Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 4, Episode 21 - Full Episode

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this program is about unsolved mysteries whenever possible the actual family members and police officials have participated in recreating the events what you are about to see is not a news broadcast in 1983 two beautiful young women on holiday from Sweden who were murdered while hitchhiking in California the case gathered dust until 1991 when the anonymous phone call sparked a renewed search for the unknown killer as a young boy Jo saw was teased by schoolmates because he had been adopted as an adult Jo would learn the painful truth about his past he had been bought and sold by a notorious baby broker in 1974 a successful businessman named Gary Simmons disappeared on the same day he paid thirty thousand dollars for a prize horse no one had any idea where he had gone - Gary Simmons skeletons found hidden in a cave almost 20 years later also tonight a fascinating update on a story about legendary aviator Amelia Earhart who disappeared in 1937 recently an aviation archaeologist made headlines and claimed he had solved the mystery of Amelia Earhart's last flight others say he just plain alone join me for every mystery there is some knows the truth perhaps it's you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon Consulate of Sweden excuse me September 26 1991 a bizarre anonymous phone call came in to the Swedish consulate San Diego California Chivers two hitchhikers yes two Swedish girls the caller went on to describe a double murder incredibly a double murder that had taken place a full eight years earlier this was a first solid lead since 1983 it all began on July 24th of that year behind a gas station in the city of commerce a Los Angeles suburb a station attendant went to dump trash he looked inside the dumpster and saw a couple of backpacks checking further he found clothing Diaries there were rolls of film passports wallets many of the things that that she would expect tourists to have collected in a several month tour of the United States the items in the dumpster belong to two Swedish nationals Marie Lillian Berg 23 and Maria Ville in 25 they had failed to show up for the return flight to Sweden that day the fathers of both women came to California hoping to find their daughters by means of widespread media attention I'll tell you that during the next three weeks more than 50 sightings of Maria the Lynn Marie Lillian burger reporting all were checked out none of them could be confirmed that's not the nature of my daughter absolutely I'll tell you that she is the one who who stick to every promise made better nature what is that [Music] then on August 18th 1983 in Santa Barbara County California a missing-persons case became a murder investigation two deer hunters noticed a skeletonized arm probably a coyote and pulled one of the arms off and drug it out into the open checking further they found other remains hidden on your brush there those remains were positively identified as being Marie Lillian Berg and Maria Valente an autopsy showed that both women had been stabbed to death as well as sexually assaulted sheriff's detectives learned that the two young women had met in January of 1983 at a resort hotel in Vail Colorado where they both worked as chamber maids when the ski season ended they decided to hitchhike around California before heading back home to sweep [Music] we're just touring we just want to see the cost Murray Lillian Berg and Rivlin thought that it was safe to hitchhike they had been cautioned by Swedish friends and by Americans that it was not safe to hitchhike but they felt that they would be able to size up persons giving them a ride they would be able to sense whether this was a dangerous situation or not Marija villain carried a small knife with her and she felt that she would be able to to defend herself and in any type of a situation where she was threatened young Swedes come to the United States from a culture which is entirely homogeneous and middle-class there are only 8 million people in Sweden it is a more open and if you will a more more trusting environment they therefore tend to come to the United States and remain as trusting as they were in Sweden so sometimes they do run into trouble when the gas station attendant found the knapsacks in the dumpster he also found a travel diary and two rolls of undeveloped film working from these photographs as well as a diary investigators established the woman's itinerary and contacted several truck drivers would given Murray and Maria rides where he girls going mark handsome a trucker from San Diego California remembered them well a lot of truck drivers out there have daughters and if they do see girls out hitchhiking they tried to take care of them talked about that they shouldn't be hitchhiking I may be being too much of a big brother and a little bit of a lecture on the way up about that it wasn't safe it wasn't like being in Europe that women didn't hitchhike in the United States anymore and they didn't seem terribly concerned that they felt they would be safe being together Hansen drove the women from San Diego to Compton just south of Los Angeles rearranged another Ryan form with a truck stop the second truck driver dropped the women off in Oakland just across the bay from San Francisco Mariya vilena Marie Lillian Berg were last seen in Redwood City California July 22nd 1983 heading back to Los Angeles so they could catch their flight to sleep in two days later on the very day they were scheduled to depart their backpacks and personal effects