Hikers Lost in the Mountains | Coast Guard Cape Disappointment Pacific Northwest | Full Episode

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[Music] from snow-capped mountains to the rugged pacific shore the coast guard races into action the air crew must rescue the rescuers when a search party gets stuck in the frozen wilderness [Music] [Applause] a frantic call for help sends a law enforcement unit tearing across the columbia river you guys ready yeah yeah a helicopter team flies to a surfer battered on the oregon coast there's a lot of aircraft going down it was a pretty dangerous place to be at especially if you're trying to carry somebody with a back injury or neck injury high peaks and tumultuous waters make cape disappointment and the pacific northwest one of the most hazardous environments in north america at the heart of it all is the columbia river bar this deadly area has taken countless vessels and claimed hundreds of lives in the air and on the sea brave men and women of the u.s coast guard risk their own safety so that others may live in a place known as the graveyard of the [Music] pacific lieutenant leo lake an h-60 pilot here at air station historia where we're going to go out for a routine boat training flight 6029. we're going to be diverting you district has a two hikers a male and a female mid 30s missing from saturday we got a call on the radio from the command center for two hikers lost on mount adams television showing about 6 000 people wow in my mind i'm thinking that these two are hypothermic cold they're running low on supplies and they need it out of there quick [Music] [Music] they've been up for three days they said stuck in the snow yeah their supplies are running low now things get interesting yup well throwing out my gators right now recently we've had a few pretty intense inland search and rescue cases which most people don't really look at the coast guard and think that's something we do a little bit of rain right in front of us and then after that it looks like a few clouds the pacific northwest is a mountainous area with a lot of trees a lot of outdoors things to do so a lot of hikers will come to oregon looking for great hikes scenery camping it sounds like they got snowed in they don't want to stay another night be hungry yeah unfortunately with that you end up with people in trouble and find themselves in we sticky situations we kind of fall on the river up we're going to kind of follow the river to hood river and then up roger as we went up there we tried a couple different valleys to get up there but the clouds were impeding our progress clouds are just piled up got bad pretty quickly i don't see this getting better let's go ahead and uh turn around 45 degrees roger there we go that was a good call now what can we find a hole and see how high we can go yeah it's right above us right there perfect we ultimately decided to climb up and then go over the clouds seven thousand feet not on top yet we'll just keep climbing up it's gorgeous up here though fantastic up here that's adam's right it is indeed that is so awesome so when we flew up through the clouds i saw absolutely how gorgeous it was on top [Music] unreal how pretty this is this is one of those moments where you know we realized we're going to help some people but had to take a look out the window it was it was beautiful i told you i should have brought my board i could just ride down to these people we get caught up in the beauty and what we get to see flying around here you have to lock back on real quick and it just it's it's instinctual you know you're not there to own awe and enjoy what's going on you're there to get a job done operations currently orbiting above the position of the two persons trying to find a way down to them at this time over some really good holes down here what once we're at 10 000 feet we flew over the exact point where the two hikers were located and we were able to corkscrew or circle our way down through an open cloud 40 knots it's definitely an intense scenario as a pilot flying in the mountains around clouds [Music] roger a couple years back coast guard helicopter crashed in the mountains near salt lake city that was basically on the forefront of my mind 25 knots we took a long time coming in there definitely was a little nerve-wracking of that process we were holding onto our seats a little bit a little bit looking good on the left opening up a little bit down here we were able to find a whole drop down start heading towards the position that was passed to us okay we are coming up right to where we're supposed to be now our goal is to find these people all right first one open uh are you guys see if you can't pick up some sort of a trail or anything my plan is to just kind of fly along the contour of this mountain here at this point we're basically just flying around looking for signs of people the snow has covered just about everything it made it hard to figure out where we were exactly in relation to the trail oh mark mark mark three o'clock inside right down here three o'clock coming at the four [Music] as we're flying over we see a couple people waving bags over their heads okay i have them in sight i'm gonna come to a high hover right here i don't know well there's like trees over by one o'clock