Unrecognized Countries in Europe

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so after America and Africa time for everyone's favorite continent and I'm totally not biased here Europe in this video we're going to continue the series I've been doing lately and looking at a few of the unrecognized countries in Europe before we start allow me to thank Skillshare for making this video possible they're an incredible place to learn online and I'll talk about them a little more later now there are so many examples of unrecognized countries in Europe that I had no idea where to start I'll probably have to make a part 2 for all of these but I tried to choose some of the most interesting ones for this video first the Republic of conact this is also known as just the Irish Republic it existed in 1798 and is regarded as a revolutionary puppet state of France it's interesting because it's government was defined as a presidential Federal Republic this early in history it was proclaimed during the Irish rebellion of 1798 which came in the following of the French Revolutionary Wars in theory the Republic claimed the whole island of Ireland but it's actual control was limited to only parts of the province of Connacht hence the name the Irish Royal Army opposing the rebellion maintained control of the main cities dooming the new republic to fail the story of the proclamation is actually really cool it was declared on the 22nd of August of 1798 by General Humberts a French man was commanding a force of 1,000 French soldiers sent to aid the Irish in their revolt against the British the Republic had enough time to order the printing of money but not much time to put it into use on the 8th of September of the same year the New Republic was ended at the Battle of ballina milk president more which General Humbert had nominated was captured by the British and died in study the following year journal Humbert and his men were also captured and sent back to France next the Canton of Cartagena you know how Switzerland is divided into Canton's well some people had an idea of taking that same model and applying it somewhere else Spain de Canton D Cartagena or the Canton marciano is regarded as a federalist insurrection which took place in the first Spanish Republic in 1870 374 the purpose of the revolt was to establish a federal Canton regime in the area and expanding the model to the west of Spain creating a full-on Federalist state there were other rebellions across Spain but the one in Cartagena was the one who lasted the most time being able to avoid and resist the central government's forces the story of the flag they used is really funny although I'm not totally sure it's true apparently as they took the castle of galletas in the area they for some reason had a flag of the Ottoman Empire they then proceeded to dye the star in Crescent red and raised the all red banner as the symbol of their federalism and local autonomy in the little time they existed they were also able to create a local currency which were simple silver coins however in January of 1874 the Spanish government's army was able to overrun the local revolt and end the hope for federalism in Spain a couple of videos back I mentioned the possibility of an independent Thrace and a lot of people rightfully disagreed with the possibility but there is an example of it in somewhat recent history West Thrace despite only being a provisional government it was a small short-lived unrecognized Republic established in Western Thrace from August 31st to October 25th of 1913 being renamed as independent government of West Thrace the capital was the city of Gumo seen now komotini in Greece in the first Balkan war Bulgaria conquered this territory on the second Balkan war we scouted after the war the Greeks were supposed to withdraw their army and they did but they didn't want the Bulgarians to take the land and so they asked the Ottomans to occupy it especially since the Ottomans had not taken part in the treaty that ended the war probably one of the few examples of Greece and the Ottomans being on the same side since Bulgaria didn't want to anger the Ottoman Empire they retreated their army as well and the area became de facto under the control of the Ottomans and so an autonomous state was declared with Ottoman supports however the British didn't like this and so pressured Bulgaria and the Ottomans designed the Treaty of Constantinople which allowed Turkish claims to recognition of Eastern Thrace and recognized Western Thrace as part of Bulgaria the Ottomans were through their forces and by the 25th of October the area was returned to Bulgaria the southern part of the area was finally annexed by Greece in 1920 and has been a part of the country ever since the next one really surprised me it's called the Republic of paranoia from 1918 to 1923 a small area of Lithuania became independent using honestly one of the coolest flags I've ever seen it all happened because of the First World War in the aftermath of the conflict Lithuania scrambled to establish functioning state structures and defend its independence against Germany the Soviet Union and Poland in November of 1918 responding to such situation the locals established a self-governing parish committee often called the Republic of paranoia interestingly it was ruled by a man called Jonas says new levies use a veteran of the Imperial Russian army the Republic had its own court police prison currency called the paranoia's Lita's and an army of 300 men which actually came into battle against various military units the self-government was preserved even during the elite Iranian Soviet War in 1919 after the Polish Lithuanian war for the Vilnius region paranoia was in the neutral zone established by the League of Nations and so in 1923 it was divided along the local river leaving one side to Lithuania and another to Poland v country on this list is the monarchy of the north in Portugal it officially called itself a restoration of the kingdom of Portugal which at the time had already been replaced by the country's first Republic now sadly this one was not ruled by a stark this kingdom of the north was a short-lived revolutionist and monarchist government in the north of portugal in early 1919 the movement was also known as the kingdom of Tralee tania and it was based in the city of porto and lasted only from January to February of that year but this restoration of the monarchy didn't even have the support of the deposed King it was just a group of people who were against the Republican regime they also didn't have any strong popular support and that plus unorganized structure led to its quick disappearance before we continue on with the video I'd like to take a quick moment to talk to you about today's sponsor Skillshare