were found in the city of Commerce four weeks later the hunters discovered their bodies near Santa Barbara for eight years the investigation into the murders of Marie Lillian Berg and Maria Val in Romania a standstill two hitchhikers the anonymous phone call came in to the Swedish consulate said that he knew a felon whom he had seen on a regular basis who was from Canada who would come down every winter in his van to go through San Diego to Mexico he said that on one occasion in 1983 the man had come through and mentioned that he had met two Swedish girls who had tried to con him the caller also described the van they said he drove a white van with a green canoe on the top of it this was very recognizable and a number of people knew it we are going to Los Angeles he gave a description of the man he said he was over six feet a slight build 175 pounds thinning red hair long pointed nose protruding watery eyes I don't believe that the call was a hoax I have to squeeze in here there's not a lot of room my regret is that the caller was unwilling to identify himself if he would step forward even now and call us again even anonymously to provide further information it might be very helpful it's not only frustrating that we have not been able to find the persons responsible for these Slains but also the considering the probability that there may be other Slains across the country that this killer is responsible for as well I think the moral of the story is is quite simple that it is just very very dangerous to hitchhike and in the case of women hitchhiking and it can very easily turn up in this type of a situation when we return an aviation expert leaves you solve the mystery Amelia Earhart's final flight others disagree [Music] one of the most popular stories we have featured is a fascinating mystery of legendary aviator Amelia Earhart recently she once again made front-page news Life magazine even carried an exclusive six page spread after aviation archaeologist Richard Gillespie announced to the world that he had finally solved the mystery of a media Earhart's final flight six decades ago Amelia Earhart captured the heart and spirit of an entire generation part all-american Gert part daredevil she was the perfect hero for her time on May 20th 1937 Amelia and her navigator Fred Noonan began a daring attempt to circumnavigate the world in this twin-engine Lockheed 10 Electra they never returned on July 2nd they disappeared enroute to tiny howland island in the South Pacific a massive search turned up no trace of Amelia Fred or their aeroplane they were officially declared lost at sea but as a years past rumors surfaced that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan ended up on the island of saipan 2,500 miles from Howland Island at the time of Earhart and Noonan zhh disappearance Saipan was occupied by the Japanese Army in 1944 American forces liberated the island and among the soldiers stationed on site band was this man Thomas divine divine claims the overheard a conversation between two Marines outside a god and aircraft hangar at a remote location on the island the Marines were severely reprimanded by an official wearing civilian clothes you come about that damn close to compromising the project right now I'm telling you I want you to sit down do your jobs and shut up do you understand devine claims that later that same day he actually saw Annie Earhart's plane fly overhead that night he saw the lockheed 10 electra again engulfed in flames I saw that playing personally on three occasions that day the last time the plane was in flames personnel water this woman neva Blas has lived on Saipan her entire life she claims that Earhart and Noonan were captured by the Japanese as spies and that she actually witnessed Amelia Earhart's execution you dad were Amelia Earhart and Fred Newton taken prisoner and executed on the island of Saipan or did their plane in fact go down the vast and unforgiving waters of the South Pacific in 1989 the tiny uninhabited island of Nikumaroro became the focal point of a new and intriguing theory Nikumaroro is located 420 miles from Howland Island Earhart's intended destination aviation archaeologist Richard Gillespie headed an expedition to search for evidence that Earhart and Noonan had been marooned on Nikumaroro the expedition turned up this aluminum aircraft part which at the time Gillespie believed may have come from Earhart's plane this box doesn't constitute proof what it does is constitute sufficient evidence to merit a return to Nick Amaro to find and photograph the ultimate proof the airplane itself in October of 1991 Richard Gillespie mounted his second expedition in Nick Amaro searchers found several intriguing artifacts which Gillespie claims are indisputable proof that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan died on the island while awaiting rescue on March 16th 1992 Gillespie presented his findings at a press conference in Washington DC for you are artifacts which along with recently discovered historical documents conclusively solve the disappearance of Amelia Earhart among the items on display were these Tattered Remnants of a shoe allegedly worn by Amelia Earhart and this weathered piece of aluminum according to Gillespie it came from the fuselage of Earhart's Lockheed 10 Electra the rivet pattern is the same four parallel rows of number three rivets the if Richard Gillespie is correct and the final chapter of Amelia Earhart story can be written however Gillespie's conclusions had been disputed by several experts it was quite exciting that a new piece of evidence had been uncovered because