The Secret Formula to Instagram DMs to Skyrocket Your Art Career

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hey hello my friend in this video I'm going to share with you the single strategy on Instagram that has made the biggest impact in my art career to find opportunities for myself as an artist for my art and I'm going to share it with you here specially is my special secret my name is Serio Gomez I'm an artist curator Gallery owner author and co-founder of the art Next Level program and my goal with this channel is to make marketing and art business easy so that you can grow your art career find new OPP unities sell more art and spend more time creating in the studio so if you like that make sure you click on the Subscribe button and click on the little bell so that you receive notifications of our future videos well hello my friend super happy to see you again thank you for watching this thank you for joining me today we're going to talk about the single most important strategy that is working on Instagram that I haven't seen anybody really talking about it and I discovered it actually by accident and then I've been testing it and then sharing it with other artists and has worked really really well because if you have noticed in the last 6 months or so uh it has you know been quite more difficult to get visibility to get exposure you know to get your art to more people uh to get new followers Instagram has changed quite a bit in the last few months in fact there are a lot of new features uh there's now ai also and there are all kind of other things that continue to be rolled out on Instagram for everyone to try and use use and there's also a lot more content you know now that there's so many AI tools you know companies can you know put an enormous amount of uh content on Instagram you know that is totally automated so uh now we are competing against more content right so I want to share with you this uh strategy that really really works it really really works and you can actually test it right away after this video after you watch this video and watch all the way to the end because I also have uh something I want to share with you to continue working and helping you on your Instagram if that's something that you need maybe you you are Stu you feel like it's not working for you you're not getting what you want well and you love this strategy you will love also uh what I want to share with you after as well so here's the strategy you have seen that sometimes or I would say most of the time you post something and you wonder like who saw this post right you may see some likes from people that you may recognize you may see also maybe comment here and there also from people that that you know you connect with but you know often times there other artists right who are commenting on your post or other artists who are liking the post that you have so the question is how do I actually connect right my post how do I actually make the people that matter to me uh how do I make them to actually see my post on Instagram right for example if you have worked in the past with a curator or you met a gallery director uh or a galleries or a collector that you met at some point and you you're wondering do they actually ever see my post well the reality is that you know most of us we follow many people and we don't see all the post from everyone we follow you know that's where the algorithms come in algorithms know what you like why you tend to normally look at and spend time with on the platform so it's going to curate you know the algorithm a curator you know curates the content that he thinks you know you would like the most so it's exactly the same for your collectors the gallery people that you have met the know directors and curators and so on you know Instagram is serving them what Instagram thinks is best for them not necessarily you know what actually they might you know might want to discover you know from an artist like yourself so the strategy is this and again you can start trying it today and you can see how it actually works so let's suppose that you know you go to an opening tonight right you go to an exhibition you meet a curator or you meet the director or you meet somebody you want to connect with right or maybe you had an Open studio and that person came to your to your uh uh to your studio and and The Collector was super interested in your work maybe the collector purchased a piece or maybe he's really thinking about it so you're like man I really want this person to make sure that they see my my post on Instagram because I'm going to post that artwork you know multiple times in the next few days so they can remember that they love this hardwork right and things like that right strategically thinking about a person who you already know who you want him to see your for so this is what you do so when the person comes to your studio or when you meet that person at a show you know you will ask that person hey you know um may I have your Instagram account so I can follow you and uh you know you can follow me back as well so you know so we can stay in touch and most of the time you know most people will actually give you their Instagram account you know a GU is a curator and so on you know because it's a normal thing to do most artists the art world you know lives on Instagram and loves Instagram so most artists are on Instagram so you know it is totally normal to ask somebody for their Instagram account instead of asking them for their business card ask them for or you can also ask them for the business card which I always do if they have one but also ask them what is your uh your Instagram account and right there in the moment I make sure I follow them and I say hey you know I just follow you so you know you can follow me back you have a chance and the reality is that most people will follow you back but here here's where where the trick happens here's where the magic really really happens okay so you uh you follow that person and then you go to Instagram maybe that the the next day right away um and you you know you see if they already follow you so maybe if they haven't followed you yet maybe go into their page and like some of their posts don't go crazy don't don't like 30 of them you