#UofSC19 Commencement Exercises:

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good morning and welcome to the spring 2019 commencement at the University of South Carolina will be getting underway shortly should you need medical assistance at any time there is a first-aid station located in room C 112 at section 112 which is near the corner of College and Lincoln streets on the concourse level and if I may remind you today's ceremony is a special occasion in the life of the university above all it is a special occasion in the life of our graduates and their families indeed this ceremony is held primarily to recognize the accomplishments of these graduates and those who have supported them along the way these commencement ceremonies continue a proud tradition here at the University of South Carolina the university strives to ensure these ceremonies are conducted with decorum courtesy and grace in order to preserve the dignity of this occasion for each student we seek your respect for the dignity of this time by ensuring that this courtesy and decorum are maintained throughout the ceremony the ceremony will take approximately 120 minutes from start to finish and the last graduate to be recognized is as important as the first as the graduates have been informed everyone present is expected to remain seated until the ceremony concludes thank you for your cooperation welcome to the spring 2019 commencement exercises at the University of South Carolina's Colonial Life arena this is a day of special recognition for the university's graduating students we welcome you to today's ceremonies where hundreds of family members and friends already have arrived to celebrate the academic achievements of the graduates [Music] about 1,700 students are expected to participate in graduation today at the University of South Carolina as the state's flagship university South Carolina has steadily increased the quality of its student body the Columbia campus received nearly 31,000 applications for its fall 2018 class and Carolina welcomed more than 8,000 new students including five thousand eight hundred fifty one freshmen with an average SAT score of 1275 [Music] spring commencement exercises at the University of South Carolina will officially begin in just a few minutes the USC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Scott Weiss is providing a lively musical prelude to today's ceremonies [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good morning and welcome to the spring 2019 commencement at the University of South Carolina please rise for the entrance of the university mace you things are getting under way now commits and officials are making their way to the platform the President of Student Government Luke Rankin leads the processional carrying the university mace the mace is accompanied by the mace party which includes a trustee from the Board of Trustees the president of the Carolina Alumni Association a university faculty member representing all of the university faculty and a retired faculty member a contingent of university faculty is following the mace carrier to the commencement platform they're being led by joan gable Carolina's executive vice president for academic affairs and provost [Music] University officers participants and guests led by Aaron martyr er USC Registrar the faculty are being followed by a contingent of university officers and special guests who are being led by Carolina's Registrar Aaron martyr er the Registrar's Office is responsible for all student records as well as the official academic calendar the deans of the university led by dr. Auggie Grant chair of the Faculty Senate [Music] members of the University Board of Trustees and distinguished guests led by secretary J canteen Heath jr. next in the processional are members of the Board of Trustees the policymaking body for Carolina the trustees are being led by board secretary candy Heath and they are accompanying honorary degree recipients James Barrow a USC alumnus and philanthropist and phylicia rashad a theatre director and actor of film stage and television and now please turn your attention to the video monitors for a special presentation [Music] dear doctor and mrs. past eighties the news of this chapter of your lives closing at the University of South Carolina is bittersweet because it's hard to picture the University of South Carolina without you when I arrived at USC I had no idea the impact you and mrs. bast Dedes would have on my life I remember the first time I had the opportunity to interact with both of you I walked into your office to me with you about attending the University of South Carolina you had made the University of South Carolina feel like home to me and there was no question of where I would attend you greeted me and my parents with open arms you all have made the years I spent here some of the best years of my life it was just like any other Saturday in the fall in Columbia South Carolina we got on the bus and headed towards williams-brice stadium to play in front of the most amazing fans in the country and when you realized I was not my normal energetic self you stopped what you were doing to see what was wrong you listened to my concerns and validated my fears little did I know the course of my life would change forever it's not often students feel so comfortable to open up personally with their university president firstly I was able to tell you about how incredibly fearful I was about what was going to happen next for me in life to know that I had you in my corner of every entered school made the transition a little less scary during the second quarter I injured my knee and my career was over two days later you made it a point of emphasis to celebrate the day I was born with students and faculty you showed us that kindness and concern for others are atlas' duties into society to make time for those around you how it is to be a role model I believe your true legacy is rooted in the way you made others feel in my most vulnerable and weakest moments your selfless and thoughtful gesture gave me the strength to de team to fight on when I thought my life was over I will never forget the time you took out of your busy day to check in on me and offer encouragement that everything was it is difficult to put into just a few words the impact you all have made on our University and on the state of South Carolina your marriage exudes fierce love support and loyalty in the midst of your dedicated leadership how could a couple with so much on their plate open their doors to a scared freshman and make him feel so special the answer is simple now and the darkest and most vulnerable time of my life you were there you both are one-of-a-kind so much of your life has been dedicated to serving others we both are different your spirit lives on in us being cogs now and forever you both are amazing human beings and there will never be another duet like thank you for who you are forever to the besties family [Music] [Music] USC president Harris pass TVs is the final person in the procession this is the last University commencement dr. pass CDs will preside over as president he is retiring on July 31st after 11 years of service as South Carolina's 28th president more than 100,000 alumni of the University have graduated during President past Dedes tenure he joined the university in 1998 as Dean of the Arnold School of Public Health five years later he was named vice president for research and helped lead the university's strong growth in research funding South Carolina has been cited by the Carnegie Foundation as one of the top tier research universities in the country as president he initiated many new programs to make the university accessible and affordable and he was a vital force in the university's successful $1,000,000,000 Carolina's promise campaign dr. Paz Dedes is married to par we ready I'm delighted to welcome everyone to our most honored tradition and what will be the crowning experience for the class of 2019 will everyone please remain standing as the USC Symphony Orchestra under the direction of dr. Scott Wiese accompanies MS Natalie Marie Gilbert a baccalaureate degree candidate in music performance who is graduating today as she leads us in singing our National Anthem we will then have the invocation given by the Reverend Tom wall United Methodist campus minister [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] join me if you would with shouts of exultation and deep sighs of relief we reach a milestone today oh great companion our emotions are many and mixed excitement sadness