Upload Multiple files from PowerApps to SharePoint in One Click!!

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[Music] thank you hi everyone welcome to last spring coders my name is vinay and in this video we are going to learn how we can save files from PowerApp to SharePoint and I have just written one beautiful quote up here you can read this like you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people or enough other people get what they want right so with this beautiful code just keep helping each other and just help me by subscribing to this channel as well okay and just like this video if you like the content right so in this video we are going to learn how we can save files from power app to SharePoint so I have this SharePoint folder with me like if I go to this document I have created one folder this power app inside that document we can see up here at this folder I have this attachment control with me so if I attach some file in it let me attach like these two files okay so these two file will upload to our power this power apps okay so these two file will get attached to our app inside powerapps so I have I have these two buttons what this button does is if I click on this it will just save the last file like it will save only the sales data file at a time so see if I click on this it will it just save this file and if I just refresh up here see this file just got saved up here right again if I go up here again if I will click on this so at a time it will just upload one file to our SharePoint if your requirement is something like this you can have this or if your requirement is like you want to upload all the file at a time so I have also created for that I'll just upload these two files right okay I'll just show you the demo for these four in just a bit let me upload these two small files first because the size of these are in KB so if I click on save all files see initially we have these two Let me refresh it up here so see in just a few seconds I have uploaded right Now by default what happens is PowerApp can only upload a file which is less than or equal to 10 MB right so we can increase it it up to 100 MB but if the file size is like more than 100 MB we will not be able to upload that see even if I try to like upload this again it will throw me an error reason because the size of this file is like more than 100 MB it is 109 right again if you missed see this file is too large rest if it is below 100 MB you can see like this is around 55 MB so let me try to upload it so see able to upload it to my power app and let's just test it if I click save this file it will take up some time maybe like 10-15 second it will take depending on your internet speed and other things as well okay but it will save we can have a loading screen up here right till the time it finished but you can see like the dotted lines running here right so this is just indicate that it is loading it is trying to upload our file two over this thing to our SharePoint folder so let's wait it will take 10-15 seconds usually okay see it got uploaded let's go up here initially we have these four files Let me refresh it once I refresh it see see up here so this file got added and let me show you the details of these files as well see the size of it it is 55 MB if I needed to show you the data so see the data of these file is like this so data is also coming up okay so for now let me just delete all the files from here okay so in this video we are going to learn like these two functionalities okay and I hope you are excited so let's get started so I've created a new app with a name upload file from PowerPoint to SharePoint now let me just uh show you like we don't we do not have any attachment control okay the this thing we will we will not find anywhere up here right if you go to your insert you are not even if you search each and every controls up here you you are not going to find any attachment control right so where can we get that so for that we will use this edit form but before this edit form what you need to do is go to your data section on the left hand side corner just add any SharePoint list like I have added the stable engine you can click on this add go to your connectors right in your connector you might have the SharePoint with you so just click on that select your SharePoint list like I have this and just select any list which is present inside your SharePoint if there is no list just go to your SharePoint go to this home okay just click on this new add a list okay just add a list once the list is being added then you can go to the edit mode of this power app and you can add the table and once you like if I wanted to add this table I'll just click connect and it will get added okay so once like this is added here now go to your main screen and just go up here insert click on edit form here for data source use your that SharePoint list okay it doesn't matter like you can use whatever list you want okay once this list got added up here you can see the attachment see this attachment control is there so just double click it on a single click it will be like on this see this this is attachment underscore data card so you need to select this data card see this data card value 46 so I just needed this so I'll just copy this thing okay once I copy this I'll just firstly delete this form let me delete this form from here okay and I'll paste it once you will paste it you will see some error up here simply just click on this drop down edit formula whatever code is written here right just remove the code and for now give some random color okay like color dot blue uh this parent dot default just remove this uh this display name just remove this uh display mode just remove this okay so once you will just delete everything you will get rid of