Untucked: RuPaul's Drag Race Episode 11 | Hello Kitty

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- [Crew Member] All operators to the floor, cameras up. - [Crew Member] Coming up in three, two. ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪ (static crackles) - [RuPaul] Well thank you, ladies. While you untuck backstage, the judges and I will deliberate. You may leave the stage. (meowing) - Woo, bitch, I'm giving them [bleep] down. And no matter what happens, I know that I have done my best. Bitch, you better believe I have brought it. (burps) (giggles) Beautiful. - We're top five and it's an amazing feeling and two more challenges left and we're in the top three. It's like, crazy. - Because of this challenge, I almost had a complete and total nervous breakdown. Then somehow I kept it together, and I'm proud of myself. But I'm probably gonna end up in the bottom again. (claps) - [Crew Member] All right, here we go. - Running to that cocktail. - Is this a alcohol? There's always time for a cocktail. - [Kennedy] The perfect day for 'em, honey. - I love how elimination day is also cocktail day. - [Ginger] Oh, I like that they're a little more pink than usual. Goes with the theme. - Biiitch. - Well bitch, I know I'm lip syncing. - Uh-huh. Same here. - I'm praying I don't have to. - But you know what? I ain't even pressed about it because bitch, I made this costume and this came from within. - They said make something that's true to you. - I mean, I know that I have some creativity, but you can't tell me that I'm more creative than what I'm producing. I would never like think to put that on my head and make that. That's just not me, that's not who I am. I put on a dance costume and get out there and twirl. That's what I do. - What kept you from going further with it? - I wish I had some creativity like these ladies. - Well actually, you do. That's why it's strange for us because we see you in a way that you're clearly not seeing yourself. - We can only do our best. You know what I'm saying? We can only take what they say and try to apply it, which is what I have been doing. If this what lands me in the bottom to lip sync, I'm ready, it's no tea. - Let's do this real quick. Katya, let's start with you. What's been your most challenging moment? - I think it happened last night. That was the worst. I mean, I've had, there have been like a lot of moments where I felt really, really bad. But last night I think I had a panic attack and it was one of those things where like-- - [Ginger] Why didn't you tell me? - I... - Girl, like that's what I do. I do panic attacks. I could've helped you. - I mean, right now we are your support group. You can't be going through stuff by yourself if it's that serious. - I know. - As much as I love everybody, like Katya, you're my best friend here. Like, I love you girl and I'm there to help you with whatever, so. - The competition has been so hard in such a way that I didn't expect. This competition is so difficult. It's mentally and physically and spiritually exhausting! I was at the end of my rope. I was running on fumes and I was just, I became so overwhelmed. So obviously I'm worried that I might be going home today. I feel like, honestly I feel like a baby saying it, but-- - Well, yeah! - You know what you can suck? My whole dick. - Can we please? God, I'm so, wait like, finally! - No, no, but to be real I don't know. Today was such a mind[bleep] for me because I just didn't realize how like, how much I, like, needed what I have back home. And it's like, oh I hate it when people say that on this show. Like, I'm so homesick, blah blah blah. - But it's true, bitch! - But it's for real! Like, it's so crazy! - It sucks, it [bleep] sucks. You need that support system. - I've learned how to live and perform sober and all of that is because of the support of other people and in this competition, everybody has been so supportive, and thank god for that. - What sucks is actually having that phone call home and talking to your support system. - That's why I passed on that. - Because that gets in your head, let me tell you. Okay, so what has been your most difficult moment? - My most difficult moment was really feeling like I had no one in the world to talk to. Like I literally felt like everyone hated me. I kind of had a mini breakdown in the beginning because everyone thought I was this rotted [bleep] and I mean, I kind of am that. - You're just a regular [bleep], you're not rotted. - I'm not rotted. - We thought you had a rotted [bleep]. It's totally different. - Whatever. So, I don't