know just like five or six so that they can actually see that you not only follow them but you're liking some of the post so they remember if they haven't followed you back to actually follow you back so let's suppose they already follow you back because they saw you that you follow them that you like some of their post maybe you commented a couple of their post uh with that again don't make it weird just make just normally and then what you are going to do is you're going to go to your DMs to your Instagram Direct messaging okay you're going to go to your DMs and you're going to message that person going to message that person through Messenger on Instagram the Instagram DMS and you're going to say something like hey you know it was Mary or Mike or whatever it was really nice meeting you last night at the show you I really enjoy the exhibition say something nice you know I really enjoy the exhibition you know or if the person's a curator you know I really had a great time you know I really enjoy all your selection of The Works your curation you know as I work through the exhibit it was really interesting to you know to see the the combination of artwor and styles or artists you know say something that that makes the other person feel good you know uh be honest of course be honest uh and I I assume you don't want to contact somebody who you don't like their work or you don't like them as curator so you know what's the point right I'm talking about really contacting with people that you really really want them to see your art because you admire them in some way or you want them to see your work if it's a collector for example that came to your studio or that you met and say Hey you know thank you so much for coming to my studio it was really great having you there you know I had such a such a magnificent time time uh meeting people such as yourself and and it was it was amazing you this is a this was a night to remember you know something really nice and then you can say you know hey you know I I follow you here on Instagram I enjoy your page I'm going to keep an eye on the things that you're doing and so you leave it there right most likely if the person is active on Instagram quite a bit um most likely that person is going to see that message and will reply to you and we say oh you know thank you so much or oh I had a great time in the in your stud stud or oh thank you for coming to the show you know it's really nice even if they just uh you know double click on the message acknowledging that they saw it and you will see when you send an Instagram message if it has been seen it will say seen right when they actually saw it um so if they actually see it you know they they will acknowledge it they might reply or some of them you know depends on on the person they might actually reply back and say oh you know yes of course you know it was really great and and you can start a little conversation there so if a conversation happens that's even that works even better but even if it's not a conversation but just a little acknowledgement of that message and a quick reply so this is what's going to happen Instagram right now uh wants people to to connect wants people to engage with each other it's one of their core values right now and actually at the beginning of 2024 Instagram CEO said we want people to connect you know we want people to to find meaningful Connections in our platform and one way in which they gauge a meaningful connection is when people connect when people have conversations behind the scenes not only on the messenger but I mean not only on the comments on people's post but actually higher uh that is when people actually have a conversation or connect behind the scenes inside the DM and they know who those people are because they own the platform but they can see who connects with each other so when you have that little conversation little interaction with that person what's going to happen Instagram is algorithm is going to say oh Sergio and Mary or Sergio and Mike are connecting you know they have a conversation so next time Sergio goes to Instagram and looks at you know the feed I'm going to show Sergio some post from M or Mary so because they just connected so they can more likely engage with each other again and vice versa it's going to have with Mike and Mary you know if I connected with them they will Instagram is GNA say oh um they know Sergio so I'm gonna show some more post from Sergio because they know him and they have a conversation and it works it works really really well I have tested it many times this a strategy I've been using actually for quite a few months I've been telling other artists about it in my coaching program inside the next level and uh it's working great you know and even it actually also works if uh you have a group if you make a group inside Instagram with three or four people because maybe uh you know you found an excuse used to put three or four five people in a group and they uh you know also responded to that you know that also works you will see most of each of the people in the group and they will see most of your more of your post in their feed as well as long as you're connected so that's one way in which again strategically you know you can try this yourself you can actually do it so to make sure that that people that you met or the people that you want to connect uh sees more of your post right and and that's that's what matters this is not a strategy about getting more followers about getting more likes you know who cares about that this is about connecting with the right people I would rather connect you know with the right people 10 amazing people than you know 300 who are just going to give me a like or just going to you know swipe through my stuff so that's why it's super important now you can also here little bonus you can also try this strategy with people that you have met in the past right let's say you had a show uh with a curator that selected your work or or jury you're working to a show you know maybe three years ago and you wonder I wonder if that curator knows what I'm doing now I wonder if that curator or that Gallery owner uh or that person or that collector you know uh knows what I'm doing right now yeah they they probably follow