there hasn't been much on Amelia Earhart in the last few years Belgium lune noted historian Earhart biographer was asked by Gillespie to study detailed measurements and photographs of the aluminum section long assembled a panel of experts to compare the evidence with an airplane fuselage identical to Amelia Earhart's when we received it Adam we made a template that was the exact same size and had all the rivet holes in it just like the fragment that was found on Nik Amuro roll we put this template up to the bottom of the airplane and we compared the rivet lines with the rivets on the actual airplane you notice that there's no roll fasteners along here they didn't match at all there was rivet holes where there shouldn't be any rivets and there weren't rivet holes where there should be rivets the panel compared the template to nearly every section of the airplane no match could be found there's no way that piece could have come from a lockheed 10 or Amelia Earhart's airplane Richard Gillespie attributes discrepancies on the rivet patterns to repairs which were made on Earhart's plane during her first attempt to fly around the world repair had to be exactly her the engineering orders panel consultant and former Lockheed engineer ed Werner disagrees he argues that all repairs made on Earhart's plane were done to strict factory specifications so the first I was kind of happy that Sue's controversy was over that's him very disappointed now I'm the conclusion that can't be part of her airplane according to Richard Gillespie the National Transportation Safety Board has concluded that the aluminum fragment is consistent with materials used to build lockheed 10 Electra however they could not confirm that it came from Amelia Earhart's plane so for now at least Amelia Earhart's disappearance remains an unsolved mystery on a previous broadcast we brought you the chilling story of a woman named Georgia Tann for more than 20 years tan used her well-known Tennessee orphanage as a front for a highly illegal black market baby ring thanks to our viewers nearly 200 of the children placed for adoption by Georgia Tann have been reunited with their birth families such happy endings are certainly gratifying but the appalling fact remains that Georgia Tann was not the only one of her kind another notorious baby broker was Bessie Barnard who bought and sold thousands of children one of them would learn of his adoption in a very painful way his story begins almost 50 years ago in Nyack New York in 1944 Joe Saul was in his first months of kindergarten I didn't know what that meant except I knew it was bad because of the way they said it and I ran home crying and I asked my mother what what that meant and and was I in fact adopted still not knowing what the word meant and she said yes you were killed in a car crash but you're safe and now we're your real parents and we love you so much Joe had been adopted as an infant in 1939 by Florence and Charles song Charles was a successful attorney who died unexpectedly in 1960 it was not until 20 years later that Joe learned his birth parents had not died in a car accident after all a fact which his mother reluctantly confirmed she said that my father handled the whole thing and she really didn't want to know and not only that he didn't want to tell her he told her that that he had fixed it so that nobody could ever find out anything which is very scary for me yes your father's old files you can use our library feel like thanks a lot after extensive maneuvering Joe gained access to his father's records filled with anticipation he began the search for his origins I found that there was a file that he had left with all the letters that he had written looking for a baby and information on me which the information was that my name was Robert Wilson when I was born that my birthday was November 3rd 1939 and that my mother's name was Ruth haverman and there were the the adoption decree I had never seen any of this it was it just it just washed me with all sorts of emotion excuse me and know that my birth mother was supposed to have lived at 77 Mexican Avenue here in New York City does the name Ruth Haberman mean anything to you no but there was never a haverman at 677 that scenes in IBM I know that there was a family named habour sac that lived it at 677 Lexington Avenue and that building apparently was an unwed mothers home disheartened Joe went back to the old files he discovered that his father had corresponded regularly with an adoption agent named Bessie Bernhard in the New York City Archives Joe found out more about Bessie Barnard than he had ever bargained for as I searched to try and find out who bested Barnard was I came across articles in the New York Times from 1949 when she was arrested for baby selling and realized that I was a black market baby that I was sold which my mother confirmed you know when I was bought and and that was painful it was it's like I felt like a piece of property it's it's it's a strange feeling to know that somebody paid money for you that ad to put in the Miami Herald it was great the Bessie Bernhard lived with her father in Manhattan she use loose paper ads to round up infants for her thriving East Coast baby oh it's good Bessie Barnard charged each adoptive couple up to $2,000 a huge sum at that time averaged 20 a month she brought them in from Florida from Hartford Connecticut Boston anywhere she could get baby she advertised and she brought them in had the births registered in New York changed names it was vicious what she did by 1949 the Manhattan district attorney was all to Bessie Barnard mr. Barnard yeah hi