and there's a group of people over there what a group of people yeah at one o'clock further into the trees as we're hovering we start seeing more people come out of the woods at first i'm really confused i thought hey there's supposed to be two hikers three or four total five okay five of them yep it was kind of unusual because we saw five people so that can't be the the two hikers at this point i should just go down there and talk to them figure it out and we could just get the hell out of here okay sounds good figure out what's going on okay quickly had to kind of reassess what we were doing here so we decided to send myself down we're ready here's the hoist complete going down door's going down we're definitely below the tree line so we're making sure that the aircraft doesn't con left or right this is good going down we had a small tree next to chris and i'm trying to keep the aircraft relative to that going down his way to the cable clear up so we lower the rescue swimmer down and what he's dealing with is a couple feet of snow and he has to hike quite a distance to find out what's going on come to find out it was actually a search party looking for the missing hikers from there we found out that one of them was injured his leg it hurt so he couldn't continue to walk so the search party doesn't look very prepared they're cold they're scared they see this big orange helicopter fly up and they want to get in it and go home they want to be hoisted they want out it's getting dark too at that moment i'm thinking space and time and we still have to go find these other two hikers what is the probability of us finding the other two just our curiosity i don't know a little concerned about the setting sun rogers [Music] i don't know it's getting dark too we assumed that the rescue team were prepared enough to stay the night and survive conditions like that roger understand how about we take the one with the broken leg we search and if we have the space and the power and we can come back you're on the rescue side of case like this you have to be prepared to take care of yourself i'm wondering if they have a bag to help them stay overnight because chances are they're probably going to be stuck out there top radio is the nexus basket okay we're taking the basket with the radio roger we determined that we would give them a radio to contact us if need be that's going down this is not too good for the trailing it's a pretty straightforward hoist bring the basket down have him get in it real slow real comfortable and survivor is getting into the basket easy back hold fair take the load take the load i'm bringing the injured rescue party survivor up into the cabin i knew that he was injured but i didn't know to what extent [Music] is inside cabin i asked him if he was okay he screamed back yes glad to be aboard he seemed to be pretty happy though that he was getting out of there chris tell us what you're ready to go roger and then just a quick pick up of myself bear hook got out of there as quick as we could to continue our search bringing inside cabinet doors closed ready for fourth flight roger so we're racing the sun now guys yep because this gets a lot more complicated at nighttime so this guy he says he knows right where those other people are at he told me that he had a gps position of where the survivors were at pulled out the gps so the blue diamond is where we are right now we're just about to get on top of them we're just about we're 400 feet away we're getting up perfect yes sir at this point our thought was we could just put down the basket they could hop in pick them up and we're good to go and uh okay this will be a basket without trail line roger but it looks like they are uh talked in these guys are huddled in and they're not moving yeah they're not they're not moving guys well maybe when you set the basket down they will die they weren't getting picture i think that the wind was too high and they were barricading themselves down with their tarp and tent all right stop coming inside i hope they're all right i don't really know what the deal was but quickly we realized that i was going to have to go down and help start going out the door going down so dan hoisted me down to a fairly open spot run up to him talk to him figure out what's going on and he is clear give you the hook looks like they're getting out of that yes looks like approaching them yep as soon as they saw me walking up to their tent they popped right out they definitely needed help they were soaked through on their clothes and they just wanted to go home survivor is using a basket alright ready to pick up this hoist was a lot different a lot more confined space it was a little higher i think it was about 120 feet bring your driver inside cabin and get this driver outside of the basket that's going out the door rogers one by one they just came up and they look real happy to be in the cabin and a pretty surprise both of them look extremely cold and wet so we got them into the troop seat and got some blankets around them they picked me up and then moved right back over to the rescue team because we had time yeah they already know we'll get any watches on the flashlight it looks like they might be ready so we're here we might as well pull them now conditions weren't getting