Unusual Miracles Pt 1

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I'm ready to hear the word of God how about you or to get into the Word of God I should say so good to have all of you here and the first time visitors we just welcome you tonight and we just pray that you'll be blessed if you'd like to open your Bibles you can turn to job chapter five if you don't know where job is it's right before the Book of Psalms and which is sort of in the middle of your Bible did you know that Psalms is sort of in the middle of your Bible so you can always use that as direction but we're going to read a scripture from job five in just a moment as you turn there I just want to mention to you that you can always down my full outline on at Lakewood Church comm or Lisa Osteen Comus comm that way you won't worry about trying to get all the scriptures and all the points because sometimes I know I give a lot and and I go a little fast sometime and so that's why I do it for you so you can have it and read back over it so you can do that I'm excited about tonight because and I want to talk to you about unusual miracles that's just stirring in my spirit it's it's been in my heart for about a week and a half now I was speaking at I just took a moment to speak at the pastors conference we had here and and as I was speaking the Holy Spirit just began to speak to me and and and that came out of me God was going to do unusual things and unusual miracles and and then I've just been meditating on that and and I've been thinking about it and so I know that God is stirring us to see more miracles I know that he wants to do more in our midst and and I don't know all he wants to do but I I just want to encourage you to with me to start praying for miracles to start expecting miracles and start believing God for more miracles in our lives hey you don't have to stay stuck where you are amen you don't have to stay in the same place and I just believe that God wants to display his power among his people and so I I just as I was studying this week the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and can I just read to you what I felt like he said to me it was it's like a word of prophecy and this is what I felt he said God said I am a miracle-working God if my people would believe and perceive who I really am I am the one who made the Sun stand still for Joshua I parted the Red Sea for Moses I caused water to come out of a rock how much more will I do miracles for you says the Lord I desire to display my power to this generation and that's what's stirring in my spirit God wants to do miracles for you he wants to do miracles for your children amen and not only that he wants to do miracles for the people you know because he's going to use you to bring miracles to people let's so I just want to encourage you to begin to exercise your faith for the miraculous let's live in the miraculous amen God does the most amazing things when when our circumstances seem hopeless when they seem too far gone God is well able to do a miracle and so I I was thinking about these unusual miracles and I just looked up the word unusual we use it all the time but that word means this notable outstanding unparalleled and unprecedented I believe God's going to do some notable miracles for you some unprecedented miracles for you and and when you think about it the Bible it is full of God's miracles and and what God did in the Bible he wants to do for us today and when you think about it the the miracles in the Bible that are recorded there's healing miracles there's financial miracles their relationship miracles there's miracles for people who can't have children every person mentioned in the Bible that was barren God opened their womb and they bore children there's all kind of miracles in the Bible listen there are physical miracles that defy the laws of nature like when when God parted the Red Sea who does that it defies the laws of nature when Jesus got up and he calmed the storm see that was such a mirror at such a miracle people were raised from the dead in the Bible God caused one time a donkey to talk to a a rebellious prophet because it donkey to talk to Balaam his name was Balaam and he caused him to talk to to stop him because he was trying to oppose and it's sort of curse the people of God and God wasn't gonna let him do that and he caused a donkey to talk to that of that prophet listen if he can cause a donkey to talk he can give you a miracle amen and it just shows me that God knows how to take care of our enemies amen he does God fed Elijah by sending him some Ravens Jesus caused a fish to spit out his tax money and you're worried about where your finances are gonna come from amen jesus healed the blind he healed the Deaf He healed the lepers the crippled and demon-possessed Jesus has all kinds of miracles for you and I just want to stir up your faith amen so to do that I want I think that faith comes by what hearing and hearing the Word of God so we will you just walk through the Bible with me a little bit let's turn what you're in Joe I hope you found it by now job 5 verse 9 and then we're just gonna look at five or six scriptures together I'm doing this for you either to write it down or for you to open your Bible and I hope you use underline and circle the things that we're pointing out so that you could take it home and you can begin to meditate on these scriptures and start praying these scriptures over you and your family amen Joe 5/9 says this but if I were you I would appeal to God I would lay my cause before him he performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and he performs the miracles that cannot be counted listen God can perform miracles and wonders that we can't even fathom I think about that scripture that says he can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think we're asking here but God is thinking up here amen I has not seen ear has not heard the things that he has planned for you and so we're going to appeal to God tonight in prayer at the end I'm not going to