Unsellables | FULL Episode | Colour Catastrophe

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this house hasn't received a single offer there's nothing wrong with being like 1.1 million dollars in debt the blue theme I'm not a fan at or liked it is we were happy with it I want this house to look best on the street when selling your house you want to ensure it stands out from the competition but it can stand out a little too much if your own personal taste is all over it learning to let go of your own style and creating a dream home for someone else is one of the biggest lessons in real estate my job is to give homeowners a leg up in getting that on sellable houses sold at four hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars this house is priced on target for a quick sale it's got three bedrooms landscaped gardens a family room but it hasn't received a single offer and that's why they've asked for my help to get this house sold Michele and her husband Sean have two boys just in an Owen as well as two dogs Balian hunter this was the first house they ever bought lots of friends on the street a lot of people grew up together in the same thing this is a relatively new subdivision so a lot of people moved in the same time we did as well nine years later they want to go bigger and better they bought a five hundred and thirty thousand dollar home but there's a catch they have to sell this one first we didn't think it'd be an issue when we went to put the house up on the market they thought they were doing everything in their power to make their dreams come true how's the stager come through the house we moved lots of pieces out of the house we do personalize the house photographer came we very okay their impatience could cost them if they are not paying for two mortgages there's nothing wrong with being like 1.1 million dollars in there 1.1 million dollars in depth that spells financial ruin if they don't sell this house that's the ultimate nightmare sitting with two homes Michelle and Sean's home is in an award-winning waterfront community detached family homes here selling about a week for well over four hundred and fifty thousand dollars the Shannon Sean's is under priced at four hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars but with four open houses and twenty two viewing they haven't had one offer so I want to find out what's holding this one up hmm every garage door on the street is the same color Michelle and Sean's is electric blue how much is that going to cost the buyers to remedy the blue theme continues I'm not a fan at all no no no first of all I am NOT going to take these sandals off and walk barefoot across cold tiles and be is don't like being bossed around the moment they walk in the house hmm blue - beige now this is better a nice neutral color this makes the room feel much much bigger my only slight criticism though is they've gone a little too far on the monochrome theme it's like beige taupe a lot of knickknacks in this room you've got crystals you've got a display doll a hairy lamp and back to the blue that is a terrible place to put a hot tub the garden is beautifully landscaped but all you can see is the hot tub they've been proved in poll after poll to be the least popular home renovation because they suck up money and they take a lot of time and energy to maintain have a great day that's what people tell you in shops and you're like my heart sinks as I walk upstairs I think what they're trying to achieve in this room is the kind of cozy family sitting-room upstairs but it's dark and it doesn't match with the blue family love laughs these messages are too personal for most buyers tastes they're the first things that are going to go followed by that ginormous television in the boys room buyers see yet more fixes this wallpaper is too much it means this room can only be seen as a kid's room also bunk beds they take up a huge amount of room look out there is a beautiful balcony but you can't see it now that's a selling feature so show it off back to the beige and more other messages believe fame laughs is a bit like being in a self-help book this house should have been a runaway success because it's well-priced it's big it's clean it's well-maintained and it has a beautifully landscaped garden but it hasn't sold the paint colors are completely manic and add a four hundred and thirty nine thousand dollar price tag people shouldn't have to do any work and that's why I think this house is totally unsellable Michele and Shaun are in serious financial trouble if they don't sell their home before moving into the new one they need to listen to my advice this is a great house it's big it's incredibly well-maintained you've got a fantastic garden and the price is right so it should have sold yeah absolutely yeah why hasn't it salt yeah we're both sounds like that and he'll say the same thing why has it sold first things first is who chose the colors no they're all mine lose it all my problem with a very very bright blue and the very very dark brown is they're very intense colors and they're not for everyone it had been mentioned to us though with the colors through our real-estate agent and we had a stager come in okay the stager and the real estate agent both said that's an awful lot of blue mm-hmm yes but Michelle and Sean chose not to take their advice they are professionals they do this for a living and although you like blue and it's your house you're trying to sell it so it really is immaterial what you like and what you don't like and what you want to do when you're selling is you want to make your house appeal to the broadest range of people possible now Owens room if you weren't selling your house it would be the perfect little boy's room but if you're putting a bunk bed in like that with the bed coming out on a 90 degree angle they make sure I'm not like a single you've got a double room with a veranda that screams very very swanky second bedroom oh for sure yeah selling is all about letting buyers know how great your houses show it off no the message is in your house the family the love the laughter the aspire it would be better not to have those messages just something we'd never even yeah occurred to us no I said definitely didn't occur to us so I think if we just take them out it's safer then no one