Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 8, Episode 7 - Full Episode

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tonight on unsolved mysteries it was one of the most notorious murder cases ever it spawned a best-selling book in a classic movie starring Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift now the ghost of the beautiful young victim is said to be haunting the site of her demise one of New York's most famous resorts Brimfield Ohio 1994 an armed robber targets a local convenience store police arrived within three minutes only to find the clerk shot to death them a gunman long gone in the 1960s IRA Einhorn was a darling of the counterculture in the 1970s Ironhorse girlfriend turned up dead in his closet now IRA Einhorn as a convicted killer who's eluded authorities for more than a decade scandal sweeps a small town in South Dakota when a young woman vanishes and is presumed dead days later the prime suspect a man named Tom Peters found crushed beneath the wheels of a forklift the police say it was a guilt ridden suicide the key ters family believes he too was murdered join me these intriguing new cases perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery [Music] Tom keator Rapid City South Dakota born January 1965 died June 1994 survived by his wife Nancy and two children cause of death it all depends on who you ask Tom's family believes he was murdered the police say he committed suicide if so it is certainly one of the most unusual on record Tom keator was a forklift driver at Forest Products distributors a wood processing plant on the outskirts of Rapid City it was around 9:00 on a peaceful summer morning just after the shift change that the workers found Tom's body his head crushed beneath the rear wheel of his forklift the police investigation pointed to a chilling scenario the authorities believe that Tom loaded at least a ton of lumber onto the forklift set it for an incline jump from the cab and position himself perfectly in the machines path but why would Tom keator kill himself some say his suicide is connected to the mysterious disappearance five days earlier a woman named Tina Mark Hunt Tom keator and Tina markets casual acquaintances who once worked for the same employer now forever LinkedIn mystery during a bizarre five-day period one turned up missing the other turned up dead it all began early Friday morning June 24th 1994 Tina marcotte worked the late shift at Black Hills molding shortly after midnight she fold her best friend Vicki riddle I was already asleep in the phone ring and she wasn't very upset how is this it's Tina look I just finished my shift and now my tire is so flat that I can't even drive on it well don't worry about it I'll come give you a ride home just give me a few minutes to get dressed and then I'll be right there you know what I'm done just a second somebody just pulled up let me go see who this is okay you could have it be careful so I waited and she went and talked to whoever it was Tom's here and he's gonna give me a ride home I'll talk to you later it was the last time anyone spoke to Tina market initially no one even reported her missing Patrick Gleason her live-in boyfriend of 11 years and the father of her three children thought that Tina would soon return on Saturday morning Patrick accompanied by Tom keator showed up at Vicky's riddles house Vicky says Tom became defensive when she mentioned Tina's last phone call I used to work with her Tom tried to say I was drunk and went no Tom from Ron and then I said well she said Tom the one that used to work here and then we started talking about that and Tom finally admitted that he was the only time that he ever knew that worked there he was just glaring at me and not acting himself Patrick listened patiently then put the obvious question to tom tom just be straight with me he messing around with my old lady oh man you know me better than that right there did he seem right to me because the way tom was if you know tried to blame him for something that he didn't have anything to do with with it he would have started fighting with me that's the type of person he was Patrick says tonnes suggested that they go together to report Tina missing when was the last time you saw her Thursday she was on her way to work Black Hills Moulton reason I'm still contenders the car but when police went to check on Tina's car they discovered that the tire had most likely been slashed with a knife it suggested foul play perhaps murder and what happened after you dropped your friend off following the softball game my car broke down on the way home the carburetor had been giving me trouble Tom cooter was asked to come in and he voluntarily came in to give his story he denied giving tena ride anywhere or even being out there he stated that he had been at a softball game he had given a friend a ride home and his car had broken down and he had spent approximately three or four hours fixing his car under a streetlight [Music] Tom never called his wife to say had been delayed he finally arrived home at around 3:30 in the morning why were you the car broke down Tom's wife Nancy told us that when Tom got home that night that he immediately washed his clothes which would have included his softball uniform as well as his shoelaces and that led us to believe that that was a suspicious behavior show me on a map exactly where it is user in terms interrogation he pointed out exactly where his