those error okay once you got rid of those error you see you got your attachment control with you okay so basically what it will help you to upload files from your local to your power app okay let me select these two files so see so initially it is it is like this okay so this is cool right so we got our attachment control and now we are able to attach files to our power app from our local and now we want to save this file to SharePoint so for that you need to have flows with you right you need to use flows so I hope you are aware of the flows okay so you need to use power automated flow so just go to your flow either create flow from here or you can create flow flow from your power app only any any place you can you can create your flow let's create from here only like from App if you click on this create new flow it will ask you like do you need to start from a blank template or do you need to use this template let's start from blank okay okay so you can give give the name for this like if a if I give name something like peer to SP flow okay and let me give underscore instead of space is no problem but better to use underscore PA underscore 2 underscore SP underscore flow so power apps to SharePoint flow will be this so so this will trigger when I click button on my power app so this is done just create one one more control saying like SharePoint you click on your SharePoint you will you will see like create file okay so we have this create file with us right uh just select your just select your SharePoint like I have this in this SharePoint site with me so I'll just copy the copy this link or maybe if I'm seeing up here like I am seeing my this site here so I can just select this side or if you are not seeing a click on custom value copy this paste it here okay once this is done rest is all done click on this folder icon on the folder path just select where you wanted to save okay so here shared folder I know my folder is inside the share folder and this is the folder power app so I've just selected this folder if I show you a page so this is shared share document inside that I have my power app right so I've selected this path the name of the file so I'll say ask the name from the app so the app will tell me what is the name of this file okay and the content of the file so I'll say the content of the file also see just click on the see more and again Ask from ask in PowerApp okay so just do these two steps save it for now go to your go to your power app okay now go to your tree view uh just in your screen just create one button first right so this button will trigger our this thing our flow and it will try to save these two files in our this folder so for that I've created this button see data from PA to share point right let me rename this button okay so this is also done right so on select of this button we will we will trigger it we will trigger this flow right we have created this fluoride PA and if you have created flow from here what you need to do is just click on this add flow and it will show you the list of the flows that you have just add add that flow right but I have already created from PowerApp only so I am seeing this flow up here so in my case it is fine like PA to SP flow so what I'll type here PA see here PA to SP flow dot run see and if you give some space it will just remove this underscore it will not give a space appear your name would be like this PA 2 SP without a special right that is why I have given like underscore so Doctrine it is expecting like two values okay so the first one is if you see a pair create the first one is file name the second is file content okay so to get the name of the file from this attachment control let me just first create some text labels so that you will get better idea to get this theme like make tab using modern control dot Zips to get this name what we need to do is like data card so this is a data card right Data Guard value 46 I'll say attachment but as soon as I do this you see up here like this is a table that is saying like this is the table okay so if this is the table I'll just say just give me the last okay the last name of this and if I do something like this like this is a table right so I'll say just give whatever is the last item just give me the name of that and if I just increase the size of this label C I am getting the name right make tabs like this and if I remove this thing so my last file will be this import 2000 plus record NBA okay so I hope you got it let me just include this file as well so see so in this way we can get the name of our file so let me just copy this let me go up here save this so file name is done now next thing is let me again copy this label paste it now the data inside that file so maybe there is a way to get data let me type value up here so yeah this file is stored in this blob storage okay in Azure we have blob storage so this file is save in this location it is saying see this app press colon blob manager and so on so forth there is some key to it so this file is stored in this location so I'll just say okay and the code I have written for this is the simple last this thing dot value let me just copy this go up here okay in place of value let me just pass this okay again I think I need to copy it okay let's try to paste okay so this is done and receive two expecting one let me increase the size of this first and let's click up here this is fine this is also fine why there is an error okay maybe there is like a small comma up here okay so maybe by mistake it does okay so this is fine okay so I have provided the name if you just select all this you will see the name up here also and if you see the data in this so you will see the data right so this is this is fine this should work you might think like this should work but this will