Skillshare is a place online where you can learn well pretty much everything have you ever wanted to learn how to edit videos how to animate take pictures on Skillshare you have over 30,000 classes that teach you how to do that and much more you can take as many classes as you want in tons of different categories without paying for each one I'm looking to improve the way that I animate so I'm using skill shares simple character animation class to do so they were also kind enough to make this video possible and also offer something to all of you watching if you want to try skill share just click the link in the description and you will get two months free and after that if you want to continue learning you can do so for less than $10 a month now back to the countries next the levine republic also known as d all born a republic a short-lived self-governing republic proclaimed by miners from the city of ivana in Istria with the collapse of the austro-hungarian empire after the first world war italy was given the region of istria it then began to revitalize economic all of these territories soon after supporters of Mussolini occupied the headquarters of the workers committee in Trieste in 1921 because of this and what the locals saw as an exploitative relationship with mine workers of the area a general strike of about two thousand miners broke out workers proclaimed the Republic in the occupied mines under the motto Cova Inasa which means the mine is ours they organized a local government and started to manage the production of the mines by themselves later that year Italian administration in istria decided to suppress the New Republic using military force and they succeeded bringing an end to the local republic despite not surviving as an independent state it is said that this resistance against the Italians at this time paved the way for the general resistance against Mussolini's regime in the following years a little to the northeast is another one gagauzia today this area is in moldova and is known as the autonomous territorial unit of gagauzia its autonomy is ethnically motivated by the predominance of the gaggles people who are primarily orthodox turkish speaking people in 1812 Bessarabia previously the eastern half of the Principality of Moldavia was annexed by the Russian Empire the local tribes were forced to leave by the Russians who then relocated the goggles people to the region coming from eastern Bulgaria the Russians seemed to have had this habit of relocating the natives of areas they conquered almost a hundred years later in 1906 a local revolt took place by peasants which in the winter of that year declared the autonomous republic of comrades but it only lasted for five days before the Russians we took control however this wasn't the only experience of Independence for the gaggles people in the region in 1990 diga gauss autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed sort of seceding from all day via two days later the Supreme Council of Moldavia held an emergency meeting and a decision was reached to declare the new like illegal and unconstitutional a group of Moldovan volunteers and police units were sent to the area to reestablish order however soldiers from the soviet union intervened on both sides to stop the conflict in December of 1994 a document on the peaceful integration of Kaguya with autonomous rights was signed and so the gaggles Republic was legally dissolved and became the autonomous territorial unit of gagauzia until today up way north but also somewhat related to Russia the Republic of otua now I mentioned this in a video already but I couldn't really find information about it this time I managed to so here it is from 1918 to 1920 the Republic of Oh to up took place with a Nordic cross flag of green black and red and probably the coolest coat of arms ever of a bear swinging a sword the origin of the states is apparently in Finland where some people in 1906 had the idea of uniting the region of Corellia after a Finnish civil war and conflicts with the Soviets the state finally came to be in 1919 as the provisional government of white Corellia initially the state was chosen to be a part of Finland later however it was established as independence in alliance with Finland the Soviets didn't really like the idea of losing the territory and empowering their neighbor so they intervened due to the size of the red army it said that Finland had no choice but to accept Soviet claims on the area and this was when I found out that nowadays the Republic of Karelia actually exists being a federal subject of the Russian Federation I had absolutely no idea about this I thought it was just a part of Russia as a random territory and finally did on Republic also in Russia it was an independent self-proclaimed anti-bolshevik Republic formed by the armed forces of South Russia which existed during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1920 the Don Republic claimed the territory of the Don region around the river with the city of Nauvoo share Cusk as its capital the flag was a blue yellow and red tricolour with a really cool game of Thrones type coat of arms of a stag shot by an arrow the down Republic cease to exist after the Don Cossacks performed an essential part of the white army were defeated by the red army in the Russian Civil War the vast majority of the cossacks was totally destroyed resulting in the eventual disappearance of the independence movement like i mentioned there are a lot more of these types of unrecognized countries in europe so if you know of any more that you'd like me to show in a video just leave a comment below it's really fun at least for me to see these countries because behind a unilateral or just an unsuccessful declaration of independence is usually if not always a really good story either part of a larger historical event or just because of the crazy idea of a person or group of people thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it subscribe thanks again to Skillshare for supporting the channel and if you would like to do so as well go check out their website and services i will see you next time for more general knowledge
Channel: General Knowledge
Views: 596,186
Rating: 4.7784677 out of 5
Keywords: generalknowledge, funwithflags, countriesthatdon'texist, unrecognized countries in europe, countries that don't exist anymore in europe, republic of connacht, canton of cartagena, canton of murcia, west thrace, republic of perloja, monarchy of the north portugal, kingdom of traulitania, skillshare, albona republic, labin republic, independent istria, gagauzia republic, republic of uhtua, republic of karelia, don republic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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