car had broken down police later canvassed the neighborhood but could find no one to confirm Tom's alibi things just weren't adding up and this led us to believe more and more that he was definitely involved in her disappearance three days after Tina disappeared the police interviewed Tom at the lumberyard the next morning Tom keator was dead hurry up go call the foreman in my opinion Tom cooter took his own life an attempt to make it look like an accident in order for his family to receive some sort of benefits I believe that tom was very overwhelmed as to what was taking place and he needed a way out Tom's wife Nancy disagrees Tom wouldn't do that he wouldn't leave me and the kids he would he would not do that I won't ever plead that I reject the idea that it was a suicidal death because of the lack of suicidal behavior or thinking or thought process or emotions that went into to his life in the four days prior to his death Nancy is convinced that someone identity and motive unknown attacked Tom in the lumber yard and crushed him beneath the wheels of his own forklift I believe he was murdered I just wish the the police would investigate this more I instead of closing my husband's case because there there are leads in this case and I don't believe they followed up on him there were no drag marks to indicate that anybody had had drugged him he weighed approximately 200 pounds would have been difficult to carry him and there was no signs of a struggle in the area so in my opinion that I don't I don't believe the the murder theory but the police do believe that Tom keator murdered Tina marcotte they speculated on the night Tina disappeared Tom showed up unexpectedly outside of her office I believe that Tina's tire was intentionally slashed in order to keep her from leaving the place I don't believe that Tom's appearance out there at 12:30 was coincidence I think it was planned it's Tina look I just finished my shift and now my tire is so flat I think tom was out there waiting for her when she got off of work the only thing that really failed in the whole plan was that she was on the phone when he drove up according to the police theory Tom made sexual advances toward Tina but he was rejected the result was murdered they have no evidence or anything to leak Tom into Tina's disappearance they have nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] coming up it is a classic case of love betrayal and murder made famous in a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor now some say the victim is sensed by her cinematic portrayal is holding the guests in a New York resort but first a hero of the 60s counterculture is convicted of murder perhaps you could help track him down [Music] [Applause] all right we're gonna need somebody in the back okay Jones out back Sullivan oh yeah all right second floor rear Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit we have a search warrant better than a year of exhaustive investigation are you I yeah probable cause more than sufficient to obtain a search warrant all that and authorities were still unprepared for what they would find in the apartment of IRA Einhorn [Applause] IRA Einhorn was a counterculture hero during the 1960's in Philadelphia he was a symbol of opposition to the war in Vietnam in 1970 he organized Earth Day a pro ecology festival still celebrated every year Einhorn pound around with peace movement superstars like Abbie Hoffman fortune 500 corporations also found Einhorn irresistible lining up to hire in for advice on trends of the future in 1971 IRA Einhorn even ran for mayor of Philadelphia there was however a sight of IRA Einhorn the crowds and news cameras never saw in private he was jealous abusive self-centered the eye of an emotional hurricane and in 1979 Einhorn became the prime suspect in the disappearance of his one-time girlfriend Holly Maddux IRA Einhorn and Holly Maddux their five-year romance was marred by countless breakups [Music] in the beginning it had been different iein horns charm and personality seduced Holly Maddux just as it had everyone else Holley was a product of small-town Texas a one time high school cheerleader she wandered into iris heady world during the fall of 1972 I've never seen you in here before what's your name IRA when Irene Holley met she was blown away because the force of his personality was considerable and on the other hand there was Holly who was really not at a solid station in her life and was susceptible to a big come on to a big con and really within a few days they were living with together are you coming to the to the rally in DC of course I am whoa Wow we're gonna have a lot of people there man we're gonna have a lot of people you know what Jay are you saying we should all get arrested me should burn burn tricky dicky inefficient IRA I don't think we should try and get arrested why not 50,000 freaks get arrested what are they gonna do you know throws in the Coliseum B party man Holly Maddux was a very creative person it's kind of ironic in some respects because in many many ways she was just as smart and just as creative and just as talented as IRA Einhorn yet because he was so loud about everything that he did she was kind of overshadowed by him for the Maddox family IRA Einhorn was was the Ultimate Nightmare he was a long-haired not terribly clean hippie type via the Maddux family was extremely conservative when he did come down and spend time in our home with us he was