not let me tell you beforehand and let me let me show you the flow up here go to your make dot uh flow sorry flow.powerautomate.com and you will see your newly created flow up here so you can see this flow I've created pa2 SP flow let me open this flow currently there is no run history so if I click on this button this flow will trigger right so let me just click on this button and it will try to upload this file this last file so yeah the flow got trigger Let me refresh it up here and let's see if it succeeded or it failed or like what happened okay and the moment of truth it got succeeded okay your flow got succeeded you might be like happy like everything went well you will go to your SharePoint this thing you will refresh it you will see your file you will say oh my god it worked right but here there is some problem in this if I try to open this file okay it will ask me to download let me add some Excel file so that you will get a better idea like what I'm trying to convey let me select the sales file try to upload the sales file okay so it is uploaded right I'll refresh it so the sales file is up here if you see there like if you go to details you see their size is like 55 byte if you see the size of this is 55 byte so every size will be 55 byte only if you will like do like this now if I try to open this Excel file I will not see the data inside the C it will say like there is some error in this okay I I hope you are getting it so if you try to like upload with this you will you will get error okay I'll just I'll explain you why we are getting this error let me just try to upload file in this from here from SharePoint if I see the size of this is 24 KB the actual size if I upload the site file I have uploaded in this document folder see I have uploaded in this document folder and now if I go to my flow and I'll just click on this edit flow okay so instead of this I'll just create like click on this action I'll say SharePoint okay I'll say there is something called like get file okay now see this get file content using path okay go up here select your SharePoint site address file path I'll say go up here go to share folder inside that I have this I've just saved this file right sales okay so save this I'll just manually run this flow see just click on the store test click on select manually give any file name like T Dot txt give any content like I have written some random values and I'll click on done the flow will run within seconds okay so this got run so see what what the file content is expecting the file content is expecting something like this okay see this so it is expecting a Json see this it is expecting a Json a content type and content so and if I go up here in my creating file see what I am passing up here if you will just scroll this down and part ID this is a few okay here here so here I have provided this name in this content right so this is this is this I have provided right but uh let me show you like in the previous previous run history like this is the previous run history so what what it is passing up here see this so it is passing this thing instead of that Json right so it it required that Json that will tell us the content inside the file in the content type not just some random name okay so for that what you what we need to do is in PowerApp directly we can't like extract data from like this link to extract data from this this link or maybe this site we need an image control okay so just select your image control from this insert see this so this is my image control right so in this I'll just copy this thing see this last I'll just copy this thing I'll click on this see I'm on image property I'll just paste it up here so once I pasted this here see I am not seeing anything let me let me give it some border so that you will be able to see like here here it is a here our images okay so this file doesn't contain any image that is why like it is like it is blank okay but it contains data inside it so how how we can see that data so let me just copy this paste it up here and see this text field if you go to the text okay just type this code Json okay image one dot image comma include binary data just do something like this but again you will see oh my God like this is also giving me some error right see like this is this is also giving you some error but this contains data how you are going to see this data just cut this thing from here Ctrl X to control X I'll create one more button like this okay so the text of this button like extract image data I'll say okay and inside this the on Select Property of this I'll go and just remove this code from here and instead of this I'll okay I think I have okay I'll again no worries I'll again write this code Json image one dot image include binary data okay Json format dot include binary data and just create one variable like this set maybe image data variable okay and just close this okay once this is done fine I'll say like where image data okay so I'll click on this button okay I clicked on this button right I have one label up here so in place of this I'll just write where image data so see I got some text up here and if I'll overflow I make it as scroll and now see because I got this data right and isn't this is what I wanted like if if I show go up here show you the Run history of this thing like which I run manually and I try to like extract file from SharePoint so what SharePoint is expecting if you go to this so it is expecting like this this kind of thing only right from u e s d b b q a till like whatever the last thing maybe so if if you see a pair so see this u e s DB from here till like if I scroll all the way to the down till here before this like this double chord before this double quote right till till these five way right so it is expecting these values