preach us on because I want us to spend some time in prayer to usher in these miracles amen and we're gonna pray for you turn over to Psalm 77 let's look at this scripture Psalm 77 and I'm gonna read verses 13 and 14 I hope I don't go too fast for you but I'm usually reading out of the New International Version and this says this Psalm says your ways o God are holy what God is as great as our God you are the God who performs the miracles you display your power among the peoples I want you to hold up your hand right now and I want you to say thank you Father for displaying your power in my life and my family's life on my job in my health in my finances in my relationships in the name of Jesus amen can you can you turn over to Psalm 90 let's just flip over to Psalm 90 now I am gonna read this out of the passion version Sarah Moses gave this scripture to me today and I said I've got to slip it into my sermon Psalm 90 verses 15 to 17 now listen to this we have been overwhelmed with grief come now Lord and overwhelm us with gladness replace our years of trouble with decades of delight now I'm gonna start praying that right father replace our years of trouble with decades of delight and then he says let us see your miracles you see they are praying for miracles let us see your miracles again and let this rise in generation see the glorious wonders that you are famous for hallelujah that's just powerful amen God wants to do miracles he wants to do miracles like he did in the past and he's not going to leave out our generation when they're believers who are praying for and expecting the miracles of God amen and and you say your children need to see the miracles of God they need to experience the miracles that God has done for you and for past generations and I believe that our children are going to see notable miracles they're gonna experience notable miracles in their lives okay a flip one over to mark six mark chapter six verse two this is talking about Jesus and it says when the Sabbath day came Jesus began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him they were amazed and they said where did this man get these things what's the wisdom that has been given him what are these remarkable miracles that he is performing I just declare over you right now that God has remarkable miracles for you remarkable miracles say remarkable miracles see I want you to see it in the Bible for yourself you may have been sick for a long time but God wants to heal you amen you may feel like you're stuck in your life but I want to tell you you're not going to remain stuck God wants to give you a miracle you may feel like you've been struggling with an addiction for a long time and you just can't you can't shake it but I'm telling you right now God has a miracle for you he can set you free tonight amen amen miracles don't stop that miracles didn't stop when Jesus left the earth if you get on in the book of Acts and you can to Acts chapter 19 because I want to read this scripture to you when you get into the book of Acts miracles continue because Jesus let the Holy Spirit on this earth the same Holy Spirit that was with Jesus is with us and he's still doing miracles and he wants us to do the works that he did amen and this scripture in acts 1911 is about the Apostle Paul and it says God did extraordinary miracles there we go another another type of miracle extraordinary miracles through Paul so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them let me tell you something this is on my heart this may not be you here it may be it may be someone watching but evil spirits can get ahold of you when if you just give in to sin and if you give in to wickedness they can get a hold of you but I'm here to tell you God can set you free and he can set you free tonight in the name of Jesus see Meerut God Jesus when he was on this earth he cast out demons spirits and I'm telling you don't have to live with that demonic tormenting of your mind or your body or any area of your life there is no demon that can keep you from the presence of Jesus amen no demon that can keep you from the presence of Jesus amen let's see where I am now okay turn over to my last scripture first Corinthians 12 28 and then I'm gonna give you some points first Corinthians 12 28 now this scripture is talking about is the Apostle Paul also talking about what God has placed in the church and you know when the Bible talks about the church it's not necessarily talking about the local church that we are a church but it's talking about the body of Christ as a whole it's talking about every believer who believes in Jesus and so we are the body of Christ we are the ecla see the Bible says the called out ones and so when it says the church that means you every time you read about the church just remember that is me I'm a part of the church and so the Apostle Paul is showing us what Jesus placed in the church what we should see in the church what we should experience in the church and so it says and God has placed in the church say in the church first of all apostles second prophets third teachers then what's the next one miracles then gifts of healing of helping of guidance and of different kinds of tongues now every gift and everything that is in the church is so important but I want you to see that God actually placed miracles in the church it should just be an ordinary happening for the body of Christ for believers we should pray for the sick we should cast out demons we should see God do miracles in our lives amen and so let's just start exercising our faith for more miracles that's my challenge to you that's what I'm gonna start praying let's exercise our faith for more miracles now I noticed just in studying some of the miracles of the Bible that there are some similarities and I want to point out four of those and just quickly and then we're gonna pray many miracles in the Bible occurred number one because someone had faith for a specific miracle I mean that person had faith he or she was determined to get a miracle and they would