Upgrade Expo SDK 50 to 51 - Managed workflow w/ Expo Go AND Development Builds

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel Gordon chesap here uh so Expo 51 Expo CK 51 is not available and uh they obviously have a a good blog post over here that you can take a look it's actually a change log and uh you can see a lot of uh uh changes that uh they have including some camera SQL light API that have uh the default and then there is this uh new Expo video library a beta version of that and uh a lot of other things you can just read through through this document I'll put a link to it in the description box below the video and and uh so uh I was uh going to show you guys in this video how you can upgrade from Expo SDK 50 to Expo 51 and now if you are working on uh Expo SDK below 50 version then uh it's recommended that you do uh one by one so for example from 50 48 to 49 then 50 and 51 so and make sure you uh follow the change logs for that but for the videos that I've been doing so far I've been using XK 50 and now uh I will be showing you how you can upgrade those to 51 one uh we have two different scenarios here one is with Expo manage services and Expo Go app basically and the other one is we also did use Expo def client for some some of our videos and uh so we created new development builds uh using EAS and so I'm going to show you how you can uh upgrade the Expo uh for each of those two scenarios uh very similar just all bit of different so you will see there all right one final disclaimer before we start the video and I get some comments that I sound tired or like I'm not excited this is just a normal sound of my voice and so when I'm trying to record the video and also focus on writing the code sometimes the my tone changes or that kind of thing uh obviously I'm having a lot of fun doing these videos and I'm putting these out for you guys for free to enjoy and so I'll try to get better just uh when I'm like talking and also typing it kind of like I lose focus and sometimes I may sound tired and I know that but I am not so just so you know guys thank you for all the feedback and I always enjoy receiving comments and feedback so don't stop please let me know if any anything else needs to be changed and I uh try to work on those as well all right let's get started all right so first we want to look at Expo manage workflow with uh Expo go we don't have any development build we're not using the Expo Dev client so just normal Expo manage workflow with Expo packages and so for this one right now as you can see I have Expo uh version 50 and we want to upgrade to 51 so first thing I want to actually uh run this and make sure it works fine so MPX Expo start and then I do Android real quick so uh this should work similarly on iOS as well uh this is the code that I had at the end of one of my uh previous videos I put a link to that video and also to this uh repo on GitHub so you can access that so right now Expo version 50 works fine no problem we have this uh profile and dashboard expore router and kind of like theming here you don't need to worry about that just making sure it worked fine and then we are going to stop the server here to upgrade to Expo 51 first thing we need to do is to mpm install expo at latest latest is 51 right now so I'm going to do that and uh soon we should see this package at Json update to the latest version so now you can see that pack this Expo package is updated to the uh version 51 SDK other things uh it just reordered these other uh dependencies so nothing really Chang only this one changed and this you might see there is like a uh get change over here but this was actually below this Tailwind CSS and it just got moved up so uh the only main change is this uh from 50 to 51 the next thing we want to make sure is uh basically uh we want to make sure that we don't have any dependency mismatch so to uh fix any of those we're going to use this uh uh MPX uh command here MPX Expo install D- fix and you just hit enter and then what it's going to do it's going to uh identify the uh compatibility shoes and then as you can see here uh it's actually going to install the uh compatible versions of any other Expo libraries or like any other Library is that you have here you can see that it basically updated a whole bunch of these and there was a list of all of those in over in the terminal as we were uh updating So based on what other libraries you have you might have less or more of these uh compatibility updates so just let the uh MPX Expo install D- fix take care of that and then now I'm going to rerun my Expo uh server over here MPX Expo start and then opening it again on my Android so it's saying that probably that Expo was old so we do want to also upgrade the Expo Go app uh it was uh not compatible with the 51 version and uh that has been updated on this uh emulator and now we are opening the compatible version of Expo go with the Expo SDK 51 that we have over here and just like that uh we see that uh this uh xosk version is Now 51 everything is looking fine and I am not seeing any problems my theming works and then uh my router Expo router everything works fine obviously you might might have uh more libraries and in a uh if you have a production app then you have to explore everything to make sure that all the packages all the uh features that you had in your app works fine uh so this one with the Expo go Expo and Expo manage workflow it was not uh too hard uh basically just a couple of commands and then you were good to go next we're going to see how we can fix uh uh how we can upgrade from Expo 50 to 51 in a Expo development build that we created using the dev client and in the Expo application Services all right so now I'm working on another Branch where I have Expo again version uh 50 but I'm using def client so I've been devel I've been uh Building Development builds using EAS and so uh we are going to upgrade this expo from version 50 to 51 again the code for this will also uh be on GitHub and I'll put a link to uh that in the description box below the video so firstly we're going to just start our def client development server uh to see how it looks like with the version 50 uh SDK for Expo and I'm just going to start it on my Android device as