so now that we are finally able to get this this thing now the simple task left is just to just do it uh make a substring from this string right I've got this string let me little bit align them I'll copy this I'll paste this okay so to so to uh uh can I increase the size of it let me move all these to the left hand side these three to the top okay this up here I'll increase the size a bit and increase its size so see up here I have this comma right here right you see this comma so you will not find this comma anywhere in this string right only you will see this comma up here even if you like paste it to your notepad and search for so there is like this comma pair right so there is this comma up here we need to remove this thing we only need after this comma this thing till the whole string and just subtract one length of one from here right for that we will write a code so a substring code is like like this mid or maybe you can use left but here we will use mid because we don't need like from left also we are cutting something from right also we are cutting something right so firstly it will ask me like which text I wanted to like substring so I will string like this where image right where image data and it will ask me from where you wanted to start so for that I'll use find function I'll say find and it will ask me what to find so I'll say find this comma okay so okay it will say okay I'll start with comma so it will ask me from which text you wanted to like find elsewhere image data find from this this text it will say okay I'll find this comma let me just show you first okay copy this let me just show you so see find comma where image data is like 79 so it will start from the 17 ninth version but we need to start from like one place ahead 79 plus one right so we need to start from like like 80th position so once this is done just add plus 1 to it okay now it will say how many character do you want to add okay so how to calculate that so what is the length of this whole thing I'll say Okay so the length of this even I don't know but I'll use this length function and it will say length of what IELTS length of this where image data it will say Okay length of this image data minus length of see I need to subtract this thing only right I need to subtract like the 80 which I have like added just subtract that 80 and we will get that okay so let me do something like this and see up here it is starting from ues and let me scroll all the way to the down and still I'm getting this see this double quotes at the end so what I'll do is here you see up here so we will just try to just remove this plus one to it and see like if this time it works see again it doesn't work okay so instead of plus one we will do like minus one and let's see if this time it worked so see this time it worked so instead of like I could just simply copy the code in this paste it and say to you like you can you can do something you can use this code I just explain you the whole thing so you do you don't need to learn the codes right you just need to understand them even like I I did not I did not learn this see for just before you I debug this code right so in this way if you will do this do the coding of this power app you will you will find more interest in it right so okay so this this data I got right this data I got so from this data Only We Will We Will extract the file content and that thing this and this content also so now we will send this data okay so let me copy this code from here I'll go to my this thing okay PA this instead of this value this time I'll pass this okay this time I'm passing this is string right if you see this button this save so I pass this in the second parameter in in the in file content I'm passing this content right let us still there is there is some issue like I am passing this but it is expecting something like this right uh if I show you up here so it is expecting some Json Json up here like content type but this is not a Json if you you can clearly see like this is a text this is no Json right so for that what you need to do is just click on edit this this is this is fine but for the file content just remove this go to your expression we have like base 64. to Binary now I know 99 of you like just use this code and you will you do not know like what this is so I don't know if you are from computer science background or not so binary is nothing but like 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 like the language that machine understand and base 64 okay so we are trying to convert it to the to the machine language so that machine could understand this this text right so I'll say base64 to Binary and what and I'll use this file content See this file content and I'll click on OK let's save it this time and let's try to click a button once you save anything from there right you need to go to your power app power automate click on this power automate click on these three dot click on refresh again go to your once this is refreshed and go to your tree View run your app now I'll try to click this button let's see the sales data and firstly let me delete all the files from here so that it doesn't create a confusion and now let me try to save this file save data XLS okay so let's refresh here again let's refresh I didn't got the file okay let me go back let's see if the flow okay the flow failed so we will see why the flow field it will save it is saying file not found have I deleted the file oh man I deleted instead of deleting okay I'll again create that folder powerapps I created the file and that okay so sorry about that let me upload that file also I was trying to like delete data from that powerapps folder instead I just deleted these two files that that's so stupid okay again again that this let me again rerun again just