Unreal Engine 4 Green Screen Tutorial

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In this video i will show you guys how to get a green screen footage inside unreal engine 4. Download the footage here: https://www.videvo.net/video/woman-playing-vr-on-green-screen/7819/ “Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from www.videvo.net” Intro: 0:00 Download Asset:0:51 Creating Project: 1:50 Project Settings: 3:06 Importing Downloaded AsSet: 4:36 Importing Video AsSet: 6:52 Creating Plane: 09:39 Editing Materials: 10:45 Applying Material: 12:09 Keying the Greenscreen: 15:00 Sequencer: 18:20 Creating Cinema Camera (Not blackmagic): 21:05 Fixing DOF Issue: 22:41 Exporting: 24:20

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jsfilmz0412 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
alright so in this video we are gonna be doing some unreal engine goodness as you all know since about last week I started learning some Unreal Engine 4 but today what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a green screen footage inside and real Engine 4 environment just disclaimer I am a noob so if you see something I'm doing and you know a better way please let me know in the comments below because this is how I'm learning I'm not taking any classes or anything like that I'm learning through reading documentation and forums and YouTube so as you all know and a real engine for is free so go ahead and download epic games launcher and that's where you're looking at right now here in the beginning I am recording these tutorials for you guys but additionally for myself since I forget quite a lot so it's nice to be able to watch my own videos if I am forgetting to do something so go to the market place for me and what we're gonna do is download some free stuff so you guys can follow along with this video and I say all know I said in my previous videos epic games actually released 17 million dollars worth of assets that you can download here for free so if you go to browse and we're gonna go to epic content we're gonna see all the free stuff well you already know who wraith is i've never played the game before but this character looks really awesome so i ended up using him a couple of times and i haven't used any of the humanoid characters because I don't have my iPhone so I can't do the facial capture just yet I haven't messed around with that just yet so click on page 3 we're looking for an environment here that we're gonna play around with we're gonna go to here infinity blade grasslands it is what we're gonna be downloading click on that I already have it in my project so for you click download and after that's downloading click Launch Unreal Engine 4.25 which is by the way the current version when you are downloading assets in the marketplace just make sure that 4.25 is supported because if not you're gonna have problems you probably won't even be able to open it so click Unreal Engine 4 point 2 point 5 ok so that's gonna bring up the project folder browser so what we're gonna do is just create a new project so right here we're gonna create a game but we're really not next oh yeah Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine guys this thing was you know built to make games like fortnight pub G and all that good stuff so this is a game engine but the stuff you can do in this engine is absolutely crazy so go to click first-person click Next blueprint is okay maximum quality and rate racing I have this abled I only enable rate racing when I'm ready to export the actual file because my graphics card is three years old and if I enable that right now I'm not gonna be able to do anything inside the engine at all so desktop console is fine and starter content is fine if you guys are wondering I do have a GTX 1080 so that's what I'm working with so you can kind of see how slow it is or fastest that's what it is we're gonna look at the project we're gonna go tutorial we're gonna rename that and we're gonna go with create project alright so I am getting some error messages here because I'm a noob but you know close that down you shouldn't be getting anything if you just installed the program I might have to reinstall so the first thing we're gonna do is actually change some plug-in settings as you I told you guys before Unreal Engine 4 likes JPEGs or EXR video types it doesn't like anything higher than 2 point 4 K or 5 K 1440p is good I tried importing some 4k footage in here green screen footage it just did not like it man it's just not fast enough or in my opinion or maybe it's just my computer that's garbage but yeah so what we're gonna do is just increase the cache storage size so that Unreal Engine 4 will not have a problem playing back your files we're gonna go to edit we're gonna go to project settings we scroll all the way down to plugins image media I'm gonna change it to 24 frames per second if it's already not so cash behind percentage we're gonna leave it to 0 because we want it as real time as possible and cache size we're gonna change it to 30 gigs and let's just do global cache global cache size to 30 gigs as well and that should be good to go now X star decoder threads if you are gonna import some X or export go ahead and increase that if you want but 0 as auto so that's fine let's go ahead and press X so in this video I'm not actually gonna import EXR files or JPEG I'll do that in a separate video for this one actually I want to give you guys something that you can follow along so I just downloaded green screen footage online which I'm gonna share in the comments below so you guys can get that as well but what we're gonna do today is actually download an mp4 file inside the Unreal Engine 4 so when this open let's go back to our launcher so now that you're back in your epic launcher go ahead and go to your library you're gonna see your infinity blade grasslands there now we're gonna click Add to project and then we're gonna go with tutorial and that was really important that's why we had to create the project first then go back to the launcher because if not we won't be able to add this asset there I mean you can import it or migrate it but this is just the fastest way to do it so let's go ahead and go back to our and real engine now if you go to content browser I'm going close this out I had sequencer we'll talk about that later so if I go here and I can press back you're now gonna see your Infinity Blade grasslands click on that click on maps and click on elven ruins depending on your