Unveiling the Secret: How to Find Your Art Collectors

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hey hello my friend one of the reasons it's so hard so difficult for you as an artist to find art collectors is because art collectors do not walk around town with a sticky tag or a name tag that says hello my name is art collectors art collector could be a lawyer could be a doctor you know could be your dentist could be your neighbor and you don't even know about it right our collectors come from all walks of life they come in all shapes and forms um could be male female name it you know collectors could be anyone around here the problem is how do you find them and as an artist myself for more than 25 years as a gallery owner for now 20 years and as an art curator for now about 15 years I have been looking and thinking about this question how do we find our collectors how do we know who they are and more important what do we do about that so in this video I'm going to show you with a really simple framework the three types of AR collectors that exist in the world where are they and more importantly at the end of the video I'm going tell you what to do about it right how to find them and what to do about them so check it out it's going to be really awesome my name is Serio Gomez I'm an artist curator Gallery owner author and co-founder of the art Next Level program and my goal with this channel is to make marketing and art business easy so that you can grow your art career find new opportunities sell more art and spend more time creating in the studio so if you like that make sure you click on the Subscribe button and click on the little bell so that you receive notifications of our future videos all right so let's get started with this framework that I have here for you and we're going to start with the shape of a triangle and this how to find our collector framework the shape of a triangle if you're notice in the Triangle it's like a pyramid at the top of the pyramid is the smallest section the smallest you know part of that pyramid then the middle section and of course the biggest section is the one at the bottom so let's start with with the top section this is what I would call the serious collector the serious collector is a person who buys art because they have that passion they have that desire to collect to collect it you know they want more It's never enough if you have ever collected anything you know like cards or uh you know video games or um you know jewelry shoes whatever you have collected something you know that is you just never have enough that's why you are a collector of that particular thing right because you're always looking for more you know if you collect for example uh some sort of sports cars well you'll be on eBay looking for them you'll be looking them on shops you know online offline you know because that's what you like well serious art collectors do the same serious art collectors go around online and offline like online on social media particularly on Instagram following the artist that they love looking for the art that they really love they go to art events art openings art exhibitions Museum shows Etc they may be also uh like sitting in Boards of museums or local Arts organizations they may serve in fundraising events for the local Arts Club Etc right serious art collectors just like the name says they are seriously looking they're seriously looking for art and for artists that they love uh serious are collectors too you know it's never about the space right the question is not okay you know I have a little empty space let me collect some art no it's the other way around they find something that they love and then the next question okay let me figure out where am I going to put this right many of these Prime top collectors have multiple homes so they have storage facilities where they keep a lot of their collection now series are collectors as you can see at the top of the pyramid there are not that many right that's why the top of the pyramid is so small there are not that many I wish there were you know many of of them but there are not that many you know who have that passion for collecting art uh they also some of them may have the uh purpose of investing right not only because they love it but also because they want to invest on it right in order for them maybe in the future resell or because they want to invest on the artist you know because they believe in the artist Mission so these are really important people to uh to keep in mind as you are looking to find our collectors now our collectors who are also serious collectors is not necessarily that they're only buying you know $300,000 paintings or sculptures or you know $1 million you know uh of course there are those the 1% who will buy at that price point however there are also you know on a smaller scale by percentage of their budget people who may have a regular job but however you know they love to spend a lot of their extra income in buying art and I have met many people like this who they're not buying you know $200 $1,000 artworks but they're buying $2,000 artworks or you know they go to a local uh Art Center and they buy a small painting for 500 or you know small drawing from the artist studio and that's how they build their Collections and actually there are many wonderful stories of people who have made fabulous collections you know collecting at a small budget but they are still very serious in that they wake up in the morning and they're excited to see what they can find right that's the serious art collector so as an artist you know we want to look for those people uh the next one that you will find in the middle section of the pyramid is what I call the moderate art collector the moderate collector is a person who is not as passionate as the first one this person is B are basically most in want or need right for example you know they they purchase a new home this couple purchase a new home and now they have more w to fill with art and they don't want to go to the local poster shop and get a $5 poster they actually want some art that they enjoy so they go to maybe the local art gallery or maybe they look for the artist that they've been following on Instagram for the last few months or the last few years and now like well now we are ready we we've been really anticipating one day to own a painting or a drawing or a sculpture from this particular AR that I've been following on Instagram and now I really want to have it on my wall or in my home right or in my office so once that need is met that's it right they're not longer looking for more art for a while right so this particular matter art collector loves the idea of investing or paying