Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 4, Episode 13 - Full Episode

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this program is about unsolved mysteries whenever possible the actual family members and police officials have participated in recreating the events what you are about to see is not a news broadcast tonight on a special edition unsolved mysteries meet Todd Mueller an accused conman with a twisted sense of humor his escapades of bewildered and frustrated police investigators in Honolulu and Chicago not content just to break the law uterus mercilessly taunted authorities with a series of practical jokes Chad Mauer of Madison Wisconsin is an active popular teenager the all-american boy then in 1990 he was found as fixated in an abandoned garage in Chicago what could have taken Chad Mauer to Chicago's seamy South Side and ultimately led to his death as a young single mother Marine Roberts was so destitute she felt compelled to put her three children up for adoption now she is one of the heirs to a million-dollar estate and doesn't even know it in 1974 the violent murder of their mother ripped apart the nine children of the VES family 17 years later one of them is still missing join this intriguing edition of unsolved mysteries perhaps you can help solve the mystery [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's great like I want to show you it's just it's perfect for 19 year old Chad Mauer worked in a bike shop in the Midwest college town of Madison Wisconsin he was a typical boy next door a popular well-rounded athlete who hoped to save up enough money to attend college in Colorado yeah so my first fight on the afternoon of May 19th 1990 Chad returned home to grab a quick lunch [Music] it would be the last time Chad's parents would ever see him there was nothing about him that was different I mean he wasn't on and you know he was just so excited about the job and he had a big smile on his face as usual [Music] now standing right outside goodbye to him and have a good one you know I didn't notice anything different either about anything in the car you know it's kind of cool out that day and stuff I just don't think he had an intention to go anywhere else he had a jacket with him about an hour an hour and a half later John needed something at the hardware store that's near the bike shop my effects two doors down from it so we hit it up to the hardware store and we noticed the car Chad's car was not in the parking lot so we decided instead of going to the hardware store to stop there and see where Chad was [Music] Thank You Georgina or Chad this is Carson I'm out front well he better be here he may have a customer in the back I knew there was something wrong but I just couldn't imagine you know so we just thought Channel show up I hardly slept at all that night I pray about five hours sleep I got up at 6:00 and it was too early start calling kids by start calling kids about 7:30 and nobody knew anything the last time anybody saw Chad was Friday night at a party for a couple hours and that was it the south side of Chicago is one of the roughest neighborhoods in the country it is just a three-hour drive Chad solm and Madison Wisconsin two days after Chad was last seen a maintenance worker found Chad's car abandoned in the garage on the south side housing complex inside the car was Chad Mauer dead from carbon monoxide poisoning [Music] the Chicago Police contacted the Mars with the tragic news that their son had committed suicide my system went into shock my brain went into shock and I was not thinking until the kids started calling I don't even know how the kids found out but the kids started calling and they were screaming over the phone to check him into suicide and well he died akarma night no no not Chad not chant Chad had too much going for him Chad had all his friends and Chad loved life Chad was not depressed Chad was not down he had all these goals John and Donnie viewed Chad's body for the first time just prior to the funeral they were startled by his appearance Paula Chicago Police has said there was no evidence of foul play the knuckles on both hands have been skinned to the bone and there were bruises on his face we should be aware of here well we did receive his clothing and that was soiled soiled yes would you like to see it most definitely moments later Chad's father got his first look at the clothes Chad was wearing when he died all Chad front and what happened [Music] he could not understand why there were bloodstains on the t-shirt now convinced that Chad's death was not a suicide Bauer's contacted the local authorities crime-scene photographs that were sent up by the Chicago authorities together with detective David bunch of eyes they studied the police report filed in Chicago John and Dalia immediately noticed yet another suspicious Clues yeah Chad didn't take a jacket with him and he didn't own a jacket like that and you're positive of that yes I'm positive the parents noted the jacket on the front seat was not a jacket they knew Chad would be interesting though the size of the jacket if it's consistent with Chad's size or it may give us an idea of the basic build of somebody that may have been in the car with him may have given us an idea of where in fact the jacket was purchased which should give us possibly a location assuming it's real not a real common brand but the parents have pointed out that Ford that that article in the photograph and when I checked with Chicago they had noted the jacket as well well we're not sure where the jacket was they were gonna check into that the best thing I can determine was that the jacket