computer this can take you know like minutes or seconds like it just did but basically we have the map open and just like that you have this beautiful landscape even though it's not photo realistic it's good enough for CGI movies in my opinion so if I press play up here we are now inside that map which is super cool I'm gonna shoot some balls but we're not there to shoot some balls I'm gonna put some we're here to put some Unreal Engine 4 green screen stuff so I'm just gonna put the green screen footage right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna press WASD if you played any video games in the past 35 years you're gonna know that that's how you move around so I'm gonna click this controller and I'm gonna move this control controller all the way over here okay and I'm just gonna if you're familiar with you know three - master any 3d stuff like After Effects this should be pretty familiar to you we're just moving that in 3d space and we're gonna rotate it by pressing E and then we're gonna rotate it so it's pointing the other way around I'm gonna lift it off the ground first because we can see it's bad size meaning you're hitting meshes right there now it's pointing that way it's still bad size so move it up until it disappears press save and now when we press play there you go I'm facing that way press escape is OK okay guys so you know we got the basics here you know really nice environment here so what we're gonna do now is import our footage sorry for go to content I'm gonna create a folder so right click new folder movies we're gonna double click that and this is we're gonna put all of our assets so right click media file media source if we were to import an image source it would be this but we're gonna import a file now for files Unreal Engine 4 per first really I guess mp4 I wouldn't upload anything crazy in here it you're gonna get an error or majority at a time because like I said this was meant for a gaming stuff it's not really for video stuff even though Mandalorian did use it to create the backdrops the engine itself it's not meant for like the effects and stuff just yet for gaming yes but not for like After Effects and stuff so it only imports JPEG a xrs MP force you know all that stuff so for the new media file source let's go ahead and just rename this I should have renamed it when I created it so right click rename and we'll do this person we're just naming that double-clicking that is gonna open the browser click on this three dotted lines or four I can't count and then we'll just look for the the footage that I downloaded so I do have a tutorial here Tut and then this footage right here I downloaded from the website that I have I'll have in the comments below it's from vid Evo ok that's where it's from stock footage provided by the devil so don't sue me double click and we're gonna open that save closed and now you're gonna have your file here and as you can see it doesn't even update the freakin thumbnail but that's okay and like I said if you guys are seeing something that I should be doing better just let me know next thing we're gonna do is right-click we're gonna create the media player now media media player and this is very important make sure you click video output media texture asset press ok and we're gonna name that media player God alright so in my defense the microphone is blocking my vision so I can't type and that's gonna create a media texture okay so now you have 3 things in your car ten movies folder if you have more than that dude you did something wrong already so go ahead and click double click that and that's gonna show you what that looks like has a media player here so that's good that's your media player that you have here which is good now what we're gonna do next is double-click the media player again and then you're gonna see this person now this media player is going to show you all the file media source you have in your content and right now we only have one we should only have one so go ahead and double click that and you're gonna see the green screen footage of the person cooking fools looks like press save press closed and now you have that footage inside the media texture yeah you're almost there alright so now what we're gonna do is create a plane a plane is a plane that's a box like a plane so if I go to the left side here and you go to basic we're gonna create a plane drag and drop that to your world press W and move it up press E to rotate it rotate it 90 degrees W down make sure it's touching the floor and then on the right side of that we're gonna scale it up so we'll do 202 let's do 3 and 2 press W scale it up so it's just barely touching the floor if we press play there you go there's your plane even has coalition in it it's bouncing stuff ok so now that we have the plane on the ground we're gonna go ahead and drag our texture to that plane and watch what happens it's gonna create a new material so now you should have four things in your movie content folder if you have more then you're doing something wrong and it's not my fault so now you see that there's nothing there congratulations though now what we're gonna do is double click the material and this right here is the material node based system so Unreal Engine 4 uses blueprints and node systems and coding it's and stuff so this is the not so fun part about Unreal Engine 4 because you do have to learn some of this stuff here so what we're gonna do is disconnect this line from the RGB to the base color we're gonna press alt left click by and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna drag the RGB to the empty space and we're gonna put MF chromic here and then we're gonna put that here and then we're gonna do is click the emotion is color and then we're gonna do opacity even though it's create out and then we can do a passive mask right there we're gonna press save for now and apply a red applied and then what we're gonna do is click the material here and we're gonna change it to translucent so if you click here you'll see the texture what your texture is this is the material so that's where I'm going here okay press save okay now if we drag and drop it there nothing happens well that's because your world doesn't know what the heck you're doing all right so you need to tell your world what you're trying to do and you do that by opening a level blueprint so you're right here click on this open level blueprint and this is the level blueprint like Target like I told you guys about it's