know-- - Well you smell like a rotted [bleep], bitch. Yeah, you do. - Bitch, I am so ripe. - Girl, you are ripe. - This is actually, it's not even RuPaul's Drag Race, girl. This is an intervention. (laughing) - Whatever. Fame was the only person who saw through whatever everyone else was seeing and could see into my soul. And that's why I connect with her so well. - No, she just thought you were quiet and you'd listen to her [bleep] farm stories. - She's like, this bitch let me borrow her shoes. - That's it! - It's true. - She hates you. - See, I did the whole smile and nod thing with Fame. I was like mmhmm, so back to my problems. - Well, I will say, I did not hate you at the beginning. I hate you now, but in the beginning... In the beginning, I have to admit when you first walked in I was like oh, that bitch is going home soon. But then once I actually saw what you were doing I was like oh, this [bleep] [bleep]. She's gonna be here for a while. - I'll take that! I'll say that when I came in it was all about competition. I remember being like, okay bitch, game face. Like, you've gotta go in here and be confident and strong and show strength and like, maybe that wasn't the best concept. - No, I mean that has been your greatest asset, are you kidding me? That is the thing I admire about you so much! Bitch, you are in it to win it. - Kennedy, what has been your most difficult moment in this entire competition? - I think it's like all the moments where we get the assignment and it's something that I have to remember and deliver that day, or the next day. Bitch, I'm in [bleep]. I got ants in my pants. - The hardest moment for me was honestly doing the conjoined twins challenge because I was in my [bleep] head. - Why were you in your head? - I was in my head because I said not only is it a sewing challenge. - Well that jumpsuit looked like [bleep]. Oops. - Violet is like that family member that you know you always have to love because they're family, but damn it, you just don't like 'em most of the time. Try again, bitch. No, it didn't, I'm the first one to say. - But your lip sync was so incredible and amazing. - Thank god! But before that happened, not only did I have to sew something, I had to sew something for two people. - There's something white on the bottom of your boobs, Ginger. What is it? - It might be hot glue. I hot glued this to me. - Mmm. - That entire challenge, I never got out of my head and that's why going into this one, I was like, [bleep] it bitch, I'm gonna have fun. And if they hate it, they can hate it. - That's what you have to do. That's what you have to do. That's what you have to do. - Is that what you have to do? - Sweetie, you deserve more and that's what you do. And what you do is what you do. - Pearl, your [bleep] flopping. I thought we finally for the first time had the real Drag Race experience having Santino and Michelle. - Girl, Santino can go jump in a goddamn lake. - I was waiting to hear what you had to say about Santino. - Let's get to that. - You know, I have respect for whoever is in that position, but get yourself familiar with the challenge and what it's calling for before you start opening up your mouth and saying anything. - To cutout all these bows and then sew them on in rows. I thought you were gonna do some kind of amazing flourish. - Well the challenge was to stick to who we are, and this is me, and I stand by it. You know when I made the statement and I said, and I stand by it? My eyes said, next! (laughing) I did! Girl, boo, bye, thank you. - Girl, come on. Santino Rice is one of my favorite people in the world so, bitch let it go! - I mean, what is drag without the right kind of accessories? You know, what is a girl without earrings? - I think that less is more is stupid when it comes to drag. - More is more better! - Like, it's drag! - There's also a time for simplicity and elegance. - I don't think so, though. Not in drag, I mean that's me, it's me. - If that's a criteria, then yes. - Well, and I think like Pearl has, she walks that line perfectly because everything you do is simplistic. I feel like it's best to be as simplistic and clean as possible with these looks. But I don't know what those judges were seeing in that damn snuggie that she was wearing. - I do not like to look like a [bleep] mess. I don't like a bunch of [bleep] going on. - What was the toughest part of this challenge? - My looks are very minimal. I just didn't want to throw a bunch of Hello Kitty trinkets on me to get the point across. So... - Was that a read? - Yes, it was. (laughs) - You know, it's not