ABANDONED | Top 10 most DANGEROUS adventures

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As urban explorers we risk our life  freedom and health while exploring   the most dangerous abandoned places in the world. Here are our 10 most dangerous adventures. Number 10, an abandoned NATO command bunker in  Italy. I went to Italy with Steven and Jaapjan   to explore this former secret NATO  command bunker. We're close guys. So glad it isn't raining man jesus i think  we would have looked like mud monsters   we put on a mask and a suit because there's  a lot of mold fungi asbestos and also perhaps   some dangerous gases we venture inside and  immediately spot some weird type of fungus everywhere so this is some hairy substance i  don't know what it is it doesn't look too healthy   the bunker is really cool  we find some control panels   and many other interesting objects  which are left behind like these   old computers with probably some confidential  information on them does it say security notes this base was built during the cold war  in the 50s and served as a command post   in case of a nuclear chemical  or bacteriological attack   it was built to house many people for several  weeks the place got abandoned in the mid 90s   i've never seen so much mold in a confined space  this is a really unhealthy place that i can smell   the fungus through the masks so this is the  best part but also the the most unhealthy part gross this is how my bag looks after a day of exploring  on the ground a nice adventure to start a top 10   with number nine a decommissioned cruise ferry  in greece frederick and i supposed to go to   china in the beginning of 2020 but our trip  gets cancelled just one day before departure   we decide to go on a really last minute trip  to greece there are a lot of decommissioned   ships in an industrial bay we know when  advanced it's going to be a tough mission when we reach the bay it looks like mission  impossible there are many sailing ships and the   waves are choppy ride to ranger boats but failed  looking for a place to find people with a boat   we tried to charge somebody with a little  boat but we're not able to find anyone   even buying an inflatable boat costs  us many hours visiting countless stores the next day we rest to sail of almost  two kilometer which is over a mile yeah   i hope it's gonna work out man nobody  has done this before fingers crossed   we know it's really dangerous but we have no other  option left to try all these ships will be removed   soon the waves are so high that we lose our water  and sleeping bags on the way to the cruise ferry navy drops by just when we enter this  boat oh [ __ ] i'm completely wet we got on board and immediately  have an unpleasant surprise   we think that somebody sleeps  here it would not be the last he's well trained the ship was laid down in 1974 and sailed  over the whole world under different names   like nils holgerson and abel tasman in 1995  it was sold to an airlines in greece and they   renamed the ship theophilus since 2018 the ship  has been laid up to the bankruptcy of netherlines   soon the ship will be scrapped in africa   after exploring just a small part of the ship we  got noticed and kicked off the ship hi english or   have you got a number from somebody from  the company or do they give permissions   no no no no no no although the mission  failed it felt like a great adventure   which definitely belongs to  our most dangerous adventures number eight an underground ammunition factory  in albania located at a rural village in albania   you can find the secret communist  ammunition bunker when ronald and   i enter the village we're being watched by  everyone they definitely see we're not from   around here and we have to make sure we don't  attract too much attention we try to enter the   underground factory from above first maybe  there's a staircase going down or something oh you can't see the bottom it's  only when you have a death wish   oh my god it's really deep we also take a look  at the ammunition factory above the ground   it doesn't seem like a good idea to enter military  grounds during the day when everybody can see you   we return the late evening but despite it late   there are still a lot of people outside  and we definitely catch their attention   when we walked through the village once we're on  a terrain we wait for an hour to see if nobody   comes to look for us there is a lot of movement  nearby and dogs start to bark on every sound we make the first part is pretty empty  and we lose a lot of time here   after some hours climbing through small holes  in the walls we enter the factory part which   is still in a pristine state people often ask why  we whisper in some videos well we whisper all the   time because we really don't want to get caught  the factory doesn't go deep on the ground and   maybe somebody outside can hear us we also take  care where we shine our flashlights in albania   you don't want to get caught at a forbidden  place and totally not on military grounds   this place is crazy and it's one of the  best underground places i've ever seen after breaking ties with the soviet union  and china albania became the most isolated   country in europe this underground domination  factory probably closed after the fall of the   communist regime in 1992 we find explosives  bullets and even a dshk barrel of a machine gun   oh my god look what we have found we  are really tired and decide to go back   the next day we want to return because i  have the feeling we didn't see everything   and to get some better shots again we are  spotted by some people and we know how obvious   it is that we are here again and suddenly we see  somebody walking at the entrance of the factory   people completely dressed in black are hiding  on strategic positions we consider ourselves   lucky to have seen a big part and leave as fast  as possible this could have ended a lot worse   number seven a decommissioned warship in france in  this adventure i'm on a trip with frank i want to   visit a warship which is located in an active  naval base sounds