Quick Guide to Runecrafting Blood Runes at Arceuus in OSRS

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tired of Guardians of the rift and want to keep Rune crafting and make some money while making blood runes well in today's video I'm going to be doing a quick guide on blood Rune crafting and rcus now the requirements are quite steep for this especially if you don't like Rune crafting the requirements are 77 run crafting 38 Mining and crafting and it's also highly highly recommended to have 73 agility for the shortcuts I do also want to call out if you have the kevos and Ken medium Diaries done you'll get a chance of doubling Essence while you're mining them so that's always nice to have as well as get 5% more runes every single time you make blood runes at arus and if you have the elate Diaries done that bumps up to 10% now the equipment you need is a chisel if you forget a chisel there is one actually at the mining area so don't freak out too much about that but you also need a pickaxe weight reducing clothing like graceful is recommended however if you have remnants of the eye the Rune crafting outfit from Guardians of the rift you can also wear that as well and that'll give you 10% more runes per piece and 20% if you have the full outfit for a total of 60% more runes which is really going to increase your profit per hour and blood runes per hour depending on if you're an Iron Man or not when you're looking for profit or the blood runes if you are using the Run crafting outfit try to get a ring of endurance and have it charged because you will run out of run energy I have 85 agility and I don't have the ring and I do run out of run energy although it's kind of towards the end so the 60% more run is way worth it and outweighs it so if you have the Rune crafting outfit I say just wear it but that is totally up to you on what you guys want to do but that ring of endurance will really help also if you have a blood Essence make sure you go ahead and activate that and keep it in your inventory it will give you a 50% chance per Essence to get extra blood runes and that's pretty insane that's at no additional XP but more profit so why not get it if you have one so again don't forget your pickaxe remember your pickaxe it's annoying I've done it I've ran here before and completely forgot a pickaxe so don't do that now the ways to get here there are a few different ways to get here I personally just use the fairy ring CIS I believe it still takes 80k in order to purchase this so make sure you purchase this fairy ring if you want to use it again I believe it costs 80k I don't think they've taken that away you can also use Memoirs as well you can use the book and teleport to a dark disposition so keep that in mind if you want to do that you can also just use a game necklace and teleport to wintert and then run down Rune crafting Essence is right here where I am currently located so if you're at the fairy ring you're just going to run a little bit north and then you're going to go ahead and run east it is southeast of winter Todd and Northeast if you use the Memoirs the blood alter is right here and you need to make a giant trip so basically 69 agility is a giant plus if you have at least 69 but again recommend 73 so the way you get here you run through the alter and you will be seeing this when I show you the method but basically you'll be running through this little area right here there's a path and then you'll go a little bit Southeast and then you can use this agility shortcut if you don't have that you have to run all the way around there's another shortcut at 52 agility so you can hop on that one if you have 52 agility otherwise you have to run literally all the way around now again 69 agility is a huge plus 73 is highly recommended if you have it and you will see why cuz this basically gets you from the blood alter down to being able to mine Essence real quick otherwise you got to run literally all the way around that's paint so the way that these Essences work when you're mining is that they're mined every nine ticks regardless of your pickaxe so you could have a bronze pickaxe if you really wanted to the pickaxe doesn't matter I'm just using my crystal one because it's kind of the only one I keep in my bank and it's shiny so why not use it right now the chance to deplete is kind of based on mining level but there's an 85% chance that the essence block won't deplete and there's it goes up to a 90% chance and this is all based off a mining level so there's only a 5% chance difference so don't worry about it too much and that 85% % is at 38 Mining and 90% chance is at 99 so again it's only 5% chance it's not that much it's not super worth worrying about now the XP rates per hour we will work on testing this at some point is 36k XP an hour according to the wiki and you also get 1, 1470 blood runs an hour that is at the very base if you have blood Essence activated you'll get 50% more if you have the Rune crafting outfit you'll get 60% more so you might be able to literally double up on how many blood you get per hour which is kind of insane which obviously is going to increase your GP per hour now for the method itself again all you need is a chisel and if you forgot your chisel there is a chisel right here where you'll be mining these dense runestones so basically what's going to happen is you're going to go M A dense runstone and again this has a chance to deplete and when it does you just move to the next one or you wait for this one to get its Essence back but honestly I would just move over to the other one and just kind of go back and forth so I keep my chisel at the bottom right of my inventory because we will need to be clicking on all of these or you can just let it do it itself but it's super fast just to click and do it and it makes things go way faster also you don't need blood runes at the beginning I was just doing this method for a few hours before this video and I was like hey let's just make a video on it so you don't need blood runes to start keep that in mind as well all right I do also want to call out that while you are mining you do get a little bit of crafting and Mining XP so it's not too much but it does add up over time so that's always nice so as you'll see we are coming to the end of this inventory and somehow I actually didn't even need to change runestones which is pretty sweet so when you are done I'm going to go ahead and take this agility shortcut remember this is the level 69 agility shortcut and you don't have the 52 agility it takes to use this agility