Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 6, Episode 12 - Full Episode

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[Music] this program is about unsolved mysteries whenever possible the actual family members and police officials have participated in recreating the events what you were about to see is not a news broadcast 30-year old Army Staff Sergeant Billy Ray Hargrove wanted to spend his life in the military but in February of 1992 Hargrove was found dead hung by the neck in his own backyard incredibly just six weeks later our grows best friend sergeant Mike Carmichael was also found dead hung from a barracks locker what happened to Billy Ray Hargrove and Mike Carmichael Congress is currently looking into these deaths several other cases American servicemen have died under questionable circumstances in each case the military's rules suicide or accidents for some family members and friends crying murder perhaps not without reason join us this intriguing investigation and more unsolved mysteries [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the early 1980s the resort mecca of Miami Florida found itself in the midst of an urban crisis first the city was Dell used by more than 120,000 refugees from Cuba among them were 30,000 hard core criminals simultaneously racial tensions were polarizing the populace and in the summer of 1986 days of rioting convulsed the city in response Miami doubled the size of its police force between 1980 and 1983 it was an unprecedented expansion but the accelerated pace exacted a price according to some a handful of questionable applicants slipped through the screening process and soon Miami had yet another problem corrupt officers at the heart of his Police Department it began almost quietly the early abuses were minor shakedowns and the targets small-time drug do number of the early ripoffs were simple car stops where the police officers would see small amounts of drugs and money and would proceed to take those drugs and money believing that the people who they were stopping weren't going to report those incidents to the police department they felt that they were invincible as long as they stood together as long as no one talked it was their word against common thugs on the street these police officers succumb to greed and they would go out and say they were not harming law-abiding citizen and that's how they rationalized and justified a lot of their crimes they committed one of the most notorious of the rogue officers was Armando Garcia in high school he was associated with a group of drug use Heisey had been able to hide when he joined the police force Garcia was not content with nickel-and-dime shakedowns he grew bold enough to confiscate literally boatloads of drugs and bogus police operations that were totally off the record raids which eventually escalated into violence in July of 1985 Garcia learned that some 400 kilos of pure cocaine would soon arrive in Miami he had allegedly intercepted a similar shipment two weeks before and it seemed as easy as taking candy from a baby but this time Garcia's plans wet some [Music] six of the dopers jumped in the water to escape the police officer thinking there's an official raid three of them drowned the officers left with 400 kilos of cocaine Metro Dade Police Department began the investigation immediately after the three bodies were found and they thought it was a routine homicide I need you to tell me exactly what it was you saw sure I saw police cars come into the yard how many there were three of them what department the city of Miami Police Department detectives were stunned when Harbor security guard said the three men had drowned while fleeing a police racing official police logs had no record of such a raid further investigation blew the lid off Armando Garcia's secret life ultimately he and 34 other Miami police officers were arrested on corruption charges not the names of the Romanian we have no choice I can Amin analyst they must eliminate our problem while in prison Garcia and several other officers allegedly hatched a secret plot to kill the number of the witnesses scheduled to testify against them in Tennessee community in January of 1986 after four months in jail Garcia and several associates made bail according to investigators they lost no time putting their murder plans into action I guess one of the prosecution's top witnesses they supplied $50,000 to one hit man for that hit but it did not take place he took their money and did not commit the hit and they attempted even themselves they hid in the bushes waiting for one of the government witnesses but never could find him in the end none of the witnesses were harmed but in spite of their testimony the corruption case against Garcia and his co-defendants ended in a mistrial by then however evidence of the assassination plots had come to light the former offices were indicted on a second set of charges including conspiracy to commit murder several of the officers after the indictment decided that they would cooperate the other officers realized then that the case had reached a point where it was almost assure conviction if they went to court at that point they made a decision to take flight Armando Garcia disappeared in May of 1987 he is five feet eight inches tall weighs 185 pounds and has brown hair and brown eyes Garcia was born in Cuba then police now fear he may have slipped away to South America he is married is known to have two young daughters ages three and four authorities are also seeking Garcia's father toribio Doug Alberto Garcia he is 55 years old balding and has brown eyes he stares five feet six inches tall and weighs 170 pounds a third suspect audit in this case is Victor Zapata another former officer the PATA is 5 feet 9 inches tall weighs 175 pounds and has brown hair and brown eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] next