Power Apps: Working with SharePoint List Attachments

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hey everyone this is daniel and in today's video we're going to talk about powerapps working with sharepoint list attachments and we're going to cover everything you need to know about adding multiple attachments to a single sharepoint list item and how to go ahead and add them view them delete them and even edit them and to make the whole thing so much more easier using a combination of the patch function and an edit form so there's less number of formula lines that you have to use now before i go ahead and walk you through how to build it from scratch let's go and take a quick demo so what you have over here is a working model of it in a canvas app and as you can see in my gallery if i do any selections you can go and see the form you can go and see the category and the attachments but let's go and add a new one so when i click on plus the form immediately goes ahead and resets itself i'm going to go and say i think i'll add something which is work related and then i'll add an attachment let me go ahead and put in an intro pic that was a work-located work related event let me go ahead and grab say something else and as you can see while i'm adding them previews are showing up over here and now i go and click on save and as i'm saving it it goes ahead and adds a new item and even the pictures show up over there in addition i can also go ahead and now delete it so if i say delete that one it goes in and gets deleted and when i go and select it it's in view but when i click on edit it gives me the edit functionality and then i can go and say delete that one and i'll save it and it goes ahead and updates that over here so this is what i'm going to show you hopefully this tickles your fancy stick around but first here's my intro video [Music] so here's the back-end sharepoint list and i want to take a quick look at it so we go to the settings we go to list settings and as you can see there's the default title and it's single nano text i've kept it as required and i went and added the category the category is a choice type column and that's when you see the personal and the work related if i go and select that you can see that it is a choice and i have the personal and work and that's pretty much the simple format over here nothing else has been added it's just a very simple sharepoint list but i thought i'll show it to you anyway all right so now let's come ahead and go ahead and start working on this so i just went ahead and created a very simple app just basically started the process open it up saved it gave it a name and so the first thing i want to do is go ahead and make a connection to that sharepoint list so i'll type in sharepoint go to this place click on one of my connections it is my poc side so it's a poc side i don't want to sit and search for what it is i'm just going to go and type the name it's sharepoint found it connect and we've got the basic and the most important thing started which is we've got the connection set up over here the data connection okay so first thing is i want to go ahead and now take care of the onstart function so because there's a there's two very simple things i want to do on the onstart one of them is i just get the user information ahead of time who is the login user one time call and we are done but i'm also going to be using a variable and that variable will dictate what is going on in the form is it going as an ad or a view or edit that variable is going to go ahead and control that so that's why i just want to make sure that i do that at the app app on start so click on the app on start over here and i'm going to type in the set function and the set function i'm going to use is var form status comma and i'm going to start it by default as view what that means is that no matter what happens the form is always going to be in a view state that's why i'm keeping that default over here and this is the other one which is var user and i just call that as user and so we've got two very important things already set up do a app run on start and we've taken care of that cool so next let's start working on the galleries i want to at least go get a the sharepoint list that we've already created and start viewing it so in that case let me come over here to my insert go to gallery and i'll go grab this one for now even though we're just going to grab a few images but we'll go ahead and grab this sharepoint list attachments over here because that's the image we won't actually get an image coming in yet so in this case for the first gallery all i want to do is actually just grab a title um and maybe i should have done two titles because i yeah because i'll go and get the item name as well so this is good i'll keep that as this and then i'll go ahead and put that guy a little bit up over here move that a little bit there just make it a little bit presentable that's nice make that a little bit bigger over here because we're going to go and add some sub galleries to it but we'll take care of that in the future uh for now this is just the image and the uh the format that we have over here taken care of cool all right maybe i can just make that a little bit bigger i don't want to get myself too ahead of myself over here next let's go and take care of the label and the text control and the text control now what that means is in the form when i'm going ahead and building it for you it's actually a combination of a patch and a edit form that i'm going to use so for the patch section i'm going to go ahead and patch the uh the title and basically the its label over here so that's the section i mean by getting the label uh we are still going to use the edit form but i'm going to go ahead and get the the text set up because that will be used for our patch function so this is going to be for the title the actual sharepoint title column we have this is where that data comes from so in the text i'm going to go ahead and say title since it's a label i always change the display mode to view and then here i'll just change the um yeah i then take the tick off the default and over here for my list sometimes i go ahead and add a default date and time you can do that as well that's what i did in my other one i'll just leave this blank because we can go ahead and type that in and this is the section for the gallery so i'm going to actually earn carry for the initial form so i'm going to rename some stuff over here i've got this as text i've got