any better ambassadors trying to bring all the gear [Music] he's crawling around the ground they had these giant hiking backpacks on we put down a whole lot of rotor wash and they would just blow over what is he doing wrapping the basket up underneath himself oh my god these guys are literally crawling to the basket trying to bring all their bags up with them they finally get one in the basket and he has like a leg hanging out and an arm hanging out i'm getting this guy retreating the basket clear of the deck so we have one guy we got one guy coming up halfway up he got the hint he took the backpack off and got in the basket [Music] after that it was extremely smooth it was just one after another all right here we go and he's getting outside back and i'm like sardines in here we were just gonna pile in there's a record of 26 people in the back of that cabin so i knew they would fit outside one more going down i can only imagine what the rescue team is going through they weren't really set up to spend the night one of them gets injured they're all cold they're tired he's getting outside okay let's get the hell out of here what do you think and kevin doors once the last person got into the cabin and i saw their happy faces we're getting ready for forward flight i just couldn't help myself but feel a little bit of pride is your leg okay clint or you don't want to take an ambulance right we get there all right okay we are now above the clouds and now we can figure out how to go home so we're going to take everyone to portland it was the closest airport and they have jet fuel which is what we need that's great thank you when we landed at portland i was glad to have seven people safely on deck thank you thank you glad you're safe thank you it felt great being able to help out seven people who very possibly would not have made it had we not shown up my group probably got within 0.5 miles of them but the snow was like up past our waists my name is ian thompson i'm a part of thurston county search and rescue once we started the climb it started snowing harder and harder it was such deep snow and we were already so tired and cold and survivor is getting into this basket easy back it's a little embarrassing because we are a search and rescue after all [Music] but i'm just so grateful that coast guard could come and pick us up and make sure we all got home safe county we have recovered all five of your rescue team these people went out in unknown conditions and so to make sure that they have a warm bed to sleep in they get to go home to their parents and their loved ones it's a good feeling okay now we get to go home it's actually my third year doing the hood to coast and i think every year our team gets better we got a report of a crew member on board is in fear for his life it's kind of eerie not knowing what you're getting yourself into hoping there's not someone there with a gun [Music] [Applause] armageddon music in the background we'll put on our orange shirt [Music] lieutenant leo lake this weekend we have a coast guard team running the hood to coast relay it's 197 mile relay from the top of mount hood all the way down to seaside oregon at the coast this is about a 29 hour relay you run down along willamette river into downtown portland turn off highway 30. you start crossing the coast range it's very hilly and mountainous it's fun to see the towns from the ground that we normally are looking down on from the hilo let's go each person has three legs a piece when i get to my finish point i hand it off to my wife sarah and she'll take off and run her leg and so on and so forth there are some teams that are really competitive and they really go out there and they're trying to run five six minute miles we're just trying to go out and have a good time and enjoy hanging out with each other and pushing ourselves physically my name is lieutenant sarah pulliam i work for the enforcement division here at sector columbia river i'm running leg three and it's pretty much all downhill it's coming off of mount hood through some kind of awesome redwood-looking forest kind of foggy and nice and cool there was this lady running in front of me and she looked like xena the warrior princess from the back my goal the entire leg was to catch up with her which didn't work out so well come on it's exciting to see what people are gonna do and what people are gonna bring to the race especially with its proximity to portland [Music] [Applause] rashad gibson currently stationed at air station astoria this is actually my third year doing the hood to coast i've enjoyed it every year and i think every year our team gets better i'm running late 10 it's not that bad it's pretty flat but the next one is going to be seven miles two miles uphill and then the rest is downhill so that's going to be pretty grueling for the legs let's go all right we got a report of a hundred plus foot fishing vessel crew member on board stating that the crew has been fishing illegally and is in fear for his life he says he locked himself in the state room got conflicting information from the skipper on board saying that the crew member's on drugs and they locked him inside the state room so i'm gonna put you three over to ride the boat the rest of the way in wherever it's at and if you've got any