two friends turn out to be brother and sister perhaps you can help find the rest of the family [Music] it was just three days before Christmas in 1964 a young woman from Flint Michigan named faith Marie Brown stola for a late-night joyriding to friends miraculously the drivers survived the crash but both passengers killed instantly faith Browne was dead at the age of 26 in addition to her parents and four brothers faith left behind seven children under the age of 10 the untimely death of faith Marie Brown added one final tragic twist to the already complicated lives of her four sons and three daughters two divorces and now the fatal car crash has scattered the children of five different families it seemed they would be separated forever until a young woman named April Curtis had been adopted as a child set out to find her biological parents in 1992 April was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a hereditary disease concerned about her own children's health April began her search one with more than his share of surprises it all started in the records office of Shiawassee County Michigan I told them that I knew my name was Michelle Brown at birth and that my birthday was September 18th 1961 and I was adopted and unlike any information available on my adoption whom there's another child named Brown I kind of glanced over and I seen the name Michael Brown right underneath mine and so I knew I had a brother take a look at that April was not permitted to examine the records strict regulations govern the release of adoption files an April petitioned a County Judge for access to the information three days later she received this letter it contained the astonishing revelation that April had four brothers and two sisters however the key details that would allow her to find them had been omitted April kircheis was trapped in a bureaucratic catch-22 I was a little bit upset that there wasn't more information released on on the other brothers and sisters we were we're all over the legal age and it's you know we're all mature adults now and we should be able to handle it and I was a little bit upset that they wouldn't give us any more than they did but yet thankful that they at least give me that much I never even knew you were adopted yeah Mike Galloway the husband of April's best friend Dan had also been adopted he was especially curious about April's investigation I mean I knew that my birth name was brown but they weren't willing to divulge any other names your birth name is brown yeah that's funny my adoptive parents told me my birth name was brown oh you're kidding could I see the letter sure when I showed Mike the letter he looked at it in the paragraph courts that I had a brother born in a Wausau in 1960 he kind of looked over the top of letter and said I was born in Owosso in 1960 in my last name was brown we thought it would be funny if we were brother and sister but we really didn't think that was a possibility bonds a common name and when I was brought up it's just like Smith or Jones or you know any other common name like that so I'm the type of person that likes to see things in writing or in in my face before I actually settle down to believe that it's true the next morning April met Mike and Deb at their house Mike's adoptive parents had often told me that he had a sister named Michel try to find Michelle wait a minute did you say your sister's name was Michele yeah Michel my real name is Michele Brown we knew it had to be that we were processed another point we jumped up and we hugged each other and in Deb and said we can I can't believe I've known you for eight years and now I find out you're my brother this is this is too wild I'm kind of glad today for when I didn't meet first and then start dating you know and end up getting married or something because in that would've been kind of shocking to have kids with your own sister I suppose [Music] Michael apron matched information from the county files with recollections primarily from Mike's adoptive parents soon a picture began to emerge of their birth mother faith Marie Brown come on talk about this now not in here but she was just 16 years old faith had dropped out of high school to be married by the time she was 20 she already had four children including twin boys faith would lose them all when her young marriage ended in divorce what are you talking about there come with me that'd be try to fight me faith I will take you to court at the heart of the conflict was her husband's belief that another man had fathered the twins seasoned them either why are you doing this because I want to do what's best for the kids mic and apron would later learn that their father was yet another man 25 years older than their mother from from what we know our mother had a very hard time at anything she ever done she had kids one right after the other and like she wasn't responsible for him she wouldn't give him up for adoption or they would eventually be taken away I don't think she could really handle the responsibilities of having them kids in 1962 Michigan Social Services took custody of April and Michael three months later their father and faith had another daughter Shannon after faith died Shannon was put up for adoption and the record sealed in kotee file we believe that a gentleman by the name of mr. Dennis is our father and as far as we know or have been able to find out he is still alive we'd like to be able to get in touch with him more or less to say hi and see what kind of person he's like but if he doesn't want even if he doesn't want a relationship with us we would still at least like a chance to say hello it's pretty frustrating because we have a lot of little pieces of information and it's like a puzzle that's missing half the pieces I think it was fate that brought April and I together I hope it's fate that brings