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hey guys welcome back to another week of this bloody show that they call the cartwrights we're chaotic we're over the top but what do you do it's us [Music] thank you basically this week I want to run through with you a couple of additions I've made to the truck since our Rig Rundown just would be doing as a disservice if I didn't show you the things that we've changed and the amount of I've put a few things up on our stories where the amount of questions I've got about them it's enough to Warrant me explaining them to you so what we've done is we've changed out things that haven't worked we're constantly trying to push the envelope do r d fix things up and I like giving you guys feedback on things that go wrong things that go right when something's good it's good when something's bad it's bad and I'll say it the way it is welcome to the cartwrights where family of five traveling to the most remote places our beautiful country has to offer in our home on Wheels our Dream since the day my husband and I met has been to touch all corners of this land to be able to share it with our children makes us pinch ourselves every bloody day so here's our life buckle up and we hope you enjoyed as much as we do so first things first two weeks ago now we snapped the rear right shock mount on our truck from what I understand in talking to a lot of people or involved in the trucking truck touring Community they're a weak point on the truck so basically there's companies or even we bought this through all terrain Warriors but there's other companies as well that upgrade the suspension put single super singles on these on these trucks but what they don't do is upgrade the shock mounts from Factory now I'm not blaming anyone because we pushed this truck bloody hard and I'm very rough on the gear disclaimer right so I'm not blaming anyone for my problems what needs to happen in my opinion is we need to start reinforcing the rear shocks on rear shock mounts on the axle there's a lot of people snapping them when I put up on social media our shocks are snapping we've got so many messages of people saying we've done the same thing how are you going to fix it blah blah blah this is how we bloody fix though I think you may have seen this even go up on like the trucking what is it the MPS Facebook group the people that fix that posted photos of our truck explaining how it was fixed but they also put our truck up on the on the Facebook page which annoyed me a little bit because I haven't even tested this thing off-road it's a Kraken job what he's done is bloody incredible but I haven't tested it and basically someone's put my name behind something that we haven't you know truly tested yet so don't jump out and just buy these things because you've seen my truck in a photo that's not how it works right I am going to as usual I'm gonna test the shiitake mushrooms out of this thing before I tell you is that it's good to go but from what I've seen so far he has done an amazing job so swing under here I'm constantly down in the dirt hey if you have a look at your truck or if you have a look at any truck any Isuzu I'm not quite sure how they work on other trucks like uh the hino's or the fusos I'm not quite sure how they're set up I just know my truck but there's a flimsy little shock mount that they that's welded to the back axle and these are the things that we're installing are rear shocks on now they're small they're flimsy and the way I cracked mine was directly through the pin and then it sheared off one side of the mount there's a few bracing kits on the market at the moment I don't think that would have helped it may have helped my situation I don't think so because I snapped the PIN for first so I sheared the pin off and then the rest of it sort of sort of tore on long story short they're flimsy and they're not too good so this is the solution we've come up with we sat down and we spoke about the phone that made this for me is up in Darwin he was super neat super thorough and has done a super neat job very very neat job I'll just swing around and show you foreign [Music] steel it's welded in multiple different locations it's bulky it's got a little wash point so if any small little rocks get up into here I can just hose that out wash it out when I'm washing the truck out a heavy duty pin and as you can see the reinforcing and the bracing in this thing is bloody incredible now I've seen a couple of different ways that blokes have done this and remounted it and I got sent a couple of photos I'd do it like this do it like this and I was like mortified there's no way I would be doing it any other way than something like this does that mean that my way is going to work no because I haven't tested it now I'm not selling this for anyone but the bloke that did mine is now selling them as a kit I don't know if they're welded or if they're just like flat packed I'm not quite sure how they work I actually don't know the name of it but if anyone wants it just message me and I'll message me message me on Instagram and I'll point you in the right direction I might have just done myself a disservice there I'm going to get a lot of messages anyway long story short thought what he's done I am truly truly happy with like from on face value without like we're going to be doing a whole bunch of corrugations come up coming up in the next couple of weeks so I'll be able to put it to the test but from what he's done from a quality and uh visual neatness and like the way it all looks and works it's bloody incredible it's very very neat very very well done you're gonna be buying an Isuzu truck uh Hino Fuso and you're going to be setting these trucks up for touring and you're installing remote resi shocks on mostly on the rears not so much the front the front's not taking as much load most your loads over your rear tires in these trucks especially us we're very heavy on the rear we're gonna so to speak I would advise that you upgrade these brackets because you may there is a strong possibility you're going to have problems we'd like to encourage the people that are installing these to come up with a better way of reinforcing the bracket also I don't really see the point with so many people having issues with this in US trying to prevent the problem rather than fix it later because it's not an easy fix and it cost me two thousand dollars to fix it and the truck was out of action for two and a half days I'm just thinking maybe we should try it so what I'll try and do also is get a GoPro under here somewhere probably just talking crap and there's nowhere about it there we go I'm out to GoPro just up here I'll get it facing this rear shock mount just to show you so that there's good clearance on everything there's nothing failing there's nothing in the way and just see the performance of the shock whilst in the shop shock mount I know it sort of goes without saying that that like obviously it's all Mickey Mouse and it works but at least we can see it so let me test it let me make sure she works then I'll be telling you if it works or not and then you can do whatever you want from there but I'm not um not standing behind that post until I've tested it upgrade number two is the compressor so if you watched our rig run through you would have seen I had two ARB compressors in there and then I cut an overlay in of the new compressor I'm going to be installing the ARB compressor basically well I had two in there I had countless problems with them over a three month period Then when I first got them installed I had one in there that just kept cramping