detective O'Brien's on October 8 - that you two police officers armed with a search warrant showed up at her apartment when the detective started to rummage through Bessie Bernards purse she what some believe that the little black book Bessie Barnard through to her father contained the names of clients and other vital information [Music] Bessie's father escaped in the book was never recovered the defendant please step forward on June 30th 1950 Bessie Bernhard was found guilty of illegally placing children for adoption at this time is there anything you wish to say in your behalf no I hereby sentence you to one year in the women's penitentiary Bessie Barnard never spent a day in jail she paid a $2,500 fine to avoid serving her one-year sentence Bessie Bernhard died in 1989 taking her secrets withered what makes me angry and it fills me with pain is that because Bessie Bernard always changed things birth dates and birth names and and birth mothers names and places of birth that that me and and so many other people can't can't find their family and I need to find my family [Music] when I was looking through the adoption file in my father's office and I saw all the letters that he had written to adoption agencies and orphanages and war relief organizations when I finally understand how much they wanted a child and why they did what they did but it's impossible to think for me and many other adopted people about ever leaving the world when you don't know how you got here in the first place and my mother could be alive I could have a brother or sister cousins aunts uncles need to know I need to know who my family is [Music] Joe Saul thinks his mother's name was either Ruth Haberman a Ruth haversack she may have had a friend named Lucy bint Joe's father is listed as Robert Wilson an engineer who worked in Hartford Connecticut Joe saw believes he was born in Manhattan on November 3rd 1939 or one week earlier in Florida [Music] next an unexpected discovery prompts a murder investigation [Music] in November of 1991 unsolved mysteries received a very unusual letter from a man named Tyrone Rollins who wanted us to look into a case Rollins had unwittingly sparked a murder investigation after experiencing a number of strange premonitions which he simply could not explain in 1985 Tyrone Robbins was hired as a school bus driver in Independence Missouri right from the start he had an eerie feeling about the rocky outcroppings behind the bus yard every time I walk past him hills I'd get the same feeling I'd be setting up to the front of my bus and I'd feel like somebody watching me from behind and I'd look back there and there would be nobody on the bus for a while then I just thought I was going crazy this is strong feeling like some pulling inside me want me to do something and I just couldn't figure out what it was finally on October 16th 1991 Tyrone was overcome by the urge to investigate about north side of the hill he discovered a hidden cave that strong feeling was back again I knew I had to go in there for some reason it was like amazing adrenaline rush just a feeling of being in there I didn't know if it was from not knowing what was in there when I shined my flashlight towards the rocks you could see little tiny specks with like crystals so I started examining the rocks and it was just then that I happen to glance over and I seen a pair of boots it was just shot I just couldn't believe what I was saying dental records would later confirm that the remains are those of Gary Simmons a businessman from Overland Park Kansas 25 miles away an autopsy revealed that he had been murdered shot once in the head Tyrone Rollins startling discovery was about to become a nightmare for the police they were confronted with a killing that had taken place 17 years earlier Gary Simmons mysteriously vanished in 1974 and at this point investigations seemed almost futile yet the police had no choice after all someone had gotten away with murder for nearly two decades in the 1970s Gary Simmons owned and operated a lucrative chain of gas stations in the Kansas City area his passionate avocation was horse trading beautiful Gary always worked hard and he get involved in horses in order to have a form of relaxation and a means of doing something that was fun with his family and it was a hobby that he had probably been involved in 92 or three years party his disappearance [Music] good just got back from a show down tell us Oklahoma man I saw some of the most beautiful horses I've seen in a long time is that right you bet anything I might be interested in on October 14th 1974 the day before he disappeared Gary Simmons learned of a prize horse for sale you know Tom Dickson Tom Dickson yeah isn't he a member of the Appaloosa Association right right he had one of the most beautiful purebred Appaloosas I've seen a long time raised him from a colt how much is he asking for him that's for sure he wants to sell him he's asking $30,000 for $30,000 whew that must be some kind of horse the next morning an agent acting for the horse's owner showed up at Gary Simmons office hi can I help you yeah I'm here to see mr. Simmons do you have an appointment uh yeah we talked earlier on the phone and your name please Tom Dixon it was a beginning of an intricate transaction which lasted all day long and which police are still trying to piece together excuse me Gary there's a Tom Dixon here to see you oh sure hi Gary hi Tom Dixon a 10:15 a.m. Gary Simmons left his office with Dixon okay Simmons told his secretary and he would return shortly but he did not say where he was going 15 minutes later Gary Simmons telephoned his