April and I and our other brothers and sisters together living in a small town like we do we've wondered if some of the people we've met may be related to us and we never knew it we've had people say do you have a sister that lives in st. John because you sure remind me of somebody well before I didn't say no not that I know of them now I can't say that and I may have together April and Mike tried to locate their five lost siblings William Wanda Shannon and twins Keith and Kenneth but none of their leads paid off until the night of our broadcast that evening four of faith' brows missing children were watching all five contacted our phone center within 24 hours April and Michael quickly made plans to host a remarkable family reunion they would soon be face to face with two sisters and three brothers who until recently they didn't even know existed the first to arrive were William Shannon and Wanda by what you up to when I started hugging didn't want to stop it was like seeing old friends or something it was overwhelming joyous happy a whole bunch of emotions all wrapped up one when I hiked April it was something I don't know what it was it was just something I haven't felt something inside and I noticed she keeps looking at me and I keep looking at her and you know it's just strange to look something like somebody when Kenneth and Keith showed up the reunion was complete for Mike Galloway it was a moment he thought might never arrive when you're adopted I'll and you know that there's other brothers and sisters out they don't really feel like you're a whole person and with finding all the rest of them and so it kind of makes you feel like you're a whole person like your whole life is now back in order the party exceeded everyone's wildest expectations with a total of 33 family members President it was one of unsolved mysteries largest unions ever just knowing that there's family out there it means a lot because it's a part of mom and now with all the brothers and sisters being together she'll live on with us forever now and today I think she's gonna rest in peace [Music] this is a National Cemetery in Little Rock Arkansas the final resting place for hundreds of soldiers sailors and pilots veterans of every major conflict in the history of this country also buried here are two men who are at the center of one of the most intriguing mysteries we have ever encountered recently we came across this article in the Philadelphia Inquirer which investigative reporter David zoo Kino outlined the cases of 40 US servicemen who died under questionable circumstances every case has been ruled either a suicide or a self-inflicted accident by the military yet in each instance there seems to be evidence that defies the official ruling in May of 1993 the families of 14 soldiers said to have taken their own lives testify before the House Armed Services Committee each family claimed their son did not commit suicide tonight we'll be looking at two of the most baffling cases the cases of Sergeant Billy Ray Hargrove and Sergeant Mike Carmichael the Army has refused to participate in our broadcast and stands by the judgment that the two soldiers killed themselves both families say the Army is dead wrong Mike didn't have nothing to die for no more than Billy had to die for neither one of them committed suicide they didn't do it billy-ray Hargrove and Mike Carmichael had similar lives and suffered similar deaths both had planned careers in the military since childhood both had joined the Army in their teens and become the best of friends as they climbed the ranks both had married Korean women while stationed in the Far East tragically Billy Ray Hargrove and Mike Carmichael died within six weeks of each other and according to the army they committed suicide in a similar manner during Operation Desert Storm Billy Ray Heart Groban is often were sent from their base in Germany to Saudi Arabia however the conflict ended before the platoon saw active duty Billy finish Desert Storm and went back to Germany he was disappointed because his men did not get a merit award a medal that he felt like they deserved and he said about trying to get the medal farm and every direction he went in he couldn't accomplish the wondering when you'd recommend us for the Desert Storm decoration Billy Ray I appreciate everything you and the men did during the campaign but since the unit did not go into combat I'm refusing the application sir I understand your point but the men were just I've decided to refuse the application Billy Ray could not accept the Army's decision and made a questionable decision of his own he forged a superior signature on the appropriate documents a short time later his men received their medals a few months passed in June of 1991 Billy Ray arrived in Korea for another tour of duty at the airport he met his wife Kim unexpected trouble sergeant Hargrove yes sir I'm here to place you under arrest for treason Willis remove the Desert Storm commendation sir what's this about to get into custody Jennifer just come with me I'll call you Billy Ray called me January the 28th and told me Dad to think I'm going to get out of the military I've had all of it I can stand and he said I'll probably be home by June Billy Ray's court-martial was not his only problem in particular his marriage to Kim had begun to fall apart Billy Ray began making plans to divorce sir I had visited did their house and they were fighting a lot and there was a lot of jealousy she was constantly accusing him of having a girlfriend and having a child somewhere that she didn't know anything about and it wasn't true at all well I don't think they're gonna kick me out I may lose some rain but I'm gonna Rio I think it's the right call man I'm and telling you that yeah another eight months past according to Billy Ray's family the controversy surrounding the forged documents began to