for art that is original versus Just A reproduction right they're willing to spend the money on something that is unique why because also when you have something in your home that is unique or your office it adds Prestige you know when somebody guests come to your home you know if you have original art you are look at differently than if you have posters from Ikea right so original art elevates your status and people love you know when their status is elevated right uh they feel more sophisticated you know by their friends who come over and they see this artwork that maybe they purchased when they went to a trip you know to Hawaii or whatnot and they made these fabulous artist and they they usually may have a little story to tell about that particular art that they bought a lot of times could be someone who has been maybe going to your art studio for a while and you know just looking at your work and all of a sudden now they have the opportunity to buy maybe because they have a bigger home or a bigger office or simply maybe because they got a a promotion at work and now they have more discretionary funding to spend on things right that they can enjoy so are if they appreciate it you know the modate collector will go to the extra mile to buy that art because they they there some something about that artist that they love maybe something about the artist that they know and that's why they want to do it now in this case the difference between the serious and the matter is that the modate collector again is not always like so active in the art World however you know supports maybe the local gallery or or a local open Art Studio event or something that they may go to just because they they they love art but they're not as passionate as always looking or trying to collect more and more of it and sometimes it's a need base to where um and this in my gallery we have seen this in the past where you know uh somebody comes to the gall says you know I need to buy five pieces because you know we just open a new office in Chicago and we would like to have some original art fromes right so it's a particular need or they hired an an art consultant who can find the artwork for them hey you know we just open an office in Chicago we have this budget uh help us fill out the blanks we don't have time to go around and find the art so they hire an art consultant to do that job or an interior designer to do that job typically a consultant you know who will do that work of going around working from that budget helping the artist I mean the the client create a theme based on the art that they are um willing to find for their clientele so that's the moderate collector now let's go to the next one which is the widest the the biggest of the uh sections in this pyramid and this is what I call The Casual collector the Casual collector that you see right here on my chart on my framework is actually a person who for many years I didn't really think about this person as a collector but the longer I've been an artist and a curator and a Galler I have come to realize that we all you do I do have people that we know that uh you know may not consider themselves collectors but they love what you do as an artist they love your paintings or they of your photographs or your sculpture whatever it is that you do they they follow you on social media maybe they come to your parties maybe they are friends of you from high school or or whatnot or people that you met at your church or your at the gym or whatnot they know you're an artist but they will not you know have the budget to spend like the moderate or the you know serious collector they will not right now spend you know 3,000 5,000 or or whatever you know price here uh ticket you know for a unique artwork of yours an original work of yours because they just cannot afford it or maybe they're in a season in life in which maybe they're starting their career they're young professionals they're just having kids right now and you know buying an expensive work of art is really not you know at the top of their list of the things that they how they want to spend their money but they are there and there are many of them right they're your friends it's your dentist your doctor the people that you go to to the gym that know that you are an artist there are there there are many and for many uh years you know I actually as an artist I ignore that whole section all together and then until I started to realize wait a minute you know what if I start to also create like small works or work that is priced at a more accessible price for this particular bracket and when I started doing that I realize that people started to buy you know at that price point who were not even they were not consider themselves our collectors right they're just casual friends that we meet along the way but because I had an option for them you know and I would make uh you know an event or an offer or a promotion they would jump in and say yeah I want one and then what started to happen is over the years as I did that more and more and I release more things like for example uh prints uh reproductions of my art limited edition prints or open Edition prints or things of that nature or small wordss or works on paper things that were price at a at a more modest price point you know I realized that many of these people started to purchase at level and they were very excited that now finally they had something from Serio Gomez which the artist that they have been following in the daylo so I realize that this bracket is super important for us as artists right because these people bu based on the relationship that you already have with them or they already have with you some of them they know you well some of them they might not know you very well they but they follow you on social media and because if you do a good job in social media you know they will connect with you with who you are the way you are and that say you I would love to support that artist if if I had the chance the opportunity I cannot afford a $3,000 painting but I can uh you know buy a $300 small drawing or uh you know small something that the artist may have at some point and that is the the biggest lesson I learned you know in the last 10 years how this bom bracket you know has also purchase power that when you add it up you know it actually makes a substantial uh significant U you know uh change in your art career when you have something for them you realize that becomes another income stream for your art career not only on the bigger ticket items and the bigger pieces but also using the smaller ones as well and here is one uh something that I also uh looked at how you know each one spends right the top of the pyramid