rude he was overbearing to Holly kind of ordered her around he did not have a good personal hygiene let's say it was it was not pleasant to be around him I repressed me as the man who thought a lot of himself and I really didn't understand how he could feel that way about himself because I didn't find him that particular attractive Andrea Boyce worked with Holly in a neighborhood co-op I remember a morning we were trying to get this store stopped and while we were taking our break but she turned her head in such a way that I noticed a mark on her neck what's up with those bruises oh nothing I just now those look like hand marks to me hi someone hurting you I rented this as in relationship regressed Holly did gather more self-esteem she found she could do things for herself also IRA was abusive to her and you know Holly you know did not like that and did not want that to continue so very slowly she began weaning herself from IRA by July of 1977 Holly medics had had enough she walked out on IRA without even bothering to pack her belongings she wound up at a beach resort near New York City or she began a romance with saw Lapidus the passage of nearly 20 years has not dimmed his memories of Holly Maddux she was just wonderful curious very bright knew what was going on for those many weeks we were kind of inseparable it was the start a passively something big it had obstacles but it was a wonderful relationship so on September 9th of 1977 Einhorn called them called her and he was going nuts and he said in her words he was off the wall he threatened to throw all her clothing and all her belongings out into the street unless she came down to Philadelphia immediately to come see him he could not handle the fact that she was going with this other man I didn't have a bad feeling that Holly was going to Philadelphia I had a bad very bad feeling when she didn't return it was totally unlike Holly to say something and not have it come true after Sala pedis and some of holly's other friends reported her absence to authorities Philadelphia detectives interviewed IRA Einhorn his explanation was that he had gone into the shower that she told him she was going to the store and that he never saw her again she just walked off into the sunset after saying that she was going to the store Holly's disappearance did not make any sense to my my parents because she was too close to her family she would not turn her back and just disappear they just don't really did not buy it the Maddox family hired two former FBI agents to investigate their ambitious report filled hundreds of pages contained dozens of interviews and detail the events surrounding Holly's disappearance the investigators located at company who had gone to the movies of ayran Holly during the weekend Holly went to pick up her belongings it was the last time she was known to be alive a few days later Einhorn tried to convince friends to help him dump a large heavy trunk into a nearby river Einhorn said the trunk was filled with secret Russian documents okay you don't want to help you don't have to help in the fall some tankers find his attendance in the apartment below Einhorn's told one of the investigators about a choking stench seeping into their apartment rising this prank you talked to the landlord about it yeah he didn't do anything about it you know there is this stain sealing here in the closet for some crimes sticky liquid started yes it was the report the broad authorities to Einhorn's apartment by then Holly Maddux had been missing for 18 months [Applause] [Music] once they opened the door I could smell kind of a decaying smell and spending years as a homicide detective I knew that smell to be body smell and I thought oh he may be here okay this [Applause] it looks like we found Holly found what you found there was a sickness sadness that the automatics was found but then there was kind of a feel-good that we were gonna lock up by Ryan where for killing her Einhorn soon came up with an explanation [Music] he claimed the FBI and CIA had framed him by planting Collies body in his closets a public hall and we would like to walk to the courtroom if we may without questioning Playboy's attorney one time Philadelphia DA now u.s. senator and presidential hopeful Arlen Specter pulled off the impossible bail for IRA I born I was offended back in 1979 when they allowed him out on bail because in my entire career somebody who's charged with murder never gets out on bail and never got out on bail and when I sat in that courtroom and I watched the parade of prominent people March before the bar of the court and sing the praises of IRA Einhorn who was a murderer who was a murderer but nobody wanted to a minute I was offended I was sick and I was totally disgusted with the system when I saw that because I said to the district attorney at that point in time I said this guy will never ever stand trial in January of 1981 two days before the start of his trial IRA Einhorn did indeed flee the country [Music] a dozen years past finally Philadelphia authorities made an extraordinary choice to put Einhorn on trial in absentia for the murder of Holly Maddux it took the jury only two hours to find IRA Einhorn guilty where the Ryan horde ever learned of his conviction remains a matter of speculation since jumping bail he has lived in Europe primarily Ireland and Sweden if people were gonna look for Einhorn now he would be around the university somewhere and you would find