subside and Billy Ray told his best friend Mike Carmichael that he had rien listed [Music] February 20th 1992 a day of Billy Ray hard gross death Billy Ray had missed a summons to report to duty and at 9:20 a.m. one of his fellow sergeants showed up at his doorstep hey Billy where you been I just haven't breakfast how did you not hear the siren I know is we had a drill yeah the captain's going ballistic but he is telling my mom Oy okay good deal cela inexplicably Billy Ray never reported for duty instead he took his dog for a walk [Music] 20 minutes later Tim heard the dog barking [Music] him found billy-ray hanging by the neck from a nearby trail an alleged suicide note was found in billy ray's pants pocket it read in part my life is really screwed up now and I just don't know how to fix it I've been thinking a lot about taking my life for a long time now goodbye signed William R Hartman however Billy Ray's mother questions whether he wrote the note I looked at the writing and I did not believe it was his writing it did not look to me like his writing [Music] the army acknowledges a possibility that the suicide note might not have been in Billy Ray's handwriting even so they ruled that he had killed himself speculating that he had been driven to suicide by his upcoming court martial and divorce he was not the type person to commit suicide no matter what especially putting a rope around his neck I just could not believe it and I still don't believe it something happened to him but he did not commit suicide the autopsy report yielded another piece of mysterious evidence that seemed to bolster soon on Ally's claim Billy Ray had unexplained abrasions and lacerations on his face and hands that would indicate to me that someone had been in a scrape or a fight but the military in their report didn't question anyone or ask where the scratches come from they just ignored them billy-ray Hargrove was laid to rest on March 4th 1992 one of the mourners at his funeral was his old friend Mike Carlin when I finally did meet Mike it was finished you know when he's brought bill his party back home and he told me Siddharth said we'll give them haled we're gonna make them pay sob pay for what they'd done after the service Mike returned to the heart grows house with Billy Ray's family he looked at me and he promised and he told me though if it was the last thing he ever did he was gonna find out what happened to Billy Russ don't do anything until you hear from me okay bye Mike Carmichael's uncle Oscar served in the Marines for 20 years he is now suffering from emphysema and told us that Mike believed there was a larger conspiracy involved and there had been three other Army personnel there in Korea that had supposedly committed suicide and my nephew told his birth mother so don't be surprised if I'm not next on March 22nd 1992 Mike Carmichael returned to Korea and immediately began his own investigation he and his wife son he visited Billy Ray's Widow Kim collected Billy Ray's personal papers included was a letter Billy Ray had written to his father a few days before the Hank Harvey Hargrove says he never received the correspondence he was supposed to have written me a letter sometimes in February I don't know when but he was supposed to read me later I'm sure if I could find that letter it would explain everything Mike continued collecting Billy Ray's papers and stored them with his own papers in a metal box Mike instructed his uncle Oscar that if anything were to happen to him Oscar should immediately obtain possession of the box but Mike never revealed its content [Music] April 3rd 1992 Mike Carmichael's 38th birthday at 10:00 p.m. he received an unexpected phone call ordering him back to the base by the next morning Mike had still not returned home she got another hisui on Sunday morning I called the army base to find out where my husband was I talked to a security guard I was told that he did not see my husband so I asked him to try to knock on the door of his barracks room he said that there was no response and the door was locked but so you're not a peena-pod you no more tip Tyler an hour later son he found her husband's body in his barracks office he was hanging from a locker and had been dead for several hours the army investigation was completed within a few days they concluded that Mike Carmichael had taken his own life because he was despondent over financial matters and Billy Ray's death Mike's wife has accepted the ruling however his mother and uncle Oscar have not I think he was angry and I think he was going to direct his anger towards finding out the reason why or who caused his friend or killed his friend he was happier than I had seen him in a long time due the fact in him and Sonny had just gotten married in July I think it was just like a couple of overgrown kids really and he had that he had his retirement to look forward to there was no way that mark would take his life and take the chicken way out Oscar Carmichael soon joined forces with a Hargrove family they launched a letter-writing campaign asking for the official reports from the military unsatisfied with the Army's response they contacted the office of US congressman Jay Dickey DJ Greg Stein is congressman Dickies legislative assistant who was assigned to the case but even the reports that I could get were we're lacking in and the photos of the crime scene other thing is were withheld or whited out for certain reasons and after looking at it I don't think that they took into account all the different aspects of the case and they maybe kind of just closed the door without a thorough investigation I think the signs are there that there is a cover-up of some sort and I don't want to accuse anything or anybody at this time of that but the reason why there would be a cover-up I don't know that's one of the things we want to find out but I happen to