that as library next let me go ahead and drop in the edit form so it's in forms i grab the edit one remember that it's got the the form with the uh the pencil on it and here i got to make sure i grab only two very specific things so i'm going to go connect it to the data source and in the edit fields if you already remember from the demo i only had two things it was the category and the attachments so therefore i'll just come over here and i'll click on the in the properties i click on edit fields i click on the in the title i'm going to click on the ellipsis and i'm going to go ahead and remove it because i want to show only those two and then back again in the properties i'll put one column at a time and i'll leave that as vertical and that will be that's pretty good so i'm going to go ahead and now reset rename that form one just to form and let me make sure i just save it so i have it saved over here cool now um in addition to all of this we'll be going ahead and adding a second gallery in here and that second gallery is going to be an inside gallery and that's only going to show us the images over there now a few things i want to call out about that depending on how many images there are size of the images there can be a bit of a performance hit when you when the images load over then you might actually see that on my side as well but this is the easiest way to do it because otherwise if you're going to go ahead and add sub images using just the images and getting links that can actually cause a lot more work involved more formulas involved so when you add a sub gallery there's just a little bit of performance in some of you may not even notice it but i've just been working with this so often that i kind of noticed that if i had a sub gallery and there's especially images in it then it takes that extra few seconds for it to load may not be a problem but i thought i'll call that out so come back over here now to remember in the first gallery i've selected a gallery row and now i'm going to go ahead and insert another gallery and i'll click on but um actually what i should change that because it's not vertical it's going to be a horizontal delete it again so let's repeat that come back over here click on that and i'm going to select horizontal and in the horizontal i am not connecting it to any list over here what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and now select it to this item attachments now this item attachments is the first gallery it selected the sharepoint list attachments list it's this item in other words it's also the first gallery that you've added that first gallery is this item that is what this item is it's not the this item of the secondary gallery that you've added and sometimes that's a little confusing but it's very important that you understand that hey this is actually the second gallery's this item attachment over there now i'm going to rename this to an image gallery so i can have some naming conventions consistent over here and um yeah so i don't need that one so i'm going to delete that i don't need any of the titles i just want to make sure that i have some images and now we got to go ahead and mess around with this one because i make it a little bit smaller presentable yeah cool so i'm just going to clean that up a little bit just kind of making it a little bit safer and a little bit cleaner safer means that if for i'm just monitoring to see do i need to click on anything because right now this gallery's image is overlapping the 21 so as if i had a button over there now that button would not work because this one's overlapping it no problem if there was a button i would just select that button go into view and then i mean go into home and i would realign it to the front again there's easy workarounds but it's important that you go ahead and monitor all of that okay so for the next few minutes now we're going to focus on this attachment control data card value like i said control data card value so i come over here that's the data card i click on it again and that gets me to the data card value and now i'm going to add some formulas for both the um on add file on on remove file so when i come over here it is going to be on the on add file and the on remove file and it's a very simple formula basically anytime a file is added go ahead and take that attachment and save it into a temporary collection and do the same thing if it is um uh removed then go ahead and grab all the attachments and add it back again simple thing means is that anytime a change is made i don't care what the changes made just grab whatever is there save it to the collection is what i'm doing that way i don't have to keep track of how many there are do i need to count it it makes it all complicated changes made go ahead and clear the existing collection and then grab everything which is over there that's why we use a clear collect so you'll see what i'm doing so okay on add file i do a clear collect it's a clear collect and i'm going to come up with a uh temporary attachments collection and this one is data card value 3 so i'm going to say data card value 3 dot and i should see attachments over there and there you go it's literally as simple as that click on now home i do a control c and i go to the on remove file and on the on remove file i do the exact same over there so it's pretty much simple again just a recap on that is i don't care what is going on did they add one did they add to none of that i just want to make sure that on a add file or a on remove file grab all the collections save it in the um in the collection over there and we should be golden now in order for me to display that i'm going to go ahead and add another attachments uh sorry add another gallery to basically display that attachments so what i need to do is i need to make a little bit of room over here so now i'll come in here go to the gallery i'll grab this information again now it's not going to be that um list but it is going to be the 10 collections so i'm glad that your the powerapps is smart enough to give me suggestions and i'm going to take that suggestion so i'll put this information over here and i'll make it a little smaller because this is just going to be a preview so almost this value and it gives me a sample over there so that sample is also going to be this value so you're going to find this very interesting because what's happening is um the text that we're gonna see is actually going to be the attachment name whatever the file name is and the file