out as well we put the two in there to try and make it a little bit better just wasn't keeping up basically they're advertised to 100 Judy cycle which is not true spoken to countless truck people that are just having trouble it's taking them 45 minutes to pump up all their tires they're great for for smaller Vehicles they're not good for trucks or anything that goes up to 100 PSI like what we do so if you swing in here underneath the tray in the locker we've installed that bad boy so these things in an oasis air it's from the US you can get them in 12 or 24 volt we've got it in a 24 volt because we've got a 24 volt truck get this the I forget the numbers on it all I'll throw them in at the top the basic reason I got this was I was speaking to a mate of mine with an F250 who recently had one of these installed he goes to 70 PSI for his Road pressures he had the ARB compressor as well that was just not coping so he upgraded to this bad boy and he reckons he was doing tires in three minutes uh both rear tires in three minutes he put me onto a video that I watched from nowhere bound touring basically he is the OG The Original Gangster of truck touring he's an older fella he's way smarter than me he's probably better than me at everything I'm just an idiot that likes to push the boundaries on things so I hit him up on Instagram I asked him a few questions basically what he was saying was he was doing his two rear tires to Road pressures in five minutes that is like the most incredible thing I've ever heard when you've been going through eight months of compressor issues he has a full install video on his page I'm not doing that because I'm not really an infomercial I just like to show you is what I'm doing but this is how I set him up so basically I've got a hose here plug that into the edge of the gauge you can get any gauge you want as long as it goes to 100 PS higher this is the gauge I got there's hundreds on the market pick and choose what you want I'm just going to go turn the truck on before I go too far I might actually just swing under here and show you where the tank where I mounted the tank down the dirt again mounted the tank up underneath the chassis either underneath the canopy here in amongst the chassis she's up out of the way just so you know when you get this size compressor you need a decent sized tank you can't just have a small tank or you can't get like your standard size tank for these you need a larger tank there's information on their website about the size of the tank that you need obviously you have to go for the larger tank otherwise the you have problems with the compressor just because it's so powerful I'll let the tires down I'll go down to 20 psi and then I'll pump them back up to 100 PSI and we'll see how she does [Music] I don't think of it [Music] seven years later [Music] yeah it's like 39 degrees here cheers anyway I'm gonna plug this bad boy in probably put a timer up on the screen too but I've got a timer here probably fast forward through it but I'm going to connect all this up and we'll see just how quick this thing is the air Tank's full by the way yeah and then I'll take you on your motorbike he's been pestering me all day that was Bloody motorbike so the tank was full compressors just kicked in and and we're good to go foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you so just a little bit over 100 PSI in six minutes and 45 seconds I pulled the bike the Alice's bike off the back of the truck just over three minutes of tire from 20 psi which you'll never be at so our sand pressures are like the only time you'll ever be at 20 psi is if you're in a recovery situation in the sand where you really really need to go low we went to 20 psi when we got bogged in the mud that time on the bins track my sound pressure in the rear is normally 35 so from 35 PSI I tested it the other day it took me five minutes and 30 seconds got that all set up we're ready to go for a ride now bud or what yes yeah I've got to do the winch first but I've got to show them the winch or should I take it for a ride then show them the winch yes Rhino 20 psi 100 PSI 6 minute and 45 seconds which means if I was to do the fronts my fronts don't go as high as the rears they only go to 80 something Pierce higher so 10-15 minutes and I've pumped up my tires from literally a recovery PSI which is as low as it gets to to Road pressures when before it was taking me 45 minutes so I've halved the time like less than half the time really what that equates to is like basically three let's just call it three and a half minutes per tire is what I'm pumping from recovery to Road pressures bud can I have the hose so I can roll it up the hose thank you and I'll pack him up and off I go so 20 minutes kids aren't screaming and carrying on for 45 minutes the Mrs doesn't have to put up with that square however long is what she has to put up with it and we're done skis drawback I think it weighs about 30 kilos I can't quite remember it's roughly that it's bloody heavy um we reinforced all the mounts in here got a problem Mount made up to it it's got to sit level otherwise that oil in it doesn't and it doesn't sit level and it needs to be serviced every so often as well which the ARB ones claim they don't so that's the compressor I hope you're as impressed as I am because that literally changes everything right now bud you want to go on the motorbike or what yeah yeah right I'll kick him over [Music] I'm gonna take a knucklehead for a little ride so he stops passing them in then I'll show you the winch [Music] you now rig run down we said that we'd uh itched the sherpa winch because we've had a few problems with it which we did plus the serviceability of the whole situation we said we installed this uh carbon it's called the tank so I'm pretty sure I know all terrain worries are now Supply and carbon Blake was telling me the other day Sherpa was just becoming increasing and even since then I've heard so many messages about people having issues with Showbox so I'm glad they're gone this carbon winch I've used it in some pretty heavy duty applications well that's it [Music] I'm kidding I've actually used it into a cup whoa in a couple of good solid applications I've used it a few times now it's a beast it hasn't missed the beat how long we had it for now about good four months yeah and probably use the four or five times I get stuck a lot so what ah that was that finger anyway we might put that back before Dad loses a finger what do you reckon it's an absolute yeah it goes really well it's rated to 20 000 pounds we're super happy with it not a set as I said hasn't missed a B on a single floor with it and you can call them up which is even better if they've got a service center and even I can call Tony Morris up now that they're supplying it oh I'm glad that this whole winch Direction has gone the way it was because there was a time there where we didn't have much option and what winches to put on this truck now we've got lots of different options carbon has gone really really well keep it up carbon because I uh appreciate a company that's uh helpful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Cartwrights
Views: 57,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4x4 truck, travelling family, travel australia, full time travel, overlanding, adventure, travel with kids, all terrain warriors, caravan walkthrough, caravan interior, masterpiece caravans, 25 foot caravan, crzrvan, crzr chassis, home on wheels, tiny home, offroad caravan
Id: vTS0I1rkOCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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