not take no for an answer I think I'm gonna have to take a little bit of water thank you thank you my lovely assistant yeah okay but there are similarities so let me start off with number one someone had faith for a miracle they were determined to get their miracle they would not take no for an answer how many of you are like that tonight you're not going to take no for an answer listen there were two blind men in Matthew 20 and they kept yelling out to Jesus calling out to Jesus they wanted to get his attention and they were determined to get his attention but everyone around them kept saying shut up be quiet leave him alone but you know what that didn't bother them because faith is not stopped by what people say Amen faith doesn't get discouraged because of what's happening around them and so they continue to yell out Lord son of David have mercy on us God Lord son of David have mercy on us and they got Jesus attention and when Jesus saw them he turned around and the Bible says that he had compassion upon them let me tell you something Jesus is a God of compassion and right now he has compassion on what you're going through and he loves you and he knows every detail of your life and when he looked at them he had compassion upon them and he touched them and he said receive your sight and they were immediately healed and they followed Jesus the Bible says you see they went after their miracle and they got their miracle they did not let anything or anyone stop them let me tell you something faith is daring to believe what others will not believe faith is willing to step out of your comfort zone and do something out of the ordinary maybe even a little crazy sometime but you're willing to do it you're willing to be embarrassed in front of people because you have faith in God that he won't hear you and he will touch you you will get a miracle amen I think about another notable miracle the woman with the issue of blood I just want us to study some of the miracles tonight she was forbidden to be among public crowds because of her condition she was considered unclean there was so many people around Jesus she didn't know how she would get to him but the Bible says she pressed through the crowds she was determined to get through to Jesus and she kept saying to herself if I can just touch his clothes I don't even need to touch Jesus I don't even need him to look at me I don't even need him to pray for me if I can just touch his clothes I know I will be healed well that's faith that's faith right there and as soon as she touched Jesus the Bible says power flowed out of him and she was healed your faith pulls on the power of God it pulls on the power of God there's a scripture of Matthew 13 58 you don't need to turn to it but it's a very telling and the Bible says that Jesus could not do many miracles in his own hometown because of their lack of faith can I just tell you that Jesus goes with the faith is he just goes where he hears the cry of faith where he hears the the prayer of faith where he hears the expectancy hey he's not going to be hanging around unbelief Jesus goes where the faith is the Bible says that Jesus left his hometown because they did not believe and he went to Galilee where the people welcomed him you see jesus is going to show up where he's welcomed where he is celebrated where he is believed where he is expected to move amen and God is going to move in this place tonight telling you we're gonna see miracles tonight I just declare it I believe it God is doing something in our myths and it's starting tonight it is starting tonight in the name of Jesus thank you Father thank you Jesus a lack of faith ties the hands of God but faith moves God to act listen if we don't think about miracles or pray for miracles or expect them we will not see them and this is a place that believes in miracles I know that we pray for miracles all the time but I think I think God is stirring us up just to say I got more on the menu I've got more miracles for you I want to show you my wonderful power my remarkable power number two we're talking about some of the common characteristics of miracles in the Bible and many times they occurred after an act of obedience see an act in the natural seems to always precede a supernatural act your action or your obedience and the natural brings about a supernatural act of God for instance God told Moses you're gonna have to hold up the rod and when he did that the Red Sea departed the Prophet told the destitute single mother of two boys together up as many jars as she could and and and not even knowing why why was she gathering up these jars she didn't have all she only had a little bit of oil but she did it anyway it was an act of obedience and God filled all the jars with oil so that she and her children her boys could live on the set of the Prophet from the sell of the oil but it was her act of obedience not even knowing why that God gave her a miracle John 4 tells about a royal official who approached Jesus saying my son is sick and he begged him the Bible says he begged him please come to my house please come to to pray for and heal my son he's almost close to death but you know what the interesting thing is Jesus didn't go he didn't go in and let me tell you something God doesn't always do things the way we want him to or the way we have in our mind that he's going to do them and we have our plan but God's plan is better and so sometimes he's requiring faith of us sometimes he's requiring an act of obedience from us and so instead he said to this man I won't go to your house but you can go for your son lips and so this father had to go home knowing that his son was close to death knowing that Jesus wasn't going to come with him but he had to go home in faith trusting that Jesus told him the truth and when he got there when he arrived home he found his son listen was healed not just any old time he was healed at the very moment Jesus spoke it out listen if Jesus says it he will do it if Jesus says it he will do it number three is this miracles in