disbelief satisfaction gratitude and some sense of anxiety about the future what at times seemed like an eternity has passed in the blink of an eye and now the future we thought would never come is dawning upon us so we tip our caps and give thanks for everything for everything the moments of inspiration and the times of desperation the proud successes and the humbling failures the occasions of mountaintop clarity and the dark clouds of confusion thank you in the crucible of living this Carolina experience some amazing things have been gestating and Extreme Makeover has been in progress we have emerged stronger wiser more purposeful so we raise the glass and offer a thank-you toast to those who have been there for us or we stand on the shoulders of others parents and families friends teachers mentors now joyful one in celebration we move out into the world harnessing the gifts and talents so abundantly given for the sake and love deserve our human family amen thank you miss Gilbert Reverend wall and musicians would everyone now be seated what a great treat and thrill it is for Patricia and I to be joining you as we are also part of the class of 2019 I even have my ring right here it's also a beautiful morning and a wonderful Mother's Day weekend why don't we get going by recognizing all of our mothers who might be in the arena today and for those who are not with us why don't we do a one two three happy Mother's Day one two three happy Mother's Day I'd like to introduce to you some individuals who recently received some of the highest University faculty Awards as I call out your name would you please stand and remain standing will then recognize them all together first we have the recipients of the Michael J Mungo undergraduate teaching Awards professor Alicia Wilson from the school of Earth ocean and environment professor Karen Elton from the chemistry department professor Connor Harrison from the Geography Department and dr. Amanda Fairchild from the psychology department the recipient of the mungo graduate teaching award is Professor rebecca boyd from the school of visual art and design and the recipient of the Michael J Mungo distinguished professor of the Year award is dr. Donna Chen from the chemistry department the recipients of the Carolina trustee professorship award for public health engineering medical sciences and basic science for the Columbia campus is dr. brian benzo it's from the department of chemistry now let's recognize all of these wonderful professors [Applause] I'm also pleased to announce our student award winners both of these recipients received the Algernon Sidney Sullivan Awards both are graduating today will Michael William Clinton and Olivia Grace Rosinski please stand and receive our congratulations [Applause] graduates many fine individuals have helped you arrive here by directly guiding you or supporting the university first let's recognize our University's Board of Trustees led by our chair the Honorable John C vonlee jr. would our Board of Trustees and secretary Canty Heath jr. receive stand and receive our recognition [Applause] and because board service requires tremendous family support I now would like to recognize the spouses and families of the board who were here as well as again our first lady Patricia Moore past CDs they're sitting over here [Applause] but of course without the remarkable efforts of our highly skilled and dedicated faculty and their commitment to the difficult balance between teaching scholarship and service you would not be here today we'll all of us but especially the graduates please join me in recognizing the great work of my faculty colleagues represented here as I now ask them to stand and be recognized the University of South Carolina faculty [Applause] they don't dress like that for class do they but then again neither do you we now come to the part of this ceremony where the university will present its highest recognition the honorary doctoral degree the achievements of our recipients are officially recorded in the degree Citation printed in your program and they should make clear why these individuals bring genuine esteem and recognition to our university family Dean Tom McNally of the University Libraries has a candidate for the honorary doctoral degree mr. president I have a candidate for the honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters James Purdy Barrow is a veteran equity portfolio manager and philanthropist he was born in Sumter South Carolina and grew up in the nearby town of Bishopville while attending the University of South Carolina he took a class in security analysis which would become his life's work early in his career were three colleagues he started Barrow Handley Louie nion Straus in 1979 the privately owned investment management firm has enjoyed a long history of success mr. Barrow has a deep interest in collecting art in rare books and supports conservation and preservation of rare materials he's keen interest in support of our university libraries and it's Special Collections has resulted in many exceptional gifts mr. Barrow and his wife reside in Dallas Texas will the Honorable William Hubbard of the University's Board of Trustees along with secretary Heath please escort the candidate to the rostrum for his highly successful investment career that has enabled thousands to achieve their financial goals force generous support of the Arts and for his vital contributions to the university's special collections which enlarge the archive of cultural heritage for present and future scholars and students the University of South Carolina with the approval of its Board of Trustees now presents James Purdy Barrow for the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Trustees acting on behalf of the people of South Carolina through the General Assembly of the state I hereby do confer upon you the degree Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa together with all the rights honors privileges and responsibilities to that degree appertaining let's congratulate dr. Barrow [Applause] Dean lacy Ford of the College of Arts and Sciences has a candidate for the honorary doctoral degree mr. president I have a candidate for the honorary degree Doctor of Fine Arts Felicia Rashad is an actor singer and director born in Houston Texas miss Rashad studied at Howard University and graduated magna laud in 1970 with a bachelor of fine arts degree in 1984 miss Rashad began her emmy-nominated role as Claire Huxtable on The Cosby Show which ran until 1992 she has since guest-starred in many TV shows and in 2004 became the first african-american woman to win a Tony Award for the Best Leading Actress and apply she has acted in films and Broadway productions and off wet Broadway productions and has directed several theatrical productions in national venues Michaud has received numerous awards and has served as director of the Brainerd Institute heritage in Chester South Carolina and is an active member of several organizations devoted to arts education and philanthropic endeavors will the Honorable Lea Moody of the University's Board of Trustees along with secretary Heath please escort the candidate to the rostrum for her critically acclaimed career as an actress in television in film and on the stage for her impact as a noteworthy theatrical director and for her commitment to public service and arts education the University of South Carolina with the approval of its Board of Trustees now presents phylicia rashad for the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts [Applause] I'm sorry Ms Rashad they just could not wait by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Trustees acting on behalf of the people of this state through the General Assembly I hereby do confer upon you the degree Doctor of Fine Arts honoris causa together with all the rights honors privileges and responsibilities thereto appertaining now let's congratulate dr. Felicia Rashad [Applause] okay graduates this is when I get to speak to you would that be okay class of 2019 what a ride we have been on together today on this stage I want to take the opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you the greatest students in the world and in the spirit of my eblasts and other messages I've sent to you I'll also offer you a little advice and this time the advice will be about moving on this was the hardest commencement address I've ever written although I've given a lot of effort to each and every one do you know how many I've given by the way this is the 179th commencement I presided at and I have two more to go today before