Unreal Engine 5.3 VR performance improvement testing

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while I was gone and real engine 5.3 came out which I'm very excited about because 5.3 has improvements for lumens performance in virtual reality in VR and that's what we're going to be testing out in this video today so let me just switch over here to our test chamber this is uh still in 5.2 the earlier version and we'll use the scene as our Baseline to kind of see how the performance looks like um in the old file right and by the way if you want these files you can get them as long as you're a patreon supporter because patreon supporters get all of the files of this channel as well as the main education Channel for free so consider supporting the the channel Link in the video description below so the scene is pretty simple we have a little box neck again capsule from the neck again capsule Tower my favorite building in the whole world and inside of it we have a skeletal mesh that moves we have light that bounces around and everything is calculated in real time our scalability settings are set to high and under settings here if I go to Project settings and we really quickly jump to rendering you will see that Global elimination is such a lumen the reflection method is at the Lumen capture 64 for the resolution everything else is pretty standard we are using rate hardware retracing for the Shadows so on and the last bit was VR I think I skipped over it I'm sorry and there we go for VR we're using foliation level I assume that's how you pronounce it foveation meaning that where you're looking at in the VR headset the pixel density is higher and in your peripheral vision the pixel density is lower right so it improve creates quite a big Improvement in in performance okay enough blah blah blah so now I need to set up really quickly the second I need to quickly set up the headset there we go should work and we just press play so it always takes a while to kick in because it needs to are we good okay we're not crashing we're not crashing because it needs to get all of the materials in and whatnot but this seems to yeah this seems to be working just fine so I'm not sure if it shows up we're back I'm not sure if it shows up as well in the recording but there is quite a quite a bit of this kind of stubborn stutteriness in in my uh view in in my headset I mean Unreal Engine 5.2 already has really really good um frame generation in between the frames so if I type in stat Jeep stat let's go for stat unit and then stat FPS we're running at around 35 frames per second I wouldn't be able to tell you that we're running at 35 5 frames per second because there's a lot of frames that are generated in between right by an unrealist Magic right so it's it's a smooth experience right but there is a certain amount of stutteriness that's um quite annoying with this right so 35 frames per second is something to beat um in in our 5.3 testing enough blah blah blah let's switch over to 5.3 let's close this bad boy give it a second to kick in there we go Library um and I already have 5.3 here um converting the files you're seen into 5.3 is as easy as opening it up with 5.3 and then saying open as copy and it just converts so I didn't do anything else with it project file out of date update updated okay so this looks exactly the same and by by the way this is the first time that I actually um test this so I'm I'm excited now let me just quickly jump through the settings to see if there are any new settings that we could mess around with um this will just take like a few seconds rendering Lumen that's fine fine we have already those those are fine is there for vision okay that's there okay there's nothing new there's nothing new here um which is fine that means that currently at least um it's all about optimization rather than new um tool creation for Unreal Engine 5.3 that's okay um let's just play Let's Play and let's see typical long time wait for for everything to kick in but just looking around okay let me put this on yo okay um if I had to guess right now I have no idea how many frames there are but if I had to guess I would say if before we were running at 35 Prince frames per second smoothed out into 72 frames per second currently we are probably running at 72 frames per second without any smoothing because this is not this does not feel Jagged at all there's there's no no dips in frames no nothing so let's see stat unit what uh okay uh stat s okay so that that's 35. as well are you kidding me okay so I think I know what's going on I think I understand what's going on so what we have here oh by the way it's to recognize that it's on my head what we have here is uh situation about the stability of the frames not the increase in the amount of frames generated but how um stable the flow of frames is to the headset so even though it still generates those 35 frames uh do this to the fact that they are delivered in a stable way there are no hitches there are no dips right which makes the experience Butters move I mean I wouldn't be able I've I've created courses for VR and I wouldn't be able to tell you that this is 35. frames per second especially with a you know a VR headset strapped to my face which is amazing um stat GPU let's see so Lumen Reflections and Lumen Pro okay Lumen is still using up the most um resources which is of course okay that that's fine um so conclusion I guess um I wanted to see an improvement in frames I didn't get that but what I got was still a very measurable or empirically at least speaking measurable Improvement in the performance which is crazy and I assume if I um VR dot um pixel density if I drop the pixel density to like 0.6 right and now we're definitely at 60 frames per second you know almost yeah 62 63 frames per second this feels exactly the same as with the 35 frames per second okay let's let's do one more thing I have this setup here um okay sunset I mean yeah this feels exactly like what we had with uh pixel um Soul density zero or sorry one pixel density one okay an update for stability that's very much welcome I will be using uh via Unreal Engine 5.3 for VR starting now for all of my projects and so should you um disclaimer this is still an unstable release and it might break your projects don't blame me if your projects break always have copies always have copies he was excited who else is excited because I am oh my God the haircut [Music]
Channel: Geddan
Views: 14,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archviz, render, engine, felix, vray, lumion, d5, free, real time, render farm, server, online, rendering, obsbot, tiny, crt, mecha, model, 3dprint, build, 3d, print, ue5, ue5.2, ue53, ue5.3, 5.3, vr, virtual reality, xr, meta, quest
Id: jwvVwyir8k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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