questions here up at the cape we do a lot of search and rescue and uh cages in law enforcement but something like this is not normal around here so we had a three-year person boarding team uh arm up sport's clear someone's saying our life is in danger then we're gonna be out there responding coming up all right so that's where the best part to put you guys over is and we'll get over to get the folks into the dock safe bm2 patrick o'brien station cape disappointment the boat was coming across the columbia river bar making its way up river to astoria [Music] they say what kind of drugs the nice thing right now is that he's isolated because if he's crazy like that if he's locked there's a ton of flex cuffs in there too so we need to use them so we had a lot of scenarios that were kind of playing through our head are you dealing with a hostile crew you're just dealing with one hostile crew member as you get on board make sure you ask the weapons question it's not safe to get it to take care of it underway wait until you get to the top [Music] training town was about 25 minutes and with the the wind the way it was it's probably about 15 to 20 knots and it was uh blowing right up the river so it's causing all those weight just stacked right on top and the 25 it's pretty bumpy ride on the way out there just hoping we could catch up with them before they make port 556 vessel is over 100 feet long and the vessel's name is fish and vessel had 10 persons on board having three in our boarding party and 10 on the crew have created an unsafe condition on board the boat is that sir yep ocean cave that's a big boat it doesn't look like there's going to be a safe spot we'll get him to lower a jacob's ladder on one of the sides yeah oh we have some some sort of ladder so we came along scene we weren't able just to come alongside like we would normally do to a vessel and just climb right over onto their deck notice the door that they had a little bit higher than the water line we got a hole the captain crew said hey can we go through that door he said it was fine so then it was just more of a matter of trying to get on board safely you guys ready yeah it was kind of eerie not knowing what you're getting yourself into you're just jumping inside of a boat hoping for the best hoping there's not someone there with a gun captain go ahead and keep turning the port [Music] i'll time that swell we're getting deployed off our bow and with the two to four foot of ebb chop it was a very sloppy uh transfer we really had to time our our leap over into this door just let me know when you're making your approach make an approach all right when you're going alongside a vessel it's that stable and we're on a smaller vessel they're just bobbing up and down on the waves it's all about timing your bows right there you better step over now or you otherwise you're gonna fall in between two boats you could easily get crushed timing the waste and jumping from one boat to another it can be pretty sketchy at times as the boat was going down petty officer zimmer he stepped over and his back foot that was on the 25 lost any footing he was able to get in safely but it was a lot more nerve-wracking than it needed to be the door opens up they go inside and now we lose sight of them and who knows what's on the other side of it when they came inside game disappointment zero three man boarding team embark fishing vessel ocean cape over we don't know the the willingness of the the captain and the crew on board so a lot of uneasiness just trying to keep eyes on the boat if there's anything that looks bad up on deck then we'll radio back to station and get local authorities to meet the boat of the dock they got to get on board and assess the situation see what's safe if they would have had an emergency on board they would have definitely radioed us and said hey we need to get back back up and get off of this boat right now we're just confirming the reports of all the parties boarding team five six roger getting the call from the boarding party that they didn't encounter any problems during the boarding and then seeing the boat more up safely it was definitely a good feeling you want them still on the boat all right once they're moored up we can take them up once okay the two parties are now both calm the individual just wanted to get off the boat his first time ever being on a boat most fishing trips on these big boats are anywhere from one week to a month uh it got to day three and he wanted to go back in i said whatever dude i said i'm not trying to pause the problem for you guys i just want to go home and i don't want to be on a fishing boat doing illegal it's kind of difficult from our point of view to find out you know what's going on captain's claiming you caught this guy smoking marijuana um but from the crew members standpoint he was saying that he was fearing for his life because their fishing boats doing illegal fishing and also dumping like plastic and oil over the ocean we need him to do a freaking commercial boarding on this thing if it's everything he's saying yeah seriously conflicting reports you got to figure out what exactly is going [Music] on vbst is coming out to assist us with this boarding it's a very large boat so having the extra people from the vbst also helps make this