you on Instagram but most likely they're not seeing what you are doing right because again Instagram probably is not showing them everything that you do so one way to make sure that happens is you send them a message say hey hey J Jamie for example uh how how are you you know hope hope you're doing well you know uh I was going through my Instagram the other day remember that show where I was part of the of the show that you created um you know things are going well over here hope everything is going well on your end you know just wanted to touch base and say hello that's it you know just a quick simple message don't make it weird don't make it super long people don't have time to read particularly busy people like curators collectors and so on so you know just a quick a quick uh acknowledgement that you are still around you're making art and things like that you're not making a cc you're not saying hey come and visit my website you know have no just just a quick touch base and then what they do is they probably respond because they don't feel threatened they don't feel like oh this person is trying to sell me something or trying to get me to do something just a quick hello so they probably again acknowledge the message say thank you so much you know I hope you're doing well everything's going well here you know something like that and again the magic will happen Instagram's magic will happen he will you know the algorithms will make sure that next time Jamie goes on uh on her Instagram that she will see some of my newest and latest posts and that is the magic that is the magic that I wanted to share with you inside this Instagram I mean inside this YouTube video that I'm doing here for you because I have tested it I continue to test it I continue to use it and it works really really great so if you're watching this video what I want you to do is once you're done watching you go and you test it out you know go and test it out connect with somebody that you have connected with in the past and try it out you know try it out wait until that person responds and then see if you know as you go into the platform you begin to see more of that person when that person you know begins to interact with you now it doesn't work if the person doesn't like acknowledge your your message never cease it it's not going to work has to be with connection that's why it works with people that you know or have you work with or people that know who you are don't do this strategy with you know um people that you have never seen met or anything like that it could work if they happen to reply to your message and they connect with you you know so you can try that too but um but but you know be strategic be strategic as far as how you do it and use your DMs you know to your advantage use your DMs as l you know to connect with people that matter to you because Instagram right now is rewarding those connections by making their content visible to each other so that's the strategy my friend and if you enjoy this this strategy if you really like this strategy I have some more that I can certainly teach you that I can certainly help you with and I'm doing now also um more often uh Instagram workshops for artists you know who really want to get the most out of Instagram who say you know Serio right now I I don't see the the advantage of Instagram is really not working for me a lot of things have changed um I'm still you know I still don't know how many hashtags should I use are they even relevant you know how do I make my my Instagram real you know to really perform well etc for any artist who's struggling right now with Instagram or who wants to get better at it I'm doing uh also an hour and a half workshops online through Zoom with my phone it's connected to the screen so you can actually see it I walk you through different things different scenarios I teach you the latest strategies such as the one that I just gave you right now that are working right now because it's no longer about likes it's not longer about followers it's about meaningful connection so if you learn to create meaningful connections you're going to get the best rewards from the Instagram platform that's I'm sure that's exactly what you want for your art so if you're interested go to my website the artistex you will see in the homepage a little Banner you know when the next session is you can sign up for it super easy I make the session super affordable as well so that every artist can join from anywhere in the world and if you happen to miss it you know you can watch the Replay for 48 hours which is accessible to you as well so again just go to or look for the link under this video to find out when is the next session you can join along with other bunch of artists and those sessions are really really awesome we go over these strategies and you if you go live because on Zoom you can also ask questions which are then we have Q&A session where you can ask any question you may have about how to do this how to do that or I got this or got that you know Etc that can really really help you out so thank you my friend for watching this video go and try this strategy because I know it's going to work and it's going to help you out let me know in the comments how you like this video but wait before you leave this video if you are an artist who wants to grow your art career and once you achieve greater success make sure you check out the art program you'll find a link under this video don't forget to subscribe and check out the next video that we have recommended just for you [Music] m [Music]
Channel: Sergio Gomez - Art Business & Marketing
Views: 1,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: step by step social media strategy, instagram for artists, my thoughts on instagram for artists, instagram for artists tips, how to use instagram for artists, social media for artists, instagram artist, marketing for artists, quitting instagram, social media artist, social media, digital artist, instagram illustrator, art instagram, social media marketing, digital art, louise stigell artist, instagram advice for artists, how to grow as an artist, instagram, instagram growth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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