him in poetry groups or with artists somewhere where he can expound and have a ready-made audience to listen to him kind of boast and brag in his intellectual way I mean that's where I would expect to find him the day they do catch him I'm on a plane that same day I want to see him in the orange coveralls and the handcuffs and then I know it will be finished and stopped for me and I can I can go tell Holly [Music] [Music] [Music] next in Illinois the young man of property disappears and his family needs your help to bring him home [Music] this is Jim Kimball at the age of 18 at 15 he was diagnosed with a severe psychological disorder at 20 for 6 years after this home video was shot Jim Kimball disappeared [Music] Jim had grown up at Oak Park Illinois the sixth child and a large and loving family well ever since Jim was young he was always on the shy side and maybe more sensitive than other people he was easy to get along with you know he'd never do anything to hurt anybody you never expected any trouble when Jim was around it was pretty special but all of that changed on August 16th 1982 [Music] Jim was just 13 when his father suddenly died of a heart attack friends we have gathered here to as a family gathered to say goodbye only Jim appeared unaffected by the tragic loss seemed very quiet and didn't really show a lot of emotion the rest of us were all upset and absorbed in our own grief and I notice he didn't seem to really be crying or caring and you know maybe he was holding a lot of his emotions inside and he wasn't expressing himself it was a first overt sign that something was wrong terribly wrong barely noticed in the midst of the family's grief was the fact that a time bomb was ticking away inside of Jim Kimball a time bomb that would explode almost three years to the day after his father's death as teenagers Jim and his brothers formed their own Garage Band Jim played the drums [Music] Jim come on gotta have something steady for me you're all over the place what's going on Jim we just need it steady did you give a simple rhythm hello is anybody home say something Jim what's with you man Jim are you okay he's acting strange and I was afraid for him it came a point was like a better brand to hospital or something just we didn't know what he was gonna do next you don't seem to be too sure of anything no it's all a waste of time it's not like he used to be jim was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder a mental disturbance characterized by unusual thoughts and mark mood swings never come back was this some friend of yours he's always around until they took him away who took him he was confused he indicated that he had heard some voices that he had both a sorrow her hand certainly anger with his father's death nobody listens to me like maybe they never did Jim required medication to control his condition the next eight years are marked by a series of hospitalizations relapses and recoveries nevertheless Jim managed to graduate from high school and hold a few jobs eventually he moved into a halfway house approximately ten miles from home on Easter weekend 1993 Jim showed up at his mother's house sooner than expected I was pretty surprised that he wouldn't go through all that trouble to walk home yeah all the family was together we had a nice turkey dinner for Easter everything seemed to be pretty good but the next day the tranquil atmosphere was shattered when Jim became frustrated with a family's new stereo system now it's having lunch and I heard from downstairs a commotion during the house I like this house you guys keep changing things well if you got a pound with the stereo I meant to talk about it you know I mean you don't have to throw a temper tantrum when 85 years old well for kid I have my face you idiot yeah I said hey you know you're not feeling well she go to the hospital but he said that he wasn't gonna go to the hospital take care of things and so so we just we clean things up and then and then he left and that airs last I saw him Jim had vanished the Kimball's immediately launched a frantic search of the neighborhood didn't have any medication with them we had no money no code it was rather cold out you just almost seemed that he wanted just took a walk and never came back for 11 months the family worked tirelessly making phone calls searching homeless shelters and distributing fliers all across the country but nothing panned out until March of 1994 just outside of South Bend Indiana 90 miles from a Kimball home in Oak Park Illinois Sarah cubit come here for a minute please are doing today all right we're headed to I don't know East Boston yeah anything to drink today nope nothing at all nope watch you ever seen a car he appeared to be under the influence but the result of the test showed zero zero on the alcohol sensor okay or zero zero I'd prefer if you were gonna hitchhike when I saw the flyer I'd say three to four weeks later the picture on the flyer matched the description of the individual I had spoke with it really worries me that he's out there and might not be able to take care of himself we really like to have Jim back with us we want him to know that we love him we care about and we want to help him through his problems Jim Kimball is five feet seven inches tall and weighs 165 pounds he has green eyes and his brown hair may still be long and potted in the middle next Loren gunman holds up a convenience store with tragic results perhaps this