Unwrapping in 3ds Max: 03 Unwrap Modifier & Editor Basics
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Matthew Marquit
Views: 1,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, 3dsmax, max, max 2019, 2019, game development, texturing, texture, unwrapping, uvs, uv's, uv, uv packing, packing, texture sheet, texel density, texel, pixel density, checker texture, applying textures, uv distortion, uv island, seams, padding, scale, wrapping, relaxing, relaxing UVs, game, game texturing, textures, videogame development, game art, game production, texturing pipeline, 2018, uv editor, uv modifier, edit uvs, edit uvw, Unwrap UVW Modifier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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