the Bible occurred many times when someone brought a person to Jesus God wants you to be someone's miracle I think about the four men who brought the paralyzed man to Jesus remember that story they couldn't get in through the door because it was so crowded they were so determined to get their friend to Jesus and so they decided to cut a hole in the roof and they just in the middle of Jesus speaking they just drop him down gently right into the presence of Jesus if you can just get into the presence of Jesus you could get anything you want I'm telling you God will touch you and so when when he when they dropped him down Jesus touched him that paralyzed man was completely healed but it's because his four friends brought him to Jesus God wants to use you to tell people about his miracle-working power about his healing power be a miracle to someone lay your hands on the sick you have the power and you you are a carrier of God's power and bring them to church bring them the church and let them get saved he'll let them experience the miracle for themselves amen number four is this God reveals himself in a special way through miracles I'm gonna explain what I mean God wants you to know him in that miracle he wants you to he wants you to know his character and his goodness when I was born with a crippling disease and the doctors told my parents that I would never walk or talk my parents prayed for a miracle but let me tell you something it was a step of faith for them because they only knew Jesus as their Savior they had never done this before they were just learning about Jesus and so they when they stepped out of faith and said God we believe you're a healer of Jesus healed and the Bible he'll heal us today and they pray for me and you know this story God completely healed me within a few months but let me tell you what happened my parents had a revelation through that miracle that Jesus is not only our Savior but he is our healer and he is a miracle worker amen and they began to tell others and that's what it's all about telling others amen when the Israelites needed water God told Moses to they were at the place called Marah they named it Mara which means bitter but the waters were bitter and they needed to drink water so badly and and God told Moses he said get that tree you pointed out a tree throw it into the water and when he threw the tree into the water the bitter waters became sweet I mean we can learn so much from that God can take the bitter part of our lives and make us sweet but this is the revelation that Moses got he began to declare if we obey the Lord he will heal us and he will take away our sicknesses and and what the diseases that were on the Egyptians will never come upon us for I have seen in this place that he is Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals well he learned that Jesus was the one who heals our Jehovah Rapha and second Kings 5 it records another great miracle naman was a Gentile man from the Syrian from Syria but he had leprosy he was actually an enemy of the Jews and he worshiped that god named rimmon the Bible says but he had a servant girl a Jewish girl that he had taken captive and she lived with him and she served with him in his family and when when when she learned of his leprosy did I tell you he had leprosy I don't know if I told he had leprosy ok I'm getting off my story a little bit when when she learned of his leprosy she said I know a prophet I know a prophet named Elijah and he is said to have done miracles and so naman made a visit to Elijah but it's so funny because Elijah didn't even come to the door when he came to his house and he just told his servant he said tell naman to go dip in the Jordan River seven times and he will be healed well that frustrated naman you know he thought you know I came all this time all this way and the prophets don't even gonna talk to me himself he didn't even come to the door and and he told me to go duck in a muddy river you know and I mean I'm the captain of the army but you know his his his servants with him said hey they had a common dam and they said naman if he would have told you to do something hard you would have done it what does it hurt what does it hurt do what the Prophet said and so he calmed down and he went into that muddy Jordan River and he went down one two three four five six and the seventh time he came up completely healed of that leprosy but let me tell you something naman needed to be more than healed he needed to know that it's not the profit that heals but it's God who heals and he also needed to know that there is only one true God and that is the Lord God Almighty the creator of the heavens and the earth and when he was healed he went back to Elisha humbly and he said please let me gather dirt from this place because I want to remember this place and I will now from this moment on I will only worship your God I will only worship the Lord God I will only sacrifice to the Lord God and I will sacrifice to no other God you see naman met God in that miracle God revealed himself to him God not only wants to do miracles for you he wants to reveal himself to you as your provider as your healer as your restorer as your deliverer and as your Savior and listen to this the miracle is not just for you it's to preach a message it's to tell others what God can do for them Amen I told you I was gonna preach a little shorter because you know what I want to spend some time in prayer I'm serious about spending some time in prayer I believe this some things are only assured in through prayer God wants to do it but until we take a hold of it and believe it and begin to pray about it you know things won't happen like he wants them to and so I am going we are going to spend some time in prayer but first let me give an altar call would we bow your heads just a moment every I close every head bowed because I want to just talk to you even those of you who are watching online and I want to ask you a personal question if you died right now do you know where you will spend eternity