remained in the car and before the car was towed somebody took the jacket from the vehicle because we couldn't secure it with the window being locked out so now I wish we had the jacket but we have no jacket the autopsy report also suggested that Chad had not taken his own life the level of carbon monoxide in his body was 74% a figure much higher than usually found on a suicide it's my understanding that levels where they're conscious at the time they succumb to carbon monoxide is about 50 to 60 percent levels that get up to about 74 to 80 percent are more consistent with a person being unconscious or sleeping at the time they succumb to carbon dioxide poison and that's because they have people naturally have a tendency to breathe deeper and more methodically when the sleeping then possibly when they're awake the cause of Chad's death was changed from suicide to undetermined authorities began a full-blown investigation do you have an opinion as to what happened to the bike shop owner was quoted in a local newspaper regarding Chad's case and something or someone spooked him nine days later the shop was vandalized no other stickers in the area were hit it now appeared that some sending a message on October 22nd 1990 chaired story was aired on a local Crimestoppers program in Madison and a disturbing scenario emerged after the broadcast an anonymous tip alleged that Chad was involved in a drug deal with people who lived in his apartment complex in Madison these same people had previously lived on the south side of Chicago we know through our intelligence sources that there is a pipeline of narcotics trafficking from Chicago to Madison now there's nothing in Chad's background that would really suggest that he's involved with narcotics his toxicological analysis came back pure of any narcotics not even any alcohol but because of this conduit there's a possibility that he might have been tricked or enticed in some way to be involved in narcotics and narcotics trafficking is it possible that somebody else offered him money Chad was looking for money wanted to move to Colorado he was hoping to get a couple thousand dollars to go to Colorado for snowboarding and BMX a future is it possible that somebody offered him $500 to make the trip and then when they got to Chicago reneged on that in an altercation occurred and Chad obviously being a loser that altercation [Music] most all of our homicides in Chicago have a common denominator of drugs in it somewhere whether they're selling it whether they're fighting over the territory whether they're using it drug seems to come up in a great majority of our cases so this is also a reason that we're inclined to lean toward this drug ankle a little bit more because we see it's a lot we feel that there are people probably in the Madison area that probably know more than they're coming forward with I think probably that's who we're trying to reach out to now because we're not going to know what happened inside that garage unless we know the circumstances surrounding how we got there and that's what we're really after I think at this point all we know in Chad's case says chad is dead and handed I'm Chicago that's all we know in this case and we know he was beaten up but why was he beating up how did he end up in Chicago there are so many questions and every day we wake up and we think a different thing that could have happened to Chad I know it won't bring Chad back but we cannot rest and we cannot put Chad to rest until we really have the answers to this case [Music] [Music] in 1971 Big Brothers of America opened a chapter in Elkhart Indiana their first little brother was seven-year-old Jeff Fisher Jeff's big brother was John Novotny a local salesman and father of a two-year-old daughter John gave me the companionship that really needs it at that time just the fact that this was you know an older guy that I could hang around with and not you know not have him tell me to go away and you know come back later and stuff something you know a guy that wanted to spend some time with me you know made me feel it really good after Jeff and John started seeing each other I noticed that Jeff had a lot more confidence in himself and he was very proud of the fact that he had a big brother and he would tell the other kids well well John and I are going to go do this or my big brother and I are going to go do this he was very proud of the fact that that he had a man in his life it's ready to like a year and a half later John and his family moved away although Jeff never saw John again he never forgot the warmth and kindness had changed his life he just introduced me to a world that I had never seen before and if I finally see him again I just want to thank him he made a lasting impression it's been 20 years and he's still a really vivid part of my memory [Music] thanks to our viewers Jeff Fisher search for his Big Brother ended the night of our broadcast nine days later Jeff and his mother traveled at John novotny's home in Tacoma Washington for an emotional reunion it's unbelievable I was absolutely stunned I had absolutely no idea that Jeff was looking for me and then as the show aired people from Elkhart and from Michigan started calling me on the phone telling me that I was on television and Jeff Fisher was looking for me and we must have got 35 calls that night and at least that many the next night you know I wanted to say thanks to this guy for 18 years and you know whatever it took to come out and say that you know I was willing to do this is when we were down likes in Kentucky for a John Mellencamp Show when I first started being a big brother the collection was good