secretary and instructed her to make out a $30,000 check to Tom Dixon hi can I help you with something yeah I'm here 11 a.m. Dixon I picked up the check yeah did he call yes he did and I've drawn up the check but you're gonna have to get Gary signature on it Dixon then took the check - Gary Simmons for his signature but no one knows where the meeting took place [Music] at 11:30 a.m. Gary Simmons was spotted that a truck stopped ten miles from his office the owner saw Gary Simmons walking back and forth between the counter and the window he remembers that Gary Simmons was alone and there did not seem to be anybody with him or waiting with him it was the last time anyone ever saw Gary Simmons alive just before noon Dixon showed up at Simmons Bank Gary Simmons had called the president of the bank and had informed him that Tom Dixon was on his way to cash the check the bank president recognized Gary Simmons voice and he did not recognize anything unusual and his voice to raise his suspicions either $9,000 $30,000 total mr. Dixon think you'd like to open up a checking or savings account Dixon took delivery of the money in $100 bills need to pay off some debts thank you thank you around five hours later Dixon showed up at a salvage yard 11 miles from the bank he was driving Gary Simmons Lincoln Continental I got busy did you get that link it's not my car it's something I need to get rid of I was wondering if you could use your machine to sort of crush it for me yeah I can make it flat for you maybe you want to get rid of it you're gonna have to melt it feds been keeping a real close eye on the furnace you got any better ideas yeah put a brick on the accelerator and drive at the Missouri River hey thanks for the advice kitchen the next day one of Tom Dixon's friends dropped him off at a truck stop near Kansas City Dixon said he was planning to hop across country ring it is the last time many ever saw Tom Dixon six months went by then on April 25th 1975 Gary Simmons Lincoln Continental was pulled out of the Missouri River less than six miles from the salvage yard where Dixon had tried to get rid of it all he had was two grown men that had disappeared and that happens every day in America it was unknown whether they had disappeared and not wanted to be found or if foul play had indeed occurred [Music] upon finding Gary Simmons body it became a homicide investigation and he had an actual crime the finger of guilt appear to point squarely at Tom Dixon police theorize as Simmons had been the victim of a bogus horse deal the Dixon acting either a loner with a partner took Simmons money and killed him that in fact there may never have been a horse at all but then during the filming of this story a new witness came forward Oh Gary knew a horse that's for sure he knew what a good horse was and Roy Hilton is a local rancher who says he knew both Simmons and Dixon didn't like and didn't care about on the day that Gary Simmons disappeared Roy Hill claims he heard Simmons making calls to his office and to the bank from the whispering Downs horse ranch yeah thirty thousand dollars he also states at Simmons Road in a horse he was buying the signature just have it ready for him okay this murder didn't come down over $30,000 horse deal it had to come down on some black market gasps I'm almost positive that because Gary was Simmons was having problem getting fuel for his stations Roy Hilton's testimony adds another layer of confusion to an already complex case in the year prior to his death Gary Simmons was struggling to save his chain of gas stations in the face of a 1973 Arab oil embargo gary was affected and drastically by the embargo because the bulk of his stations because effective lack of gasoline after Gary disappeared there was numerous rumors that Gary might have been involved in black-market gasoline what Gary was involved in was buying gasoline on the spot market and a lot of people labelled spot market gasoline because it was beyond government controls has black market gasoline but it was one the same and it was a perfectly legal transaction to buy gasoline on the spot market that most of oil companies did so who murdered Gary Simmons and why there may be only one man who can answer both of those questions Tom Dixon a warrant has been issued for Dixon's arrest on charges of auto theft when he disappeared in 1974 he was 42 years old this photograph has been aged to show how Tom Dixon might look today at 60 he is 5 feet 8 inches tall the brown or graying hair and green eyes he may be working as a house painter or general contractor on a previous broadcast we featured the story of Jackie dragon who was adopted by a California couple when she was just an infant when Jackie was 12 she came across her adoption papers and learned the names of her birth parents it was a big thing it was a it was a turning point it was something that I knew from that point on that someday I would find those people in that paper and that I had to that they were real in July of 1990 after nine years of searching Jackie finally tracked down her biological mother Marge Ryder hi may I speak with Marge Ryder please speaking Marge is living in Winchester Illinois the phone call from Jackie was totally unexpected anything to you I was already sitting down and I felt like I had just fallen into a chair because it was I've never had a shock like that before during the course of the conversation Jackie was surprised to learn that she had three sisters whom she had never met only the youngest Tracy was raised by Marge it was very exciting I couldn't believe it was like there's more you're kidding there's something