Unreal Engine 4 Android Mobile Game Size Reduce APK Game Size Unreal Engine 4 Reduce Package Size

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so hey guys welcome back including yt and in this video we are going to learn how can basically export our game for android and how we can basically optimize or reduce the size of our the apk or you know game so first of all what i do is basically it's basically very easy you need to go to win packaging and project settings so then we need to go in android sdk and set up your sdk then go to android and at here you can click on config then you can basically set up whatever you want to give it package name so com dot so i'm just giving a com.package.ig a simple then you need to set it to apk inside of packaging data game instead of apk then once you set up this thing you don't need to click on four small files or anything it will be not work okay my opinion okay guys so i'll show you so then you don't need to do anything at here change then just go to your android sd uh basically your uh add edit then edit preference then here you need to go basically let me show you right here then experimental then sit here that uh allow the chunk ids so then you need to click on right then action here only for your map action then you need to set it to uh assign a chunk id that is a one okay just set then click on ok then your chunk id has been generated now for reducting uh the packaging size what you need to do go to packaging and here just click on enable add here use the perfe uh use one uh junk file for perf pack then you need to enable this thing then enable this cook only map affected in google once you uh generate this thing you need to set it to always that you develop into shipping mode and then set it to this that include presentation installer that unenable okay you don't need that thing so with that thing also what you can do basically uh disable useless plugins if you don't have any uh just think that you in as you can see we don't need 2d and other stuff so yeah as you can see there's tons of stuff but you don't need that's plugging so you can basically uh disable this thing so let's see that what we don't need so for our packaging we don't need other chunks downloader we need so as you can see the cable components we don't need this one so we don't need media composing we don't need so as you can see there's a ton of stuff they give you but we're doing it as you can see the gate or uh the test i did virtual reality okay so as you can see the virtual production as you can see that we don't need this thing uh oh not this one okay so just disable all this stuff because we don't need this this stream we are we don't need that component so for that component basically your game becomes size become in case okay so as you can see we already uh disable lots of plug stuff so also you need to make sure that your maps and modes is correctly setups in your maps and modes and levels so now click on save and now you need to basically restart your engine okay so just click on restart and it will start the restarting so also you need to make sure that your packaging is for android kind of like if i show you that the cons uh what type of product platform it is kind of like you can also set that windows okay other stuff but what you need to do basically if you go to packaging uh at here you need to set it to mobile console and set it to 3d scale and also say the others platform is disabled okay because you don't need that platform okay like that you can basically disable that platform and then you can set it to restart the editor okay so it will basically reapply every stuff so you don't need to worry about anything okay it will automatically compile the shaders and other stuff so okay everything is now done your game is now ready for export and you find here now the list size so now if i click on file and packaging android and make sure also don't export in multi-extres or dxtc because for that dxtc and other stuff the compress method will be not work okay some of uh dxtc or stc device so my recommend is only export for estc too so you'll get a better uh packaging size okay like very less less packaging size and other stuff so just package your game so you need to just wait some time and as here as you can see the command line some fail because uh this a project for uh pc and i just use some codes that's why some plugins i use for pc that's right however you need to just export and it will be work so i hope you understand thank you so much for watching guys love you all bye see you next video
Channel: Tec Dev Studio
Views: 6,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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