I really have enough time to do it right and then 20 years later to find out that I really did make a difference I mean it brings the whole thing to reality [Music] the homeless estimates of their numbers go as high as 3 million in the United States alone sadly many of us tend not to see the individuals in the faceless mass we forget that for each man woman and child on the streets there's an untold story this is a story of a woman named Lorene Roberts who may be lost among the homeless her family has not seen or heard from her in more than 30 years Lorene has no way of knowing that she is one of the heirs to a million dollar estate myrin grew up in Dripping Springs Texas she was on the high school basketball team and a member of the pep club but as 16 Narine inexplicably dropped out of school her family believes this may have been the beginning of a slow descent into mental illness Laurene was very quiet she would just be to herself with her own boss and her world as if she wasn't there with you most of the time hey little lady can we get some coffee over here yeah you the pretty one I'm gonna take our order in 1949 just after she dropped out of high school Marie moved to Austin and soon found work as a waitress she also found love coffee pie and how about I take you for a whirl I don't know what you mean [Music] just ten days after they met marina the young serviceman were married [Music] Nerine and her husband had three children in quick succession in 1956 they moved to his hometown in New Jersey that decision would prove to be the undoing of the young couple Lorene told me that she wasn't happy there his family didn't accept her and that his mother bought her and the children a train ticket and put him on the train to come back to Austin send it back to Austin laureen's husband filed for a divorce with no money and no means of support Vereen and her three young children returned to Texas and an uncertain future [Music] sweetheart what would you put this on for me that other one's dirty can I put this on okay I'm hungry husk who's gonna feed us in the kitchen okay I need you I need you to help me out you do that but who's gonna take care of us you I need you to be the man while I'm gone it's not okay can you do that will you be in charge from morning we do that for me all right I gotta go now I gotta go will you watch out to them for me okay okay Lorene tried she worked and she tried to handle you know her situations and she loved her children very much but that was just something she couldn't handle and she seen she couldn't handle it and she tried to get help from her husband but no help she got no help she decided the best thing to do was to just give him up and let him be adopted out where they would be taken care of after the children were adopted laureen's emotional state grew increasingly fragile she came to me and she she admitted that she was sick to me and said she needed to help said she needed a doctor and my dad said Ruby take her to the psychiatrist and I did and he gave her admitted admittance to State Hospital so I took her out there and she cried and everything when she hugged my neck and loved Ben and everything and it was so hard to see to have to leave her there between 1957 and 1961 Lorene was admitted to the state mental hospital on five separate occasions each time she was released she found work as a waitress but each time when the pressure became too great marine would check herself back into the hospital in 1959 on one of her furloughs from the State Hospital marine showed up at Ruby's house unannounced how are you doing oh I'm just fine Ruby will you look then can I fix you something to eat oh no no no that's a night I can only stay a few minutes well then sit down here and tell me what's been going on I'm getting married married that's great go to college professor a college professor well that's great I came to show you my ring well that's mighty pretty honey where'd you meet a college professor it's pity isn't Lorene mmm where'd you meet a college professor the college at that time I was just hoping the best for her so I didn't question too much or anything I just hope the best you know and that's the last time I saw Lorene and I haven't heard from her or anything since what can I take you somewhere oh no no I came in a cab and I'm gonna leave him again two weeks later Ruby received a bill for Marines engagement ring marine had bought the ring herself and failed to make the payments we have searched everything looking for Laureen all the public records have been searched no one has any records of Laureen being alive for the last 25 years her mother died in 1988 and her will provided for the distribution of her estate which was valued at about a million dollars to her children and Lorraine was one of the children and so since no one knew where she was the court appointed me to represent her and to try to locate her I don't think it's gonna be easy to find Laureen but I also don't think she's disappeared off the face of the earth I think she's out there somewhere she's either on the street or in a hospital or under some new identity but I think she's out there there's a big void in our life without her and not knowing what she's alive or dead then we want that field I would share her children that have found us and her grandchildren that would be the first thing I'd want her to know about she would be so happy when we aired the story we never imagined that Laureen would call our telecenter and solve her own mystery Marie's family was overjoyed to learn that she was alive and well her sister Ruby immediately flew to Little Rock Arkansas when lorina been