click on this button and let's see if the flow runs successfully this time or not okay so see the flow succeeded let's see if our file got created inside this PowerApp folder Let me refresh it see I got the file and let's see if I got the content also this time see I got the content right I got the content so it is it is working just fine if you if I open this thing and this time if I'll show you so see up here if you click on this the file content is like this right so this is the manual thing which I just added to show you like to explain you and from from PowerApp also like VR VR sending this thing only right this Json so see we are able to achieve this right so in this way like you can upload the files from PowerApp to your SharePoint with all the data in it right I hope you you got it like what I did and if you like if you still have confusion just rewind this video right you have that functionality just rewind this video and you can see that so instead of creating this button like I know like why will you create this button this is way too hectic to like get rid of this button what you can do is I'll say remove formatting instead I'll just uh do something like this I don't know like how many of you know like how you can create variables up here okay inside like if I am on this function to create variable in this we we can use like this with function right right just follow with me like with syntaxes like this with then a normal this common bracket then this these curly bracket and then this and then inside it I can create a variable okay so let me create a variable X since I'm instead of X I'll use this where image data so that I'll not okay so this is done and whatever code you have written like this right Json I'll just copy this thing okay I'll copy this thing and I'll paste up here now okay done right no error delete this button I don't need this button now okay it it it will give you an error reason because we we were using that where those variables here but now we don't need these two labels let's delete these two labels as well okay so this is done right this is done let me play the app let me just delete this file first let me just only add this uh the last file is this right make Tab and I'll just show you that I do not have this file in my SharePoint okay so let me just click on save data from PowerApp to SharePoint Let me refresh up here and see I got this file up here right cool so in this way like you don't need to create that button and instead you can use the variable using this with the function right this is like amazing function this width is really amazing function so yeah now once like this is done what we need to do is we need to remove remove this file right I have uploaded this file by why will I need to see this file up again right I I need to remove this file because this file is saved to the SharePoint so even if you try to do something like this we have one like remove function I just clicked on Save right now we have this remove function but remove function only it will only work on collection right it will say I'll need connection Man collection I I'll not work if you do not have collection I will not work even if you write code like data data card like this it it will throw error whatever whatever may be the code one equal once it it will throw the error right it will throw there it will need a collection okay so you will say you need a collection I'll give you a collection so just click on your this data card see this data card value 46 I just selected this go to its own ad file property where it is here on ADD file property I'll just say clear collect and what you need to collect Cricket collect this is my attachment collection of attachments okay from where from maybe use the cell dot attachment instead of like the name of it because this is self only right so whenever I'll I'll add some file in it this collection will get updated and I'll just copy this code and on remove file also just have the same code whenever you will remove the file this collection will automatically get updated so what I mean by this is let me remove these two files from here let me attach new files okay I'll attach these two files right and if I show you the collection up now so this is cool attachment as my collection right see what is inside this collection the name and the value right so I got these thing inside that collection isn't it amazing I got this thing once this is done once this is done just select your this thing we have an item property with us okay either click click on here and search for item property and if it is like sometimes difficult go to the advance and here also you will see this item just select from here or from here also see I have click this items this items I'm seeing up here so here in item property I'll just use this collection this cool attachment and see done right if I if I remove file from here my collection will automatically go to updated right if I see my collection now my collection only have one data if I attach file okay let me attach these two file again so inside my collection I'll automatically my collection is going to update right so now what we will do is we are here right so we will use this collection now we will use this collection so we will say remove once like you upload the file remove that last this thing remove this last file okay so I'll just firstly copy this I'll say remove from attachment now this is the collection right cool attachment so remove from this collection now the code is fine right and what you need to remove so you need to use lookup lookup code here and look up from cool attachments just look up this see this where name where my name is equal to this thing wherever my name is like this just remove this just remove this file even if that file is appearing