think that if we open this thing up that we will find an answer the two families are especially disturbed by the eerie and suspicious similarities and the deaths both Billy Ray and Mike had been summoned to the army barracks both men were found hanging just inches from the ground and both had been tied with parachute cord which is highly elastic this is the official crime scene sketch from the US military investigation Mike Carmichael's body was shown hanging from a row of lockers the cord wrapped around his neck the question marks that come up about sergeant Carmichael start with the fact that he's in a sitting position some three inches from them from the floor with the with the his body dangling like that even the natural instincts of a person would have your hands falling down or pushing against it there's not any way that we write self-preservation rights or such that we will do something like that also noted in the drawing was a metal box that contained Mike and Billy Ray's personal papers it was sitting on a desk across the room from Mike's body curiously the box of letters would later disappear and no one knows what happened to it Mike Carmichael's family learned of yet another disturbing similarity between the two cases just as Billy Ray had abrasions on his face and hands sergeant Carmichael had welts on his face and what appeared to be a gash on his forehead his uncle Oscar is convinced that Mike was struck before he died you take a pipe it'll be about an inch or five eighteenth's and hit him over the head with it that's of the kind of valley that you'd find her crevasse however way you want to describe it so that's why I say that my nephew and my opinion was dead before he was placed in that position I believe in Billy Ray's case and in Mike's case too that something had to be going on that wasn't right something that they found out about or knew about or maybe was going to expose and they were gotten rid of [Music] when we return the intriguing disappearance of Charles Horvath as a young hitchhiker choose to drop from sites or did he meet with foul play [Music] imagine your 20 year old son is traveling in a foreign land suddenly his phone calls and postcard stop weeks pass with no news and you begin to fear your child will never come home this is exactly what happened to Denise Horvath Allen in 1989 or son Charles disappeared in Canada halfway around the world from their home in England ever since denise has been trying to find out exactly what happened to her son in the spring of 1989 Charles Horvath was in the midst of a hitchhiking trip across Canada in August he planned to fly to Hong Kong to celebrate his 21st birthday with his mother Denise and his stepfather the birthday festivities promised to be a high point and would had always been a close relationship Denise was just 19 when Charles was born 20 when she divorced his father in some respects mother and son had grown up together but before Denise could make final arrangements for the trip Charles disappeared I telephoned the RCMP repeatedly begging them to look for Charles because I was so concerned something was wrong I then asked them that they could give me the name of local newspapers to enable me to place an ad as we'd started planning my troop to come and search for my child myself [Music] Kelowna British Columbia where thousands of vacationers each year it is a favorite spot but for Denise Allen it had the somber distinction of being the last place on earth her son was known to have been alive it was from here that Charles faxed his final letter on May 11th 1989 and it was here that Denise searched for clues to her son's fate during two extended trips between 1990 and 1992 during the first trip Denise blanketed the town with flyers she soon heard from a woman named Joanne zebra with met Charles during his stay in Kelowna when I first met Charles it was of this charming good-looking guy who was obviously new to Canada and I really liked him I thought well here's a unique person that's my mom he loved his family he showed me pictures he he had he was so proud of it all these photographs of his mother they were very close it was obvious they were close the last time Charles dropped by the apartment Joann shared with her mother he arrived uninvited at the time Joanne's brother was in town for a special family reunion and the Zebras politely refused Charles's request to come up and visit there was this momentary silence and what stays in our mind fresh forever is how he went but it's Charles and like of course they're going to let me up and we just couldn't [Music] Johanne told Denise that the brief chat was her last contact with Charles to jo-ann's best recollection the episode had taken place in May of 1989 the same month Denise had last heard from Charles you keep telling me that you're afraid for his safety Leeds began streaming in the knees soon learned that while he was in Kelowna Charles has stated a campground located in a rough part of town in spite of the campgrounds unsavory reputation Denis knew that she had no choice but to go there and investigate I wanted to go over to the campsite to inquire but I was very apprehensive of going eventually I thought the courage and went to ghost to see them to see if they remembered Charles [Music] excuse me I'm looking for my lost son which is all of that it disappeared a year ago in Kelowna I will if you remember him staying here [Music] yeah I remember him the campground manager said that Charles left abruptly in May of 1989 abandoning his tent and all his possessions most had been disposed of but the few that remained were close at hand [Music] I was just numb I went down to the police station and I was told that they were going to inform Interpol to get his dental records and the file was being passed on to homicide I was also told that they believe my son to be dead that we may