working as a housekeeper for just room and board a few days later ruby brought Lorene back home to Austin Texas for a poignant reunion near the rest of her family it was unbelievable I could hardly believe it because I guess for so long we have searched and searched for and we couldn't find a lead I was so enthused I just I cried I laughed I mean everything [Music] [Applause] yes it's good nice to be back there real nice they've always been there original people that say that are very darling new people after we filmed this reunion Loreen remained in Austin for three months she received her one hundred and five thousand dollar inheritance and has since returned to her home in Arkansas [Music] this is the wonderful person we looked for we're gonna kind of be happy and just do all the things we can to be together and love each other and and including our children and her grandchildren and which I think will be real good for you and all of us Argost xlix 1990 the Hawaiian island of Maui a man arrived at a local bank and introduced himself as Pepito Tobiah I've been named representative to my aunt's estate and what I'd like to do is take the funds from her account and open up a new account in addition to the 52 thousand dollars from her account I'd like to deposit this check also he has some identification and also I'd like to transfer twenty thousand dollars to my associate in Honolulu Julian bellomont I see that's 20,000 - Julian bellomont although the documents appeared in order something about the smooth-talking customer but the bank manager on guard I tell you what all this is going to take some time if you could come back in an hour we'll be all ready for you to go when you come back okay great I guess I'll see you in around an hour yes thank you mr. da ah thank you an hour later Pepito Tobiah unreturned his schedule [Music] are you could be totally behind me believe this check is a fortune the byun was arrested on the spot for suspicion of forgery at first maui police had no idea who they had in custody the suspect carried 15 identification cards each with a different alias eventually authorities identified their prisoner as an elusive con man named Todd Mueller Todd Mueller is not your run-of-the-mill criminal he specializes in forging court documents was given free rein to plunder the estates of the recently deceased his many escapades of confused and frustrated authorities often leaving them shaking their heads and disbelief as it turns out Todd Mueller is something of a practical joker who delights and taunting those who are trying to keep him behind bars December 3rd 1991 Honolulu Hawaii three months after his arrest in Maui Todd Mueller was out on bail and back on the scam calling himself Arthur Iona for you today well Clara I've been a personal representative to the state of Georgia Mack Laughlin and what I'd like to do they take the flood from this account and open a checking account in my name may I see some ID absolutely we think Todd Mueller looked in a newspaper in the obituary section from there he would get names of deceased persons their accounts being in probate court he would then go over to the copying machines located right in Circuit Court take these photocopies home and he would make up letters of administration naming him the trustee for the account [Music] [Applause] the fictitious documents and phony checks enable Mueller to steal thousands of dollars from banks throughout Hawaii he had created a lucrative cottage industry right in his own apartment but his work was sometimes less than perfect one particular check a bank listed on the check was a bank of Iowa Boise Iowa there is no Boise Iowa instead it should be Boise Idaho and we thought that was pretty hilarious with him you know just making up any name I guess he didn't realize it was Boise Idaho Todd Mueller was not only a bit sloppy he was greedy during the next three days he returned to the bank in Honolulu and withdrew more than $31,000 arousing the suspicions of yet another bank manager she called me to tell me that she thought these probate documents were false she described the individual to me I immediately thought Todd Mueller stimula Todd Mueller detective no brig oh yeah I finally week all right you're under arrest for forgery chance be on your back after the arrest detective Nobriga proceeded to an address given him by Mueller once he determined that Mueller did live there no briga left to obtain a search warrant meanwhile Todd Mueller posted a join and was released Todd Mueller calls me in my office he invites me over to his house he tells me you don't have to make any search warrants just come over to my house and I'll let you look around [Music] I just kind of smiled and thought well he's leading me on a wild goose chase I walked over and checked with some of the neighbors and they had told me just about an hour before I arrived there there was a flurry of activity where guys are moving stuff out of the house throwing it onto a truck and they took off and left one week later at the Oahu Correctional Facility a former cellmate of Todd Mueller's Roy Hartsock received a welcome surprise a court order had been issued for hard socks immediate release [Music] Roy Hartsock left the island for parts unknown three weeks later authorities discovered that Hart's socks release documents had been forged Todd Mueller had apparently struck again at about the time we're looking for Todd Mueller I got a phone call from a New York police sergeant saying that they had arrested thought Mueller in New York when I tried to call this New York sergeant back we learned that there was no such person no such Department