like a cool mission right   so military people are walking already we have no  clue how the ship looks like from the inside and   if it's possible to get onto or inside the ship  we scout the area and look for possible entrances   of the ship but it looks shot tight it's clear we  can't board during the day so we wait at the beach   it's 10 o'clock we want to start the paddle  but people are still partying on the boat   and eating on the boat and people are chilling  at the naval school or naval base i don't know   tourists here yeah people chilling at the beach  right oh okay let's go there is ongoing activity   but at one point we just decide to go and we  paddle to the ship to my surprise we get inside we wait for sunrise and start to explore the ship it's pretty busy in the harbour we'll  be stuck here for the rest of the day   and we brought a gas and oxygen meter  to our stations in these confined spaces this ship is called equestner and is one of the  two destroyers in the sovereign class of the   french navy it served from 1970 until 2007.  the ship was developed to protect aircraft   carriers against air and submarine attacks it  had a crew of 360 men including 23 officers   we find a lot of interesting things like  a quiet intact combat information center   a radar a torpedo loading room  a massager hangar and much more we still have to get back to the shore   and well the current is luckily i don't  know going to the shore but it's pretty wild when we want to go back to the shore the  waves are shoppy and there's a strong wind   i'm afraid the wind blows us directly  into the naval harbor but luckily we   make it to the shore safe and unseen we  made it another adventure from the books   number six the nicosia airport and cyprus in 2018  i decided to visit cyprus with ilko and alexander   it was on my pocket list for a long time we  don't see any sign of activity there's a target we get inside fairly easy we see that the  lower floor still has electricity running   and it seems still in use we go upstairs and  immediately see the first patrolling car lucky us this terminal is frozen in time since  the turkish army invaded cyprus in 1974   splitting the country in two in between is a  buffer zone controlled by the nato the headquarter   is located on the old airport yes the same  area where we are right now during our explore   the patrols around the terminal become more  intense and we have the feeling they know we are to inside with some military  guys looking through the fences   the expression of their faces describes  the situation without any words we decide to hide in the room and watch the  continuous patrols around the building we're stuck but at one point we just have  to leave we run for our lives   it's a miracle we don't get seen  so we're going to check a plane now these are bullet holes i'm pretty sure when  we finally think we're safe this happens yes we celebrate our succeeded escape number five a  decommissioned submarine at an active naval base   i heard about a cool submarine that is  located on elected naval base portugal wow impossible we feel badly but i don't want to give up we have  to swim the next day we buy some extra supplies we are too optimistic navy seals are outside at a  nearby navy ship and we have to wait for darkness high five we enter the  submarine through a small gap nice after making it ourselves comfortable   we explore the submarine which  is still in a pristine state the submarine served between 1996 and 2005   and was equipped with 12 torpedo tubes and  could submerge to a maximum depth of 300 meters we get out and see after uploading this video i  suddenly receive a video from a portuguese friend   tourists invade old submarine of the navy stack oil rigs in scotland in 2017 i went  with andy from the uk to some cold stack   oil rigs in scotland the price of crude oil is  steadily declining worldwide and as a result   many oil wrecks are being decommissioned or cold  stacked some of them are towed to this bay in   scotland we had no information didn't know what  we would encounter but we thought it would be fun   to spend a weekend on these giant structures  getting close the police boat is just passing us   while sailing to these oil wrecks we crossed some  police boats but nobody stopped us oh wet and wild   blue lights it's good that we  were hidden yes laying down here everything is still in place and there's an  interesting place to discover crazy this is cool looks awesome man still in perfect condition  i look here like a private cinema yeah   something for this evening man what have you found here we found the perfect room  all right let's bring it up we have quite some fun   inside playing ping pong and bill yard perfect  place for barbecue because it's storming outside   we have a barbecue in the kitchen no barbecue  this time it's too windy outside but it is well   that's good we spent the night in the living  quarters and climbed the tower the next day   after two days of exploring we go back home several days after uploading this video we  found ourselves in the news everywhere a police   investigation started and three all companies want  to sue us this video was offline for quite a while   number three an aircraft cemetery in ukraine  in 2018 ian and i are exploring in ukraine   pretty close to the donetsk area  where there's a war going on we make a quick stop to make pictures of  an aircraft cemetery where you can see a   lot of old soviet l-29 delphin planes i  can go easily inside that's cool there on the other side that's easy it's easy to  get in the terrain too easy for ukraine where   literally everything is guarded this looks  too easy for ukraine we are not there yet somebody used to sit here yeah  they still drive here you see yeah speed up active buildings maybe not too close there could be somebody  in that building yeah see it looks active we   see some active buildings in the distance  not knowing it's an active military base   we managed to get to the planes good  that they're still there look amazing this site was used to train soviet pilots   there are about 60 l-29 