Upgrading Splendid Alchemy Stone of Destruction in BDO. Do NOT do this. Trust me.

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[Music] we need to get sharp then we need to get splended and then we can get splended so we need to upgrade this and then upgraded one more and then we're going to see if we can get splended uh so far I have only gotten nine splended attempts in all my years of doing this and buying stones and everything right I've only ever gotten nine Splendid attempts and they all insta evaporated oh did I forget to mention that um on Splendid attempts the stones don't downgrade anymore they have an 80% chance of exploding 80% chance of going poof I've been doing all this off stream in the evening and yeah I've I've been I've done like around okay so I've done around 100 Shar attemps without getting a shop going up to this like it's it's over 100 Shar attempts ago I got a shop which is why I only have 11 I was I was planning on getting like 20 plus ready for today mind in this yep actually just deleting silver right now my favorite activity remember they are not guaranteed to downgrade we are going to skip on this one we will not skip on on the next clicks but you know what guys we only need one well we don't need one we need like one resp splended and then we need that one to go go splended so in reality the only thing we have to do is just click twice and succeed three% two times in a row we can literally just two tap it today and that was 12 insta downgrades but we go again boys 14 fils no 12 downgrades so we have 14 left here 14 come on dude at least give us one at least give us one yes okay okay that was one huge wait that's oh okay dude today is today that's two that's three okay that was three let's go okay that's three more reender clicks told you man I had a good feeling about today that's such a big W I was going to be happy just getting one last one last one okay okay we got 14 sharp Stones 14 dude um a splended stone which is one before on average takes like 400 to 500 billion silver right so it's 400 500 billion silver for 3% chance of making a shiny uh okay thank you the do you have the numbers Uh current splend is 500 Bill and need 27 splendids for shining so 13.5 trillion silver yeah 14 clicks guys to go for the 14 resends all we need is one guys all we need is one it's 3% chance we just need one and then we need to succeed that one come on first click oh my God I for got CR Stones ah come on it's like just a minut Time come on come on come on what's this come on just one yellow just get it we just get it just get it we're still in it oh come on come on we just won dude just won at least it didn't downgrade come on growth fa successful I know just give me one come on come on 3% chance man come on dude just one yes oh dude the dream is alive the dream is alive we can do this yes come on okay okay okay that's the crazy thing this is how hard this [ __ ] is I'm this happy about not even getting the item I wanted we need to upgrade it one more time they don't blow up anymore no now they blow up here Alchemy Stone destroyed this is the one we want guys this is the one we want so far this is going to be my 10th Splendid attempt every single one of my clicks all the nine clicks have all evaporated oh it is shining gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah so I'm 100% on exploding my uh my upgrades come on let's go let's go let's go let's get one more let's get one more let's break the game today come on unas unas unas baby with stalling it 13k ARS I mean for me it's yeah come on come on unas dude okay so that was uh let me see here I just get it get get oh that was some Linger on it man one more one more one more one more one more Nas unas unas it didn't downgrade okay so that was 14 15 16 17 18 that was 19 clicks 20 come on come on double upgrade double upgrade damn it well didn't downgrade Le that's kind of huge this is like the most logy I've ever been on on like not downgrading these come on I believe it I we get one more we get one more speaking of downgrading it's fine it's fine we we get one more I I I have a really good feeling I'm going to see another success today I'm going to see another success today come on come on come on we just go we just go we get it dude this one is not downgrading man got a good feeling here come on pick up pick up pick up oh last one standing guys we're going to skip we're going to skip that did not go go as plan we're going to we're going to tap this as well maybe we get another Shar maybe we get another swing we're just going to go right back into it come on yes wait was that upgrade oh was that wait what what happened oh wait hold up it went yellow oh okay that's less exciting but um I guess that's still good yeah that's definitely less exciting uh we take it though we take it come Dam it ooh y this isn't looking too good right now how cool would it be if we get like just one and it goes Ended as well and then we get two splendids and then we tap one and we get a shining bro could you imagine that let's do that that sounds like a great idea I think I'm want to try that I mean it's it's got to happen that's how you do it okay okay boys you were saying you were saying what was that what what was that come on come on dude come on what were you guys saying what were you guys saying what was that what was that in before we're going to get a a blue a blue shining bro could you imagine if we get like it go blue and we go up bro what happened It upgraded but it's still blue it's right there boys it's right there it's right there oh my God my heart is [ __ ] racing it is actually just pounding right now this is going to be attempt 10 and attempt 11 so far we we are nine splended Fields deep and all nine clicks have insta exploded also I do want to let you guys know that on fails it does no longer downgrade if we fail it's a 70% chance of exploding and a 30% chance of staying it can no longer downgrade instead it explodes yeah there is no coming back from this uh you can no you cannot attempt upgrading after shining so if you get a blue shining you're stuck with it you cannot attempt upgrading it how do you get life Stone I bought it on the marketplace I well I I want a bit on it yeah same with my protection I have both this uh life and protection and I want both of them on the marketplace yeah thank [ __ ] God for that you seen easier Splendid same oh my Lord come on come on today could be the day I can see it dude oh I can see that green popup I can see that green pop up come on come on come on oh it didn't explode it didn't explode we hit the 30% we hit the 30% oh okay okay come on come on this is the one go come on come on and it's [ __ ] going 11 attempt number 12 come on all takes us one come on please all the Texas one come on boo it's still there how is it possible oh my god I've never not exploded it Blue Goes hard come on come on come on back to back succeed succeed succeed okay come on dude you want to go you w to go you want to go succeed there was an attempt I'll say that that was an attempt that was by far the best run we I've ever had on a splendid was that five Taps I kind of lost track of it was was that that was five Ts that was over 50% more attempt so that's 14 Splendid fails best run so far next one we succeed right next one we succeed was that five Taps I kind of lost track of it was with that without five T that was over 50% more attemp so that's 14 Splendid fils best run so far next one we succeed right next one we sued [Music]
Channel: BiceptimusPrime
Views: 8,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EFLjQyIe1dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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