there in New York and where was Todd Mueller living it up at an exclusive hotel in Chicago Illinois hi 17:20 what I pay for tonight we became suspicious of mr. Mueller because of the activity that was taking place in the lobby he had very suspicious looking people coming to the hotel and he was giving large sums of money to them and I informed the front office manager that we should not extend this day the hotel's booked that's correct are you sure there isn't some mistake I've been here all week I'm afraid not we have a convention coming in the entire floor is booked I feel her however wasn't quite ready to leave I guess the next other check-in he simply called the hotel's toll-free reservation service and booked another room across the hall that worked me and to say the least and at that point that's when I felt that we should take some sort of action as to at least check on his identity of who mr. Mueller actually was pat Ammiano search Bueller's vacated room he found several discarded checks which later proved to be forgeries Ammiano also discovered that mueller had placed several calls to honolulu hawaii on the off chance he called one of the phone numbers and it happened to be my office I think he just has a dis penchant for making everyone chase him around you know I guess he's sort of like cops-and-robbers kind of thing when Chicago police arrived to arrest Mueller they were met by his former cellmate from Hawaii Roy Hartsock we're looking for Todd Mueller and you are Hartsock was surprised to learn that his early release from prison had been secured with forged documents [Music] under arrest once again Todd Mueller was in custody but this time there would be no bail you have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law do you understand Todd was parading around town prior to his arrest pretending to be someone other than what he was committed several burglaries stole mail federal mail theft charges opened bank accounts and attempted to withdraw sum of two hundred four thousand dollars from one account Roy Hartsock was returned to Hawaii to complete his sentence Todd Mueller was booked on charges of forgery fraud and robbery he was held in the Cook County Jail pending trial but Muller had one more trick up his sleeve after six months behind bars he was rushed to a hospital emergency room after telling guards he had swallowed a razor blade Mira was handcuffed to his hospital bed a guard was posted outside the door it didn't do a bit of good authorities still cannot explain how Todd Mueller got away [Music] since thought Muller escaped it would call me just to say that he wanted to turn himself into me some of his phone calls claimed to be on the the plane itself coming in to Hanoi same day I'm on my way in I'm on so-and-so flight why don't you meet me at the airport to go down there he's never there I don't think my sense of humor is anything any worse for it uh I don't particularly enjoy what he's doing but I just think what he's doing is silly you know eventually he's gonna get caught [Music] next a woman's poignant search for her brothers and sisters torn apart by tragedy James and Wanda vests were married 1956 17 years later they had nine children six sons and three daughters the oldest child was 16 the youngest just 10 months James worked in the construction business and for the vest children life at home seemed safe and secure we would eat dinner every night together at the table my mother would have everything done before my father got off work [Music] my mother said at 1:00 and my father said at the other end and the kids set on the sides and um I think that was something that was really important to my father you know that the family be together at dinner time is said there Annie okay we had an ideal life we would go to church on Sundays we would get up on the stage of the church and sing with my mother because she played the accordion we would sing at home together we would have fun it was typical American family life did you see only were two beaver huh [Music] the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures in May of 1974 the best family was ripped apart by tragedy he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's 1 Davis had died on her 34th walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me I think I felt more cheated than anything I remember my little sister tried to touch my mother and I pulled her hand back and then she went up there and I guess she touched her cuz she came back and she goes [ __ ] why is mother so cold and I couldn't answer her I didn't know what to say so I just set her down on my lap and just held her there now prepares the table before me James vest did not attend the funeral he was in jail charged with the murder of his wife by capo what could bring a man to kill his own wife and leave his children as orphans the answer in this isolated case may be hauntingly simple James fess was an alcoholic the nine Vest children not only lost both of their parents to this devastating disease they also lost each other for 17 years this is a story of one woman's determination to find her brothers and sisters and one family's resilience in the face of overwhelming tragedy by 1973 years of drinking binges has steadily eroded James and Wanda veces marriage James is often too drunk to work he also became increasingly violent towards his wife I remember on one occasion my father coming home looking for his bottle of liquor and my mother had hit it so he couldn't find it and he got really upset in one of his liquor any when my mother wouldn't give it to him he was beating her up and he was luring choking her and so my brother's