you can see everything looks fine as uh expected and then uh we can go ahead and uh now try to upgrade this to uh the version 51 so for that we're still going to uh do what we did for just Expo manage workflow without development builds and with Expo go basically so I'm just going to close this one right now and I'm going to stop the server over here and the first thing we're going to do similar to what we did before is mpm install expo at latest so this is going to install uh upgrade our Expo package to the latest package which is 51 at this point so we expect to go from 50 to 51 and that's exactly what we see here so nothing else changed that's the only thing as of now and then uh there will be some uh dependency uh compatibility issues again here so uh we're going to have to fix those as well and to fix those we're going to use another command which is MPX Expo install D- fixed again this is uh uh exactly as what we had in uh the uh upgrading procedure for uh Expo manage workflow and Expo go so uh we'll see all these uh compatibility issues that uh this will take care of and it's going to install the uh compatible package versions with Expo 51 so you should see uh most of these are actually updated to other versions and so now uh we should have gotten rid of any compatibilities there so we're going to try again and run the uh MPX Expo start-- Dev client to uh be able to run our development build so right now we don't really see any problems so all good I'm going to open it on my Android device and let's see if that builds fine now with all these uh ch in uh versions we do see a problem here when I built the Android and for the development build that I had created before I upgraded to Expo 51 with Expo 50 this is now crashing and uh we getting a bunch of errors here so we're going to try to fix these now all right the reason we were getting those errors it was because uh we were using a development build that we had created with the Expo SDK 50 in the uh EAS using EAS so uh that development that I had for internal distribution was built with Expo 50 but since we have a new version Expo 51 here we need to create a new development build for either Android or iOS device I have a full video explaining all that uh and you can go and check that out I put a link up here for you guys so that you can check that out but the uh command that we need here is EAS build-- profile development and then we do D- platform space Android for Android emulator or Android devices and then if you were to do uh uh iOS simulator you would do uh Dash simulator I believe after development here and then uh again dash dash uh pform space-- platform and then iOS over here but we want Android right now so I'm going to get rid of this stash simulator and then we we have e build d-profile development D- platform Android so I am going to start this build right now if you ever see uh like a warning or this kind of thing that a new e CLI is available normally it's the best practice to go ahead and do that sometimes and these may cause uh issues when you do uh these builds and you may get errors right now it seems like uh my build was in uh de baiting cating in the queue and now the build is in progress so we can see here that my Android internal distribution is building so I'll wait for that to build and then I'll come back soon all right so our uh build is done and uh if you didn't stop the server over here or your turn terminal and then contrl C out of it you will see this message that it's asking if you want to install and run the Android build on your emulator and I'm going to say yes here and it's going to replace what I already have there and install the new version so that's done if you had stopped this uh uh terminal over here then you could go to your builds in EAS expo. Dev and then find your build shouldn't uh hopefully it didn't crash or anything and then you can do just over here download the build it's going to download an APK file and then you could just delete but you already had on your emulator and kind of like drag and drop it on the emulator and it would install it for you uh but right now since I hadn't stopped my terminal I just given the I was given the option to uh automatically uh download that install it and that's done now and now I do need to run my um Expo server again so let's clear and then over here I'm going to do again MPX x with start- dd- client and uh that seems to be working fine just going to press a and that's going to start uh my uh Android uh I start the uh app on my Android emulator and now as you can see we have a whole bunch of other errors so if you look at these errors these are really uh not uh something that you need to be worried about what we needed to do was actually I'm going to stop this server and close my application over here and uh what we needed to do was use the same command X D- client with Dash C to clear or uh rebuild the cache basically clear cache and then hit enter and then you will see this warning here that on Ro cach is empty and with that if I hit the a key on my keyboard then we're going to wait and uh see uh if the build is going to be successful this time and there we go no errors here anymore we have our app working fine dark mode uh then light mode obviously as you're working on probably maybe a more complicated projects you want to make sure that all the uh features that you had in your app work still uh fine but uh right now I'm just testing Expo routers tailin CSS stuff and like theming and really uh that's mostly I have here uh what I have here but make sure you check everything uh yourself for and the project that you're working on so uh nothing too complicated it was uh actually we got a couple of errors but it was not so hard to get rid of those all right that should be it thank you very much everyone I hope you enjoyed this video please make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on so you're notified next time I upload any videos and uh yeah see you later
Channel: React Native Journey
Views: 840
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Id: 2gM8hg9W-J0
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Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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