a quicker boarding okay six weeks to two months okay helps ensure that safety this vessel is good so something like this doesn't happen again did find a few violations at the completion it's just part of the job making sure this is 100 safe for these guys to be out there a lot of times the captains see this is like a nuisance but for the most part this captain was very cooperative they understand that we were just there to make sure everybody stayed safe and it was crucial to maintain a good relationship with the commercial fishing fleet knowing that if they know they are in trouble they're we're gonna be the ones going out there to help them appreciate that my name is sean morrison i'm a deckhand on the fishman vessel pacific cape the coast guard uh in my opinion risk their lives every day to come out and and help us it is absolutely dangerous out here on the water i mean it's just life and death on these things i thank the coast guard and i appreciate them they're just amazing folks [Music] dana leo lake one of the pilots here at air station astoria it's in the middle of the night we're in downtown portland and i'm running my second leg of the hood to coast relay all right we just need to get on highway 30. it should be easy i would definitely say logistics are the hardest part you've got to make sure that you're at each individual's exchange point the right way you're fighting traffic everybody's tired hungry emotional cramped in the car together well we just got uh towed because we were apparently illegally parked the abandoned lot that we thought we parked in turned out to be a parking lot that was opening in like 30 minutes but we saved it would have been a total loss if it had been [Music] [Applause] [Music] impounded i'm amt3 rashad gibson uh currently stationed at air station astoria we're outside the honey bucket i'm going to go on my run it's the last leg of this thing and then i think there's two more after me and then we're finished we'll be running on the beach after that way to go we're approaching the 29 hour mark right now we started at 11 15 at mount hood yesterday and now we're down at the beach in seaside right now this is not a typical oregon beach it's like we're in southern california or something there's people everywhere we're looking forward to crossing the finish line all together as team coast guard you know we were part of a team that ran 198 miles we had from mount hood to seaside oregon and to be able to say that you've participated in an event like that it's a lot of fun it's pretty rewarding and i think it's something that we're going to try to organize again next year thanks for doing it it was a lot of fun we're in the hood to coast 200 miles of uh pure hell [Music] all right just before midnight the commander received a call from uh skamania county a reporting source that had called in and said that as he was up on the table mountain hike he heard somebody calling for help that had fallen gotten hurt lieutenant commander nathan coulter a individual was up hiking with his dog and thought that he heard another person yelling for help so they're assembling a team they should be up in the area probably 40 minutes from now the sheriff was mounting a hasty team with search volunteers to go up on the path that's about it right all right we would transit out there and conduct a search using our infrared camera as well as night vision goggles chris austin since it's an inland case it's definitely a little bit different than our typical stuff guy goes on a hike for this dog on his way up the mountain he hears someone calling for help yes table mountain's kind of a flat top but you know all the stuff's treacherous this particular search area was characterized by various terrain features the most treacherous is the first place that we'll typically look so anything with cliffs this guy might be down some cliff somewhere and we do know the time is of essence in a situation like this this guy's bleeding out he's gonna be in trouble that's a pretty gnarly job this guy might be down some cliff somewhere we do know the time is of essence in a situation like this we'll go up to the top there and start just kind of working that ridge the ground party wasn't on scene yet so we conducted our aerial search you can run the searchlight if you want to sweep this needle he's out here we'll find them i'm using the flir heat signature camera it's pretty good it'll find just about anything that's out there if you're looking for any sort of abnormalities maybe some broken branches you know clothing something that just doesn't look right there is some footsteps going up there yeah there's definitely something in there during the search i identified a small light source we hovered very close to it trying to identify what it was yeah like a blaze for a trail i think you're right i think that's what it is we spent a couple hours searching around the top of the mountain working our way down in county uh coast guard our team estimates approximately two hours before they're on top of the mountain we talked to the skamania star controller their ground party was currently climbing up the mountain if we could drop them off let's give them a call to see if they want to express ride up to the top we were able to offer up to the ground party kind