dolphins a type that first  flown in 1959 and you can also find a few mi2 helicopters in the end i want to make some  pictures inside a helicopter   but i hear some noises inside we  see what we think is a copper thief cable perfect say hi and things go  completely wrong to make a long story short   we end up at the police station this is not  unusual for us we've been there done that   before but when criminal investigators showed up  the atmosphere turns 180 degrees they think we   are spies from russia and we face a lifetime  in prison i'm worried after hours and hours   of being interrogated they have a doubt about  why we were on a so-called secret military base   but decide to let us go this was definitely  my closest call for a lifetime in prison   number two the fukushima exclusion zone in  2017 and 2019 i went with frederick to the   exclusion zone around fukushima to document  a real aftermath of the terrible disaster   a 9.1 magnitude earthquake caused the tsunami  which caused three nuclear meltdowns it's a   disastrous zone not just a ghost town many people  died and the whole towns had to be evacuated it was the most touching explore to this day  we had no information at all when we went   and decided to scout the area first the only open  road through the red zone that time is growth six stop it foreign it turned out to be a tough explore  because we couldn't park the car unnoticed we even   got problems in accessible zones people who saw  us call the police immediately we had to explore   really carefully when you get caught inside the  red zone euros got high fine and imprisonment uh what made it even more difficult is that we  couldn't stay in hotels during our first visit   so we had to sleep in a car every night our  mission was to go deep inside the red zone but we   found out there are too many cameras and sensors  and we wouldn't stay unnoticed in our white suits   this act lasted so the next trip we were  prepared and dressed like black ninjas in the middle of the night we hiked to the  center of the red zone and train tracks   to find out most of the buildings were  demolished and the whole zone was being renovated   we almost got spotted by the patrolling police  on our way back so it was time for plan b   we picked a few interesting looking  buildings in the red zone to explore   in some cases it was impossible to wear a  mask because we would be noticed immediately   this way we risked to inhale radioactive  particles unfortunately it was hard to   get around during the day so we could  only see one or two buildings a day as said before this was by far  the most touching explore ever   it probably shortened our life expectation  but it was an adventure to never forget number one the baikonur cosmodrome in  2017 i went to kazakhstan with frederick   yan and morton to visit the bruin  space shuttles and rocket which are   located inside abandoned hangars at the baikonur  cosmodrome the oldest space facility in the world   it's located on an active russian military  base it's one of the trickiest missions so far   and we prepare for months you  don't want to get caught here and still need to walk many miles into the desert  all goes easy until we hear three gunshots and   see a car in distance with lights on at that  moment i think what the hell am i doing here   but because we couldn't return  anytime soon we decide to continue   while hiking we find this booby trap and  we're glad we didn't proceed with our car   we would have been stuck we have to climb and  crawl the last three miles to get to the hangar we   need to go inside as fast as possible but there's  no easy entrance we finally get inside the moment   we shine a light on the shuttle for the first time  is priceless it's a moment i'll never forget damn we explored two teams one team stays on the roof  to keep an eye on the surrounding while the other   group explores the hangar some security for  trying we have to watch out armed soldiers also   patrol inside these hangars we often have to hide  because cars parked nearby overhear strange noises   there are two shuttles in  this hangar one is a prototype   and the other shuttle was finished  for 78 the buron project which was   the most expensive space project in the russian  history was halted after the fall of the soviet union we have to hide again many times what people don't know is that we also want to  see the rocket which is located in another hangar   it was a tricky mission  sneaking to the building by day   this is the only picture i took at dusk with my  phone because my sd cards were suddenly corrupt   risking me alive and then come back with a  phone shot also 30 of my video footage was   corrupt when i got home really frustrating  but still it was one of the best trips ever of course it doesn't stop here many more  adventures are coming up recently we discovered   a non-dutch bunker on military grounds by  example and we just put tape on the camera so we come back we will go back in a few days and  see if the tape is still there it's convenient   when you know cameras don't work after getting  inside we ventured into the unknown so subscribe   to our channel and stay tuned about our future  adventures back here you can see how rusty it   i've is this man oh my god   some of our riskiest missions can be uploaded  so become a patreon to see exclusive footage thanks a lot for watching  our most dangerous adventures
Channel: Exploring the Unbeaten Path
Views: 1,791,312
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Keywords: urbex, urbex most dangerous adventures, most dangerous adventures, abandoned, exploring the unbeaten path, urbex top 10, urbex europe, urbex asia, urbex united states, top abandoned places, top urbex places, urban exploration, bob thissen urbex, bob thissen, baikonur cosmodrome, fukushima urbex, exploring dangerous places, urbex went, abandoned soviet places, abandoned soviet shuttles, urbex went wrong, urban exploring, urbex france, buran, urbex gone wrong
Id: 3meMDT0SjvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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