necessary. If there's a way to get the point across without-- - I feel like I'm super fat, so I have to decorate. - That's the thing, like there's no right or wrong way to [bleep] do it, it's drag. - I think there's a way to make everything work. I really do. - Can you find a way to make that work? - No. - No, see? You've just proven yourself wrong! (laughing) - I have to pray to the lord to help me, to give me strength to deal with these bitches because I'm trying to get ready. I mean, god forbid if I have to lip sync. - Can we get back to this real quick? What one particular moment has been the hardest for you? - Oh my god, when RuPaul walked up to me during our evaluation with me and Max and she said straight up, you have no personality. (gasps) I thought that was unnecessary and I wanted to go, and I was like, [bleep] it. - But, it worked bitch! - It worked. RuPaul definitely taught me to just not give a [bleep] about what your competitors are gonna think and to just be totally free and uninhibited and without her giving me a couple swift kicks in the [bleep] ass, I probably just would have tried to rely on my look and wouldn't have moved on. That was my moment on the show. - Every week, you break through a little bit more. You're better every single week. - So, I'm pretty sure that we're lip syncing together. What I wanna do, I'm not gonna do it because I have some dignity, but I really wanna just sit on the stage and watch you perform. (laughing) And if I had any cash, I would make it rain on you, so... (laughing) - Bitch. - And I don't, if I don't have the chance to say this, I love you so much it like hurts my vagina. - I feel a connection with Katya. And she is a consistent competitor, like me. And hats off to her. - Obviously, you never [bleep] know what happens. - Exactly. - But just in case I don't have the chance to say that, that's what I wanted to tell you. - And the feeling is definitely mutual. - Are you tired of the Deja Ru? - This bitch is determined. - You [bleep] [bleep]. - Let me lick it up, baby. - Oh my god, you two are like [bleep] Matt and Jeff over here. About to go over here with the lip syncers. - Ooh! - Oh! - Well, come on. - You rotted bitch! - Whatever, they'll tell you themselves. - I look like... Schizophrenic! Okay, you know what? I'm not even gonna go there. I'll let the haters on Reddit decide what my outfit actually is. - [bleep]. - Oh my god, thank you for that pan shot. (laughs) - Do you think I'm safe? - Yes, girl. - Ginger, shut the [bleep] up. I don't even trust you for as long as I can throw you, I don't trust you. As far as I can throw-- - Oh girl, and I weigh too much to throw. - You're like, oh I don't know how to construct an outfit. I don't know how to dance! - You're the Jinx Monsoon of season seven who's constantly whining-- - And it seem like Ginger - the only bitch that can get away with saying she don't sew! - No, let me tell you. I get the same exact [bleep] from Ru during walkthroughs for the last couple sewing challenges. - You don't sew. - I, I mean, no I don't. - How far along are you in this? - All I've done is cut out this panel so far. - That can be a problem, Ginger. - Well, those straps are hot glued on. Come on. - Yeah, but you hot glued 'em. - I know. - [Violet] Girl, everything we're wearing is hot glue! - [Ginger] You, ma'am, in the cone of shame. (laughs) - [Violet] The cone of shame. - [Pearl] That kind of reminds me of like a dog cone you know, when you can't stop licking your balls. - And that's how I feel! - But put your head down! - I'm so horny! - Put your head down, now she looks like a juicer! (laughing) But it looks like a juicer that was used and left to sit for three weeks. - [Violet] This is a really expensive juicer! - [Ginger] I'm gonna smoke. - Eugh, god. - Do you wanna do that? - [Kennedy] You all gonna leave, and you know me and Violet ain't got [bleep] to talk about. - You can talk about her, that's all she wants to talk about! - [Pearl] Minj, I've got a question for you. - [Ginger] I have an answer, probably. - Word on the street is is Katya's your best friend here. - She is! I love all of you. - And where does that leave me? - Hopefully as the next one up for elimination. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. No, I love you, I do. - I'm kidding, I know. - I think you're my second best friend here. - Ah! Minj, me? - Nothing but the second best for you. But, no, in all seriousness like Katya and I, I don't know, we've kind of clicked, we've meshed. We have this thing. - I think we all feel that way about Katya. - She's just a genuine soul. - She is, and I'm so ingenuine, and you're so ingenuine. - Disingenuous is the word. Now you ain't grammatical, girl! - Oh, so you're an educated bitch. - Well, I homeschooled, that's why. - Me too! - Did you? - Yeah. - You're my new best friend here. - Oh, sweetie. - I did, when I went into, I was doing a lot of theater when I was younger. And I was doing a lot of national tours and stuff so I couldn't go to school, I didn't have time. - Yeah, I just refused to go, so I was homeschooled. - Oh, that's good. No, I love you girl, so don't worry about that. Let's go in, let's get these bitches, let's go. - All right, I think I got a sip left of cocktail in me. - I can't do another sip if I even tried. (chatting) - Okay everyone, five minute warning to head back to the main stage. Start our touchups, this is a five minute warning. - [Violet] Ooh, girl, it's gonna be a showdown. No, I'm just gonna give him. I'm too tired to-- - Shut up! Shut up. I'm over you defeating yourself before you even got into the [bleep] battle. - No, I'm gonna do my best. - Seriously. - I always do. You need to realize your talent. I think Katya is amazing. I think she's super talented and she doesn't even know it. Look at me. This is me being real. (laughing) Whoa! (laughs) - See, look what happens when you get real, bitch! - I'm not a [bleep]. [bleep], you know, it's just bad luck, man. - Kennedy is amazing. Anybody having to lip sync against her should be scared. But I'm gonna do whatever the [bleep] I can to stay in this competition. ♪ tense music ♪ - That's my sister and I love her and she knows that. But if I have to lip sync, yes I am beating the [bleep] out of Miss Katya. - Queens - Here we go, we're headed back to the mainstage if everybody wants to follow me. - [Violet] Can I bring my cocktail? - [Ginger] Please don't make me lip sync 'cause I can't even stand in these shoes right now. - [Violet] Miss Thing! - [RuPaul] Welcome back, ladies. I've made some decisions. Kennedy Davenport, Katya, I'm sorry my dears but you are up for elimination. The time has come for you to lip sync for your life! ♪ dramatic music ♪ Kennedy Davenport, Shante, you stay. Katya, you may doubt yourself sometimes, but I have no doubt that you are a star. And a hammer, and a sickle. Now, sashay away. - I don't know all the words to express how insanely [bleep] grateful I am for this incredible experience. (applause) (laughing) That, is an exit. - [RuPaul] Remember, if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen up in here? - [All] Amen! - [RuPaul] Now let the music play! - My biggest regret is, you know, not being able to connect with the judges as well as I'd been able to connect with the girls. I am the most proud of the fact that I didn't drink or find a crack dealer, and believe me, I can sniff 'em out. And the fact that I didn't totally go insane. Totally. If there was any way to go out, it was to Kennedy [bleep] tearing up that stage. She tore it up, she pissed all over it, she set it on fire, she replastered it, and then she tore it up again. Where is everybody? Oh, that's right, I got eliminated. My dearest sister, words cannot express how I feel about you. You are such a sweet spirit, funny, spontaneous, and a gem. Embrace who you are. Her writing is so terrible. You are one of a kind. I love you, I really do. Thank you for lending me your black dress. I pray that everything works well with you from here on out. I love you again, now and forever always, Kennedy. (sniffs) Oh my god. (sighs) I love her so much. And the girls here. I didn't expect, I mean I expected... I don't know what I expected. I didn't expect to make such incredible connections. I love these whores. Next stop, Gatorland! Get ready, Tallahassee, I'm coming for ya! (cries crazily) It's me, hello, hello? - [Radio] Katya, thank you for coming here. - (Russian accent) Oh, the pleasure is all mine, seriously. I have ecstatic juice flowing out of my [bleep]. It's like a thick gelatinous, it's like a jelly. (speaks Russian) Great ass.
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 1,381,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 11, episode, untucked, kitty, drag, race, rupaul's, hello, RuPaul (Musical Artist), RuPaul's Drag Race (Award-Winning Work), Drag Queen (Film Subject), Reality Television (TV Genre), Episode Part, Hello Kitty (Fictional Character), Documentary (TV Genre), Docudrama (Film Genre), Backstage (Film), Season 7, Katya
Id: RYZ5xtU8c_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2015
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