Updated Klee Guide | How to Build the Adorable Menace

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as one of the og pyro dps characters klee has unfortunately been almost entirely ignored by the gentian community being that this is currently the banner where she's running alongside kazuha that is no surprise kazuha is one of the most sought after units in genchin impact and cli is one of the most underappreciated and underrated units and if you've checked on some of the other larger genji impact content creators channels you've probably seen that they have not put any videos at all up about clee and that is because a lot of people haven't bothered to learn to play her or just don't care about her in general luckily you have me no grass to put out a guide for clee including some of her best weapons artifact sets teams and how to play her in general [Music] so the first thing that i need to mention when it comes to cli is that she is definitely harder to use than a lot of the other gentian impact characters now that's not to say that she's difficult to use because kitchen impact in general is a pretty easy game so learning to play cli is not hard it's just harder compared to other units my advice here would be after watching this video and learning some of the tips on how to play cli if you don't already have her go through the trial use some of the tips that i gave you see if you like the play style because if you don't like playing cle then obviously it's not going to be worth pulling her but if you do like playing glee then she's going to be really fun and great to use so moving on to the weapons that are good on klee obviously five star weapons are almost always going to be top tier and klee is no exception everlasting moon glow is not a good weapon on her of course because it has hp and it's mostly just a kokomi weapon but all the other five stars are great skyward atlas lost prayer to the sacred winds kagura's verity and memory of dust are all pretty close in terms of effectiveness on clee and they are the best options now of course memory of dust is only good if you're using a shielder but it's still going to hold its own as long as you meet that requirement the four star catalysts that are going to be not quite as good as the five star options but still really great are solar pearl and the whitsith those two are going to be your go-to for any catalyst dps characters solar pearl is especially good on cli because it gives that 40 elemental skill and burst damage bonus when you have it at r5 and that's very good for her burst and her jumpy dumpty attacks wit sith is great of course on any catalyst character it's almost as good as the five star catalysts but it does fall off as the fights get longer and longer because of its long cooldown time if you don't have solar pearl or the wood sith you do have a couple of other decent options little go tails is pretty good we got that as a free weapon from the 1.6 summer event that was last year's summer event on the islands so if you have that it's pretty good to use mambo mari can be okay if you're using cli but it's not as good as it is with other catalyst dps characters it's pretty hard to reliably trigger vaporize with cli as opposed to yanfey as far as artifacts go again since we can't reliably trigger vaporize with please attacks since she applies so much pyro herself the best general option is going to be a two-piece crimson witch and a two-piece attack set either gladiators or shimanolus for that 18 attack bonus that's your safest general choice and of course we want the attack percent on the sands pyro damage bonus on the goblet and crit damage or crit rate on the circuit depending on what you need more of another thing to note about artifacts on cli is some teams actually prefer a four piece lava walkers on clay namely two g02 pyro or mino pyro teams lava walkers is going to be a lot better than the two piece bonuses but pretty hard to farm for and you're still not going to be that far ahead of the mix heads so if you don't want to go out of your way to farm it's perfectly okay to just do two and two the sub stats an interesting thing about klee is that she actually doesn't need energy recharge at all so if you have no energy recharge you're still completely okay with glee because of one of her passives which we will talk about in a little bit other than that of course you want attack percent and crit in your sub stats so before we talk about how to play cli let's talk about her talents quickly starting with her passives so clee's first passive that you get makes it so that whenever you do a normal attack you have a 50 chance to get an explosive spark and what that spark does is it increases the damage of your next charge attack and it will make it so that that charged attack doesn't cost any stamina that being the case the best way to play her is to do one normal attack one charged attack repeat and there are ways to make sure that you get those charge attacks out as fast as possible like i said we'll talk about that in a little bit the second passive makes it so that whenever her charged attack does a crit all of your party members will get two elemental energy and this puts klee in an interesting spot of being not only the team's main dps but also a battery for the rest of the characters because as long as you're on field with cli you can generate a good amount of energy for the rest of your team which is an effect that not a lot of other dps characters have now as far as leveling priority you want to go with her normal attack first followed by her burst followed by jumpy dumpty the last thing that we have to talk about in this guide is clee's gameplay and the best teams that you can use her in really quickly before we get into that i just want to introduce myself my name's nograss don't tell me to touch any because i'm allergic if this video has been helpful for you so far make sure you turn on notifications for my channel so that you don't miss out on any news or guides in the future so the last topic for this guide video like i mentioned a little bit earlier is gameplay and the teams that klee works well in right no matter what kind of team you're playing cli in you're going to want to spam charged attacks as much as possible and we want to make sure that we're trying to get explosive sparks as well to take advantage of her passive so the best way to play cli generally is to do one normal attack followed by a charge attack repeat you can also do an animation cancel where as soon as the charged attack starts you jump that way you can stop the charge attack early whether you need to dodge move whatever it is as far as teams go this team is my current favorite team to use which is clee jung lee bennett and elan the reason this team is so good is because zhang li allows you to just spam charge attacks with klee without having to worry about dodging so not only are you not going to take damage but you also get the 20 defense shred along with the four piece tenacity buff from zhang li bennett brings his buff along with heels and pyro resonance and yilan also further buffs the damage for clee since elon's burst is going to be active while klee is attacking another team that's great with cli as the main dps is a 2g02 pyro team comp again we get the same benefits from klee zhongli and bennett but the second geo party member gives you access to geo resonance along with pyro resonance that gets us a 15 damage bonus for everyone on the team along with a 40 resistant shred for geo so having either albedo or ning wang on the team is going to be very great alberto because he has no fuel time ninguang because you can throw a ttds on her and further buff clee's attack another type of team that clee can be very good in is a reversed melt comp along with rosaria again we see the cleve bennett combo it's just too good to pass up on along with pyro resonance and then we have rosaria to reverse melt using her burst and then a fourth spot is a support usually an animal unit to give that very valuable vv shred the last type of team that i usually run klee in is a mono pyro team where again we have klee and bennett but this time we throw zhong ling in there as well along with an animo support to get that vv shred kazuha would be the best choice here but sucrose also works just fine the reason this works so well is because everyone gets buffed up by kazuha along with bennett we have heals we have zhang ling damage and we have clean damage along with battery so all these units just do a ton of damage with each other so that is the official updated no grass guide on klee hopefully this video was helpful for you guys if you made it this far thanks for watching the whole vid we're gonna have a field day coming up with 3.0 guys because we're getting dendro that means a ton of new reactions new team comps and possibly a new meta again don't forget to turn on notifications if these types of videos are helpful and you want to see more in the future hopefully i will catch you guys in the next one too
Channel: No Grass Gaming
Views: 11,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VKcO_lsYpBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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