can get offended okay so are you ready to let go of your claim to this house and make a new push oh absolutely yes we're willing to do what we have to do to get this house to sell Michelle and Sean's three-bedroom house is situated in this award-winning lakefront community where houses usually sell within the week this has been on the market almost four weeks so I want to ask the real estate agent Susan why so Susan how many viewers have you had through the door we've had 22 showings through agents and we've had four open houses it's not not being sold for lack of interest no definitely not why do you think it hasn't been snapped up the feedback I've been receiving is that it needed painting but they had just painted all the rooms and touched them up so I didn't want to have them go through the expense of painting it all over again and so I said you know we'll try it and see what happens but your advice over the four weeks when there wasn't a buyer did you say maybe you should consider painting yes I've said all along maybe we should neutralize in the house but do you think you could have been more forceful or I think as an agent to doing my job I should have maybe forced it a little bit more Kay's buyers are looking for neutral colors it doesn't cater to most buyers at full 39 there's a certain standard in this neighborhood that people are expecting to see what a buyers round here looking for they want to be able to move in with their young children and not have to do much work so once we've repainted decluttered a bit more rearrange the furniture basically presented this house to its best potential do you think we'll find a buyer cop quickly oh I definitely think so so Susan didn't push enough and Michelle and Sean didn't think her advice was worth taking to make them see sense I'm going to show them a house that sold on the very first day for just over asking what do you notice about the front of the house there's no ball exactly it blends into the rest of the neighborhood it's clean tidy and it totally blends in with the brick Safiye now come on inside so what we have here is a family room this is not a huge room it's laughing this pale color makes the room feel bigger now can you imagine yourself sitting here yeah we can um it'd be sort of been an adjustment for us but the everything in our house is much more color a really really dark color like that dark brown makes the room feel much smaller so you're saying by changing our color and our room upstairs it's gonna make it look a lot bigger well that was easier than I thought very nice nice I can tell you like it it flows from the other room right into here and it's very soft what do you not see when you look at the patio windows or hot tub exactly you get to see the whole garden there's no obstacles on its way it's totally clear what's out there good I'm very awkward anyway I'm really excited about sharing upstairs so follow me you don't have to be a genius to work out this is the little girl's room it's very open it's very soft mm-hmm if you take away the crib and all the pink you are not left with that quite thick wallpaper with all the animals you wouldn't have to do any work to it they're showing it at its best and it's moving ready and those are two things that you know buyers are looking for now this house was incredibly successful it sold in one day Wow first day on the market for a hundred and one percent of the asking price so are you ready now to get back to your house and start toning down your crazy colors absolutely yeah that's great ago if they don't want to be stuck paying for two home Michelle and Sean need to tone the colors down our contractor Anthony says is here to help with the changes Anthony you must be really happy with this house as next no construction how are you gonna wile away the hours well there's lots to do still the blue you just need to blend in the front of the house with the rest of the neighborhood and taking down the basketball net upstairs in Owensboro want the room to look bigger and we want to be able to show off the lovely veranda we need to just remove the bunk bed and take down the wallpaper that's on the wall and obviously we have discussed the paint colors yeah they need to go most of the time is gonna be spent painting right so we're gonna need all hands on deck put us to work to it that you know one excellent let's go keep lifestyle messages out of sight until a deal is on the table placing a cabin on an empty wall adds interest but too many collectibles turns fires off if your house has a beautiful view maximize it good time and money go to waste if buyers can't see your homes best asset one if Michelle and Sean don't sell their home they'll be living a nightmare paying two mortgages to make their house sellable we've got just three days until the open house on a street where uniformity sells an electric blue garage door does nothing to market the house to regain buyers interest we're up in the curb appeal oh so close okay you can take it down all right oh nevermind Oh close I take it down now I suppose I know we want to appeal to families but this just looked really old and yeah it's very tiresome so I think it's time for it to go and once we've painted this painted the white it will look much better oh yeah for sure is it really so stuck out like a sore thumb that no one's easy I want this house to look the best on the street it will perfect okay well I'll leave you to it then even though we're marketing this house is family-friendly taking down the net says to buyers you don't need to have kids to live here the family room should appeal to a broader range of buyer adding a neutral color highlights its potential and maximizes the appeal as a cozy bright space these gold strips are a little gaudy and they don't really go with a new look at the room so I'm going to get rid of them and what most people don't realize is that only magnetic so you can take them off like that now you see these little strips here sometimes they're so stuck on so you just need to get a tool and just give them a bit of a Jimmy and they come off there we go look Java much better painting over the garish blue will help this help sell machello Shawn grudgingly agree you liked it yes we were happy with it the colors chosen is actually the color we had when we moved into this