the day is over that will make it 181 [Applause] so I could say 181 is my favorite number but it isn't my favorite number is 117 thousand six hundred sixty-two because by this evening that is the number of graduates I will have conferred degrees to during my 11 years as president now that I'll accept applause for [Applause] that is absolutely my favorite number by the way I've spoken to past graduating classes about the following being an active participant finding inspiration in little things teamwork community service innovation leadership resilience the passing of time mindfulness finding common ground creativity the importance of working hard and civil discourse today though I want to speak to you about something I've been thinking about and working on a lot and to say it to you directly I'm finding that moving on is hard it's hard for YouTube it's hard for me many of you in this very class have told me that these were the best four years of your lives of course some of you said they were the best five years of your lives and a few even said well I won't go there but parents you know who they are it reminds me of the three students I ran into one said I'm graduating summa laude one said I'm graduating magna laude and the third said I'm graduating thank the Lord II well these have been these have been the best eleven years of my life so how do we handle this how do we say goodbye how does one move on I checked out what psychologists and even song writers and poets have said but most of the advice about moving on was about moving on from a broken relationship or romance it just didn't seem to fit today but I did like the lyrics of a country song that said you broke my heart so I ripped up your picture one thing I found that was helpful came from the poet Robert Frost I like it mainly because it's simple he said that he could sum up everything he'd learned about life in three words it goes on it goes on class of 2019 your lives and my life will go on and we must believe that the chapter ahead will be better than the one we're leaving behind heart hard as that is to imagine right now I think the best advice I have for you about moving on because it's working for me is to be very grateful for our time here for our time at the University of South Carolina like Winnie the Pooh who said how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard so in the spirit of moving on let me tell you how grateful I am to you how lucky I am to have students like you in the class of 2019 who taught me so much as I told you at my last lecture on April 3rd I've learned from you that college is not all fun and games that's a stereotype that many adults hold I've learned from you that you have lots of serious concerns about our world including the decline in civility the pressures on our environment and about what kind of world your children will find I've learned that you have many personal ups and downs and that you really need access to our mental health counselors and other advisers on your time I've learned from you that college affordability is not a rhetorical issue it's a truth a truth that affects your family's ability to pursue their own happiness while they struggle to provide you your education I've learned that you and American college students in general are the most open tolerant and inclusive generation ever to inhabit the planet and that gives me hope that America will move further in that direct as you assumed power and of course I've learned how absolutely passionate make that crazy you are about the Gamecocks everywhere and all the time you die with every dropped pass and miss free throw but just like me you pick yourselves up and find a way to live another day to cheer all over again for the garnet and black oh I've learned so much from you you've made me not only a better president but a far better person and I hope you feel grateful to have learned so much here mainly from your professors but also through the many experiences outside the classroom class of 2019 you have grown so much most of you started as teenagers and now you're men and women perhaps you learned a little bit from my eblasts to you as well I went back and counted over 40 of them although I got more feedback about them at the time from your parents than I did from you in any case I loved writing them and I went back over them recently I'm so glad I did they reminded me of the specific reasons that led me to want to reach out to you there were horrific shootings at churches and synagogues there were some very sad moments involving student safety that led me to urge you as if I were your very own father to take care of yourself and to ask what's my name there were all too many hurricanes and floods where I told you what we were thinking and planning pretty much in real time by the way class of 2019 you likely had more unscheduled days off due to weather than any other college class in history your parents know that we don't offer rebates for days off due to weather they were absolutely deliriously happy concerts and World Series and Final Fours and bowl games where I couldn't contain my joy so I let my keyboard overflow with giddiness there were spring breaks and summer vacations that prompted me to advise you to be productive and happy to fall in love if you were so inclined and to take time to talk with your families about yourselves and about your life at college they were Thanksgivings when I merely wished you to find the joy in simple things like food made at home family serving others and living a principled life the basic things that for all of us will form the memories we cling to forever during one flood event I even held a contest to ask you how we could make the university better we were swamped with good ideas some of which have already improved the university we did that just by asking and listening to you after I move on and I think of all of those things and when I think of you class of 2019 I will be so grateful to you that gratitude will turn to joy and that joy will make it easier for me to move on so right now as we get on with actually moving on I wanted to share one more thing in the president's house there's a window on the second floor that I like to look out in the early morning the view is of the horseshoe which is arguably at its most peaceful and still at that moment of day particularly when the morning mist blankets the landscape I've been reflecting a lot lately at that window about my time as your prayer as I've looked out the window over 11 years not a lot has changed on the horseshoe except maybe the sapling tree that my children planted in honor of my first day August 1 2008 it's a big tree now but when I look out beyond the horseshoe oh my the growth the progress the success the victories the ever-increasing quality of the students and faculty sometimes I pinch myself graduates I'm going to miss looking out that window but I'd like to suggest to you that we not think of moving on as is often described as the closing of one door and the opening of another I don't like the thought of closing the door on my University how do you close the door on your home how can you not look back so let's think instead of stepping through an open window a window that once you've been through you can turn around and see where you've been when we turn around and look back we'll all see different things but I hope that we all see very happy things things that will bring us great joy when I turn around to look through that window I'm going to see you there you are storming the court right here at the Colonial Life arena there you are jumping in the thomas cooper library fountain after victories that brought us to the final four i'm going to see you dancing and volunteering at dance marathon Relay for Life Martin Luther King jr. Day of Service I'm gonna see you at our town halls and our diversity and inclusion lunches I'm going to see you studying for finals at the Thomas Cooper library as Patricia and I deliver trail mix and apples I'm gonna see us snapping selfies and high-fiving and I'm gonna see you sitting here together in front of me dressed so beautifully with your regalia the finest young men and women any college president can ever know on the biggest day of your lives in fact most of my profound and everlasting memories were made with you thank you sincerely I wish I could take all of you for one last ride in my many and maybe someday I will but for now let's do as dr. Seuss said he said don't cry because it's over smile because it happened to the class of 2019 Thank You forever and forever to thee [Applause] thank