names extension and therefore that value comes from this item.value but the image is also this item.value and it's very important that you understand that because we want to view these sharepoint list images using the connector which is the sharepoint disconnector that's why we don't add full sharepoint links over here which is you know whatever is the sharepoint.com site name list name attachments and then the file name over there you don't put full urls over here because that will not work when you're it's open up in the app if you want it to work you have to use the value function and actually i should deep dive on that one issue in a separate video but for now keep this in mind is that don't put any full links just use the this item dot value over here okay i don't think i'm going to need that so i'll remove it and what i'll do is i'll make this a little smaller because we might add at least two to three of them so make that a little small over here make that a little bit more smaller okay so let me go and save that and we are moving along okay so next let's focus on some um icons so i'll come up over here to our um list itself and in the list i'll actually replace i'll i'll keep this first list and in the first list i'm going to go ahead and take that next and i'll move the next up over here or basically the view i'll move that up a little bit and in the view i'm going to and it's on select i'm going to add a formula to the variable so i'm going to save and i'm clicking on that use the var change the formula of the status to this one over here what that means is that i if you are clicking on that icon i want you to only set the value of that formula of that variable to view which means i only want to view the data over here but just view it no nothing in the edit format and so i go and select that because what i do is i even add it at the entire gallery level so in the gallery in its items and it's on select i can do the exact same thing go ahead and grab that there and paste it so what i did was i if the like if the user goes and selects that icon great it'll go and set that value of the variable over there if they go ahead and even you know do the onset for the entire item great the value of the variable will be set that way in fact while i'm thinking about it let me go and actually put a variable here i mean a label and so we can actually see the value of it's going on and i'm just going ahead and changing the text to view because we're just viewing it purposes this is also a good time to go ahead and save it so we went and took care of that icon now i want to add another icon in that item so i'll come in and i'm going to now go to icons and i'm going to add the trash one and i'll smooth the trash over here i'll make it a little bit smaller and the trash's formula is going to be a very simple one it's going to be the remove function and in the remove function i'm going to point it to the sharepoint links and i'll say it is this item this has been a very simple formula which is there but again i wanted to show it to you how this works right down to removing which is the deleting piece so i went ahead and added that all right so now let's go ahead and add two other important um items uh sorry icons so the first one is the ad and i'll add the ad down here maybe over there and then i'll just do a control c and a control v and we're going to add the edit as well so let me go ahead and change these names this is my ad and this is going to be my edit so i got the edit and my edit is also going to be the edit icon icons added let's work on their formulas all right so for the first one i'm going to add it it's going to be basically a on select um again i'm first i need to set the value so right now when i'm clicking on it i'm going to tell the variable that hey i need you to change over from the view to the new so again it's going to be set and then the variable form status comma and i'll add that as new and then i'm going to also make it as a new form so when you click on it obviously you want to add something new which means if for whatever reason there was something going on over here just reset that to a new one and everything will be good so that's why the whole form which is the form i'm going to reset that as a new form and that's going to be a new form and it's called form and i'll also go ahead and clear the temporary collection we have because if in the previous you know example when you were going ahead and say going through the process of adding images and the images are being displayed over there now when it comes time to add a new one based on that selection i want to clear that collection over here so i'm kind of just thinking ahead and making this very user friendly so there's no confusion uh it'll all make sense once you actually start you know building it as well so i do that and i'll clear collected and i think we are good for now so we'll move over to the edit and the edit is very simple in fact the edit is just going to be i'm going to go and copy this set function over here which is right there go to the edit and the edits on select i'll come in and i will now make that as edit so we are golden over there so click on that save nice so while we are added let's go and add the last icon and that icon is going to be the save button now in the save one we're going to come back and visit that a few times because there's a bunch of things that need to be added over here so let's just focus on the first piece and then we'll add all the remaining ones so the first piece when you're going ahead and saving a data i'm doing two things i'm first going ahead and patching it i'm patching it using just the title information over here but in your case you could go ahead and patch it with anything because remember once it's patched or if you're using a patch function you're not bound by the limitations of the edit form design so in my case what i'm doing is i'm using this for the bare essentials which is the category and the attachments because in this case when it comes to sharepoint is so much more easier to have those category column and the attachments in the edit form because edit form does that matching but for everything else if it was just the choice type columns i mean if it was just the radio buttons or text i want to move stuff around i've gone ahead and taken care of that but it but what we have to do is kind of a two-step process first you go ahead and patch it and when you patch it you get that id number of the sharepoint list to which you