Upscale Your Vita Games By 33% With VitaGrafix!

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previously we looked at how to max out the horsepower on your V or Playstation TV's GPU and CPU through the power of overclocking now we're going to use that horsepower to its full potential by maxing out the resolution and maximum frame rates for your favorite games fire up your VA or PlayStation TV because you're about to learn how to use the power of the V Graphics app and plugin to level up your games there are two things you're going to need to make this work correctly the first is your vaita or PlayStation TV will need to be jailbroken you'll also need to be able to connect your vaita to your computer either through USB FTP or by putting your storage card directly into your computer storage card reader there's only one thing you'll need to download to make this work and it's autop plugin too it's linked for you in the video description and it's hosted on the GitHub from the main page on the GitHub scroll down until you get to the section titled assets the first listing in the asset section is for a file called autoplugin 2. VPK click on the file to download it to your computer from your Windows desktop open up a new instance of file Explorer right click and then select downloads from the list of options from here you'll see the VPK file for autop plugin 2o I'll take this window and then snap it into place on the left side of the screen from your V or PlayStation TV you'll need to open up v shell there are two ways you can do this first if you already have it installed in the live area you can just tap on the v shell button or select it with the x button if not it's actually also packaged in with VA deploy which pretty much every VA or pstv has installed these days to go this route tap on VA deployer selected with X and then tap on starter selected with x the first listing inside V deploy is for file manager tap on it on screen or select it with the x button and v shell will open up on your pstv or Vita once you're inside v shell press the select button on your device or controller this is going to open up the option to connect your vaita or pstv to your computer over FTP or USB once your storage is recognized on your computer in a new file explorer window window is opened up you can take that window and just drag and drop it over to the right side of the screen and snap it into place from here simply copy the autoplugin 2. VPK file directly onto the root of the storage here's the deal though don't drop it inside one of these subfolders drop it directly onto the root of your storage to make it easier to find in the upcoming steps back on your V or pstv press the circle button to disconnect the USB or FTP connection to your computer from here you'll need to navigate to ux0 which is your storage area on your device use the d-pad to move the green highlight down to ux0 and press the x button to select it from here you can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list of folders and files and then back up until you see the listing for autoplugin 2. VPK press the x button on your device or controller three times once to select it want to confirm and once to give the app permission to install this takes a couple of minutes or so in real time once the process is complete you don't need the VPK anymore press the triangle button to pull out the side cart menu use the d-pad to move the Highlight down three times to delete and select delete with X then at the confirmation prompted appears select yes with the x button to delete the VPK file you're done with v shell at this point press the PlayStation button on your controller or device then swipe from the right corner down or pressing hold the circle button to go back to the live area next you'll need to launch autop plugin 2 for the first time from the live area on your VA or PlayStation TV navigate down to the newly creative bubble for autop plugin 2 tap on the bubble or select it with X then tap on start or selected with X to launch autop plugin 2 for the first time the app will check for and download the latest plug-in updates from the main menu of autop plugin 2 select V plugins with the x button inside the V plugin submenu select install plugins with the x button from the install plugins menu use the d-pad to scroll down through the list of choices until you find the listing that says vaa Graphics by electri it lives near the bottom of the list so you'll have to do some scrolling to get down to it once you locate VA Graphics select it with the x button you'll get an informational window that tells you what vet Graphics does it basically has two main jobs one is to increase the resolution of games and the other is to increase their maximum frame rate capabilities once you've read this information press the x button for okay what's really great about using autop plugin 2 for this process is it will install both the plugin and the supporting VPK for setting up the configurations for V Graphics once you press the x button for install autop plugin will put the plugin for V Graphics in the right place on your vaita or PlayStation TV it will also download and install the vaita graphics configuration application and install it to your live area for you automatically once the installation process has been completed you'll need to restart your VA or PlayStation TV for the new plugin to take effect to do this press the circle button to go back one level in the autop plugin 2 menus then press Circle one more time to go back to the autop plugin 2 main menu from here use the d-pad to scroll down to the listing for exit and select exit with the x button you'll get a confirmation screen asking you if you want to power off and restart your device and you do press X for okay to restart your device now that you're back at the live area and you have the V Graphics plug-in working let's launch the V Graphics configuration tool so that you can set up some basic settings locate the bubble for Vita Graphics tap on it or select it with the x button then tap on start or select it with X to launch the program for the first time as we get started in the interface I'm going to zoom in a bit here to make this easier to view on mobile devices the blue Highlight on the top navigation ribbon is currently set to V graphicss settings there are a few settings here worth taking a look at first make sure that there's an X next to enabled so that