have you ever asked Jesus to come into your life do you have peace with God have you ever prayed the salvation prayer you can do that tonight or maybe you're here tonight and you would say or watching and you would say you know I really have known Jesus and served him at one time but I I've been far from him I ran from him I've been away from him I've been in sin and and I'm sorry for my sin and I want to rededicate my life to the Lord I want to get in on that prayer maybe that's you I'm gonna ask you to pray with me in just a moment if you're here tonight in this congregation and you say Lisa I want to pray the Salvation prayer for the first time or I want to rededicate my life to the Lord hold your hand up all over the congregation all over the congregation I'm looking around in the middle Amen looking over to my left do I see any hands over to my left I see that I see that Amen I'm gonna give you just a moment if you're watching online I just want you to know that when you pray this prayer God is gonna forgive your sins Jesus is gonna come into your heart he's gonna be your Lord and Savior he's gonna remove your sins away from you and no longer will he look at you as a sinner he will look at you as his treasure child and He will take care of you and he will watch over you and he has a plan for your life let's pray this prayer together say dear God I come to you right now I admit I'm a sinner and I repent of my sins Jesus I ask you to come into my life I want you to be my Lord I want you to be my Savior I receive your forgiveness I thank you that you cleanse me from all of my sin I thank you God that you're now my heavenly father I belong to you I'm your child you have a plan for me and I ask your father to set me free from any bondages that I may have right now I can't do it without you but I know you can help me in Jesus name Amen and amen give them a good hand clap thank you congratulations listen the ushers have a book for you I know they've already been handing them out but just come back and let us encourage you pray with you teacher if you give us a year of your life your life will never be the same and for those of you who prayed online listen write us email us let us know on Facebook that you accepted the Lord and we're going to be praying for you and we know that your best days are ahead amen got the worship team up here with me you know before we pray can we just stand and let's let's worship just a second not a long time and then I'm gonna have some people up here and we're gonna pray over your finances we're gonna pray over your children we're gonna pray over everything we're gonna cover it and we're gonna call in the miracles amen [Music] come on all over the building just raise your hand say God we're ready for a move we're ready for you to move by your spirit me God come [Music] we got here for come and do god sweepy we the Cigna together we are here [Music] come we are here [Music] come [Music] come [Music] me [Music] Oh [Music] thank you thank you for your presence mom thank you for your sweet presence thank you for your voice among us father thank you Father for your miracles Father we just call upon you as a body as a church and father we say we hear your voice we we receive what you want to do father and we want to pray in and usher in the miracles every miracle that you have for us father we're gonna pray it in father we're gonna declare it and we thank you that we're gonna we're going to walk in it I just thank you Father that we will seem notable unprecedented remarkable extraordinary miracles father in the name of Jesus we thank you Father for it we praise you Jesus amen and amen you you can sit down if you want to I'm gonna ask my friend Debra to come up first yeah go on and sit down if you want to in fact because you can remain standing if you have a financial need or if you really need a miracle in your finances because I want to pray for you we're gonna believe that we're gonna see a shift and a change and that God is gonna move and I was telling Debra about what was on my heart and I said I want you to pray over the finances but first I want you to never tell him what God spoke to you because it was so powerful well I believe that March is our month for great miracles great miracles and God place it on my heart that marchis miracles April will be a month for great access doors that have been closed are about to be open march/april in May I believe what God place in my heart it'll be a month for money money money it's supernatural financial blessings are coming our way so father right now we thank you in the mighty name of Jesus that father that financial miracles are coming into our lives and into our families father we do declare in the mighty name of Jesus dead free living father father we thank you that supernatural chicks are coming in the mail that father is pastor Lisa so powerfully ministered tonight that unusual miracles will take place in our finances father we thank you houses are being paid off cars are being paid off tuitions are being paid off critic they're being paid off and father we want to thank you that all of your people my father will have an abundance of finances and father we are expecting our financial miracle in Jesus name and everybody shouted [Music] yeah remarkable miracles in your finances I'm gonna ask pastor Craig Johnson to come up and you may be seated but if you have children that that you're really concerned about well first of all can I say this if you have a special-needs child or children would you stand up first because we're gonna pray for y'all amen amen I took you know pastor Craig and Samantha have Conner there and he's special-needs although he's doing better and better but I told him I said I don't want to just pray for the children I I want to pray for the special-needs children because I believe God wants to do remarkable miracles in their lives I believe he wants them to live a normal life and that God from this moment on we're gonna you're gonna see changes and your children changes for the