just created this new sharepoint item that you just created you get that id number and then using that id number you go ahead and um patch it with the form over there so it's kind of a two-step process but it's really neat because it's a combination of patch and the edit form that does this magic for you so let me show you what that formula means okay so i'll come over here on the um save and we're gonna make a little bit of work involved over here so i'm gonna actually add some comments for myself and i'm gonna say patch the title and the choice okay choice and get the list id neat so now let's go ahead and actually get a set function out over there and i'm going to call that as temp collection now what does that mean theme collection in this case is that hey whatever you patched to that sharepoint list as an item get me information of that item and the one we are really keen about is basically that id number but it also gets some of the dates that are created all right that's why i kind of don't focus on hey just get me the id i id i focus on just get me everything for that item that was just patched and this is the formula for the patch so i'll go ahead and patch it it's the intellisense is telling me yep you only got these two options i'll select the sharepoint list comma this is the first patch so i'm going to put in defaults and again the sharepoint lists close that comma open curly brackets and i usually take my curly brackets there again shift enter enter curly brackets close it double close it semicolon see i had it because now i know that i've already got the format clean over there and there's no errors so if there is any more errors it's basically inside that patch function but i set it up this way for myself it's just easy for me to understand what is going on at this point you can do it however you see fit this has just been my style to actually make that work like that all right so i need to add that title and i need to go get that control name so i put that in as text i should have just put that as title text and i will do just that come back here title title text oopsies title text dot text and this is basically the first patch function all i did was went ahead and patched that simple title and i've received the id name over here so that's the first section of that patch function all right next i'm going to do another thing which is now oops i'm going to add the comment so i'm going to update update patch function the links um to not links i'm going to update update patch function update with patch function the attachments and the choice okay all right so now this is going to be the second patch function now this patch function is going to be a little different obviously i am patching it to that sharepoint list the same one but here's my next formula it's going to be a lookup and in the lookup i'm going to go back to that sharepoint list again and i'm going to put a comma and i'm going to say hey i only want you to patch it to that id number and that id number i'm going to get it from that tim's collection over here see how it's all making sense now how this is working nice so i just put that stems collection dot id and the reason i have to put the dot id is because the way we patched it we didn't specifically say get me just the id he said get me the entire item and the id is part of that item all right so now i can go and do that i get a comma because i've given it the value and i'm going to do the exact same things i'm going to open brackets i'm going to close brackets but i'm not going to close the curly brackets because here's where the fun and interesting part comes is you add in the form dot updates and then after that i can go ahead and close it semicolon getting an error oh because i missed adding a close brackets over here and this is very important so let's actually focus on this for a few seconds what's happened is we're patching it but we're not really patching any item inside the sharepoint list what we are taking is we are taking information from the form updates so just to repeat that yes we are still patching it but we haven't added anything inside that curly bracket saying that oh like we did above the title one i'm not adding into that but i am still patching it taking it from the form updates and from the form update i'm gonna take in the choice type column which is you know that one choice that you selected and the important one is the attachments we're taking care of all of this so this process is so much more easier than going through other hoops of you know getting the multiple attachments saving it into another collection getting the values of that collection and then putting another complicated patch in for all and if and making it all that complicated no this is the simplest way to do it as far as adding multiple attachments to a single list item it's just this formula go ahead and do in first first patch which is the one we did over there grab that id second do another patch you're not really putting anything in the curly brackets over there but you are just putting the form updates and the form updates it takes the updated one and hit and puts it over there so technically for those of you are interested we are going ahead and doing two calls to that sharepoint list item the first call is to create the item and then second call is to go ahead and save it so technically that happens in the back end but look at this is so much more easier now i don't have to put any complicated formulas it is literally that simple as that and then the falling ones are just very simple formulas what i'm going to do is just set the form variables uh variables to view mode and that's going to be i think that's set var form status comma put that into view all right and then i'll also go ahead and reset some values so all these um reset uh values and that is going to be done in a concurrency so yep saw that as an error because i put a comma and not a semicolon and i'll put it in the concurrent ones that should move a little bit faster and inside i'm going to say yes i'll reset the form reset form form i'll also reset the title the title text that we added t-i-t-l-e text and again it was less it was just a comma there and we are good so let's just drag this up and take a quick look first one patched it got the id he used the id patched it with the updates form and then we just went ahead and reset the value of the view and we took care of that over there so um now what i can do is i can actually do a quick test to see how successful we