Saniflo Upflush Toilet Installation Tips, Actual Installation

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[Music] thank you this is the saniflo store we're going to give you some quick tips to installing your new saniflo system this is the Sandy best pro it's our heavy duty one horsepower grinder this is what I'm installing my house because I have I have three kids and they don't listen to me and pretty much anything could end up down this toilet so I want to be sure that I have the best possible pump uh out there so that's what I went with so tip number one the vent line the vent system needs to be a free air vent student Vents and mechanical vents will not work they only allow air in they will not allow air out and the pump actually needs to be able to breathe so it needs to be able to pull air and push air so you'll see right here it's an inch and a half vent line um mine comes up mine is actually a wet vent system which I'll go through with the end of this video to show you just how that is laid out but again a free air vent must be used in tip number two the discharge line there cannot be any 90 degree turns in this line uh any excuse me any hard 90s if you need to make a 90 degree turn you need to use 245s to create the 90. so on mine I'm using uh an 18 inch flex line comes with it so what I'm going to do is create a nice sweeping turn up just like this then I'm going to go to one inch PVC right here will be a ball valve that I can isolate the pump off if I ever need to and we're going to go up about seven feet it'll be 245s creating the 90. and then a horizontal run within another 45 dumping down into my waistline so real simple I'm only going up about seven feet seven or eight feet and then over probably two or three feet so real simple but be sure that there are no hard 90s in that line sometimes people will install them and the pump will work fine for two years and then we'll start to have problems but inevitably it's because of those 90s so again sweeping turns only on the discharge line and install that ball valve it's a smart idea again right right as you start the PVC just put a little ball valve here that you can isolate It Off so tip number three this little tiny hole in the top right here this is a vent hole which is used which is not used in the United States and needs to be plugged with your system comes a little clear plug just set it on and then push it in with the palm of your hand and it'll seat down in there nice just create a seal so you don't allow any exit of uh any odors or anything into the living space so tip number four this is a big one my plumber screwed this one up last night so this is the pan gasket that's an expensive gasket so be careful with it has two sides to it the side to the pump is the small side with a heavy duty Channel and the side to the bowl or the extension pipe is the larger side this is very stretchy not so much here so again the small side to the pump I came home last night and my plumber had the large side to the pump and it didn't look right to me and I took it off and I'll re-receeding it I'll make a video of that as well again small side to the pump it locks down in this channel I see the channel right in here it'll lock down in there and then you just put a zip tie on it it's not a pressure situation so you don't uh it's not going to be dealing with any High pressures so the zip tie is just fine just to hold it in that channel so another tip the shower base my shower base is a two by six platform so it gives me about five and a half inches of lift and then I'm gonna have plywood on top of that um I have about a 12 foot run over to my pump so that the line the shadow line itself has to have gravity fall of at least one quarter inch per foot my line is vented which you can see right there and what I did for to minimize my platform height is we notched out the concrete below where the P-trap is going to sit essentially that's going to gain me about two inches of space somewhere around there so you know I'll have a pretty normal Step Up to this step right here which is going to be a teak step and then I have about a two inch step up into the shower so um it's going to look nice once it's done and I'll cut a video of it uh the final product once it's done as well so back to the venting situation there's my shower line comes all the way over to the Sandy best right in the middle it picks up my sink where my sink is going to be the sink this is the vent lines comes up and that vent line is going to come up and over and then it picks up the Sandy best Pros line again that vent line leaves the Sandy best pro and again it goes up over and it Taps the same lines essentially just creates a big air Loop and that line is going to come over to my main and it's going to tap into my main at the top right there where it's not going to take it any water in my setup I also have it picking up another vent line for a Sani Vite or a Sandy calm which will be installed just as a corner sink over here most likely going to be the Sandy calm because that can take a direct connection from my washing machine so again that is an example of the wet vent Taps into the main at the top and uh it's perfectly legal in this area just check your local code if you can use wet venting and again the Sandy best pro another tip on the bottom there's rubber feet which need to be installed prior to the pump being secured down my pump is secured down uh there's little straps in the back right there which secure It To The Ground you want to do that with the rubber feet to minimize any sound I'm going to be insulating this wall in between as well with some sound insulation but that'll just help minimize any sound heard in the bathroom it gives for a much nicer installation you'll be happy down the line if you do it for sure so that's it for today again this is uh the Sandy flow store if you have any questions at all feel free to call us at the office 866-658-0505 thank you
Channel: The SanifloStore
Views: 652,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saniflo installation, saniflo, sanibest pro, upflush toilet, upflush, basement toilet, #saniflostore, #ilovesaniflo, saniflo install, SANIFLO UPFLUSH, SANIFLO SANIBEST PRO, saniflo toilet, saniflo review, saniplus, saniaccess 3
Id: ZhdUF0Lvn7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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