never find his body or what happened to him it's very unfortunate that a comment like that would be made and I would have to say that that would be that members personal opinion and survey not the view of the police force I don't know upon what he based that other than the fact items were left at a campsite and in my opinion that does not substantiate that but on March 17th 1992 a case took a sudden ominous turn Denis came back to her hotel room to find an unsigned letter scrawled in a rough hand [Music] I seen your ad in the paper looking for your son I seen him May 26 we were partying and two people knocked him out but he died his body's in the lake by the bridge Lake Okanagan just outside of Kelowna is one of the deepest lakes in the world local divers immediately volunteered to look for the body of Charles Horvath for five days a search yielded nothing but the mysterious informant was apparently watching the divers every move denis received a second look saying they were looking on the wrong side of the bridge stopping every 10 15 feet equipped with a submersible camera the divers began to search at the new location one day later they told police that they had found a body the failure in the young officers eyes told me that he thought it was Charles the total panic on their faces I am I was hysterical and the bathroom crying should I assume it's quite normal every any parent I just couldn't believe that he was dead even before authorities had identified the corpse local papers were trumpeting the news that the body was that of Charles Horvath the coroner came to see me at the motel I asked him if it was Charles was it no I asked him if it was a good news or bad and he said it wasn't Charles the dead man was later identified as a 64 year old Kelowna resident a probable suicide police now believed that the anonymous notes were hoaxes and the discovery of a body just a coincidence once again it seemed that Charles must be alive then a man named Gino Borden came forward claiming to have seen Charles just before he disappeared Gino and his son had pitched their tent near Charles while he was at the campground he was a nice guy he was a good friend he used to always come over to our camp little camp gonna have coffee in the morning with my son he was a friendly guy a real friendly guy probably too friendly he seemed I don't know Eve I'm not there about like he wasn't he he'd talk to anybody he make friends with anybody [Applause] Gino's recollections added details to the campground managers account Gino had last seen Charles during a raucous all-night party at the campground the next morning Gino had awakened to find Charles gone and his things left behind when I first established that Charles had abandon his belongings at the campsite it was assumed that something terrible had happened to him which caused him to leave his belongings quick as it was so unlike him to have left his photographs behind which were very important to him Gino story seemed to confirm the theory that Charles had met with foul play but continued investigation revealed that Charles was very much alive long after he left the campground hello Charles supposedly called a joy and zebras apartment in May of 1989 but police later discovered that Joanne was mistaken Charles had actually combined July two full months after he had last contacted his mother this revelation has led some to conclude therefore unknown personal reasons Charles intentionally severed contact with his family during our investigation we contacted two of Charles relatives back in eastern Canada they related to us that during his time there with them he did advise both relatives that it was his intention when discussing his family situation to disappear off the face of the earth and that his mother would never find him and they'd he wanted to carry on with his own life it's totally out of character for him to have gone out intentionally to break away from his family because he wasn't that kind of boy he may have tried to imply to people who he wanted to impress that he didn't need his mum what twenty-year-old it does need the mum or would admit to leading them it's not very macho [Music] four years have passed without word from Charles Horvath but police have received tips from nearly 200 people some claimed those seen Charles hitchhiking in Canada as recently as April of 1992 others are equally certain that Charles Horvath never made it out of Kelowna alive if Charles is out there in this world you know in a goddess somewhere he needs picking up and bringing home and getting medical help or whatever kind of help is required if not if he is dead and he's been murdered he needs burying I've been asking for help for so many years because of my fear that something's happened to him and it it'll only be went if he's found dead that I'll be proven right what a way to be proven right Charles Horvath would now be 25 years old he is 6 feet tall with dark brown hair dark brown eyes and a tattoo on his left arm when last seen Charles weighed 165 pounds [Music] but our next unsolved mysteries when a 17 year old girl disappeared in 1974 her family became convinced that she had been abducted by members of a renegade motorcycle gang the girl's mother soon embarked on a dark journey into the biker subculture nearly 20 years later she believes her daughter is still alive still perhaps being held against her will join me next time for an all-new show perhaps you may be able to solve a mystery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: FilmRise True Crime
Views: 142,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack, FilmRise, Unsolved Mysteries, Robert Stack, Unscripted, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Classic Television, TV, Television
Id: woKRefgINJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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