of an elevator ride up the mountain baskets coming up to you know more quickly reach the search area once we got them on board it was about a minute and a half and they were 3 500 feet up roger that's good work that's definitely going to expedite things they're clear sir guys calling us uh we are good to go from here okay roger that's what we'll do is we'll give you a few minutes to listen up and then we'll head over to international and gas up copy that sound like a good plan all right straight up and then slide left so we told them we were going to depart go to portland to refuel and give them a couple hours to search we're going to grab some gas re-evaluate and go from there [Music] ready for takeoff [Music] we took off the next time we were taking off just prior to the sun coming up and we were able to transition into a daylight search second through five currently searching the area of the missing person we established radio contact with the ground crew they provided a couple of additional search areas that they wanted us to look at so we spent another hour and a half to two hours looking in those spots and then circling the mountain again i don't see like any evidence of uh really anything you know coming down the hill [Music] honestly on any star case i ask myself if this is my wife son daughter brother how would i want someone to go about doing it if there's a chance that there's someone there i want to be able to say i gave it my best effort you can only orbit same mountain so many times and i think it got to the point where we just realized that we're not really going to find anything right now and hopefully this guy either found his way out or he's not there the search party had looked all over the summit and where they wanted to focus their search on they radioed it into us that they were ready for a pickup it picked them up and delivered them back down to their their base felt comfortable that we had searched the best we could it's kind of a history because we did send out another helicopter the next day to search and they didn't come up with anything either it happens quite frequently throughout a year where we do searches for days on end and we don't really find anything until like a snow thaws or something and then they're found quite a while later [Music] your but after chris austin the alarm went off for a surfer in distress down in canada beach ready for takeoff take off and away we go at this air station it is pretty common to have gentlemen who get in trouble from surfing but i don't know if he's somewhere stuck up on a rock if he is being sucked out to sea if if it's a medevac all we know is that there's one patient at this time we have to get down there we have to try and rescue them assist them however we can the surfing area called the cove is on seaside beach it's about 15 miles south of the air station and when those waves come together right there is where the waves build up and that's where the surfers like to go the fire department's on 2-2 alpha nicole i give them a call lieutenant rod mccabe h-60 pilot air station astoria local fire and rescue are already on scene with the surfer we establish communications with them on the radio they immediately tell us that they want to hoist this gentleman out and get him to a higher level of care i got a flashing light right there yeah looking at it you can't tell me that that group of guys could not have just walked him out of here about a 15 probably 20 minute hike from here from what it looked like as we flew down we were wondering why they needed our assistance at all you know they could they already had him littered up he could have just been walked up the beach with all the guys that were there my only concern is if these guys are trying to carry this dude out because they slip on one of these rocks and drop them they can really screw them up should we put you down and have you take a look at him that's what i was going to say do you want to go down and you can radio up and see what you think okay and then it works the worst you can help him hike him out and stay here okay how does that sound that sounds great so looking down at the survivor it looks like a pretty flat area but what we see from up top and and what i see when i get down there are two different things so i'll have to make the judgment call when i get down there for what happens next take complete [Music] aircraft going down as i was getting hoisted down that's when i really understood it's soaking wet on those rocks it was super steep it was pretty dangerous place to be at especially if you're trying to carry somebody with a possible back injury and swimmers so i called up to the helicopter and told them we need to hoist this guy out of there it's soaking wet on those rocks it was super steep it was pretty dangerous place to be at so i called up the helicopter and told them that we we need to hoist this guy out of there we're going to litter the guy out we would want to get a little closer so we're not as much in the rocks yeah if we're going to litter them out i'll move up forward there a little bit almost right where they're at now yeah that's a good fight as i walked up to the survivor in the litter i saw that there was just a gaggle of people you had local guys that maybe found them some people