you everyone thank you truly appreciate that but now let's get on with moving on commencement of course is a special occasion to all of you who've earned your degrees we are one of the few major comprehensive universities in the country that will still recognize each graduate by name we now move to the awarding of the degrees Provost gable will present all candidates are you ready class of 2019 [Applause] members of the graduating class will please come forward as their names are called we ask that all members of the audience remain in their seats throughout the program and that you are guests this afternoon please withhold your applause during the announcement of graduates names we ask this so as not to distract the announcers and also so that we do not drown out any family's ability to hear clearly the respect we show our last graduate today is as important as the respect we show the first thank you in advance for your cooperation in maintaining the order and dignity of this ceremony will all of the candidates please rise mr. president all candidates who stand before me and others who cannot be present but whose achievement is being recorded officially by the University having completed the requirements for their respective degrees are herewith recommended by the Faculty of the University for the conferral of their degrees by virtue of the authority vested in the University of South Carolina by the people of this state acting through their representatives in the General Assembly and on the board of tree trustees of this institution and on the recommendation of the faculty the university confers upon each of you the degree for which you have been recommended together with all the rights honors privileges and responsibilities thereto appertaining congratulations to our graduates [Applause] now you may be seated Dean of the Graduate School dr. Cheryl Addie will join the respective Dean to greet recipients of the graduate degree Dean Steve Lin will greet recipients from the South Carolina Honors College Walter Thomas Hambrick Jeremy Edward crew Third's Jemima Luke IANA male teen lacy Ford will greet recipients from the College of Arts and Sciences Catherine Elizabeth booth Keiko Savannah Burnett Bridwell amber Teresa domain Peter Joseph Gartland Caitlin Alexis hat on Cody Brandon Hoover Satya Abed Khan Amanda charity kiss be Hayley Michelle long car Laura pendel McGowan David Scott Matthews jr. Tiffany Nicole peacock Brittany Victoria patellae Patrick Christian Rutledge Kathleen Borchardt Shane Lacey Maurice ow Noah Colin balint him Elena Ashton Wilhelm Bryan and Nicole Willis Christina Marie Zen Chandler Austin Yonkers Sarah rose ben'll Lauren Rose Clark Julia Kathleen fuller Elizabeth and Hawkins Nicholas Tyler Stewart Lindsey ray Taylor Hannah Marie Warner Katherine Danielle Thibodeau kübra Cybele Albert Aaron Wolfgang Ashley neuron geez Fellini can i okay c villa keroth named woody Yonsei Rolla ha melash Melissa Francis grow she she Hugh Michael Thaddeus lists one me Natalie Adele Tyler Norman Thomas Vieira Jody Lee Abbott Jacob Alexander Abel's Javon Ricardo Adams Trayvon Frank Adams the second Ella Katherine Aaron's Jordan Randall I ivali William James Alexander the fifth OSHA Maria Alfred Austin Tyler Allen Jenna Austin Susan Allen Patrick I go Alan Gabrielle an elite Amos diamonds Lutece Anderson Matthew John Anderson Robert Randall Anderson the third Alexandria Helen Anderson correct me Lachlan Marshall angle Emily Caridad Artois Dalvin de mon Ontario Armstrong Carolyn gray Arnold Jessica Nicole airy Brianna Jessica ash [Music] Jessica Morgan Atkins Mackenzie page Bailey Harry Elizabeth Bailey Stephanie Victoria Baker Rayanne Erica Bakker Megan Elizabeth Barbie Ava Isabel tirado Baron Julia Dylan Barrington Laura Marie Bartley Aisling board Batchelder Sarah Rachel Bates Taylor Thomas and bass Taryn Barry Bob garden Eric Luther Baxley Tatiana shontella Beecham Kathleen Cooper Beckham Jefferson Robert bass Courtney shantel belin Walter Alexander Belton Garrett Roebuck Bessie Thomas Bates Paul Patrick villain s'n Kevin Robert bills Madeline Redman Binney Andrew Ewing Bert pariah Elaine glaze Christopher Glen Boatwright Julianna Rose boccia Jenna Rebecca Boland Daniel Jackson Bolin Zachary Mason bowling Richard mark binoy jr. Brennan Charles William Booker Sarah Diane Court seller Valerie Brianna Boulware Taylor Alexa bourguignon Pamela dawn Bauer Emily Suzanne bowling Abigail Kate Boyer Dylan Thomas Bradham Taylor Gabrielle Bradley trivia Alexis Bradley Virginia and Bradshaw Victoria Elizabeth Brady Madison Taylor Bremen Samuel Anthony briefs Emily Rachel Brinkman Anna grace Brockman Alexander DeWitt Brooks Caleb Thomas Brower Margie Danielle Brown Taylor Nicole Brown Hannah Elizabeth Bryant Kendall Helen Brian Morgan Elizabeth Bryant Michelle Christine Buckner Jamie Murray Buford Nathan Thomas burgess Blaine Cameron Burris gregory francis burton therese allen bussy John B Butler the fourth Susan Reichle Butler Benjamin Prescott bottles Addison Irene bird devon james callaghan Kaylee O'Shea cammarata Anna Sophia can Alisa Kutner Sarah Connors letter Foster Miller Carlton Kylie Elizabeth karting Emily carpenter Courtney Rose Karen Sean Nicholas carry on Emily and Carter Peyton Catherine Carter William Thomas Carter William Alexander Cartwright the third Bryce Raymond cos sista Harris Rene casterline Edgar Castro Madison Ward Kaufman Vivian Chang Bryson cold shooting Christine Childress Lydia Catherine Chitwood Laurel Nicole Christmas Todd see Clifton Ashley Taylor Clinard Justin L chambers Sarah Bethlehem Clive Avery Elizabeth Clontz lighting Carolina Covina Cedeno Jonathan Hayes cockman Tyler Co Deena Rebecca Hawthorne Sara Elizabeth poem Berrien Michelle Collins Thomas William Coley Darcy Madeline Compton Melinda connealy oh jack Armour Connors Danielle Nicole Conyers caitlin marie cook Chadwick Michael Cooper Krystal Michelle Cooper Amanda Jade Cosby Pam Berlin Coulter Zachary Alex Cowan Logan Mackenzie Creech taylor lynn crimps Lucy Elizabeth Devore Maya aside nd Sydney Eamon Dean Jason Ryan Dawson jr. Jeffrey Ryan Davis Frederick Henry Davis Emily June Davis Caleb Timothy Davis Philip Herbert dazzle Emma grace - shield Kirsten Alexis Daniels Margaret Evelyn daily Jacob Michael's sign arm Samantha Nicole key react Steven James Capshaw Megan Elizabeth chrome Andrew Michael Crossin Carson Haley cross Andrew Michael crunk Madison Alexandra dicker Robert Paul Dylan senior Jordan Elizabeth Dinsmore Abigail Thornton Dobbins Jake Alphonse Dockery Charles Frederick Dodds Arthur James Doherty Erin Mary Donovan Sierra and Dao Ava Katherine downing Joshua Clyde dress and or fur Briana Marty's done and through Charles Dunton Aubree Michelle Dupree John David Duran Terra Mariana Durant Logan Joseph Dwyer David Samuel Dimmick Rebecca d'Alene Dimmick Jenna Nicole Burzynski Carson Nicole easterly Hannah Marie edge Leah Annette Edwards Virginia Lynn ice Forbes Calvin Ilan Rachel Halina al qasas Sebastian Estrada Abigail grace Etherington Amanda Michelle Yuri Jessica Claire evilly William Campbell Falls Mara falter Samantha Daniel found Brian Patrick Farrell Emily Chapman faults Karen Elizabeth fighter [Music] Jasmine Felipe Kelly and Fernandez alleged a fight Darby Elaine Findlay cyan leave Fisher Emily grace Fisher Marshall grace fight David Michael flowers Matthew s Fogle Julia Catherine font show James leave for the 3rd Jake Colin Fortenberry hampton/scott Fowler razón de Kayla Cherise Fowler Aaron Lee Fox Michaela Lee Anne Fox Brianna Taylor Frank Danielle Audrey Frazier Erik Matthew friendly Monica Lee fridge and monteri Oh a Gadsden Samuel Maxie gamble Anna Maria Gardner gentleman Gaydos Elizabeth she Lea Gerhardt Taylor Dallas George Rachel Elizabeth Kerber Shelby Eloise Gator Kendra chantry skill born Matthew Thomas Jared Oh Smith Tamia Simone gladden Astrid Carolina gonzalez de hey-zeus courtney lynn good Jakari leonard golden Angelica Marie Goodson Tariq with joy Goodson lance Gabriel Gordon William Kenneth Gordon Brandon Edward Graham Katherine Lee Graham Vanessa page dreams Brianna Nicole gray Brandon Michael Green Ryan Nicholas green Derek Crawford grace Peyton Jax Griffin Jeffrey Cannella Chelsea Chantal raging griffin kristen nicole Griffin Kelsey Amber Grogan Natalie Rose groom Elizabeth Sachiko Haas Andrew Conrad hon Robert Harrison Haines brittany marie Hale Michael Timothy Haley Bryan tight Jairus Hall Coleman lied home Matthew James Hallman jr. Francis Xavier Halloran Griffin Liam Hamilton Samantha Allen Hamilton Brianna Madeline Hamlin Lance Michael Hammond Christina Louis Hampton