good and they're gonna become more independent that's what I I just felt the Lord was saying and so we're gonna pray for your children now if you're concerned about a child we're also gonna pray for your children so stand up maybe they're away from God they need help they're going through something I don't know it could be an addiction and eating disorder I don't know what it is you just stand for them and pastor Craig we're gonna believe for miracles I do want to say this real quickly sometimes and I know this with our with my my son you learn to cope with things and you cope so long that you stopped believing for it and God's saying tonight I want you to begin to believe again I want you to step out and faith again father right now I just pray for each and every one right now god I pray for these special needs parents you know what they're walking through you know what they're going through I'll never forget Lord when Mama Dodi came to me in 2008 and she said it was August 20th 2008 she saved correct I believe Conner is going to be healed in Jesus name and I stand in faith today believing that he is gonna be healed and every child every person every mother father here with a special-needs child teen or adult God you are going to do a miracle in their life that things are gonna ship things that were hard or going to become easier now father things Lord Jesus they try to work through they cope with father for so long if they'll step out and baby you said if we have the fate of a mustard seed father you can move mouth our life by the warnings of mountains to be moved in our life tonight I pray for mothers and fathers that their children father went away from you they're struggling right now father god you're bringing them back they're running back home father in Jesus name God what's impossible for man is not impossible with you is anything too hard for you God and I believe it for a miracle working God to bring healing to homes to bring children back home and father that the lame will walk that the minds will be restored and God we will see children teens and young adults father come to you and father they're going to proclaim and they are going to testify of the miracles that's taking place in their life in Jesus name Amen father I thank you that the enemy's lies and bondage is broken over our children tonight and father I declare that this from this moment on they're going to look to you they're gonna have a desire for you they're gonna have a desire for the things of God for the word of God and they're gonna even say I got to get back in church I gotta get back in church and father I thank you that they will just play evil father they will play the things of the world father and Lord Jesus that you would just separate them from the wrong people father and I declare on this night March 6th father that our children will serve you all the days of our lives that they will not only serve you father but they will do braids in notable things in your kingdom father in the mighty name of Jesus I declare them blessed father I declare the Blessed father blessed and serving God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you may be seated I'm gonna ask de jure to come up and pray and you don't need to stand for this I don't want to embarrass anyone but first of all I just want danger to pray over our marriages and I want her to pray over hurting marriages and then just throw in the single people let's pray over the single people amen I've gonna bring bringing some husbands and wives bring them in for your mom father we just praise you tonight for being an awesome Lord we know that you can do anything God we know that there is nothing too hard for you so Lord in this moment we thank you for moving on marriages god those that have just begun their journey in marriage you're talking about the newlyweds two years and under but those that didn't necessarily get all of the tools before they got married we pray right now God that you would give them what they need from this point on Lord that you would send laborers to them give them the information then the wisdom and the knowledge that they need and why don't we just cast down every negative statement that's been spoken over marriages about how old marriages will never work God in the name of Jesus we just pray right now that we just reverse those curses that have been spoken and released over marriages and we decree we declare but your marriage is blessed and that there is unity in your ship and why do we pray that when there's been wounds and when there's been bitterness and unforgiveness gone but by the power of your Holy Spirit that they would begin to just let it go just let it go and receive the forgiveness gonna let the healing flow and each and every relationship and God and I pray right now that every generational curse that has come through the bloodlines of families that the separation and divorce but we just cancel it right now in the name of Jesus and we pray right now that you would bless our marriages to be able to shift it to break that pattern in the name of Jesus and cause us to be flourishing in our relationships and though we know that the enemy only fights the marriages because he knows that the marriages are an earthly example of what the relationship is like between you and the curt's and you and the body of Christ so god we rebuke him we commandment you lose your home we command that you cease and desist from your maneuvers and right now in the name of Jesus we rejoice but a complete turnaround and healing in these marriages we will not settle for anything less because we know that you have already done it and we praise you and we bless you right now every bones that are and they'd be believing abatement praying and they've been waiting God we call for the husband in the name of Jesus we carved away to the name of Jesus but men and women that serve you better honor you that have a good job for husband in the name of Jesus those that have provision will be compatible with each other and they'll be able to