have been so let's go check i'm going to quick save i won't publish it yet we'll go ahead and do a play um let's do a play so here i'm going to say test one oh a couple of things happen the edit form didn't show up okay come on daniel that was a rookie mistake and if you all have used these edit forms again and again you know that we've got to put some stuff in the default mode over there all right all right good good good glad this happened let's go and fix that because in the default mode um there is a couple of things we need to do over here as well in fact not in the default mode but also in the item so in the item that is that's let's actually work in the default mode first so in the default mode i again want to force the form to behave based on what is the status order of the variable and this is again how we do it correct come back out there i'm going to keep that form edit as this i'm going to hit shift and enter and i'm going to type in if function over there uh in the formula and here's what i'm going to type and say now i've spent all this time assigning values to that variable like if you're in this situation make it view the situation new edit now let's make use of that and this is what it is so if the form status of the value of the form status which is var form status equals view all right then i want to make that form mode into a guess what view exactly so what i'm going to do is to copy this really fast so now if the form status view equals new then form edit is going to be i mean form mode is going to be edit and then in this case also if it's going to be in edit then actually if form is new then it's going to be in new and then if it's going to be form is going status is going to be in edit then let the mode also be added so this part was kind of simple to understand and graphically now you know now that i've seen i've started using the variables it's making more sense what it is that you are doing so i'm kind of glad you're just seeing that so we took care of the default mode let's go and take care of the item as well and in the item i want to make sure that only the form will only display data based on the value of that variable so check this out i come over here now and i'm going to put in an if function again i hit shift enter because i want to put in the new value a new line and let's start again with the value of the variable the value of the variable equals new right if it is new then go let the form have the default values of that sharepoint list so that's what i do default over here type in defaults go grabs the sharepoint list and taking care of that one next let's work on the view if the form status of the very value of the form status bar is um view then just get me the selected part of the gallery because that's what i want to see is i want to see the selected part of the gallery and that was gallery so i just selected and if you haven't already guessed i'm pretty sure you have it's the exact same for the edit as well i just want you to get let let the form have again whatever is the selected part of the value because i'm going to be editing that so that was the two important things this when it came to the form we completely skipped it but when we did a test we found out it was blank and immediately no way to fix it which was the default mode we had to go and add this function over here uh formula and then we add it into the item as well so go ahead and save that i won't publish it now let's go and do a test so i click on that form shows up aha it went ahead and now the first one that i selected it's showing me this image is over here well it's actually not showing the image so let's see why that's happening so go back to our gallery which is that gallery that's fine it's the gallery in our forum this uh the sub gallery inside that gallery so that's why because i didn't put in anything i have to add a sample image i'm going to say this item and here's a very important thing that we need to do it's giving you a couple of choices it's giving you the absolute uri and it's giving you id value you do not want to use absolute uri absolute uri and if you know uri is just another way to say url and we don't want to use the url of the sharepoint list attachment image we want to get the value because there's a huge difference even though they're same they do the exact same they focus on the image uri goes and gets the url of the image and through powerapps if you're using the url specifically for that sharepoint list image then it behaves as if it's going through a browser and it's going to request an authentication but it doesn't ask you for a username and password i mean it shouldn't um because that would be kind of weird users have to use an app and then put authentication but it doesn't but what happens is the images don't show but if you want to force it to go through the sharepoint connector not as if it's going through a browser but through sharepoint connector go ahead and use this item value and then your images start showing up see what i showed over there did it and it started working so kind of keep that in mind all right so that's also showing up let me go in and fill the template fill over here that way i can know which one is the one selected and for that i put in an if function if and i'll say this item dot is selected and it doesn't seem to like that over here because i have to have dot is selected yeah if it is then just give me say a light some color light blue comma all right so now i know which one is selected kind of always helps me understand so if i do that over here i got two attachments this one i got one attachment cool let's do a test so i'm going to go ahead and click on plus and in fact let's click on something let's yeah click on something click over here and when i selected that it should be new but for some reason i'm not getting it so i click on it what's going on and the reason is because see this gallery is going ahead and populating the whole thing what i was trying to do was select on just the icon which is specifically i was trying to select this next icon so i need to bring that to the front over here and to do that i come back to the view in the order i bring that to the front i'm going to do the same thing for the trash as well so i'm going to go and make sure i get the trash icon come over here bring that to the front and the reason i knew that wasn't working is because when i was clicking it i should not see the form as if i'm editing so right now i can see the status over here of the