Emily Joan Hanley Fletcher Wilson Hardy Katherine and Hardwick amber Adela Hardy Maggie of Sullivan Harmon Emily and Harold Abigail Lea Harrison Brianne Nicole heart Andrew Michael Harding calandria Abigail Hatcher Jordan Elijah Hawthorne Rory Sanford Hayes Isabel Jane Heyman Adam Hayward Alison Nicole Heidenreich Isabella Mia hanky Lily way bow Hurst justice Tatiana Katrina hill Amanda Beth Hilton Kimberly Anne Hilton Jeremy Bureau Hines quit agent hi Shane Henson Christian Steven Hinton gray Alexander Hudson Courtney Murray Hogan Ryan Kelly Holcomb Timothy Donald Holden Anna Elizabeth Holland Jacob Scott home green Carter toll Honeycutt Marquis jamika hopper Somerset English Hoskins Daniel Jeffrey hon John Alexander Huggins Claire Louise Hughes Andrew Eugene wholesome Brook Elizabeth Humphrey Brannon McCandless hunter j'tia nicola hunter in Ellis firlock Allison Simon's Hurst Jason Winston hutches aleisea Dakota Murray Hutchison Garrett Lyle hutter soo ha Juan Cameron Kyle Ingram Valerie Amanda Miller Inman Brianna ELISA I smell Abigail Rose Jacobs hyacinth Danang Jacobs Dante Jarryd James Stewart Winkler James Elise Susan Jamison Jeffrey Bryce Chadron Tanner John Jenkins Tristan Chad Jenkins Michael Patrick Jennings Gunnar Michael johanan Mitchell II johansson Alexis Elizabeth Johnson Haley Alexis Johnson Mark Shawn Johnson jr. Adam Julian Jimenez Meghan Harper Johnson Steven Todd Johnson Thomas Hart Johnson Somalia janae Johnson Zachary James Johnson Dane Patrick Johnston Amanda Caitlin Jones Bertie's Veronique Jones Caleb Michael Jones Henry Davis Jones Jordan Cassidy Jones Melanie ray Jones Casey Jean Julian Megan Patricia Kaiser Andrew Justin Karp Riley Elise Castle Nick Bernard keel Andrew Whitfield keeper Katherine Rachel Keller tylo site areas Kelly Haley police kelmer Katherine Emma Kelly Timothy D Kelly Virginia Claire Kendall William and Anders kitty Kaitlyn Renee kick lighter hannah elizabeth Keasling Andrew Scott King Lydia Marie King Austin Corey Kirkland Tyler McLean Kirkpatrick Taylor Alexandra Cline Nicholas James climb but kenzie Doris 90 Emmeline Dowling net Ezekiel Alexander nellwyn Casey a Monroe's Knox Laura Christina Alisa Michele Kazumi tasia Michele Kristen Jack Gregory can now ski Kevin Carroll LaBelle joshua paul lar Mary Nell Lambton Matthew Baskin Laney Hayden McCarthy Lance Jenny Lau Kelsey Laura lateral Steven Saverio Lauro borrow Lavery Jackson law Brittany Virginia Lawrence Jeremy Taylor leak Joshua Wesley Leary l'tesia key Ottilie Daryl Lamar leave a second Eric Lentini grace Kendall was sane Bryson Daniel Weaver Joshua Michael Lewis Steven Jacob Lewis William temple Lewis Bree Anne Elizabeth Lee's and a grace Linder Michael Grant Lindsay Asia Monet linen Katherine Teresa Ellen Harris and Harrison lawmen and Garrett looper Trevor Lopez Jamie Reagan Lord Christopher Charles locked the second William Robert Louisville gabriele dalle lowering Patrick Christopher Lowery lauren ashley loud Riley Christian Lucas Taylor Andrew Luck's Johnny T Lynch Margaret Elizabeth Preston Lynch Maria Christina macaroni Carter James Maggie Erin rosemon Cody Tyler Meili Mickey aunt Ella sick maja Krista Ayanna major Daniel O'Neill melkowitz Margaret Cole's Belen Anna Marie mancino Joseph Vincent Mancuso rachel louise manly Wesley Allison man Preston Clarke Manning Mia Leigh Margolis Camille Barbara Marx Athena maurices Shania Catrice Marshall Jacob Christopher Martin Leah Kaylie Martin Matthew Robert Martin Nicholas Allen Masoner China and Lynn massive Thomas Nicholas machoness the second album a do re new Thomas Earl James Harper Mason Riley Jane McCallum Jason Alexander Macaulay Jamison William McClintock Kari Allen MacLeod Shannon Gale McCormick Riley Rose McCormick Samantha Taylor McCune Kevin Knox McCutcheon Carter Dennett McDaniel Crosby Sims McDaniel Ellen Katherine McDormand Angelica Francesca McDonald Nicole Patrice McElveen Ian Christopher McGrane Benjamin Michael McCrea gross Nicholas Colin McIntyre Anthony Shawn McMillian William David McRoberts Brantley Montgomery Malin Catharine Barry Lamott Muse Palin bridges Mikkel Savannah Mary Mickens Abigail Isabel Midkiff Erik nice John Eagle miles junior joy Margaret Elaine emigres Millar Haley Jayne Miller Gillian Sarah Miller Brandi Nicole Mims Celeste Denise minor Miguel on Hal Miranda Alexis Savitri Mitchell Corliss Allegra Mitchell Austin Lok Christopher James Bologna Molly Katherine Moore James Elliott Moran Sarah Jane Morgan Ashland Sierra Morris ELISA Greer mother all Magdalene Marie Maas ears Jordan Mullin Alexis Nicole Muller chelina Denise Muller Regan Kelly Murphy Shanice Renee Murray Andrew Frank Musgrove Alex Cameron Myers Brady Edward Nash Jared Marvin Neely Tannen Gabriella the urine Cassandra Lee Nelson Cole Weston Newport Charlie via twin Jessica and Nielsen Simon keegan ninja Amma AB Rafi Karuma Thomas Alvin nor be the third Ashley grace Novak Chloe Margaret Nutter Eric Michael Newsome Megan Elizabeth knows Oh Jillian Kylie / gun jack Devon O'Connor John Ryan O'Connor and Julia O'Halloran Christiana Boston Albert John Robert O'Leary Sarah Mackenzie Oliver Bennett read Olmsted Abdul Kareem Ramadan Omer Victor Emmanuel Ortiz Caitlyn Dimitra / be finian Patrick Owen DeAndre Chi Owens Patrick Raphael hey bong Christianly page Alice ofili Appel kibbutz Hayley Murray Palmer Michael Dylan Panton Ashlyn Mackenzie Parnell Ravi our Patel hope Elizabeth Patterson Logan Wayne Patton Ashley Maria pain Leticia Pena Katyn Yovani Perez Trent Austin Perkins Lauren Carly Peters Nicholas Mateusz petty Chandler grace Phillips venetie Teich a Phillips Daniel kale Pilcher Michael Nicholas hit us Mallory Virginia adam joseph qawalli jr. megan elizabeth proct an ass pride Robert Alexander Prince Sara Elizabeth Pruitt Sara Gabriel per year William Joseph Putnam Casey Lamar Qualls jr. Jimmie paluszek John Bonham Ola Queen Madison Shay quilter hat on Delaney choir Christopher James ransom Christian Taylor raver John Thomas ray Tory Aragorn ray Mikayla Hulk ray Ricky Alan Reece jr. Jordan nicole ryley Jillian Ida Ryman Jacob leather Iseman Tatiana Maria Reyes deja Alesia Reynolds Riley and Reynolds Abigail Caitlin reason Cheyenne arose Ryan Madison Stacy Road Bailey Catherine rich Darrell D Richardson Miranda Alexis Richardson Madison Christine Ricker Andre Joseph riddling Meghan Rachel rigor bar grace and Riley Benjamin Andrew risk Oh Cara Elizabeth Richard Joshua Jeffrey Rivers Courtney Elizabeth Reeves Imani Roberson Alexis Patterson Roberts Jeremy Ryan Roberts Alexis Ariana Robinson tabria Danielle Robinson Leah Annette Robinson Steven Robinson Kingsley Ruth Rhoda Jack Liam Rogan Emma Katherine Rogers Henry Davis roar the forum Jacqueline Elizabeth brownie grant Boston Roper Carolyn grace Ross Cassandra Alexis Ross Patrick Allen run Hayden Taylor Rothschild Laura Harper Rudisill Nicholas mark rum Nicholas Joseph Rua too low grace marine Russ Aisha Nicole Russell William Weston Russell Keemun Sally Elena Nicole Sammy Oz Brandon Tucker samples Brooke Elizabeth Sanders bear Alisa Josephine Santiago Benes auermann jr. Michael Reed's solder Casey aarush auermann Sampson Keller Schnabel Aaron Matthews snug Stephen Andrews Shroyer Jackson Monroe Schuler Silesia Mireille Scott Cameron Lee Scroggins Connor James Sears Elaine Boyes Celestia Maria Hanna Shani Robert Shannon Harrison Shelby Schiele Rachel Nicole Shelton Shen Yun Jing Catherine Landon Scherer Alison Rose Sherman Tanner Nicole Shirley Madison Nicole Sita Alex Charles silverstein abandoned Mia Simmons Bradley Christian Simmons Kelly Elizabeth Simmons Robert Wayne Simon's jr. Bryce Edwards Simpson Haley Nicole Sims Carly Maurice and Claire Emily Lynn siren Caroline Catherine's calf Abigail Frances Slade Bryn Aaron Schlueter Bobby Lee Smith Christine McCants Smith Devin Alexander Smith Erica Monique Smith Katie Colin Smith Morgan Adair Smith Walter Hayden Smith William Waylon Smith the third Stephanie Danielle saundra Samantha sue frond Caroline Maurice Spadaro Ivy Elizabeth Spellman Dallas McAlister Spencer Kelly Don spires Kirsten Renee Stanley Michaela Janae's Stanley Chelsea Lorraine Starkman Tyler Branham steal Jared Michael Stevens Richard Cameron Stephenson Rebecca Rose Steptoe Mariah Alan Stewart Ashley Veronica's Stokes Ava L Stokes Melanie Andrews Stokes Richard Lyle straighter Caitlyn Marie Sullivan Timothy Joseph Sullivan tiara Lachey Sumter Ryland D Sunbeam Jacob Daniel swanstrom Federica Seto Jeremy Benson Taryn James Harvey till the second Mitchell Lewis TV ashley renee fests Samantha Lee Tebow Jordan Christian Thomas Joseph Bradley Thompson Brianna and Jenelle Thornton