I just can't believe it but yes so we've gone from all circles i completely gone full circles yes but the color still does say something about us it's still got the blue in it that's what I say to very dark blue kitchen when selling a home personal style is just that too personal fires run away from busy designs that need time and money to fit that Anthony do it instead there's all kinds of products out there for removing wallpaper but all you really need is a putty knife a sponge in some water and this it's a perforator these blades make holes into the wallpaper see all that and then when you add water it will just penetrate the paper and the glue and help lift the paper off oh no wonder buyers were turned off way too labor-intensive but once the wallpapers down a nice clean paint will brighten this room downstairs we're repurposing furniture in the family room and the new fixtures will put the best light on the more neutral paint color with all the changes done finishing touches good buyers that welcome home feeling you want you light fixtures B can't afford them easy just replace the lampshades and you've got instant chic table runners are a great way of adding some stars to the Rumba you also get to admire the grain in the table this used to be the dead space behind the television and now it's a pocket office clever we've turned this house around but will buyers go past the front door we've transformed the color catastrophe that was Michelle insurance and the new palette is spectacular now this house fits in seamlessly with a neighborhood but more importantly with the expectations of the wave of potential buyers who are going to walk through a front door uniformity is key when marketing your home by toning down the electric-blue garage and removing the unsightly basketball net it now looks like a four hundred and thirty nine thousand dollar house in the hallway the blue theme continued so all it needed was a little neutralizing in the living room the blandness didn't inspire buyers we've covered the furniture with white linens adding eye catching pillows and complimentary accessories in the dining room those collectibles equaled no offers to get that updated look that buyers demand new wall hangings and modern accessories do the trick in the kitchen the blue walls were too much for buyers so we've given them exactly what they want white clean and bright and the money pit of a hot tub gone now buyers will get their money's worth that view sells this house that family room such a missed opportunity using bright paints completely transforms it into a modern upscale space complementary coverings masked the outdated furniture and a handy office nook adds functionality in Owens room the transformation is inspiring no more jungle no more bunk beds no more block balcony right new paint a funky rug cool accessories and modern lighting all help this room feel larger than it actually is marketing your house for sale isn't only about decals it's also about successfully positioning your home on the market to make it competitive at a total cost of $3,400 we've successfully toned down Michelle and Sean's personal taste this house is now the head of the block it does not make sense to impose your own personal style when you're selling your house because you want a design choice that will appeal to the broadest range of people possible lose the cheery messages the religious art and the personal Mentos because you're selling your house and not your lifestyle whether it's the oversized television or the giant hot tub don't ignore the elephant in the room get rid of it because denial could cost yourself after neutralizing their space will Michelle and Sean recognize their own home holy moley oh wow it looks amazing oh look look all different it is without the hot tub back there Oh funky Oh reason all right yellow very nice oh wow this is different holy smokes very nice it did give us the well factor when we walked in and that's exactly what I'm sure all the people will see is when they come in here a little bit they'll get a well factor the house is more than ready for sale so bring on those buyers come on through the sitting room oh wow it's great I like the way the branches plays this is nice it's very cozy and it looks big at the same time come on into the sitting room Wow oh it's a gorgeous color I really like the coloring so what are you looking for we're first home buyers our family is out of town so though it's just the two of us we're looking for something like a two three-bedroom enough space if people could come and visit she'll say look at the space come on through here the kitchen oh you know what this color is a lot nicer than the one before you've already comes to 40 City yeah we saw and kind of walked into this and said okay so how much is paint gonna cost absolutely.thank did you nicely garage door as well yeah we did and also the basketball net was gone and that you know for for somebody looking for a house I guess we don't have children so you know that's certainly not a selling feature for us oh my goodness it looks so much bigger yeah guys much bigger oh oh it's so cute this is beautiful or just the million dollar question will you be coming back for a third for you it yeah we'll bring this parents oh that's okay this house now fits in harmoniously with the rest of the neighborhood and is primed and ready for a new set of homeowners and it's a good thing just two weeks after the unsalables team left Michelle and Sean sold their house for the full asking price we've turned their home from unassailable to Seoul coming to a close soon you know what's that seoul sign out ko goes up on our on our love it it's gonna be a little emotional oh wow that looks so funky my desk and everything in there so is our goal I have to touch and play on this stuff it looks good super super good you
Channel: Unsellables
Views: 192,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unsellable house, Unsellables, Cineflix, HGTV, Sofie Allsopp, The Unsellables, Anthony Sayers, Housing, Building, Lifestyle, Home and Design, Renovation, Renovation Shows, Real Estate, Unsellables Full Episodes, Shaw Media, BBC, Makeover, Homeowners, Transform, Properties
Id: gZQr1FlvtLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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