surveillance footage can provide a clue to the killer's identity [Music] surveillance cameras are effective life as soon as you walk into a banker store chances are you being watched the security cameras deter crime probably can they solve a crime without a doubt you're watching a robbery in progress the entire holdup takes less than 25 seconds thanks to this footage two of the three suspects are arrested less than a week testimony ^ security cameras tonight authorities in Brimfield Ohio hope this surveillance footage will help them identify a vicious masked killer the crime scene as a Duke and Duchess convenience store a few days after Thanksgiving 1994 police responding to a silent alarm arrived just after 2:00 a.m. the land emerging from the store proved to be a customer an innocent bystander he had arrived moments before police and found the store unattended the officers entered warily with guns drawn in a back room police found the body of the store clerk 23 year old Brian focus Brian focus had been cottage bound the dreams of becoming a writer the night of his murder Brian was not even scheduled to work he had been a last-minute replacement for another employee the murder of Brian Ferguson raged the community finding his killer depends on a surveillance tape recorded during the crime [Music] in its raw form the tape is a confusing horror of images thousands of still frames are coated by cameras and different parts of the store but when the tape is slowed down the events of the evening begin to unfold that's Brian behind the counter at 1:58 a.m. it can be seen wiping the floor [Applause] four minutes later at 202 the masked figure enters don't make any sudden moves or I'll kill you all right I want you to go into the back room right now let's go all right move they went into the back office Brian of course went in with his hands raised and the gunman behind him were they and they spent approximately 60 to 61 seconds in that back room out of camera range I want you to open up the safe we don't have a safe never seen never safe the investigators can only guess what happens in the back room we're gonna do is we're gonna go out to the cash register you can open it up real fast you can empty it real fast you screw up I'll kill you 2:03 the robber is crouched behind the counter at gunpoint Brian empties a cash register in the back feel better let's go hurry up hurry up it is during this time that Brian triggers a silent alarm [Music] 2:04 the customer pulls up to the gas pump automatically activating a beeper inside the office police theorize it to the gunman and may have sounded like an alarm it was then that we believe that brian may have been able to throw his elbow back in defense of himself and strike the gunman possibly about the face because the gunman left blood here and we know that it's different from Brian's blood Brian ful Guth was killed instantly by a single bullet just three minutes after the robber entered the store the customer that pulled up to get gas was actually present at the time that gun went off but he did not hear anything he did not see anything standing in the front of the store at the gas pumps police were on the scene within 200 seconds of Brian's alarm 200 seconds and they were still too late police believe the killer is a white male age 18 to 35 nine in height he robbed the Duke conductions convenience store in Brimfield Ohio on November 28th 1994 the suspect may have exhibited header facial injuries around that time a result of his apparent struggle with Bryant in addition police observed what appears to be a hump of robbers back it may be a physical characteristic or perhaps a concealed ponytail [Music] when we return the ghostly tale of a beautiful young murder victim her case was made famous by Hollywood and now some say her spirit still haunts the Adirondack Mountains in search of justice [Music] for generations the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York have been a favorite vacation spot for the famous and the infamous a place of stunning beauty and sometimes stunning scandal when darkness falls at resorts like the old code Lodge the plaintive cries of lewd summon haunting memories a reminder that anything can happen one summer night to 1988 several covert employees were approaching the staff Lodge one Daboo silhouette ahead unaware that inside someone or something might be waiting I walked into the staff Lodge straight up the stairs with my hand out reaching for the string which is how to turn on the light as I approached the top of the stairs and just before I was ready to turn on the light a feeling came over me that somebody was right there more or less I stopped in my tracks and really just didn't move I didn't have an overwhelming feeling of fright but something definitely or someone or he was there and I just kind of took my breath away but the real show was outside Rhonda's friends were witnessing a spine-tingling vision all three of them had the same exact story it lingered for just a few seconds and then moved away all three of them soffit goes I didn't see anything myself but I felt that somebody was right there and it was just a strange feeling boo is hotting big Moose Lake books around here believe it is the ghost of the young and beautiful Grace Brown a 1906 our brutal murder shocked the nation [Music] decades later Hollywood transform the notorious K cinema hidden film a place in the Sun Shelley Winters played Grace's character a