Gunnar Michael Thornton Vivian Moira loot shock to me ylönen tweet Tran Allison Marie Trimble jayven Tyler Truax Marcelo Jumbotron jr. Alexa Rose ergo Elena Nicole van Darrell's Victoria and vans Ameren Scott Holland varn Carol Ann Elizabeth Verner Katherine Ann Vieira Elena Harris Voorhies mentee knock boo when Jasmine Lee boom Alexis Lynn wacker Nicholas chase what el Illya mone we Robert Allen Walters Badri where John Pierce wearin kima LaRon Watson Adam Miller once Jordan millon Weyburn Thomas Burton Wayne Austin Collins Weathersby Cole Michael Webber Melanie Lee Weintraub Alexander Joseph Whitesell Carter Jennings wells Emily Mathis wells Richard Jackson Ginyard wells Andrew fields white joy Elizabeth white Kirsten Webber Brianna Marie Winfield Ashley kwin aqui Hanna will do ski Gabrielle Paula Wiley Abigail Courtney Williams Patrick Neil Williamson Annie Wilson Bailey Catherine Wilson Haley Alexis Wilson jaymund array Wingate Nicole and a wing quince anna marie Wolverton melissa Marie would Robert Kyle Woodbury Levi William Wright Lindsay Carolyn right Olivia Lee right Morgan Alexis Abigail Gandil Meghan Danielle young Logan Thomas Yuka see you Joe - Juan dude Dallas pop Zuniga Charlotte grace Zara Lara Dixon Cobell Benjamin Sean Campbell a Kayla Leanne Chandler Catherine Suzanne Gulledge basil Nicole Hawk Lurie Cassandra Hilton Taylor and like Hannah Noel lawless Molly Diane Lord Brody Tyler McTiernan grace Ruth Newton Michaela Lynn rippy Brandon Michael show Catherine and allene slack and roof in Lee swagger sothey Catherine Tipton Rachel and arcanas algemene de la parada coil a victory Oh serrano Morocco ally hamad al ilmu teeth Benjamin David Allen Rebecca Elizabeth Alba Jenna Katherine almond Morgan Danielle Amadei Brianna Melton Emerson a specia Ariadne am adidas Abigail Elizabeth Anderson Anna Nadia RR Robert James Aramis kiss Mary Ashley Arthur Jalen asked you Erica and Atwood Claire Marie Aucoin Hashanah med IU Anna Marie Magnum Dallas Canon Baker William Winslow Balu Alexis Tierney Bantle Jacqueline Michelle Buckhead Spencer Neil Barnes Brianna Lachey Bennett Frederick Carlyle Bergman Olivia Marie Bernard Vienna Bureau Zachary Martin Blackwood Jessica Lynne Lehner Brian Anthony Blanc Otto Britain Anderson board Haley Marie Boatwright Gretchen Erika bowler Kyle Clinton bonds Rena Ray Pinto bungle auntie Margaret and Booth Nolan Scott Borg Taylor Neil boy Madison Elizabeth Boylan Amanda Lynn bridge Logan Thomas Briggs Matthews South bright Livesey Irina Brinkworth Kimberly briceño Bradley Ramsey Brody Richard James broken Christine Lynn broom arias Jermel Brown Kayla Elizabeth Brown Michelle faith Brown Matthew Randall Bruner Monisha Denis Bryant Sydney Erin Bryson Jamie Murray Berg John Michael Burgess Dylan Bryan Bertha Jacob Thomas Burstein Joshua Alexander Burstein Charles Richard tap carpenter August Alexander car Meredith Lee Cartwright Claire Lillian Murray Shabbat Cameron Rodney chambers Jonathan and drew chestnut Gregory Harris chunko Asha Beatrice chattery Alissa Mary sees Lana Noah Anthony Signorelli amber Ruth Clark Morgan may Claussen Michael William Clinton Catherine Ann Marie Cohen Kelsey and Collingsworth Anna Christine cook Lauren and Catherine cook Sarah Brennen Corcoran the lon Cantrell Kramer James Michael Cronin Larissa Leland econia Gabriel David D'Agostino Ashley Nicole Davis GJ Kenneth biz cara de Guzman Scott Michael Della Rocca junior-m arroz de la creme Ciaran Nicole dimitra's Chevalley Sanjay Desai Nakia Jeanette divine Laura Vic JD Diaz Chelsea and Dylan Nathaniel Scott don'ts Christopher at Femi O's Demetrios Louis Joseph DiMaggio the third a colossus Judith Dobie Dana lead uncle Gus on fatty Duval sharlinda nice dowdy Xavier Alexander Douglas Taylor Lind Ranganath Macy Lee drew Alexandra Catherine Driscoll Catherine Elizabeth Duffy amber Elizabeth do Jake Michael Duncan Taylor and Dunphy Madison McKenzie Durham pileinn Amy Durkin Nathan Marie Duval Louis McMillan Eddie David Jacob Edelson Emma Hancock Eisenhart Sydney Elizabeth Ellen Elizabeth page Elliott heather nicole Elliott crystal Anthony's Ellis Gary Marlon and early Teresa Lynn Erickson David Aaron Fame Lauren Gayle funk Emma solo Victoria feet go Pablo is dead on Figueroa Dylan Michael still warm Brian Cory Fitzgerald Emily Kate Fitzpatrick Kathryn Alice Freya Hanna Miyako Gandy Blair Michelle Gagne Caroline Ines gable Katelyn and fridge Kaneesha Nicole Friday Whitney Jade free Jenkins Paul Charles Friedman Evan Alan Freed Shane Helen Franken field Patrice Ruth Frankel justin tank gates annual Robert George Jacob Colin Gibson Madison Juliette Gillespie summer Elise Gilliland no Amy Sarah Maria Glaser Lilly Windsor Glenn Micah Elizabeth go forth Cameron Nicole good Alexander Nicholas Gore Ian Martin Graham Justin Michael Graves Zachary Alan Griffith Jillian Murray gross you speedy money Brian Joseph hi Moreau mainly star Hong Carly McKenzie Hannah Chad Thomas Hardin Emily Lauren Harris Elizabeth Lee Hardanger Jamison Avery hasty Jamison Taylor how q Austin Patrick Hayes William Garrett Hayes Savannah Marie hi Haley Savannah Helms Cameron Thomas keel Henderson Martin Jon herb Hersman jr. Ronald Austin her acres the third Colton John Michael Jordan Bryson Hicks Granger Michael Dixon Elizabeth Michelle Higgins Shannon Ellen Higgins Jasmine taronga Hill Sarah Danielle Hill Rachel Christine Hinchey Kyle's Zachary Hicks Katherine Teresa Hoffman Thomas Connor Hoffman Bryan David Holmes Jordan Taylor Holt Tanner Christian Holt Emma Moyer holtzclaw Cody Heath Hoover David Janos Horovitz Hanna Katherine Hunsaker or random Christine Hyatt Olivia Raven jabber Ashley Nicole Jackson Natalie Campbell Jacobs bianucci Ashanti Zachary Samuel Jennings Macy Kiera Johnson Cameron holiday joiner Emily Elizabeth Jones ik Alexander Ryan Jones Eugene Jones jr. Savannah Lynn jumper Megan Juicin Alexia Christine jumper soon Anna Kapoor Victor Abraham kerim the third Gabrielle Elizabeth carts Martha Deanna Kathleen key Chloe Alexis Keith Gwyneth Marie Kelleher Savannah Nicole Kelly Kristen Janelle Kibler Virginia Lee King Alexandra Mariko Berlin Anthony Michael Coker [Music] Victoria Rosalind console Megan Francis cop then get Brahman Colton - ramen Thomas chase Kunak Lauren Frances councilman Samantha Lynn Leakey Carly Laurel Lancaster organ and Ashley Llano Jennifer Elizabeth Lascaux Adina Rose Lasser Erin Hannah Lathrop Joseph Ryan letona Riley Katherine Laverty Mary Kate Kristen Lawler Andrew Thomas leo Jordan we Adam Joshua Leibowitz Peter Conrad Lightner Paul Frederick list Anna Jane lawless Alexander Hampton long lens Braxton Looney Micah Matthew Liu Sheng Michaela rain Luhan Taylor Katherine Lundy justin taylor boss Abby Melissa Mahoney Lee EMI Ashlee Marie Marlar emily jo Anne marsh Aaron Elias Martin Ali Marie Martin Brittany Lee Martin Kylie Dean Martin Matthew Charles Martinez Scott Thomas Mason Sydney Marie masala SH John William Paxton Tony Brianne McClure Anna Marie McCoy David Furman McEachern jr. Alexis Renee McElveen Matthew Alexander Maggie caitli Lauren mckissick William Russell McMakin Sadie Murray umekes Sarah Gale Michael Hannah rose mahalik Courtney Nicole Miller Michael a Miller Zachary Talbot Mitchell Taylor Elizabeth Malini Nicholas Gabriel Monet Bryan Monroe Peyton I lean more Diego Andres Mora nicholas andrew Morris Taniya Marche Morris Macallan mercele moultrie Erica Rose Miller Anand - Tim oh gee Christopher Franklin Murphy Taylor Elizabeth Murphy Stephanie Margaret Muscat Dylan Ross fires lauren marie nelson Daniel Brantley Newsome and Elise marine Niki Lauda's Natalie Louise Nix Meredith Lauren noble Parker Walsh noble alexandra maria de Siobhan Reese Odell Claire Margaret O'Loughlin Alison Nicole Olson Italia Osorio and tiana serenity fuller own jack gangbang ash Camilla Kumar Pandya Kyle Anthony Paradis rebecca ann Harris Asia Patel Korea Pankaj Patel for these two Nilay Patel John Edward Patrick Celine El Valle Texan arm J Vincent Perrine Holly Amanda Peterson Kirkland Elaine Peterson Jennifer Pham Georgia era's Philbin Becky many poem akan Sansa Wan Tong Warren Danielle ray Pearce Camille jewel Peter Emily renamed pilgrim Wesley Thomas Pittman John Philip Platt Kelly Kathleen Poe Margaret and Bukowski Emily Lauren powers Stephen Robert priester Riley Marie Prince Lauren Rebecca Pruden Nicholas green Kwan Madeleine Argyle quirk Polly Kristen Randall's chase Alexandria rad-foot marina Bradford ray Caroline Morgan ready Karen Elaine read Connor and Ren Joseph Lewis Ren's a glia Olivia grace Rosinski Lindsay Caroline Reynolds summer Sakura Richardson Joseph Liam Ricker blue Jordan Reyes rivaling [Applause] William Douglas rivers page Ashley Roberson Ariel janashree Robertson 10 equal Serena Robinson Ashley Hannah rocky Angela Marine Rogers Susan Austin Rogers Crystal Gayle Joanne Rowland Olivia page route Taylor Marissa Rosen Jonathan Seth Rose nany alia Theresa Sadek nikkyo Krishna's Sairam Jackson Hedrick Sally Julia Rose Santa Mona Madeleine Brooks Saunders lands Spencer shocked alison.droesch Schneider Nicholas Ferdinand Schneider Montana Elizabeth Skiba Nelson Dunlap simple Kenna Emeline Shaffer TRAI Rajesh ah Ryan Michelle Schiele Kaitlyn Lenore Shepherd Hayley Sheridan Margaret polished shields katherine ellis Shirer Zainab mustafa sharafa Casey Marie silver Robert Williams Simmons Ashley sing Trey Mon Adonis Singletary Catherine Barbara Slavic Emily and Sousa Jacob Christopher sprinkle Erica Lorraine Stanley Claire Becker's scattered Caroline m'dear Stanton James David sitter Donald race team Hallie and Stein Alan Lloyd Stover Courtney Elizabeth Strickland Taylor Alexandra Cory Strickland Joelle Morgan strong Sophia Bella Sudan Jessica Kourtney sucks Courtney and Sullivan Tamara Renee Sullivan Zora Fatima's Sultan Karen Elizabeth soldier Matthew Talbot Abby Christina ternasky Addison Connor tests off John Zachary Thatcher quill Chris Thomas Carolyn grace Thompson Elizabeth Laura Thompson Jacob Michael Thompson Aaron McKenzie Titsworth Daisy and Tillman Brandon Scott Todd Nicholas John Tyrell O Connor William Tully Evan Jacob Tyler Jake Tyler Nathaniel Adam Tyson Abigail Lyn Hughes father Kayla the lon Jack Thomas Vallon Nicole Danielle venado John Phillips wacker Raines MacPhail wagon Nolan Austin games Wallace Sarah wallam James Wesley Warren Josette Ruth Watford Ivy Nicole Watkins McKenley Grayson Watson Nicole Elizabeth Wyrick a meal in West Parker Russell Whitley Joseph Patrick will Mackenzie and Williams tiny Lee Williams sterling Lewis wills Alicia Sharda Wilson China Chanel Wilson Amy Elizabeth Winstead Matthew Thompson white Alice Chantal Deanna Witherspoon Perry Lee Witt Dunston Taylor Woodard Lauren Mackenzie woods Zachary Thomas woo Kylie Elizabeth works Juliana Noel right Nathan Alexander Jacoby savannahrose Yoder Lee Jung Hwan Julia Renee's on Sarah Nicole J's events Alexandra Shay's zap Caitlin Bethany's are off Zachary Williams echo Margaret Elizabeth Ziemba Zachary Frederick ceasing an ilaria Zizza Joshua Bryan Edelson Maisie Rene Halton Rebecca alcira Hugh Jacqueline Nicole Shana Dean Tom Riker will greet recipients from the College of Information and communications [Applause] Martin Rees Thunderbird Patrice Renee green lily peas Evans Samantha and smoke Monica Nicole Francis Kimberly dawn Henderson Ashlee Marie Nicole Silvera Samantha Lee Sutton Kristin Carolyn pack Jacqueline Susan Williams Laura Megan Dobson Jessica Joffe Eva Nicole Denise Richardson Katrina Covington Jane Luis de Bresse key Jenna Melanie Conan Stephanie Cherie Gilbert Ashley Elizabeth Griffith Ashley Nicole buznik aya f Nance Joseph Paulson Donald Lee Goble jr. Quincy see Oxendine Mariah's Stephanie anchor II Thomas Patrick Aiken Gabrielle Theresa and rossini Savannah may amend Alicia Renee Anderson Katherine an errata Serena Kiana RC Abigail Elizabeth Aronson Olivia Marie Atkinson Haley Renee Bagheri Danielle Annalise Bailey Michaela joy Baker Abby Elizabeth Ballard Mallory Quinn vanish Shelby Nicole Barden Lara Tedesco Barker Emily and Barksdale grace Angelica Barlow Bria hope Barton Megan J Bazemore Nathaniel Jack win Beeman Michelle Lassiter Ben Jordan Cassidy Bennett Zachary Cole Bennett chase Ashlee berry Tegan berry William Thomas Bethune J Daniel B Ankeny Bailey Victoria black Miranda Kirsten Blystone Elizabeth Lawrence buck Timothy Michael body Carolyn Marie Boone Hanna Walton Bordeaux Neil Randall Boris Frazier and Bostick Lauren Alexandria Bowie Rebecca Evelyn Brennan Jordan Shia bridging Madison Kimberly brown Matthew Quentin bum Baca Antonio and burns jr. Kaitlyn Sierra Burrell Shaffer Larkin cabinets alexa mae campbell Amanda Riley Campbell violet make are tailor-made Carol Daniel Thomas Carter Madeline Michelle Carson Rachel Taft Amherst Cecil Chino Jabari Chandler Brianna nicole child's Erin Murray's Cellino Susan may Clark grant Steven Cochran Mary Katherine Cole Tyler John Cole Elizabeth Pearson Collins Gavin James Conlon Sonya Arabella Corbin Callie Danielle Cox Betsy read preach Kelsey Daniel Crocker Townsend Carolyn crowd Jared Michael - nur Annika Christine Dahlgren fred down Blaine Joshua darling Kendall Louise Davey Regis Calvin Dean the fourth hana sky teitelbaum Dominic Nichol is stealth video Jolie Elise Thalia Elizabeth Adair Deloatch Isaiah Elijah Duvall Padilla Veronica Maureen McBride dishearten Kyla Shay Dixon Camille Elaine Dottie Matthew Peter Donahue Kate Lauren Eagleton Matthew Thomas Ferguson Mary Adelaide Fitzgerald Keaton Elizabeth flesh Kaitlyn Kristina Flynn heather nicole Fordham Preston Michael Foster Fonda Ariana frailing Brittany leave Francis Sheena Abby Carolyn Francis Sarah Nicole Francis painted Elyse Frankcom Jenna Diane Freeman and a grace Galloway Kelly Stephanie Garcia Cameron Beth Garrett Scott Caleb Gavilan destiny Marie Geddes Matthew Gigliotti Taylor Jamie Gilbert Fitzpatrick [Music] Stephen huge elect tyria Alexis coins Margaret Keegan gasps occur Sasha Monique Craddock Elizabeth Ashley gray Suzanne parish green Taylor and green Connors Scott Greenberg Nia Sierra Grimm Jordan Murray grimacing Chloe Susan grupa Riley Patrick Gunther Alyssa Renee Gustafson Emma Owen Hackney Brianna home Emily Anna Hallie Margaret Murray embarrass Christian Alexander Hamby keelin Patrick Hanna Sarah Elizabeth Arden Sarah and Harkness Douglas Turner Harrison Caitlin Daniel Harrison Allen Marcus Carter Mills Sarah Hayes Samantha Kathryn Hays Caroline Hearn Anna Elizabeth had Cherokee Marty Brooks Henderson Layton Jennings Higgins Mary Katherine Hill oriano Rolanda Hinds Barry Katarina hozier Caroline and HOF McKenna Kelly Hoffman Kendall Christine hope Sidney Michael Holdrege Chandler Darby horn Carolyn Elise Howard Anna Elaine Hough Casey Lynn Hunsinger Marco's John Hurt Angelica Maria Iglesias Adriana Marie if kovitch amber Ayanna Jackson Hannah Morgan Jackson Heather Ann Jackson Steven Michael James Sofia Lopez Jaramillo James Larry Jeffers the third Caitlin Bailey Jennings Livesey Kristine Johnson Olivia Claire Johnson Roderick Antonio Jones salvador hookah dima Fayed Candela Megan Landon Carol Anna Elyse Hoffman Annabelle Elizabeth Kay Braylon faith Kelly Emily Rose Kelly Spencer Michael Kerr William Benjamin Kirby data Lee Kistner Erin paid night Juliette Rose Cordy Kelly Ann Kruger Lauren Alexis Lamberton Nicole Connor is Indian land Messer Krista grace Larson Ashton Claire ladder Madison Eve legatee Madeline Haley lesser Jeffrey Daniel Lascaux Lindsey Nicole Lopez Lyrae Lovins Mary Mason Burrell Lucas mark afanasiy osoi no Margaret gray MacArthur Caitlyn Marie McDonald amanda nicole Mack Morgan Elizabeth Mackenzie Mary Katherine Mackey Morgan Taylor McLaughlin Helen brown Madden Rebecca Emma marques Marianne MacLeod martini Matthew David Marr Zula Wesley Holbrook masters Ryan Alexander may Michael cleany McCann Mary Catherine McCormack Olivia grace McCormack Jordan Tyler Nikki Corinne Diana McGrath Aidan Rose McGreevy grace Dylan McKenna Hunter James mckernon night Iria day Shana means Abigail Ridge Meister Alexandra Madison Meltzer Victoria Sheridan Mengel camp Reed Alexander Mets Hannah Elizabeth Miller Kiana ethylene Miller Madeline Vaughan Montgomery Kristin Taylor Moran Kathleen Marie Morgan Moriah and moss Melanie Lynn Massey terrianna Eden Mount Jillian shave Uno's Elizabeth and Avery Murray Kaitlin Elizabeth kneeble Betty Jo Anne needle Jiraiya and Irene Nelson Sarah Cassidy Nichols Zoe Elizabeth Nicholson shayla's Stephanie night over the recession inna Oakley Kyle Dennis O'Connor Chad Allen O'Donnell Adam Benjamin or finger Nicholas read palm Parker Joseph Parham Anna Rose particu Anjali pimple Kumar Patel Sydney Rhiannon Hendrick Aminta Elizabeth parka Sydney Elizabeth Pitt vorak Madeline Eve peasy grace Anders Kendrick poplin Elizabeth Teresa Powell Hannah Caitlin powers Nicholas see proto Michael Thomas reckon le broke Avery Raquel ski Barry Colleen Ramsay Kathleen Annabelle ready Margaret Jean Rhodes Victoria Elizabeth Richmond juliek a reason bird Emily grace Riley Karis Nicole Ripple Jeremy Antonio Rivera Jeffrey hunter Roberts Morgan Elizabeth Roberts Eponine Dionne Robinson Parker captain Robinson Reynolds Clark Robinson John Joseph fromansky Rachel Nicole Ross Chandler Clark rouse Abigail Maya Sarver Kendall Marie shaman's jennamariea