The serus Collector will spend more the modate would spend you know somewhere in between and the Casual you know in a lower uh bracket of spending however over time you know I realize that some of the people who purchase are the lowest point you know the Casual collector all of a sudden as time went by and they got bigger jobs or the kids started to grow up or they have more opportunities they started to also become more of the modate collector I have stories for example of people who came and purchas some of my small works at some point and then years later they came and purchased bigger pieces right it just happened actually a couple of months ago too where a collector who had purchased a whole series of small pieces came and brought a friend who another collector who purchased two big painting so you know I saw how people move in this bracket right they they move up and down too but you I really want to take a look at and be pay attention on those who are at the lower casual level and then become moderate collectors and then you can have also people who are in the moderate level who then become serious collectors of your art as well so you know it's interesting to see over time how people you know uh support your art career so this is how you look and how you find the three art collectors now where are they right where are they where that is a tricky question where are they uh the and to answer the question question know where are these people is there's there's a a common denominator with all of them they're all looking right they're all looking they're all because they all love art in one way or another from the serious person to the Casual they love it in some way um you know they're always looking so because they're looking now they have social media and they will be following you particularly on on Instagram or um threads or Twitter whatever you may be at but typically on Instagram and and they will look at your work and sometimes they see something that they like from you and they might like it you know or they might just save it for themselves you may not even know that perhaps a m or serious collector has been looking at your are for the last couple years you have no idea because you don't know how who these people are you sometimes you go to their Instagram account and you cannot tell that person is a art collector because is not posting anything or just posting pictures of of the family or travel but you don't know that person also collects art not all art collectors share that their art collectors not all art collectors also share their collections online many of them are very private people and they love their art Collections and they love showing it to their friends and family when they come over but they don't share it in their social media so the question needs to be reversed the question is not necessarily how do I find our collectors because collectors are again like I said are really hard to find and yes you will find them if you go to openings if you go to events you'll see who's buying and so but what you want to do is reverse the question and ask yourself this question what am I doing so that our collectors find me because if our collectors are already looking all right then we need to identify ourselves as artists and do a very good job in our marketing so that we are super easy to find both online on social media we need to make it super easy for them to make the purchase to contact us to get information every step uh of the funel you know you know if you make it difficult for them you're going to lose opportunities to sell more art so what you want to do my friend is you got to get really good at your marketing as an artist you got to get really good at presenting yourself and your brand to the best possible or as best as you can as an artist both online and offline right I being really serious about your promotions your marketing on social media so that these people who are already looking they can find you and they can follow you and they can discover the thing that you are doing and this doesn't happen overnight it's not like somebody's going to find you and then they're going to start buying the next day from you typically you know it takes time you know one of these people will find you they'll start following you they like what you do they start to connect with your idea with your story with the things that you're saying you're talking about and when the opportunity comes you know for them to make that purchase you are top of mine you are top of mind you are the artist that they've been looking for and it has happened even to us as well my wife follows a particular artist that she loves and many but there's one in particular that you know when it was my daughter's birthday she said well I want to buy her one of the artwor that I've been following from this particular artist and she did she went and purchased from her Instagram uh you know a really beautiful artwork for my daughter for her birthday so you know the same way you know bigger collectors will do in a similar way and fashion and even the Casual collector because they know you already and you are building those relationships online and that's how I have sold a lot of my prints and a lot of my small works and so on which then in the you know had also led to bigger purchases in the future but I'm always thinking about the three brackets now one of the things that I want to help you with is with this with this process and prepare your marketing prepare all your phone all the way from how people find you see you throw you to then continue uh all the way to make a a purchase from your website uh is through something that I call the end of year art sales challenge so if you're watching this right now before the year is over you know you are in luck because every year I do this challenge with hundreds of artists from around the world it's been I've been doing this for the last seven years every year it's a little different I keep making it better better this year is actually the best one of all because I'm also expanding it where in the past I have focused mostly in the small Works mostly for the smaller uh or the the bracket The Wider one the Casual collector I'm I'm going to expand it this year too to also look at the other brackets too so artist can choose from doing a small works or a release of prints or maybe an Open studio event you would choose you would pick what is the promotion that you want to focus on you have to focus on one promotion you cannot do this without doing some sort of promotion so I'm going to have a list of promotion ideas that you can do towards the end of the year that you can release either on now Black Friday here in the United States