*Updated Video in Description* How to install AutoOrtho for X-Plane12 | Drishal MAC2

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hello guys and welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to be showing you how to install the hotly anticipated Auto Ortho for X-Plane 12. now essentially what Auto author is is a program that will stream Ortho scenery straight into your x-pen 12 therefore not needing to have sort of gigabytes on gigabytes sometimes terabytes of Auto installed locally onto your machine now I have been testing this and for me it's been running really really nicely the quality is actually a lot higher than what I've downloaded because it's I think zoom level 18 I believe so the quality is amazing it streams really well I've got a pretty I'd say average internet connection and it does work very well that is the only caveat you will need an internet connection for it to stream and it's essentially similar to how Microsoft Flight Sim streams ground textures from Microsoft servers into the Sim and this is essentially a very similar thing for Xbox however I think it's much much better so let's get into the installation okay so first of all if you want more your ini file a scenery packs file to look something like mine where you have these lines here which don't really mean anything they're purely sort of separators so as you can see it makes my scenery pack style look really nice and I can tell where everything is then go ahead and look at the video in the description below and it's a very short video just showing you how to do this I do recommend it because as you start installing more scenery your ini file can get very messy and it's difficult to find rest of his so I do recommend doing this but you don't have to so if you want to go and watch that video you can go and watch that now it's in the description below then you can come back to this video or you can just join this video first of all two things we need to download for this okay so we need to download this token when you go there you're greeting with this page on GitHub and just download tokensetup.exe okay so you can download that just literally by clicking it okay and here's where you download actual Auto author and you just click on this and you can download that as well now I have those pre-downloaded as you can see on the left hand side here so I have token setup and auto autho underscore win now this will show up as a zip file so you just need to unzip it using something like WinRAR or 7-sip the link to win row will be in the description below if you want to install that and unzip the file but first of all what you want to do is run the token setup now because I've already got it installed it's only giving me the option to uninstall but it'll just say install just install that and it'll literally take a few seconds and that'll be installed then once you've unzipped the auto auto okay you can go into there and if you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll see this Auto auto underscore win okay now what you want to do is open that okay just let it load this is our Auto Ortho app so there's actually not much to do all you have to do is show where your X-Plane scenery directory is so so just click browse and browse for your PC and just tell it where your custom screener is Click select folder I didn't move this but I guess if you really wanted to you can I left it where it is though next what you want to do is go here and essentially what you need to do you need to download these base files for it to work so these base files will be local on your PC so it's not a hundred percent sort of it's not going to take up any space on your PC it'll take up a little bit but they are quite small as you can see South America is nine gigabytes Africa's 11 uh North America was about 25 gigabytes in Europe was 16. now the reason that the install isn't showing up is because I've already got it installed okay but it'll just show up here as an install button and if you click that it'll go through the install uh you'll see it being done in the command window on the left here and once that's installed you'll see all of these in your Custom Scenery folder okay and that is pretty much it all installed all we have to do is edit the scenery packs to ini file and put these in the correct spot so once you have these downloaded you can quit and now what we're going to do is open X-Plane so the scenery package I and I read these files and transfers them into here okay so let's open explain and then we'll close straight back out of it I'll do that now okay as you can see we are now in X-Plane 12 just on the main menu I'm just going to close straight out of this okay now we've closed out of explain we can open our scenery packs file and as you can see all of these stuff were just installed will be loaded into our ini file as you can see here I have Zed underscore EUR and Zed underscore n a and each one has its own amount of files okay now EUR is Europe and a is North America so I've currently got Europe and North America installed if you have others installed then these letters may be slightly different but it doesn't really matter okay now in terms of the scenery load order okay so this Auto Ortho overlays you can cut that and put that underneath your libraries just like that so essentially you want this anywhere under Global airports now if you have SIM Heaven you want to make sure you have it under Sim Heaven as well if you want to know how to install Sim Heaven the second link in the description will be a video on how to install that again it's amazing especially with ortho and make your X-Plane look absolutely amazing so I really recommend it now because we've moved these overlays here okay Sim heaven will actually overwrite it so if you have SIM Heaven your auto gen will run off Sim Heaven however if you don't have SIM heaven then you need this and these are just regular Auto overlays as you would have when you download it locally to your machine if you want to this is only if you have SIM Heaven installed okay you can actually disable this as it's not needed and it can save you some performance if you do not have SIM heaven then you do need this okay so to disable it just go here to Scenery pack type underscore and in all caps type disabled okay now that will be ignored by X-Plane so it's not going to load these overlays because you've really got some Heaven overlays you don't need to essentially it can save you a lot of performance okay next we're gonna copy and paste all of these okay excluding this file okay so cut that and we can put that just under the overlays just like that so essentially it's very similar to installing regular Auto okay so you're gonna have your this is my regular Auto as you can see here you can have that at the bottom of your scenery file so I've just put that basically at the bottom and then my overlays now what I do recommend is if you do have ortho installed locally before you go ahead and delete it and start using this just disable some tiles and then go and check out those tiles using Auto ortho again you can disable the tiles by just putting this underscore disabled and so as you can see I've disabled this Auto tile here so this is the one that I've been using to test and that is it that is the installation complete now what you can do this also Auto here this can stay at the top I found that that's worked really nicely for me okay so just keep that at the top and you just want to hit file save and that's it auto author is now completely installed ready to use so now I'm going to do is quickly show you how to actually use it okay so you want to go back here to your auto Auto release where you downloaded it open the application okay to get it to work okay all you want to do is hit run so I'll move this so you can see the command window hit run and as you can see that's now running and you can quit by hitting Ctrl C now what you want to do is open X-Plane and load into wherever you want so I'm going to do that now and give you a very quick showcase alright guys welcome into X-Plane and as you can see here the auto auto is running very very nicely this is all off auto although this is not from my local PC this is all being streamed as you can see our buildings are great that is awesome having stuff right there so yeah this is a really really great piece of Kit I absolutely love it uh using it for my flights I've had no issues with it and I really hope you enjoyed this video I hope this helps you guys install it if you have any issues please let me know in the comments below and I'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DrishalMAC2
Views: 22,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HD, youtube, High definition, 1080p, 60 FPS, tutorial, how, how to, 2020, Flight sim, Flight simulation, Guide, X-Plane 12, XP12, X-Plane, AutoOrtho, DrishalMAC2, Ortho4xp, Ortho4xp streaming, Ortho streaming, How to install AutoOrtho for X-Plane12, How to install autoortho, autoortho installation tutorial, AutoOrtho4xp
Id: 4ihxhhHLMvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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