will go over there and try to get him off of her I was always more quiet and afraid Juan Davis had finally had enough James soon moved out of the house and Wanda filed for divorce she was determined to make a new life for herself in the nine children but with no formal training and little work experience Wanda was forced to wait tables in ten bar at a local tavern May 27 1974 at around 1:00 a.m. James best wandered into the tavern where his wife worked it was Wanda's 34th birthday I just came to buy a drink for your birthday we do this every year get out according to witnesses James had been drinking heavily [Music] without of you get out of here what are you doing [Music] put it down [Music] [Music] love you wonder approximately an hour later James ves was arrested at a nearby tavern minutes after killing Wanda James's Swaggart into the bar and openly boasted that he had just shot his wife he said he needed a drink ves later pled guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison where he died in 1983 in one senseless and violent moment James vestige shattered his entire family within days of their mother's funeral the vest children were sent to live in separate homes I think for some reason I felt we had enough family that some kind of way we would all be kept together but I was wrong it was like nobody wanted us we were taboo oh you know to be around us would be to remember what happened to have to accept it and they didn't want that so to me we were punished for what my father did because we weren't even allowed to have each other the oldest boy James jr. was taken in by his grandmother Shireen and three brothers Russell Kenneth and Wayne were placed in foster homes her sister Kendra and the three youngest children Heath dawn and Kevin were put up for adoption for 14 year old Shireen the tragic loss of an entire family marked the beginning of a cycle of despair just three months after her mother was murdered Shireen ran away from her foster home and took to the streets in the very beginning sometimes I would sleep in the apartment building hallways and a couple times I slept outside it was cold I was scared I had a backpack that had some clothes and I use that for a pillow you lay there and half way sleep and hope that no one comes around [Music] remarkably Sherine managed to escape the streets eventually she enrolled in Business School and later got a job as an office manager today Shireen lives in San Diego California with her husband and two daughters four years ago with the love and encouragement of her new family Shireen began searching for her missing brothers and sisters whom she had not seen in 11 years incredibly it took Shireen less than two months to find four of her brothers two years later she was reunited with her oldest sister and just last Christmas Shireen finally made contact with her youngest sister and brother but one of the vest children still remains unaccounted for Shireen's brother Heath who was 6 years old when they were separated I actually had a dream one night that there was aa nine of us in a room and I was actually going Jimmy I count them all down the lining I couldn't believe it it's like something that you want but it's just out of reach you'll never get it but I believe enough and I that because I will not take no for an answer there's I just know so I'm gonna get him ah together the night of our broadcast shereen's dream of finding our brother Heath came true when he called our telecenter Heath who is now married and living in Ohio was shocked to learn he been featured on national television the next day he spoke with his sister for the first time at more than 17 years four weeks later Heath accompanied by his wife Robyn arrived in Los Angeles for a special reunion with five of his brothers and sisters I was really excited I just wanted Cal the car - I just think you know who am I gonna hug first you know and I didn't want anybody to start bawling or anything you know I just wanted to get out and hug everybody at once basically what I heard Heath was found I was actually kind of Numb I thought it would take months I didn't know that people would just call in and it would be that easy I'm glad it was because it's been a long wait meeting everybody it's changed my attitude a lot it's picked up my attitude because uh you know I've had a lot of feelings now I had that unwanted feeling and I never really knew why but now now since uh they found me I have that wanted feeling now on uh it's a good it's a good feeling because uh I never really knew finding Heath and this reunion is the first day of a new beginning I know when we all leave here that we're all gonna leave her differently it's gonna be better for all of us on our next unsolved mysteries the final appeal of Larry race in 1982 race took his wife for a moonlight boat ride on Lake Superior the next morning Debbie races lifeless body washed ashore Larry race was convicted of murder and sent to prison to this day race maintains his innocence and the family of his dead wife believes he is telling the truth at the outbreak of World War two a young woman of the Ojibwe Indian nation was banished by her father when she joined the Royal Canadian Air Force her brothers and sisters have not seen her in nearly 50 years join me next time for another intriguing edition unsolved mysteries [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FilmRise True Crime
Views: 197,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack, FilmRise, Robert Stack, Unsolved Mysteries, Television, Classic TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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