vaita Graphics will work inside all of your games next up you'll see a listing for OSD for onscreen display for the purposes of this video I'm going to make sure that that's turned on at all times so that we can see what's going on with vet Graphics inside these games there's a Xbox here for only show installed games and I recommend that you turn this on that way you'll only see the list of games in the top navigation ribbon that you already have installed on your VA orl station TV to save these changes move the Highlight down to save config and select it with the x button back up at the top navigation ribon you'll be able to select the game that you want to apply resolution and maximum frame per second changes to so here I'll move the Highlight up to where it says vaita graphic settings and slide over to God of War collection this is kind of a notoriously difficult game to work with on the vaita so it's a good test candidate for what we're doing here just like with the global settings you have options that you can check for both enabled and for the onscreen display and I've got both of these turned on here the next option is What's called the frame buffer this is where you can change the resolutions of your games from here you can choose to either lower the resolution for increased battery life leave it at its native resolution or increase it for improved Graphics Fidelity here I'm going to change the resolution from off to the lowest possible resolution to the native resolution all the way up to the highest possible resolution the Vita supports which is 960x 544 for now I'll turn it off so that we can have a comparison between the native resolution of God of War collection and its enhanced version which we'll take a look at in just a moment the Vita and Playstation TV can support games all the way up to 60 frames per second but not every game is made that way from its developer you can actually set this number as low as 20 frames per second at its default at 30 or all the way up to 60 frames per second to improve game performance here once again I'm going to turn this off because I want to take a look at God of War collection first as is and then see what improvements we can make so for now I'll go back up to enabled and turn this off so that V Graphics has no influence over the overall appearance and frame rate on God of War collection when we run it in just a moment to get a good Baseline for things so here I'll pick save config to make sure that the game is unaltered by V Graphics let's go launch God of War collection and get those baselines I'm going to close Z V graphics for now then from the live area I'll navigate over to the bubble for God of War collection and launch it here we'll get our first clue as to how the resolution in frames per second are set in the game for example here both are set to default which means it's set to no more than 720 lines of horizontal resolution and no more than 30 frames per second maximum performance once you go into v shell plus and turn on the onscreen display for the frames per second counter you'll find out that the game operates at no more than those 30 frames per second and sometimes can drop down to as low as an abysmal 22 frames per second let's see if we can't use the power of Vita Graphics along with the power of v shell plus to make this game perform at its peak we'll start by closing out the game and going back to the live area from the live area let's go ahead and relaunch the vaita graphics configuration tool by tapping on the bubble in the live area or selecting with X and then tapping on start or selecting it with X to make things easier to to see inside the configuration tool I'm going to press and hold the PlayStation button and turn off the onscreen display for v shell plus we'll turn it back on in just a minute to look at its statistics in the top navigation ribbon I'll Select god of war collection from the list of choices from here you can scroll down to the listing for frame buffer I'll change this setting from off to the maximum resolution of the PlayStation VA display of 960x 544 from here I'll scroll down to the listing for FPS cap I'll change this from off to the maximum possible frames per setting listing on the vaita which is 60 frames per second to save these changes you scroll down with the blue Highlight to save config and select it with the x button let's see what changes this will have on God of War collection I'll press the PlayStation button here and then swipe from the right corner down to close out the configuration tool next up let's relaunch God of War collection from the live area and see what changes have taken effect right away you'll notice that the V Graphics software has already set the maximum resolution to 960x 544 and increase the cap all the way up to 60 frames per second potential for the game while you'll get that lovely 33% increase in total resolution straight up from Vita Graphics you'll have to pair it with v shell plus to take advantage of any increased frames per second So to that end I'll load up v shell plus and increase the maximum speeds of the CPU and GPU to their highest levels 500 MHz for the CPU and 222 MHz for the GPU then to lock in these changes I'll come down to okay and select it with x the results for in-game play are impressive the game is now capable of exceeding its previously maximum 30 frames per second cap in some cases the game is capable of going as high as 36 frames per second a 6 frame per second increase and a maximum potential of 20% more frames per second than the game was originally shipped with amazing by the way if you haven't seen that video on how to overclock your VA or PlayStation TV you've missed out on a real gem here's that video shown on screen and Linked In the video description and pinned comment so you can check it out I'll look forward to seeing you over there
Channel: Blaine Locklair
Views: 31,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60fps vita games, enhance vita graphics wow, how to upscale playstation vita, how to upscale playstation vita games, how to upscale vita games, playstation vita upscaled, ps vita fps boost, ps vita fps games, ps vita fps plugin, ps vita fps test, ps vita fps unlock, ps vita upscale, upscale vita games, upscale vita games for free, upscale vita graphics mod, vita fps games
Id: RdUWmvN7hHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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