that were just onlookers that happened to be standing right there so quickly i you know i asked him bliley you know can you guys just step back for a little bit we need to help this guy out we'll plan on hoisting him from right where he is now no need to move him i found out quickly from the other paramedics and all the gentlemen that were helping him out that he had a potential spinal injury and uh he was starting to get pretty hypothermic it's just shaking like crazy all that matters is that patient and getting them out of there swimming 6013 yeah we're almost set up here the plan will be uh taking the patient to seaside airport where life flight will be waiting in uh 20 minutes i'm gonna start sliding right see if i can see how close i'm gonna be able to snug myself into these trees roger right mt2 alex ward a surfer being injured is not it terribly uncommon but to have him be injured to the point that he has to be litter hoisted is fairly rare rotate clearances get sir i'm gonna hold right here all i can really see is the beach and the cliff that we're hoisted next to so i've got to rely on my flight mechanic he's my primary sight and my primary eyes to the side underneath and behind me because those are the areas i can't see all right looks like we got ready for pick up roger right 15 and hold prepare to take the load taking the load if something adjusts to hair trying to get under control so in this case when we're hoisting the survivor when it comes to a back injury any movement in the cable or any jerking on the litter can be detrimental to his condition so when we picked him up off the beach i'm really focusing on making sure i maintain the most stable hover i possibly can extended left just over here we caught the litter from from swinging too much and then you just hold on to that trail line as best you can and just make sure that he gets up there quickly and safely and letters at the cabin door in the cabin [Music] after we get the survivor in the cabin the next step is to recover the swimmer i looked down at the patient he was hurting we started flying over to seaside airport which was only a couple minutes from where we were at we're gonna pass them off to life flight we have the ability to fly the survivor all the way to portland but for the in-flight care if we want to get an iv started be able to pass drugs and have a little bit better treatment for him then it's better to pass them off to live flight coast guard six zero one three runway three four full we landed at seaside airport the life flight crew and our crew get together and uh used a backboard to transport the survivor from our helicopter into their helicopter at least in there with a couple emps on the way over having life flight come right in right behind us it's a good feeling and it's nice to know that somebody else has my back and has that survivor's back yeah sector from the 6013 be advised patient transfer we're getting ready to head back home bta about five minutes 132 this is a very typical pacific northwest case because it involves some terrain you know around here everything's a little bit rugged good work guys hey good job tracy yeah man i've been on a lot of medevac cases since i've been here each one of them is a little bit different but it all seems to come from the fact that it is oregon it's beautiful but it's it's not a super safe place all the time you slip and you fall down the wrong cliff or you slip on your surfboard and you drove up a beach so you have to be prepared for that whenever you come in for duty [Music] my name is andre lawrence grew up in oregon and surfing here since i was about 13. the place i surfed at the big headland and super rocky big boulders it's kind of notoriously dangerous wave the only real thing i remember is the wave itself crashed and then waking up on the rocks i was excruciating pain and super hypothermic shivering uncontrollably and then the next thing i notice i hear the helicopter preparing to take the load taking the load i found out later was a collapsed lung and broken ribs so i'm very thankful for the coast guard and what they did it got me out of there safe my doctors say 100 recovery and that's what i'm expecting and i'm hoping by springtime i'm back in the water the coast guard has a really strong presence on our coast when we're surfing and we see the coast guard choppers almost every time we're out they're checking the waves right along with us it's kind of a unique relationship we have a lot in common i'm very thankful to have him around being being a surfer and living on the ocean you
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 119,310
Rating: 4.9278469 out of 5
Keywords: hikers lost in the mountains, coast guard cape disappointment pacific northwest, coast guard cape disappointment, coast guard pacific northwest, coast guard pnw, coast guard cape disappointment full episodes, coast guard cape disappointment pacific northwest season 1 episode 6, danger, dangertv, danger tv, dangertv coast guard, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, us coast guard, us coast guard pacific northwest, us coast guard pnw, united states coast guard, united states coast guard pnw
Id: I_oMW4XDbw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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