulnerable to ground fire. Orbital mechanics are very much in the minds  of the surviving American troops as they watch   the deceleration plumes of the incoming drop  pods, as calculating altitude and speed will   not just let them know how long until they're  once more under fire, but exactly where each   drop pod will land. Maybe, just maybe, if they  manage to ambush one or two of the incoming   pods they may have a chance of seeing home  again and breathing in real air once more. Now go check out What If There Was War In Space,   or click this other video instead!  Another settlement needs your help!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 331,172
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Id: hw3PJclzVlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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