poor factory girl seduced and murdered by a faithless lover in Montgomery Clift who was having a passionate affair with a beautiful young Elizabeth Taylor ironically Hollywood portrayed grace as dowdy nagging and shrewish but in truth Grace Brown was a naive lovely 19 who taunted the Gillette skirt Factory in Cortland New York it was there in 1905 that grace met the handsome and charming Chester Gillette the factory owners nephew I think he was considered quite a catch by the people in town because he was popular and he was you know athletic and he was handsome and a lot I'm sure a lot of women in Courtland were interested in him great mr. Gillette is here to see you thank you from the start it was a scandalous romance Chester convinced grace to see him unchaperoned defying convention and risking her reputation I think she saw him as the ideal person you know that he was everything that she wanted she was in love probably for the first time in her life and she wanted to see this through no matter what for Chester it was a secret affair he never took grace out in public he never acknowledged their relationship Chester was however frequently seen with other young women especially those from the town's wealthier families her friends were warning her that he wasn't what he seemed to be that he was something different and I think that she had no experience with that type of person and and so she was she was seeing what she wanted to see rather than what her friends were telling her grace could not resist Chester eventually perhaps inevitably she discovered she was pregnant at the time unwed mothers were outcasts it was not uncommon for girls to commit suicide rather than face public shame grace beg Chester to merrier Chester stalled as long as he could finally in July 1906 he took grace to the Adirondacks watch your step here miss grace assumed it was a wedding trip this type of craft before having sir every sours a kid at big Moose Lake they rented a rowboat from a man named Robert Morrison Morrison expected them to come back around dinnertime and when they didn't come back he thought that that was somewhat suspicious the next morning Morrison organized a search party there look down there a short distance from the capsized boat they found Grace's body [Music] two days later they also found Chester Gillette not at the bottom of the lake but safe and sound at a nearby hotel at first he denied even knowing grace brown then Gillette claims she had drowned herself and despair because he didn't love her anymore few believed him he was tried and convicted of first-degree murder on March 30th 1908 Chester Gillette died in the electric chair had justice been served apparently not enough to satisfy the restless spirit of grace Braun we're all spooked and we stayed in the same room together just kind of protecting ourselves and it was just a weird feeling like something something very unusual had happened I I felt like I had a a glimpse of something very extraordinary Linda Lee Mackin had her own encounter with grace Braun a few months after Rhonda boo salos Linda Lee and her childhood friend Bridget McMahon chose big Moose Lake as a site for one of their periodic reunions but from the start linda lee was inexplicably nervous on edge I wasn't thinking ghosts I just felt very uncomfortable and I thought that I would by looking out a window or looking in a mirror I would see something that I did not want to say on the second night Linda Lee tried to ignore her feelings of unease even during a stroll alone I'm walking down toward the lake with my flashlight and the light is getting dimmer and dimmer by the time light I got to the edge of the lake in the rocks my flashlight wasn't working so I had to turn around and go back and get bridgett not only didn't I have light but no way was I staying out in the dark without companion bridgett did not take Linda Lee's jitters seriously but agreed to be a good sport and come along do you hear that beautiful such a nice break from the city [Music] I never seen anything like this it was a ribbon of smoke that just seemed to hover near us and almost call to our attention [Applause] [Applause] I was awestruck and not only was I certain that I was looking at a ghost but I had a very strong feeling of sadness she was very sad had Linda Lee seen a ghost or had it been her overwrought imagination the next day while crossing the lobby of The Cove would Lodge Linda Lee spotted memorabilia about Chester Gillette and grace brown when I saw the photograph of Grace Brown it was if I'd been hit by a brick I knew it was Grace Brown who I had seen the sodas story behind grace Browns murder provided rich fodder not only for a place in the Sun the Theodore Dreiser's acclaimed novel and American tragedy both versions however were very sympathetic to Chester Gillette dismissing grace is a woman of easy virtue perhaps graces ghost is unhappy with that portrayal perhaps that is why she haunts the place she spent her last tragic moments perhaps that is why she cannot rest join me next time for another dramatic edition unsolved mysteries [Music] [Music]
Channel: FilmRise True Crime
Views: 230,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack, FilmRise, Unsolved Mysteries, Robert Stack, Unscripted, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Classic Television, TV, Television
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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