pretty much the backbone of this engine now so the first thing we're gonna do is create a variable so on the left side here collect variable and we're gonna name this media player yo okay and on the right side we're gonna change it from boolean to media layer and then we're gonna do object reference make sure you don't click that yet object reference okay all right next we're gonna do is right click boom we're gonna create a event begin play so this is pretty much how everything gets started boom scroll in so now we have this one node and then what we're gonna do is to drag our media player you down the blueprint get media player yo and then what we're gonna do is drag media player yo and do open source open source okay okay and after that and the open sores on node we're gonna click down and you're gonna see your person yo your file media source that you imported okay now after that we're gonna create click this here I'm gonna drag it all the way there and that's connected alright the last thing we're gonna do here is click on the media player you and then save it compile and now you're gonna see the default value is there's now a drop down there what you're gonna do is is click your media player name which is the same name as that compile it again save it again and then when we close this it should play but basically what that's saying is one one event begin play when I press the play button you're gonna play this media player that's inside that media player it's this person okay that's that's what it is this is a bunch of bullcrap press play and there you go there's your video guys thanks for watching that's amazing it looks great but she's upside down so I have to fix that so press e rotate it 180 degrees yeah me that learned something in high school after all suck it mister or whatever W oh god I just lifted the floor up okay yeah she's on the floor but that's pretty cool alright so now you have this person inside you know she's like owning some zombies save current but we have a problem here why is her head transparent well it's because we haven't really done anything with a chroma key here alright so the next step is actually keying that green screen alright so how you do that is by creating a material instance of this material so right click this material create a material instance if you're familiar with 3ds max it's pretty much just copying that material but making it unique at the same time which is freaking confusing so let's just do this instance 1 alright so now you have five things or in your content movie browser if you have more than that dude I'm done double-click the instance 1 and now you're gonna see a sphere of fear okay that doesn't look right well it's because we haven't keyed it out yet so on the right side and this is where I wish Unreal Engine 4 which is a little bit better what you're looking at there is pretty much that's it on that chroma keyer node that's all the tools you have to key this thing out so if you have a terrible key or if you have a terrible background like I did when my daughter add a lot of wrinkles and a lot of black holes and stuff you're gonna have a hard time keying here but here this is a pretty good green screen so we shouldn't have a problem so on the right side we're gonna click on key color click on this little color swatch color picker and we're gonna drag and drop that green and boom that's done pretty nice key press okay and you can turn all these on and you can like tweak stuff in here and make it look pretty and stuff but like I said the key they had was pretty decent let's just see if I can kind of make some make something good here I'm just messing around I'm not gonna take too much time so cuz this tutorials already long enough okay so that's good just look at the edges that looks pretty good I mean I'll get I'll give it to him and if you do have to crop some stuff you can crop left right top bottom like if you have a small screen and you had to crop i had to crop when i had that video so you can crop stuff there you can do some light color correction which i couldn't get this to work so if somebody can help me please help me like if i do anything like crease brightness you see it's not really frickin doing anything so somebody help me i need an adult click all that off but yeah that's pretty much the colour keyer i mean they do have this thing called composure inside Unreal Engine 4 which is supposed to be like a really good keyer but it doesn't work with what I'm trying to do unless at least somebody can tell me how to do it I can't get composure to work with this and put it on that plane so press save and she should be keyed out not right now because she's still using the old material we put on her we have to put her we have to put the new material on her and that is it guys that's it she's in there like this that's so cool now obviously I don't know how to call her correct her yet somebody tell me how to do that I don't know how to process her as an individual and not mess up the whole environment I can do the environment but I can't get it to work so that I can just fix her in that plane and I do know I can decrease that brightness because you can see it is a bit bright so that I can do so if you go right here double-click the material again we go back we're gonna open a multiply so drag the RGB molt boom and we're gonna do a right click constant okay I'm gonna connect the constant to B and then this to emissive and then oh sorry and then click here the constant and we put like zero point two press Save and there you go she's a little bit darker right because she was kind of washed out so yeah and then what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna stop here because a lot of people just freaking stop here but what I'm gonna do is take it a little bit further so you can start messing around with your own videos we're gonna go ahead and see if we can record something for this girl so what you need to do is actually create a cinematic sequencer and yeah this is this thing is amazing but it's pretty much like an NL e built in Unreal Engine 4 that's what it is so we're gonna do ad level sequence and we'll name this your mom press ok and now you get this thing is gonna open up the sequencer and now this is just like a timeline in DaVinci Resolve and we're gonna do is control scroll out and we're gonna make it just bigger I don't know how long our animation is and you're also gonna see a slate inside your wool world I'm gonna see a slate here and on