multiple time it will just remove it okay because why why we will upload the same file again right so this is this is done right so let me let me just show you what just happened and let me delete data from here okay and now let if if I click on this see that file is saved and it just got removed from there as well okay let's click on the see like these two files are same so once I click on this that will also get okay it didn't got deleted I thought I thought like it it would get deleted I I also haven't tested that out but it didn't anyway there is no issue if you try to upload like same file toys this will remove right but it will not like come two times up here it will just like what you say override the previous file right so this is a minute ago this is a few seconds you can see that it just overwrite it so yeah in this way you can upload a single file with a proper UI okay I just have shown you like the proper UI also uh now how we can upload like multiple files okay if I wanted to upload these two files let's say if I have if I have hundred of files not 100 but uh if you click on click up here right go to the properties here's the max attachment so it is saying that Max attachment is like six so I can like change it to 10 you can check the limit of it like 20 try to upload like 20 files like it is uploading or not so for now let me keep it as like maybe six only okay and I have these two file let me add some other files also let me go back let me try to add these two files also so I have these four files and on a single button press I wanted to upload these two okay I can know I can upload that's not an issue I'll upload these two files uh save data save this time save all data as I save all data from PowerApp to SharePoint so this button will save all the data to explain you this button I need to create one gallery okay so this is my vertical Gallery with me and like this is this is fine let me just move this gallery to the right hand side bottom corner okay I'll connect this gallery to this collection okay once you are connected select your image and in your images right like this this item dot value okay maybe maybe you are not getting like you have written value the image is gone right let me again give it some border so that you will see that there are images appear so why you are not seeing the image reason again like this is not image file this is a ZIP file like this but if you upload a image file let me attach some image file also for this demo purpose um maybe inside this YouTube folder I'll have some files okay I have these three image files right let me open these three also okay see I am getting the image right okay why didn't that third image got added because I have already reached my limit of 6 so either I can increase the limit of this to like maybe 10 let's increase it to 10. and then if if I try to see here it is written right Max limit has been reached but now see if once I increase the limit I'll be able to add one more file okay I can add two more also till 10 files I can add so I have three images file I am I'm also seeing the image but these are not image files so I am not seeing the image but these images contain data just like this okay let me scroll this all the way to the up right and for this I will give some border so that it will be easier for us to understand okay so yeah this is this is fine okay so now what we will need to do the same thing that we are doing up here we need to do this thing like eight times right whatever that count of my like this Gallery we need to repeat this that number of times okay so we will we will do that so just click on the save all data this code is fine everything is fine in this code but what we will need to do is we will use the for all Loop okay for all like what we need to iterate we need to trade that collection right collection of attachments Cal says it trade this collection of attachment again I'll say just instead of Now using it here I'll just cut this see I'll just cut this and I'll paste it up here okay this image thing I pasted it up there for now let me just comment this remove voila thing because this time we do not need this instead we will just use something like clear coal attachment and that's it because we are uploading all the file in a single go right wide why do we again need to okay why we'll just remove like this we will just clear all the things okay so we will get on to it later on so this is image data it is saying image one but now we don't need that this image when we needed data from these images from these gallery right so that is why you need to create this Gallery instead of like using this collection because inside collection you do not have this image with you right so you need to use this gallery gallery one the name of this Gallery see the name of this Gallery is Gallery one dot all items okay and instead of now image one just click what's the name of this this is the name of this is image two sorry so just use this image to see I click up here and see this so this is my image too so Json of this image too so this is the image data and for the same thing if if you don't need to like this will just give you the last name of that right why will I need this I'll just remove this here see before this curly bracket I'll say my where file name where my file name will be what use the colon instead of like or equal to sign use this colon up here right colon and if I do something like this see I haven't given any file name and here I'll say where file name so there is no error right so here I need to give the file name I'll say this item dot name or maybe this record dot name and that's it inside file name wherever my Loop will be it will extract the name of the file right and here it is just the same thing image that I am getting