after Thanksgiving or before Christmas or in December you pick you choose you know those are things that you have an opportunity to select and and figure out what is that you want to do when you want to release it and what is the main offer that you're going to have what I'm going to do in my team of coaches what we're going to do is we're going to help you for 10 weeks we going to give you 10 videos one video per week with also a quick activity in our exclusive Community that's online which is pretty awesome where you can meet hundreds of artists from around the world and we're going to coach you and help you to create all the marketing pieces all the marketing strategies so that you learn how to you know build momentum bring attention and then make your release and this is a challenge that again um artists love to do it every year with me and we have the most amazing time I also do it as an artist so you know so you'll see me doing my own marketing my own Challenge and I'll take you all the step all the way on how we do it and uh so if you want to be part of this my friend which is super simple super easy it starts on the week of October 2D but even if you're watching this video a little bit after that make sure that you go check it out you can still catch up and what you want to do is um go to my website the artistex level.com and I'm going to put the link also in the description of this video so you can just click and go and register today register and be part of the challenge so that you can you know take uh serious your sales at the end of the year there's nothing better than finish the year with with a good numbers with a you know Green uh light in your checkbook right I said you know I did well and I did finish strong in my year and I did you know um got my my audience excited for what I'm doing as an artist and uh you know it could work in many different ways somebody do small Works uh you can do this also for commissions let's say you want to already line up our commissions for 2024 maybe that could be your promotion right you are going to promote signs up for commissions for next year so again I will help you do all the marketing and the way we do it is also very personalized in that every Thursday uh we have live Q&A sessions that you can attend in our uh private community space and if you if you become a member of the challenge of our program then you have access to all our q&as even if you cannot attend in person you can still ask questions answers get recorded we also help you in our community and uh you are not doing this alone but you have the whole support of our team and the whole support of our coaches and is really awesome so if you want to be part of that just make sure you go to our website at the artistex level.com uh where you can see all this information and sign up today it is really awesome it is really good and when you go to our website all you got to do is just click on the big banner end of your art Sals Challenge and that's the page where you'll find all the information on how things work if you have any questions and you know uh what is covered during the weeks you know uh what you're going to get with the challenge all that is here as well as some testimonials of what artists who have done the challenge in the past and then you just register super easy just click you're registered and you're all set check your email with our welcome I would personally do a welcome for you also on Instagram I'll DM you and welcome you into the challenge it's going to be really great so um I want to invite you my friend to join us on this I think you're going to love it I think you are going to uh really learn a lot on how to really do this great marketing at the end of the year and this is something that is really cool everything that you learn in the challenge you can apply for other times of the year it do not only exclusive for end of the year you know you can apply this in the spring or in the summer and doing promotions of your own from that point forward so I invite you to check that out and lastly what I want to say on this my friend with this I want to leave this uh video is that the one thing that again all these have in common is that they're always looking on social media they're looking on their phone so make sure make sure that you are spending time building your brand as an artist on the web and in Social particular on Instagram make sure that you're spending time on Instagram and building a beautiful website so when people go to your instagrram and they look at your work and if they like it when they go to your website that you know you have build trust uh and it's a website that they can trust that um you know that they can buy from you there as well and if you need help with your website we also have web services for artists at a great price point that you can um also uh ask or inquire about you know we offered a 15 minute free consultation with our or designers inside our next level program so you'll find a link for that if you need help with your web you know maybe that's the broken link that you have right now you know at the end of the year when you look at well I want to make more sales but my website is not finished or it's not complete or it's not working or I don't even have one or it doesn't have e-commerce none of that so you need to have that in place you need to have that ready and so come to the challenge or check our or services for web in our next level program and um want to wish you great success on your sales this year when I wish you great success I hope to see you in the challenge and it's going to be fun it's going to be amazing and remember always have this in mind the three types of collectors wait before you leave this video if you are an artist who wants to grow your art career and wants to aieve Greater success make sure you check out the art Next Level program you'll find a link under this video don't forget to subscribe and check out the next video that we have recommended just for [Music] you
Channel: Sergio Gomez - Art Business & Marketing
Views: 9,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art collector, art collectors, new york, art, art collectors home, contemporary art, art basel, art collecting, expensive art, horses, art and culture documentary, how to sell art, sell art, how to sell art online, sell art online, how to sell art on instagram, how to sell art prints, how to sell art commissions online, how to sell your art online, selling art online, how to make money as an artist, selling art, how to sell art online and make money, how to sell your art
Id: lPCU3cttdgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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