the right side you'll see your world everything in your world is here on the right which I wish it was that easy so if you go sequencer there you go your mom is there right there ok it's not gonna show up when you're press play it's just letting you know hey dude you got a sequencer in there so that's good so to get her to play we're gonna need to do something in the sequencer duh we're gonna do a track well at first of all let's change to 24 fps what is wrong with y'all fright it's a film look man click track media track add media add the person stretch this out right click the film strip properties scroll down media texture get out click on your slate in the world or right here because I'm stupid and then press autoplay save it play it okay now what we're gonna do and you can kind of see that it's lagging a little bit that's what you don't want when you're capturing footage inside Unreal Engine you want it to be as you know real-time as possible because what if she was singing she would be out of sync you know Zen so you know you want it to be good you want it to be fast and not choppy so press escape and then what we're gonna do is create a camera now I'm gonna be doing a lot more tutorials on this because I really want to start getting into creating CGI films that's really the endgame here we're gonna drag and drop it to your world I'm gonna move it up rotate it again press E oh my god we should go she's too close need a backup there you go all right so what you seen here in the bottom right is actually which camera is seeing which is good I don't actually gonna do is add this camera to this sequencer we could have created a camera right here but I want to show you guys to manual way cuz that's how I learned it so what you're gonna do is add track you need an actor here you're gonna type cine Cinema Camera actor and if you want to see what the camera is seeing you click this little camera and there you go not cool alright and we're just gonna do like a small animation if you're familiar with After Effects it's really similar to it so if we go to the beginning of the timeline and we're gonna go to transform we're gonna click transform and then we're gonna move into like a hundred 20 frames which is 10 seconds less than 10 seconds we're gonna go to location and we're gonna like zoom out oh god I'm in the world right there and then that's it you are zooming out look at that that's sick and if you go out of bounds by the way your camera is gonna go what the heck you see that zero zero two your camera is not inserted in until it's 0 0 1 so if that's happening to you get everything else inbound that's what's happening there that freaked me out a couple of times but if you want that um animation to be a little bit smoother similar to After Effects you can change it to ease in which is linear if I go press play it's a little bit better kind of cool like see boom boom who knows some freaking trigger finger right there so that's the animating part the last thing I'm gonna do is actually something that I ran into at the very end of making that movie was this so if you go to camera component you can also see the details here you're gonna see everything about your camera and I'm gonna go into more detail about this well change it to full frame because you know to get like you know anything cinematic you're gonna go full frame bro let's go to fifty so you can kind of see it it's a it's the depth of field that I'm talking about here so I'm gonna you know go there and we're gonna go to the lens setting I already changed it let's go to app sure of where that goes the focal length current aperture we'll just do it to like one so we can get the bokeh 1.2 sorry 1.2 and then to focus eyedropper and you can't animate this by the way this is so cool the focus you can animate as well will click on her boom everything is not a fuss yeah boyee but here's the thing you take that eyedropper and you click in the background or just manually change the focus to the background and guess what she's still in focus so the way I solved this was actually doing it like this if I go back to the media texture or the material I'm gonna click on media player video material click on here and do mass save close and now you see the depth of field is actually affecting the CG CG the green screen footage that we have now if you know a better way on how to fix that let me know but this is the only way I was able to fix this thing so if we go to the content or sequencer look at that it's cool it's actually affecting her her green screen footage have to feel this looks really nice you can also do tracking if you want her focus the whole time this thing is sick you just drag and drop her and that's it automatic what a focus puller that is is they're not crazy alright I'm gonna stop here so basically to export this we're just gonna need to click on this render this movie to a video image frame sequence so click on that you can enable progress by the way here which is really cool if you go to edit plugins click and type in Pro rest enabled it's gonna make me restart but I'm not gonna do it but if you want progress you can do that so for now we'll just do like like EXR no audio whatever or I was able to render 4k so do that 4k RGB you can do HDR which I'm gonna play around with to be honest you can do compressed or non compress and the files and all that stuff and under animation you can actually custom your start frame and end frame and after that you capture your movie and that's it guys so yeah if you guys have any questions let me know and please do share the footage that you're doing with this thing right here it doesn't have to be the same exact green screen footage just you know just send me some links so I can check it out but yeah I'll see you guys later
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 44,138
Rating: 4.9429827 out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 4 Green Screen Tutorial, ue4 green screen, virtual production unreal engine, ue4 vfx, vfx unreal engine 4, unreal engine 4 composure, ue4 for beginners, unreal engine 4 tutorial, motion capture, unreal engine 4, perception neuron 2.0, perception neuron v2 review, perception neuron review, motion capture behind the scenes, unreal engine 4 demo, unreal engine 4 beginner tutorial, unreal engine 4 animation, unreal engine 4 tech demo, unreal engine 4 photorealistic
Id: pYafPRCTeDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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