Unreal Engine 5 | MetaSound Footsteps

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so my work schedule really prevents me from uploading more than one video a week but you guys seem to really be enjoying the stuff on metasounds in unreal engine 5 early access so i did want to dive back into some more meta-sound stuff and this one's going to be kind of quick and this video we're actually just going to be setting up a footstep system using metasounds now this is something that i've covered in unreal engine 4 using sound cues you can actually check the card that just popped up here for that but because the sound cues and the meta sounds are a little different i wanted to then go into how to set this up with meta sound so if you're new to the channel make sure you hit the subscribe button along with the notification bell so you don't miss out on any future content and if you'd like to be a part of the sound effects guide discord server you will find a link in the description below with that being said let's get started all right so this is pretty simple to set up uh so i've already got my meta sound plugin enabled and i'm just going to come in here to my content browser real quick and just create a new folder and call it footsteps and this is going to be a relatively short example so i've already got 10 footsteps that i'm just going to go ahead and drag in here and we're going to go ahead and save those and we're going to right click and under sound we are going to create a meta sound and call it footsteps so we're going to go ahead and open this up and the first thing that we want to do is we want to go down and set up a wave player and from there we can come up here to our inputs and we're just going to add another input and i'm going to call this footsteps under type it is going to be a wave asset and we're going to make it an array now because i have 10 footsteps i'm going to go ahead and add 10 elements here and from there i just need to then put in my footsteps so we'll do footstep one with step two and this is actually a quicker way to do this is if i take my content browser here i'm just going to go ahead and dock this and if i click on a step and then click this little arrow button it automatically puts it in there i'm just going to go ahead and do that real quick got four six seven eight nine and finally ten and i just wanted to do ten assets so that we had a little bit of variation and so what we're going to do is off of our wave asset we're going to pull off and we're going to random get and then the array we can get that footstep array that we created so we'll go ahead and play on next it will play that and then i'm going to go ahead and switch this to a stereo so that i can go ahead and ease in typically i would do footsteps as a mono um but this is just a quick example so with this setup if i come up here actually i'm going to go ahead and just make this a little bit louder just so you guys can hear it so we've got our input from our wave player it's getting a random element from this array we can also on finish go to the unfinished and if you want to give this a little bit more variation what you can do is you can pull off the pitch shift and we are going to do a random float and this may be too much for what you need but just as an example i'm going to set the the minimum to minus 10 and the maximum to 10. and then we can pull off our input here into next and now when we hit play so you can hear it's not only pulling from those 10 sounds to give variation it's also randomly pitch shifting some of those variations so we're going to go ahead and save this and we can go ahead and close that window and then what we're going to do is we're going to come into our animation or our mannequin and i'm just going to do this on the run typically if you were setting up a game you would have different sounds for every single animation but this is just a quick guide for setting up footsteps so we're going to scrub through here and find where the foot hits the ground it looks like it's about there and then on our notifies track we're going to go ahead and right click add notify play sound and then we can scrub through to where the next foot hits about there and we're gonna do the same i want it right on that line i'm gonna go ahead and play sound and then if we select our sound up here in the sound category and we're going to go ahead and type in footstep and you can see that we have our meta sound there and we're just going to go ahead and do the same for the other one well if i could type right there we go and so now we have our footstep metasound being notified every time this animation crosses that point so then if we go ahead and hit play and we can go ahead and save that jump back into here and then as we run around so that's really all there is to it uh it's a super simple setup but because meta sounds operate a little differently than sound cues i just wanted to show that off and i am going to be diving into like material identification which i did cover with unreal engine 4 but we're also going to be doing an updated version with unreal engine 5 and um but i just want to give you guys a quick setup for basic footsteps if there is anything that you'd like to see let me know in the comments below or you can join the sound effects guy discord server and get a hold of me there until next time [Music] you
Channel: The Sound FX Guy
Views: 25,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheSoundFXGuy, The Sound FX Guy, The Sound Effects Guy, Unreal Engine 5 | MetaSound Footsteps, Unreal Engine 5 Getting Started, Unreal Engine 5 MetaSound, Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial, MetaSound, MetaSound Footsteps, Unreal Engine 5 how to, UE5 Early Access, Unreal Engine 5 Early Access, UE5 Metasound, ue5 meta sound, ue5 demo, ue5 tutorial, ue5 Footsteps, ue5 MetaSound Footsteps, ue5 metasound tutorial, metasound tutorial
Id: SXBEbs69sZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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