from for every image there will be some different data right it will run and once everything is run just I'll say clear my collection for all within okay this this is my width okay I just need to close Okay so this is done right so once this is done like everything is done it will just delete the data from this also so let me just play this and let me delete these two files from here also see any currently I do not have any data what happened okay currently I do not have any data in this folder I'll go to my app I'll click on the save all data from Power app to share point I click on the see it is taking up its time and once every flow is run see this this Gallery is empty this data collection is empty right and if I refresh up here I'll see all those eight files up here you can count this one two three four five six seven maybe there were seven files so all the seven files are here right so in this way you can do and now you will say whenever we will like do with this just hide hide these things right just hide them whatever you are using extra things just just hide them okay or just keep their size like too small so that the user will not be able to see they will only see this thing okay and one more doubt you can ask me like if if you click on this so either create some like this if this is empty this button should disable or you can use like a error also like see it gave error right so if you don't want like this like to because your code doesn't have any error but machine doesn't know now you you need to handle this error to handle this error you need to use something like this if error if if this part contains error you are saying if this if my this part contains error then uh say say to the user that something went wrong okay you will just need to say to your end user that something went wrong okay because they don't they do not know right like this thing we haven't disabled this button and okay the best way is to like disable this button but to if you want to handle this just say something something went wrong and see this time if I click on this why it is not giving me error okay okay instead okay so sorry we need to know if I write otherwise how they will know notify them something went wrong and this is a error type notify dot error right and if I click up here now see it is saying something went wrong buddy you did something wrong and if you don't want to notify just create one container so that this error will show up in the middle of the screen right that also you can do this is like error handling is also done two data anything else left here um again remember this code help other people help me subscribe to my channel I hope you enjoyed this video right uh let's let's see anything left yeah one more thing if you click on this it has data right and the size of the file is way too large where is that thing where is that thing Power app okay here see this is 28 MB right so see it what message it throws file to large 100 MB Max sorry 10 MB Max so let's just see till till where we can extend the size if I do like 100 up here if you click on this see Max attachment size so basically you can click on this and you can increase the size of this and let's let's try to now load this so yeah able to if I do one more zero up here now this is nearly to 1 GB and if I try to upload this file will it upload oh man so we are maybe Max limit what I said initially like you can only upload till 100 MB that might not be correct you can upload more than 100 MB still where we can let's see if I have some file which we'll say let's add this movie which is more than 1GB how many this it is it is trying to upload see up here you see that line so maybe like okay to file one it is like greater than 1gbt saying but let's say if I increase one more zero up here it it started to act weird but but okay let us let me just save this app was otherwise I'll lose all the progress okay it automatically saved itself it know that it is going to it is about to get crashed let's try to upload this 1.5 GB file and let's see if it adds or not I see a loading line up here so let's see how long does it take to add this here okay that's crazy man you you can add like you can add really big files maybe your flow will take a lot of time instead of like 5-10 second this time it is going to take 5-10 minute so just just test this also out okay if your file size is way too large anyway this work but it started to activate with larger file power app duet little weird but yeah we we can align but yeah we are able to do this I think yeah let's say publish this version don't worry just publish it uh system started to hang but that's that's that's fine let's not publish it now okay so I hope you enjoyed this video you learned something from it and you will subscribe to my channel you promise right and you will like this video I see that you watch but you do not like that's that's not a good thing right you you have to like this video and remember this code you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want okay so this is a very beautiful quote keep helping each other okay see you in the next video till then goodbye take care
Channel: Last Minute Coders
Views: 2,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Upload multiple files in one click to SharePoint from PowerApps, Transfer Files from PowerApps to SharePoint, Optimized code to transefer files from PowerApps to SharePoint, Error Handling in Attachment Control of PowerApps, Upload files from local to PowerApps than to SharePoint, How to upload files from PowerApps and then to SharePoint library, best way to upload files from PowerApps to SharePoint, Upload files from PA to SP, Transfer Files from PA to SP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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