variable isn't new when i click over here it says to view the form is in viewer it's kind of understood when i was testing it i said yes something's wrong and i bet you it's the secondary gallery which is over over everything else i'm kind of hiding it all right so now we're in the new this is great let's go ahead and click on plus if i click on plus it isn't new now it shows me that it's a new status up there so i'm going to now put in say test two this will be category and i'll call that as work and i'll go ahead and add say i'll add a few images and let's see yeah these are all good images got a little overwritten because of the name that's fine and i'm going to save it saving it it is going ahead and saving it i can see the image is coming through like i said the gallery in the gallery sometimes goes ahead and makes that uh you know extra work and that's what example i was showing over here i'm in the studio that's why it's making a little bit of extra effort and time over there in the real app it moves a lot faster so kind of thought i'll let you know that but there you go it went down and refreshed it and showed us all the images if i go into the sharepoint list as you can see it is the new one that i added over there if i click on it you can actually see the attachments coming through so it's working and it's working really well now in conclusion i want to show a couple of things as well uh so we are not in the conclusion yet what i can do is this one is actually just the url of this of the this uh item which is the same thing i don't need it i'll go ahead and take care of that remove it great what i do want to do is also focus on now the editing now on the edit function we've gone ahead and put the variable status for form status as edit that is great but i need to make changes to the save button because the save button right now has everything only for adding a new item but if i'm going to do a save after i hit edit i need to make this one little change in the formula so let's go take a look at that i'm going to put all of this inside another a function so it'll kind of look like an if function and the first step of the if is all of this and then the second step is a very simple step because i need to differentiate uh which one is a new entry versus which one is an edit and and you know what before i do that let me show you why this is important so check this out okay i am coming in over here i have selected that i even go ahead and click on the edit because see i mean the value of the variable is edit and if i go and now say for that image i do not have uh you know the i want to just take out the picture of finn all right i'm going to take out the picture of finn and see i want to add another image too so let me go and grab something very conspicuous put that put in say test whatever i'll save it what happens is yep if you've already guessed it it didn't edit it it added it as a new item and that's because the edit only changed the variable but it still went ahead and gave us the same formula which is to basically go ahead and create that first patch and then the second patch so i need that variable saying that hey this is an edit that is going on and i need to dictate that because i've set the value of the variable as edit i need to actually use it and we are going to use an if function to take care of that and here it is it is so simple but yet it is so powerful if bar status equals new if it is new then yeah go ahead and do all of this okay all of this and we will close it right up till here okay if it is new then go ahead and do all of that however if if the var form status equals edit then all you do is basically submit that form that is it submit the form and i close it and now i gotta make sure that i give another semicolon down here and now it will work so let's do another test so i come now and i'll go ahead and try to replicate okay so this one was a a test that i did i'll select it shows me that um in fact it missed something else too right there the default is the gallery dot selected so it basically select the title just going and getting that now so when i go ahead and now edit it watch the value of the variable changes it is edit i'm going to go ahead and now add a new image so picture added if i go and save it i shouldn't get a new one it'll go ahead and update just that one and you see another picture come through see it works so key thing over here was that in the save option for the edit we had to go ahead and make sure that we added that little if condition in the exact same save button and it went and what it actually worked so wow we covered a whole lot thank you for sticking around till the end of this video key takeaways is that now sharepoint lists you can go ahead and add multiple attachments to a single list item so you don't have to go ahead and go through additional work or maybe even using a document library and saving documents over there relating it to the sharepoint list i mean granted you can go and do that specifically for multiple items multiple images but you can go ahead and use the sharepoint list item as well and i made the formula so much more easier by just using a combination of the patch function and the edit form over there now in the end one thing i want to do is i've got two videos that i've got i put the links over there they're kind of the next levels for images because now that you've uploaded the images i've shown you how you can automatically tag them using cognitive services vision and tagging an image is huge because it makes the search a lot easier you don't have to search for an image based on what the exact image name is the cognitive services will already tag saying that okay this image has a puppy or it has a face or something it'll tag it with those and then you just search for puffy so kind of take a look at that but as always keep power happening
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 12,342
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: Power Apps: Working with SharePoint List Attachments, powerapps attachment control sharepoint list, powerapps attach file to sharepoint list, powerapps attachment upload, microsoft powerapps, powerapps tutorial, powerapps attachment control, microsoft powerapps tutorial, microsoft powerapps tutorial for beginners, microsoft powerapps sharepoint list, Multiple attachments to SharePoint list, SharePoint Lists, Daniel Christian MVP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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