more than I didn't know during a poignant reunion with Marge Jackie learned that her two other sisters Laura Mae and Dawn Marie had also been placed for adoption you can definitely tell it's family I would love the opportunity to find my sisters I would hope you know I like to think that somewhere wherever they are that they know that they're adopted and that they wonder where they came from they were mine I did love them I do love them and it wouldn't be nice to make the family complete again thanks to our viewers Jackie dragon and Marge Ryder's dream of reuniting their family finally came true and they were contacted by Lora Mae and Dawn Marie Dawn Marie was adoptive name is Susan owns her own business in Santa Barbara California Lora Mae Marge's oldest daughter is now married and lives in Mississippi three months after our broadcast Lora Mae arrived at her sister Jackie's home in Glendale California Marge and her youngest daughter Tracy had flown in from Illinois for this very special reunion meeting it was really nerve-racking because it's like I wasn't quite sure what to expect and what they would expect of me and then after I got here it's just all seemed to flow it was very natural the last time I remember seeing Laura she was in a high chair and now here she is all grown up and I'm still looking for this little girl you know and that's it's kind of hard shirt time later the circle was finally completed with the arrival of Marge's other daughter Susan um I grew up knowing that I was adopted but I didn't know anything about who my real parents were it's nice to know you know who your family is now what your background is you know learn more about him I think when I first started feeling really comfortable was when we went out and took some Polaroids and it was a really neat feeling to have a picture right in front of me and see all of us standing together it's a very once-in-a-lifetime kind of a thing to find a sister that you've never met everybody smile each one is totally individual they're all strong I've found out and they've done good with their lives I'm proud of all four of them [Music] wholesale medical-supply distributor wanted vestment of $18,000 minimum required for necessary inventory during the past year this advertisement was placed in over 90 newspapers all across America by company called fidelity National Medical Supply Incorporated the ads seemed to offer the perfect opportunity for enterprising individuals who'd always dreamed of owning their own business [Music] fidelity national was based in Oklahoma City Oklahoma they extended an open invitation to potential investors to visit the company headquarters one personal took advantage of the offer was a man whom we will call Robert Jones he has asked that we not reveal his true identity On January 24th 1992 Robert Jones was driven to the company offices in a limousine provided by fidelity national Jones who had arrived in town the day before wanted to see the operation firsthand before making an investment I checked with the Better Business Bureau in Oklahoma City there was no complaints there I had him checked out with a national credit firm and all their resources checked out the same with with this firm I was satisfied that that they were legitimate identity national was certainly impressive orders were pouring in workers were busily taking inventory and answering a constant stream of phone calls I can't take into the warehouse because it's a bonded warehouse you know we have pharmaceuticals and well you know it is for security sure what you see here the warehouse was equally impressive with thousands of boxes were stocked behind locked doors awaiting delivery to distributors you see bother packing labels here that all needs to be raised their financials indicated that they had 2.8 million or so of inventory in various locations Moore comes in next weekend Jones took the plunge and purchased a distributorship for $54,000 his life savings he was just one of more than 300 people who had made investments totally 1.2 million dollars but as the money flooded in the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS became increasingly suspicious On February 17 1990 two agents from the FBI and the IRS and the Oklahoma City police made a surprise raid fidelity nationals headquarters until they are you lifting five or six boxes one time and everything you needed the boxes chicken tail when they went into the boxes they found that they were completely we found no evidence that fidelity had in any way purchased ordered received are shipped during the entire course of their business life any medical supplies the inventory which we found when we executed search warrants at their warehouse would fit on the side of my desk investigators painstakingly checked every single box in the warehouse every single box was empty and the masterminds of the operation had long since disappeared these are not amateurs these people have obviously done this in the past they knew what they were doing they did it very quickly they knew how to get in they knew how to get out they knew how to set up the accounts without putting fingerprints on the accounts we believe the leader of this operation was a gentleman named Richard con dia [Music] join me next time perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FilmRise True Crime
Views: 88,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack, FilmRise, Robert Stack, Unsolved Mysteries, Television, Classic TV, Full Episodes, Full Episode
Id: IiaqGGAgn1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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