shortcut you have to literally run all around so take a look at this the mini map at the top right for those of you guys again that don't know cool trick is you can just scroll with your mouse wheel and zoom in and out on the mini map cool thing if you're on mobile all you got to do is pinch it or you know do the normal thing you do for images otherwise you have to run all the way around this circle and over and again we're just going to take this agility shortcut so we're going to go over here and run now we're going to do this twice before we actually make blood runes so keep that in mind pay attention to kind of what's happening this agility shortcut over here you can only go down you can't go up so that yeah that would be super op so once you cross that agility shortcut just keep running down and we're going to go to the dark alter go ahead and click on it and once you click on it and run there this is actually going to turn your dense Essence blocks into dark Essence blocks now on your way running back you're going to use your chisel on your dark Essence BLS and again you can let it just AFK and kind of do its thing or you can do what normal people do and just Spam click so you what you want to do is you want to get running then spam [Music] click and that's all there is to that part you also do get some more crafting XP go ahead hop over the agility shortcut or run back to the Run stones and you are good to go for your next inventory so you're going to want to fill your inventory up again with more Essence blocks and you're good to go the other thing I do want to call out is this method does actually drain your prayer you don't need prayer you can still do this method with zero prayer but keep in mind if you do have full prayer it's going to drain it so don't like go refill your prayer come here and drain it and then just go refill your prayer it doesn't matter you don't need any prayer but it will drain it so keep that in mind if that's something that you're worried about all right so just like right there the Run Stone did deplete so it's going to gray out just go ahead and run over to the other one again you could just sit there and wait for it to come back but that is literally a waste of time and we're RuneScape players so we try not do that but again this is a nice semi AFK method the first time I didn't have to switch run stones at all this time I've had to switch twice already so just keep that in mind when you're doing this so we got trolled a little more on that one and had to switch Rune Stones quite a bit but we are done with that inventory so we are going to run back to the alter again use your method that you have hopefully you guys have agility shortcuts if not just raise agility take one for the team you're at this point in the game if you have 77 room crafting and you don't have 73 agility that's crazy so again we're going to go ahead and click on the dark alter so they are now dark Essence blocks now you can't turn all of these into fragments it won't let you can only have so many fragments at a time so you can't spam click on those until you go to the blood altar now when you are here at your mini map if you click just outside of this little lip right here by this building it'll automatically run you along the path but basically this is going to take you all the way from the alter here and run all the way around so keep that in mind easy way to do it just click in that little spot and you are good to go it will auto run for you makes life a lot easier so so once you get up here just keep running to the East and you will be good to go if you are on run light and have the GPU plugin you can just go ahead and click on the alter once everything loads if you're on mobile or don't have the plugin just go ahead and you can still like click on this little lip up here at the top right and it'll bring you all the way around the altar so once you get to the alter you can go ahead and just click on it and boom there are our like 170 runes that we just got and now you can go ahead and make more fres fragment so go ahead and start spam clicking all right and once you are done getting everything back to fragments go ahead and click on the alter again for another 150 Essence making those gains and that is it that is the method now the way to get back again this is where that 73 agility comes in you're just going to go ahead and run to the East and here is that agility again you need 73 agility for this otherwise you have to run all the way back around and do whatever method you did to get here and it sucks but if you have 73 agility you just run over here slide down the little Hill and then you're just back at the mining spot really you just 73 agility is just insane to have you don't need it but it's highly recommended and again blood runs are pretty expensive right now I've been doing this for a little bit and I have 1.9 mil again I'm an Iron Man so I'm going to be using them but it's just a nice AFK method well semi AFK method I should say of getting Rune crafting XP and I'll go ahead and show you guys the Rune crafting XP don't take into account the XP per hour because I've been setting up the video I've been doing a little bit so keep that in mind but this is just from one run I got 88 crafting XP 600 mining XP 4,982 run crafting XP so overall not too bad if you guys have any questions let me know subscribe to the channel if you guys are new and want to see more content leave a like for the algorithm again any questions let me know I'll be doing more guides on this channel thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace turn the sumes get off your phone one time come outside cuz we all here chilling yeah it's the same old same old same no we don't play no play no games oh they want to talk talk talk talk talk why they got to hate hate on me damn but I not tripping I'm fly as a pigeon this girl been I the kid
Channel: RollandTV
Views: 1,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolland, RollandTV, osrs, osrs ironman, old school runescape, osrs rollandtv, runecrafting osrs, osrs runecrafting, runecrafting, runecrafting guide osrs, osrs runecrafting guide, runecrafting guide, afk runecrafting osrs, afk runecrafting, blood rune runecrafting osrs, osrs blood rune runecrafting, blood rune runecrafting, zeah runecrafting osrs, osrs zeah runecrafting, zeah runecrafting, how to make blood runes osrs, osrs how to make blood runes, how to make blood runes
Id: UHUBLjqwb0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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