walk together and agree in the name of Jesus the scripture says how can two walk together unless they agree so we speak up the read match up with the relationships in the name of Jesus [Music] the blessing release the favor God in the name of Jesus let the women be found by their husbands in the and not remove every comment every counterfeit person every one relationship not destroy regular and work the real thing in the name [Applause] thank you Father thank you date right hallelujah I want to pray for the sick I want to ask you is there anyone here with a tumor in your body that was on my heart today timber stand up if you have a tumor in your body I want to pray for you yes yes okay good I want if you can place your hand on that tumor or on your chest to represent it because I know it may not be in a place where it can be seen but let's let's pray for everyone let's see I'm just looking around okay you see many people standing father in the name of Jesus I cursed that tumor and I command it to die at the root in the name of Jesus and I thank you Father that you will cause it to disappear father and I thank you Lord Jesus for your healing anointing right now that is touching them in surging through their body in the name of Jesus and I say be healed in the name of Jesus amen and amen you may be seated you let us know I believe those tumors are gonna go down if you're sick of any any part of your body listen healing is the children's bread stand up please we're out to say that stand up if you're sick in any area of your body thank you Father thank you Jesus put your hand up father in Jesus name we thank you for the healing anointing right now that is present father thank you father for your healing anointing that is touching people healing people driving out sickness and disease correcting that which needs to be corrected father renewing organs father healing chronic pain in the name of Jesus I thank you Father that the pain has to go in Jesus name I think you that the migraines have to go in the name of Jesus I thank you father that your healing blood somebody's blood there's something wrong with your blood and God is healing you in the name of Jesus we thank you Father from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet they are healed and I declare over them that they are strong and that they are healthy and that you are renewing their strength and their energy and they will live a long healthy life Father thank you that you're healing someone in their legs father their legs hurt father I'm thinking that you're healing their legs father and that pain is going and they're not gonna have that anymore in the name of Jesus we thank you Father we thank you Father for it praise You Jesus we thank you for your healing anointing and I declare that you're healed by the stripes of Jesus by the stripes of Jesus you may be he is seated you may be healed also you know Craig I think I'm gonna call you back up to pray about this because I know there are things that we haven't touched and maybe we don't know about but how many of you are in a court case or in a situation right now that's being decided and you need the favor of God I want you to stand up amen let's pray over that Craig or maybe you just need favor in any area you just need favor maybe it's favor on your job or something that's just not quite right you're not being treated right and and God God wants to move he wants to move people out number one he might have to move people out and I'm talking about the other people and and he can vindicate you and he can bring restoration in your life but I believe that God is going to give you favor the favor that you need to turn the situation he'll cause the judge or the mediator or whoever the boss to favor you in Jesus name let's pray father first of all I pray over every mine right now that's going through a struggle because it might be a legal struggle it might be a struggle in their job where you have not given them a spirit of fear but you give them a spirit power of love and of a sound mind and that God they can rest in that peace and you are going to work for them right now in their situation God it seems impossible right now god it seems like all the obstacles are sym but father it's for those who believe God tonight and you can change those situations you can change the lawyers mind you can change the judges mind you can turn any type of situation around father God we're believing that God you're going to restore situations that seem to be impossible and lost right now Lord God we believe God you're going to go into job situations Lord and father where there is opposition where there is constant struggle Lord Jesus where there seems to be no way out of this situation god you're going to completely and totally turn that situation around and you are going to Lord God not only bless it but you're going to God promote it in Jesus name you're going to get them promotion God they're going to be blessed beyond what they thought could be possible and father we believe it is done God not by might not by power but by your spirit God we believe it's done in Jesus name amen you're gonna have unusual favor unusual favor I'm not just talking about those who stood all of you you're gonna have unusual favor you're gonna see it even this week you're gonna see something happen and it's gonna be Noble Wednesday night cried out to come here after prayer Jim for you I'm gonna give you an Martha hey let's go out of here worship it God let's just when when this worships I'm gonna sing in Jesus name and when it's over you're dismissed I love you and let's believe for the miraculous [Music] [Music] we are not Jesus [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we will shove it out charlie [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LisaOsteenComes
Views: 24,350
Rating: 4.8934169 out of 5
Id: 48GWDFjpgeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 19sec (3379 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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