Schiphol Katherine Greer Schneider Anna Marie chef Lauren Celia Schwartz Stephen Lambert Schwinn Sarah and transom Semple Caitlyn Marie said 'hey carly Nicole Setzer Logan Hunter Sexton Cleopatra Ashanti Aliyah Shabazz Molly James sharp Alexandra Nicole Shay Tara Nicole Shepherd Kathryn and sherry Rebecca Elise Shirey Kristin Marie Simmons Sydney Maria smaran autumn renee smith jennifer graves Smith Jordan Noel Smith Sabrina Delaney Smith Skylar McKinney Smith : Aaron Schneider hunters era socks Amelia grace step toe Annalee Marty's Stevens Ross Douglas Stevens Antonio Edwards Stinson Kristin Elizabeth sticks line Sarah Camille stone Katherine Elizabeth Stoudemire grant Allen Susskind Alison Rose Swint Rachel Laura serum Steven Patricio Tapia Andrew Sullivan Angela Laura Tate Alexa Katherine Kevan Maddison Alexandra field grace Elizabeth Tony Ryan Werner Tracy Emily Berkey turn buck Madeleine Elizabeth Turnbull Katherine Elizabeth Turner Rima Hitesh Vaidya Peyton Lane Van Gundy Christian alexander ward Jessica and waters Bridget Lee white shelah Risa pedra white hannah elizabeth Whitmore he'll see Nicole Wilkins diamond Gayle Williams Antonio tae-jong Williams Helen Buchanan Wilson James Walter Wilson the third ELISA Jill Wonderlic Abigail Morgan wind Catherine Victoria Wong Brianna Zofia Zeke [Music] Stephanie Kim dome Andrea Corinne Harmon Thomas Everett Jones Casey Mitchell and our final graduate Callie and stone [Applause] thank you everybody this was one of the most dignified audiences we've ever had but now I know you've been bitten by the Gamecock spirit - I needed to hear that from you you know that last graduate is probably thinking all of that cheering was for her but you're sharing that with everybody here today and I'm a little confused about one thing though there was a graduate with like hockey shoes did you see that and I'm like did kaki loan them to him is he trying to tell us that like he was cocky I cannot believe that after 11 years if you're telling me cocky is not real I am I am just confused about that so by the way graduates this audience is amazing they fed you and clothed you and supported you and hugged you and there's probably a pretty expensive lunch coming your way later today what do you say that you the graduate stand up look around for somebody that you may know and love in the audience and and if there's nobody here for you find someone who looks good to you let's show them what you think stand up graduates and thank your families and friends [Applause] okay okay okay let's sit down now families I think they just bumped up from chick-fil-a here to welcome you on behalf of the Carolina Alumni Association is its president Robert Ocean Robert good morning families friends and now fellow graduates I am honored to be here today to celebrate this milestone with you you may not have known when you first chose Carolina that you are embarking on a lifelong relationship with our great University but now you are joining a network of nearly 300,000 alumni who are collectively and individually making a difference in our world as president of my Carolina Association and on behalf of the Association I'd like to congratulate you for your hard work that brings you to this extraordinary occasion you've grown as individuals and you've added value to our University I challenge you to honor your time at Carolina by helping those who come after you be an engaged member of your Alumni Association come visit the Alumni Association number one it's your home and number two after a special announcement last night your home is now called the pass Dee Dee's Alumni Center at the University of South Carolina [Applause] be a mentor encourage others and serve our university as we work together to make our state our nation and our world and indeed a better place and always remember you're a student or president for a short time but you're Gamecocks for a lifetime forever today Thank You mr. Dozier now I'd like to take a moment to recognize our ROTC cadets who may be graduating today if there are any newly commissioned ROTC officers would you stand and then be joined by any veterans who were in the class of 2019 please stand and receive our recognition thank you thank you thank you you are all summa laude in our hearts now I'd like to take a moment to record recognize and honor the life and the legacy of Samantha Josephson our cherished 21 year old senior political science major whose life was tragically taken from us in March Samantha's family is here with us today and she'll receive her college degree posthumously directly after this ceremony there's a seat reserved in the first row today draped in regalia in memory of Samantha and other students in air Carolina's family who were tragically lost this past year fellow Gamecocks class of 2019 we must ensure what happened to Samantha never happens again to any college student or indeed to any person asking what's my name before getting in a rideshare vehicle will save lives and must become as automatic to you and to me as buckling our seatbelt when we get behind the wheel of a car class of 2019 on the count of three would you join me in repeating what's my name my name is Samantha Josephson all together one two three what's my name my name is Samantha Josephson thank you everybody [Applause] and now graduates there's a symbolic gesture that will communicate to the world certainly to the academic world that you're no longer students it may actually feel different when you move the tassel from the right side of your mortar board or cap to the left side we're going to do it all together on on the sign of three you'll get your degree even if you don't do that but it's important to do that and when and if you ever wear your regalia again you will always keep your tassel like me on the left side of the cap and while we do it there may be one or two of you who didn't get a selfie with me it's still okay to get that off the bucket list so I'm going to take a giant selfie of us but stand together please and on the count of three you're going to move your tassels together okay take hold of it one two three the graduates of 2019 be seated be seated one last time let me encourage you to take one more walk I think it's still a nice morning out there take it either alone or with family and friends on the horseshoe today show them around reflect on your college experience look through the window it will be your first visit to the horseshoe as an alumnus or alumna of the University of South Carolina if it feels a little bittersweet remember that you're always welcome and encouraged to come back home to USC just don't bring your laundry please we will respect you and love you forever as our graduates our alumni and our family go forward with confidence let's do before we have the invocation and the alma mater can we do one last Gamecock chant this side game this side Cox will do it only three times are we ready for that here we go one two three [Applause] thank you thank you thank you [Applause] and now we will have the benediction by Reverend wall followed by Ms Gilbert who is now a graduate who will lead us in singing the first verse of the alma mater and I think it's gonna be her voice is gonna be even better now as a graduate with her degree don't you think if anybody needs to know them not many not many will but the words of the alma mater are on the first page of your program remember at the end we hold our glass high we will then have familiar and special music for you our graduates followed by the recessional of the platform party and the faculty would everyone now please stand and remain standing during the recessional friends and graduates as you move on from this place and time go with courage in your hearts a song on your lips and joy in your step may you be blessed with much success to give you encouragement and with enough failure to make you humble may you be blessed with some loneliness to lead you to community and with a measure of adversity to teach you perseverance you entered to learn now depart to serve may blessing and peace be upon you amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we hope you enjoyed this special presentation of the spring 2019 commencement exercises at the University of South Carolina thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: University of South Carolina
Views: 2,034
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AG2DjF1lB8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 12sec (8712 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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